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Egypt-Miscellaneous Questions-cont.
Refugees at Malta, Question, Sir Henry
Fletcher; Answer, Mr. Courtney Aug 14,

The European Control, Question, Mr. Molloy;
Answer, Sir Charles W. Dilke Aug 14, 1691
The Law of Liquidation, Question, Mr.
O'Donnell; Answer, Sir Charles W. Dilke
Aug 14, 1683

The Porte and the Revenues of Egypt, Ques-
tion, Mr. Labouchere; Answer, Sir Charles
W. Dilke Aug 3, 609

Turkey and Egypt-Action of H.M. Consuls,
Observations, Mr. O'Donnell; Reply, Sir
Charles W. Dilke; short debate thereon
Aug 15, 1896

Egypt-Egyptian Budget-Policy of Her
Majesty's Government

Amendt. on 3R. of Consolidated Fund (Appro-
priation) Bill Aug 16, To leave out from
"That," and add "this House, before sanc-
tioning the Appropriation of the Supplies for
the year, requests an assurance from Her
Majesty's Government that they will take
immediate steps to ascertain from the 'de
facto' Egyptian Military Authorities, whe-
ther they will lay down their arms on being
guaranteed the right of voting their own
Budget, which they demanded last January
(Sir Wilfrid Lawson) v., 1929; Question
proposed, "That the words, &c.;" after
debate, Question put, and agreed to

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Egypt (Political Affairs)-Policy of Her
Majesty's Government

Question, Mr. Ashmead-Bartlett; Answer, Mr.
Gladstone Aug 11, 1528

Amendt. on Committee of Supply Aug 15, To
leave out from "That," and add "this House
condemns Her Majesty's Government for
their neglect and mistakes which have brought
about the War in Egypt, and especially for

the Bombardment of Alexandria without a
landing force sufficient to have saved life and
property, and considers that the Foreign
Policy of the Government has alienated the
Allies, and weakened the influence and power
of the Country" (Mr. Ashmead-Bartlett) v.,
1875 Question proposed, "That the words,
&c.; after debate, Question put, and
agreed to
Observations, Mr. Ashmead-Bartlett; Reply,
Sir Charles W. Dilke Aug 16, 1959

ELCHо, Lord, Haddingtonshire
Army Estimates-Army Reserve Force, 1003
Clothing Establishments, &c. 1019
Warlike Stores, 1030, 1036
War Office, 1038
Egypt-Military Expedition-Officers holding

Staff Appointments, 980

Political Affairs, Motion for Adjournment,
1384; Conference-Meeting of Ulemas,
&c. at Cairo, 370
Fishery Board (Scotland), Comm. 1649
Metropolitan Improvements-Ilyde Park Cor-
ner, 215

Sale of Intoxicating Liquors on Sunday (Corn-
wall), 2R. 1656, 1658, 1660
Supply-Board of Trade, 106, 107

Report, 1637, 1638, 1639, 1643

[blocks in formation]


ENFIELD, Viscount (Under Secretary of | FAWCETT, Right Hon. H.-cont.

State for India)

India-Suchait Singh, Motion for an Address,


Entail (Scotland) Bill [H.L.]

(The Lord Advocate)

c. Order for Committee read; Moved, "That Mr.
Speaker do now leave the Chair" Aug 2,
560; after short debate, Debate adjourned
Debate resumed Aug 5, 892; after short
debate, Question put, and agreed to; Com-
mittee; Report
[Bill 248]

Considered; read 3o Aug 9, 1326
7. Moved," That the Commons Amendts. be now
considered Aug 11, 1490; after short
debate, Motion agreed to; several of the
Amendts. agreed to, with Amendts.
Moved to agree to one other of the Amendts.;
objected to; and, on question, resolved in
the affirmative; the rest of the Amendts.
agreed to; and Bill returned to the Commons
Royal Assent Aug 18 [45 & 46 Vict. c. 53]

[blocks in formation]

Parliament-Business of the House, 369
Post Office-Miscellaneous Questions

Female Clerks, 1374, 1680

Letter Carriers-New Scale, 213;-In-
creased Pay, 2048

Mail Carts (Metropolis), 1682, 1683
Provincial Letter Carriers, 1378
Reply Post Cards and Telegrams, 583
Savings Bank Department-Female Clerks,
1826, 2047;-Promotions, 1834

Post Office (Ireland)-Miscellaneous Questions
Belfast Letter Carriers, 1144

Mail Service in Waterford Co. 1520
Postmaster of Cleggan Post Office, 29
Postmasters at Ballyfarnon, Co. Roscom-
mon, and Cleggan, Co. Galway, 1827
Russia-Postal Convention-Delivery of News-
papers, 2044

[blocks in formation]

Fisheries (Ireland) (No. 2) Bill
(Mr. Lewis, Captain Aylmer)

c. Ordered; read 1°* Aug 9

[Bill 271]

Fishery Board (Scotland) Bill
(The Lord Advocate, Mr. Solicitor General for
Scotland, Mr. Robert Duff)

c. Read 2o, after short debate Aug 11, 1613
Committee-R.P. Aug 12, 1648 [Bill 240]
Committee-R.P. Aug 14, 1789
Committee; Report; Considered; read 3°
Aug 15, 1857

1. Read 1 (Lord Rosebery) Aug 15 (No. 264)
Read 2a, after short debate Aug 16, 1921
Committee; Report; read 3a Aug 17, 1968
Royal Assent Aug 18 [45 & 46 Vict. c. 78]

Fishery Board (Scotland) [Salaries and

c. Matter considered in Committee Aug 14, 1789;
Resolution agreed to
Resolution reported Aug 15


Arrears of Rent (Ireland), 3R. 348

FLETCHER, Sir H., Horsham

Army-Miscellaneous Questions

Calling out the First Class Army Reserve,

Guards' Regulations, Explanation, 214
Reserve-Fraudulent Enlistments, 1188,


Army Estimates-Half-Pay, 1042

Pensions for Wounds, 1043

Retired Pay, &c. 1042

[blocks in formation]


FLETCHER, Sir H.-cont.

Egypt (Military Operations)-Royal Marines,

Refugees at Malta, 1679

Reserve Forces Acts Consolidation, Comm.
cl. 5, 621

Supply-County Court Officers, &c. in Ireland,


Local Government Board, &c. 126

FOLKESTONE, Viscount, Wilts, S.

Trade and Commerce-Butter and Butter
Substitutes, 603


Channel Tunnel Scheme, 16, 17

FORSTER, Right Hon. W. E., Bradford
Arrears of Rent (Ireland), Lords Amendts.
Consid. 1168, 1171

FORSTER, Sir C., Walsall
Standing Orders, Res. 1134


[blocks in formation]

East India (Expenses of Military Expedition
to Egypt), Res. 305

Fishery Board (Scotland)-The Report, 1525
India (Finance, &c.)-East India Revenue

Accounts-Comm.-Annual Financial State-
ment, 1755, 1778, 1779
National Expenditure, 81

Navy Estimates-Medicines, Medical Stores,
&c. 489

Revenue, Friendly Societies, and National

Debt, Leave, 503; Comm. cl. 20, 1100;
Consid. 1786

Sale of Intoxicating Liquors on Sunday (Corn-
wall), 2R. 1623
Supply-Africa (South) and St. Helena, 1479
Chief Secretary to the Lord Lieutenant of
Ireland, 696

FOWLER, Mr. R. N.-cont.

Diplomatic and Consular Buildings, &c.

Law Charges, 855

Lunacy Commission, England, 141
Non-Effective and Charitable Services,

Queen's and Lord Treasurer's Remem-
brancer in Exchequer, Scotland, &c. 322
Stationery and Printing, 311

FRESHFIELD, Mr. C. K., Dover
Dover Harbour, Consid. 204

Friendly Societies Acts-Issue of Contri-
bution Tables

Question, Mr. Stevenson; Answer, Mr. Court-
ney Aug 8, 1137

Friendly Societies (Quinquennial Re-
turns) Bill

(The Lord Thurlow)

1. Royal Assent Aug 10 [45 & 46 Vict. c. 35]


Army (Auxiliary Forces)-Militia Act, 1875-

Gibraltar-The Newspaper Press

Question, Mr. Arthur O'Connor; Answer,
Mr. Evelyn Ashley Aug 3, 606

GIBSON, Right Hon. E., Dublin Uni-

Army-Army Chaplains, 1137

Arrears of Rent (Ireland), Lords Amendts.
Consid. 1166, 1184, 1188, 1192, 1194
Ireland-Miscellaneous Questions

Assistant Under Secretary to the Lord
Lieutenant-Appointment of Mr. E. G.
Jenkinson, 601

Irish Land Commission (Expenses), 608,

Land Law Act, 1881-Judge O'Hagan's
Memorandum, 1367, 1521

Parliament-Public Business, 616

Royal Irish Constabulary (Pay, &c.), Comm.

Supply-Post Office Packet Service, 1547

GIVAN, Mr. J., Monaghan

Arrears of Rent (Ireland), Lords Amendts.
Consid. 1182

Supply-Irish Land Commission, 1239

GLADSTONE, Right Hon. W. E. (First

Lord of the Treasury and Chan-
cellor of the Exchequer), Edinburgh-

Arrears of Rent (Ireland), Lords Amendts.
Consid. 1151; 1165; Amendt. 1166, 1181,
1182, 1183, 1186, 1188, 1189, 1193, 1195 ;
Lords Amendts. to Commons Amendts.
Consid. 1512, 1513
Beer-Abolition of the Malt Tax, Res. 47, 48,
49, 50
Consolidated Fund Appropriation, Comm.
Schedule B, Amendt. 1911

[blocks in formation]

GLADSTONE, Right Hon. W. E.-cont.

Customs and Inland Revenue, Re-comm. cl. 2,
220; cl. 11, 252; Report, 255

East India (Expenses of Military Expedition
to Egypt), Res. 267, 268, 269, 305
Budget, 1524, 1835


Chamber of Notables - Voting the

Egypt Conference Intervention of the
Porte, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39

Letter of Arabi Pasha, &c. 216, 217, 619,

Egypt (Military Operations)-Occupation of

the Suez Canal-Protests of M. de Les-
seps, 962

Treatment of Prisoners, 966

Egypt (Political Affairs), 1389, 1391;-Suez
Canal, 1144

Egyptian Budget-Policy of H.M. Govern-
ment, Res. 1940

Foreign Policy of H.M. Government, 1529
Ireland-Miscellaneous Questions

Agricultural Labourers of Ireland-A Royal
Commission, 751

Prevention of Crime-Re-arrest of Mr.
George, 1531

Royal Irish Constabulary-Alleged Discon-
tent, 1528

National Expenditure, 66

Parliament-Miscellaneous Questions
Adjournment of the House, 2049
Arrangement of Public Business, 215, 216,
374, 375, 376

Autumn Sitting, 1526, 1527, 1528

Business of the House, 39, 40, 1929 ;-
(Putting the Question), 376;-Saturday
Sitting, 751, 752;-New Rules of Pro-
cedure, Ministerial Statement, 1695,
1699, 1700, 1701

Privilege-Mr. Gray-Commitment of a
Member of this House, 1978
Public Business, 614, 615, 616
Parliament-Privilege-Suspension of Irish
Members (July 1), Res. 1287, 1306,1307,
1309, 1310, 1313

Railways-Third-Class Passenger Duty, 1526
Supply-Cyprus-Grant in Aid of the Revenue,

Foreign Office, 99

Irish Land Commission, 1234

Public Works in Ireland, 846, 847

Royal Parks and Pleasure Gardens, 1567
Trade and Commerce Miscellaneous Ques-


Duty on Cured Fish, 1149

Spanish Duties on British Goods-British

Duties on Spanish Wines, 1693, 1695
Wine Imports, 1881, 212

GLADSTONE, Mr. H. J., Leeds
Supreme Court of Judicature (Ireland), Comm.

Union Officers' Superannuation (Ireland), No-
mination of Select Committee, 946

GORDON, General Hon. Sir A. H. Aber-
deenshire, E.

Agricultural Holdings, Notices of Removal

(Scotland), Comm. cl. 3, Amendt. 502; cl. 4,
Amendt. 503
Educational Endowments (Scotland), Consid.
cl. 13, 521


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GRANVILLE, Earl (Secretary of State for
Foreign Affairs)

Arrears of Rent (Ireland), Comm. cl. 1, 158;
Report, d. 1, 340, 342; cl. 17, 347; 3R
358; Commons Amendts. to Lords Amendts.
Consid. 1341

Cyprus-Arrival of Refugees from Alexandria,
Motion for Papers, 24

Educational Endowments (Scotland), 2R. 1126
Egypt-Miscellaneous Questions

Military Expedition-Despatch of Troops
from Turkey, 4, 6

Military Operations-Co-operation of the
Sultan, 150

Political Affairs-Suez Canal, 1127
Riots at Alexandria-Massacre of Euro-
peans, 578;-Explanation, 727
Egypt (Political Affairs), Motion for Papers,
731, 733

Fishery Board (Scotland), 2R. 1924, 1925, 1928
National Gallery (Loan), 2R. 1976


[blocks in formation]

Consolidated Fund Appropriation, Comm.
Schedule B, 1908, 1909

Contagious Diseases Acts-Report of Metropo-
litan Police for 1881-Withdrawal of Licences
from Public-houses and Beer-houses, 1279
Criminal Law-Juvenile Depravity, 1837
Egypt-The War-Newspaper Reports, 31
Ireland- Prevention of Crime Act- - Alien
Clauses, 753

Re-arrest of Mr. George, 1529, 1530
Law and Justice-Criminal Lunatics-Report
of the Departmental Committee, 962, 1140
Law and Police-Alleged Mormon Riots at
Hackney, 596

Law and Police-Mysterious Disappearances
at West Ilam, Res. 310


Parliament Privilege - Suspension of Irish
Members (July 1), Res. 1292, 1300
Prison Charities, Comm. 1269; 3R. 1270
Sale of Intoxicating Liquors on Sunday (Corn-
wall), 2R. 1654, 1663
Supply-Broadmoor Criminal Lunatic Asylum,

Chief Secretary to the Lord Lieutenant of
Ireland, 697, 699

Convict Establishments in England and the
Colonies, 867, 868


HARCOURT, Right Hon. Sir W. G. V.-cont.
Irish Land Commission, 1197

Police, Counties and Boroughs, Great Bri-
tain, 866

Prisons, England, 869

HARDINGE, Viscount

National Gallery (Loan), 2R. 1976

HARTINGTON, Right Hon. Marquess of
(Secretary of State for India), Lan-
cashire, N.E.

Africa (South)-Cetewayo, Ex-King of Zulu-
land-Contemplated Restoration, 1373
Army (India)-Miscellaneous Questions
Conductor Bennett, 1832

Grievances of Cavalry Officers, 2046
Roman Catholic Chaplains, 969

Bombay Civil Fund, 2R. 147, 149; Comm.

Burmah-Mission to the Viceroy of India, 1688
East India (Expenses of Military Expedition
to Egypt), Res. 255, 263, 294
Egypt (Military Expedition) - Miscellaneous

Administration of Military Law, 597, 598
Expenses of Indian Contingent, 1372

Indian Contingent-Roman Catholic Chap-
lains, 1517

India-Miscellaneous Questions
Bengal-Flogging of Prisoners, 1411
Bombay-Reduction of the Export Duty on
Opium, 376

Consuls at the Native States-Case of Mr.
Silbiger, 210

Finance, &c.-The Indian Budget, 606
Law and Justice

Judges, 33


Salaries of Indian

Mortality in Indian Gaols, 1690

India (Madras)- Miscellaneous Questions
Administration of Justice in Chingleput,

Mining Concessions in Mysore, 1681
Ranees of Baroda, 1370

India (Finance, &c.)-East India Revenue
Accounts-Comm.-Annual Financial State-
ment, 1701, 1775, 1778, 1779; Report, 1918

HAY, Admiral Right Hon. Sir J. C. D.,
Wigtown, &c.

Egypt-Conference-Intervention of the Porte,


Military Expedition-Promotion of Officers
of the Marines, 1277
Navy-Re-engagements, 749

Navy Estimates-Coast Guard Service and
Royal Naval Reserve, &c. 394, 396, 397
Dockyards, &c. 410, 432, 433

Extra Estimate for Services not Naval,
Freight, &c. on Account of the Army
Department, 497

Machinery and Ships built by Contract,
&c. 486

Military Pensions and Allowances, 497
Naval Stores for Building and Repairing
the Fleet, &c. 485, 486
Scientific Branch, 401, 403
Parliament-Arrangement of Public Business,


Supply-Local Government Board, &c. 129


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