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Illinois Juvenile Court Law

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¶ We Advocate the Establishment of a JUVENILE COURT in every State in the Union.

¶ AGENTS are NOT Authorized to represent Local Juvenile Courts or to accept Donations for any purpose.

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"Entered as Second-Class Matter Aug. 28th 1903 at the Post Office at Chicago, Illinois, under Act of March 3rd 1879."

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The object of The Juvenile Court Record is to disseminate the principles of the Juvenile Court throughout the United States, and, in fact, the entire world.

When the Juvenile Court was first established the sociologists of the entire country stood by watching anxiously the outcome of this new departure in childsaving methods. It was realized that a medium was needed whereby the results accomplished by the Juvenile Court might be set forth in an intelligent manner. The Juvenile Court Record stepped into the breach and has devoted its pages exclusively to news of the various juvenile courts. As a result of the publicity thus given to the foundation principle and routine work of the Cook County Juvenile Court other States have passed juvenile court laws, and bills are being prepared in nearly every State in the Union to be presented at the next sessions of the Legislatures of the various States providing for similar legislation.

PLEASE NOTE! ALL agents for the Juvenile Court Record carry credentials.

The agent presenting this paper to you is authorized to sell single copies at 10c, and to take annual subscriptions at $1.00 per year.

This paper is published. only as an exponent of Juvenile Courts.

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William W. Buster, Boston, Mass.

"Every boy has the right to be well born, and no man has the right to bring a son into this world to be physically or morally crippled because of his past sins. The child will learn more from the parents' example than by their instruction. No matter how much good advice the father may give it will be offset by a bad example. This boy should be taught obedience in his early years. When the parent speaks he should say what he means and mean what he says. Speak kindly the first time, plainly the second, and if disobedience still continues lovingly use the religious strap on that part of the boy's anatomy where it will do the most good.


"The trouble in American homes is that the child is bringing up the parents. The boy who does not know how to obey will as a man never know how to command. Boys should be taught reverence. The great trouble with American boys is their disrespect. They have little regard for the rights of others. Boys of today should be more considerate of their fathers. The American boy should respect the feeling of foreigners and the nations from which they


"This is an age of industry, and to succeed the young man must be industrious. The fault I find with many young men is that they are lazy, they don't want to tackle hard work, and feel disgraced to be seen with their coats off and their sleeves rolled up. Much of this is the fault of the

father. He is too often anxious to shield the son from what he went through. One reason why the father is the better man than the son will ever be is because he had to work hard."


Protection Society Takes Up Case of the Refuge. The monthly meeting of the directors of the Maryland Society was held July 6th, President Lewis Hochheimer presiding. President Hochheimer presented a special report upon the matter of the Maryland School for Bovs, which was unanimously adopted by the board. In offering his report Mr. Hochheimer laid stress upon the fact that while the instalment of a new superintendent had taken effect, yet the need of a change of conditions was an urgent one.

"Under the present conditions," he said, "exactly the same occurrences as of old can-I do not say may-take place. These conditions can be changed only by the legislature, when the system of government should be so changed as will place its affairs upon the basis of the most efficient administration. While the legislature does not convene until 1910, meanwhile the very important matter of appointing thoroughly capable state and city representatives is in the hands of the Governor and Mayor."

Mr. Hochheimer in his report gave a resume of the case of the Maryland School for Boys, dwelling particularly upon some of the allegations of cruelty brought out at the investigation. He stated that the investigation brought some good results, inasmuch as the public was made fully cognizant of the manner in which the institution was conducted. He complimented the press upon succeeding in its demand for a public hearing, instead of star-chamber sessions. He also pointed out that the society had performed its full duty in the matter.

Superintendent Parker presented a detailed report for June, as follows: Cases of complaints, 92; children affected, 131; children removed from improper surroundings, 30; children placed in asylums, 26; children placed in families, 4; children temporarily sheltered, 1; children taken under guardianship or supervision, 2; children otherwise relieved, 8; certificates issued, 4; proceedings conducted, 18; families and homes visited where children are placed, 16. Eight of the cases attended to were in Baltimore county and two in Cecil county.-Baltimore Amtrican.


Crawford Jackson, general secretary of the Juvenile Protective Association, is out in a strong and interesting interview relative to the convict lease system in Georgia.

Mr. Jackson in his capacity as general secretary of the association has had ample opportunity to study the work of the association as it bears upon the convict lease system question, and what he has to say is of vital interest.

The interview in full is given below:

As startling as are the revelations brought forth already by the investigating committee concerning the treatment of the adult convicts throughout the state, all are agreed that the consideration of the child offender and the prevention of his becoming a grown up and hardened criminal is far more important. No sensible man or woman would dare to say anything to the contrary. Indeed, the officers and members of the Juvenile Protective Association, together with all friends of the youthful delinquent heard from, declare that more attention and more money should be given to the reclamation of the latter than for even the proper treatment of the former, as loudly as reformed methods are called

for the consideration of the older and larger class. It is boys and girls who are made criminals, or on the other hand are made good constructive citizens. A leading senator in our legislature, Senator Taylor, of his own accord, declared no boy is born bad, but is made bad by his environment.

"The officers and members of the Juvenile Protective Association, together with friends in the legislature and outside, are very much encouraged over the prospect of the two bills they have before the present legislature.

"It seems now both the necessary and the logical thing to call for a part of the appropriation given to the prison commission, as the bill explains:

"To be placed under the control, discretion of the governor of this state, for the erection of buildings and improvements on one hundred acres of the property of said association located in Jackson county, Georgia, which are to be donated and conveyed by said association to the state for this purpose; such buildings and improvements to be built and made and said appropriations expended under such safeguards and regulations as the governor may prescribe, and as may be agreed upon between him and the authorities of said association, to the end that proper provisions be made for the care, education and maintenance of the juvenile offenders, sent to said association by the authorities of this state.'

"Not only is the Juvenile Protection Association composed of the most prominent men and women in Georgia, but the association is rapidly gaining friends in the east and north, some of whom are sending contributions, which will be used for the children of patrons and guardians, whose Of this latter class cases never come before the courts. there are nine boys to one whose case is brought before any court, but both are delinquent.

"If the legislature will give at once what this association calls for it is believed by their officers and members and other friends of the association that they will soon have something in Georgia of which this state and the whole south will be proud."


The Wisconsin Home and Farm School is building a new cottage for its boys. The boys of the school have been clearing the ground of stones, which they will use for the foundation of the building.

The Wisconsin Home and Farm School takes boys from the Milwaukee Juvenile Court.


Governor Guillermo de Landa y Escandon of the Federal District of Mexico has sent an outline of his plans to the Department of Justice for consideration of a Juvenile Court. According to Governor Landa the establishment of the court is assured.


Chief Probation Officer G. W. Martin has issued the following report of the work of the Juvenile Court for the month of June. The report is itemized and shows what was done with each of the 126 boys and girls that were brought before the court this month. Of all those before the court only 12 were discharged. Almost 100 were paroled in the custody of the court, subject to report to the court upon its order, but it is probable that for the greater number of these the parole will work a practical discharge for they are not made conscious of the surveillance of the court unless they give indications of getting into trouble.

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