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193. In what mood and tense should you put the verb following falloir? Give examples.

194. Give with examples the syntax of the words nu, demi, excepté, supposé.

195. When are the English possessive adjectives my, thy, his, &c., to be translated into French by le, la, les? Give examples.

196. Write the feminine of the following words :sage, grand, poli, bon, ancien, bref, généreux, blanc, beau, doux, public, ambassadeur.


197. Write the plural of the following words :livre, nez, château, cristal, travail, bijou, feu, ciel, œil, détail.

198. Write the comparative and superlative of bon, mauvais, petit, bien, mal, peu.


199. Write the present participle, the past participle, the first person singular of the present tense indicative, and of the preterite tense, of manger, punir, devoir, rendre.

200. Write in French the cardinal numbers from one to twenty.

201. When is "than" after "more" or "less" dered by "que;" when by "de"? Give examples.


202. Write the plural of canal, oiseau, bleu, jeu, fou, bijou, travail.

203. Write the feminine of beau, bon, bref, flatteur, sec, long, vieux.

204. Translate the following adjectives: -rich, richer, the richest, less rich, the least rich; good, better, the best; small, smaller, the smallest; bad, worse, the worst.


205. Write the following words in the plural:le doigt, le fils, le cheveu, le bel enfant, le joli bijou, la maison impériale, le cheval, le détail, le travail.

206. Explain the agreement of the adjective in French: (i.) when it relates to a substantive; (ii.) when it relates to several substantives; and (iii.) when it relates to several substantives of different genders. Give examples of the agreement in the three instances named.

207. Give the indicative present and the participles of the verbs parler, finir, ouvrir, partir, venir, devoir, rendre, connaître, réduire, craindre.

208. Give in full the present, the past definite, and the future of the indicative mood, of écrire and savoir.

209. Distinguish between côté and côte; le garde and la garde; le tour and la tour; ossement and os ; part, parti and partie; poison and poisson; sur and sûr.

210. Conjugate the imperative of se lever negatively.


211. Give in full the present and preterite of the indicative, and the present of the subjunctive, of prendre, écrire, définir.

212. Which are the tenses formed of the present participle in French regular verbs ?

213. How are adverbs formed of adjectives in French? Give some exceptions.

214. Give the meanings of the following expressions: J'ai demeuré à Paris; je suis demeuré à Paris.

215. In negative sentences, do we place always ne before the verb, and pas after the verb? When do they come together?

216. When are the French adjectives nu, demi, and feu, invariable?

217. When do you translate this by ceci, and that by cela?

218. Give a few French neuter verbs which form their compound tenses with the auxiliary être.


219. When is the partitive article to be translated by de or d', instead of du, de la, de l', des?

220. Give the plural of the following substantives:ciel, œuf, cheval, croix, clou, cheveu, chou, œil.

221. Give the feminine of the following adjectives:bon, fier, doux, actif, meilleur, menteur, gros, heureux.

222. Give the present indicative of aller, dire, perdre.

223. When the same personal pronoun is the subject of several successive verbs, in what case is it to be repeated in French with each of these verbs?

224. What difference of sense is there in these two expressions: Il vint me voir; il vint pour me voir ?

225. When must we express "to conquer" by vaincre; when by conquérir?

226. Translate into French the three following sentences: "I have bought a book for my brother." "I have lived in England for twenty years." "Put on your mantle, for it is raining very hard."

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