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And on every such packet if exceeding one pound and not exceeding one pound and the

half of another pound in weight, six rates of postage.

And on every such packet, if exceeding one pound and the half of another pound, and not exceeding two pounds in weight, eight rates of postage ;

And for every additional half a pound in weight of any such packet above the weight of two pounds, there shall be charged, taken, and paid two additional rates of postage, and every fractional part of such additional half of a pound in weight, shall be charged as an addititional half of a pound in weight; and each progressive and additional rate chargeable under this clause, shall be estimated and charged at the sum which any such packet would be charged with under this Warrant, if not exceeding four ounces in weight.

10. Every packet which shall be transmitted by the post, under the 8th or 9th clause of this Warrant herein before contained, shall be so transmitted, in conformity with, and under and subject to the several regulations, orders, directions, and conditions hereinafter contained; that is to say: Every British newspaper which shall be posted in the United Kingdom under the provisions of this Warrant, shall be printed and published at intervals not exceeding thirty-one days between any two consecutive numbers or parts of such publication, and the same shall be registered by the proprietor or printer thereof at the General Post Office, in London, and shall be posted within fifteen days from the date of the publication, and the title and date of the newspaper shall be printed at the top of every page thereof;

No packet shall be transmitted by the post under the 8th or 9th clause of this Warrant, which in length, or breadth, or width, shall exceed the dimensions of two feet (British), or which shall exceed three zoll pounds in weight; Every packet transmitted by the post under the 8th or 9th clause of this Warrant, shall be sent open at the ends or sides, and either without a cover, or in a cover or envelope open at the ends or sides; and there shall be no written letter, either closed or open, nor any written communication in the nature of a letter, either closed or open (whether such letter or communication be addressed to, or intended for the person to whom the packet shall be directed, or any other person), nor any inclosure, sealed or otherwise closed against inspection, nor any other inclosure not authorised by this Warrant, sent in or with any such packet, nor shall there be any writing, figures, or manual marks whatsoever of any description upon any such packet, or on the cover or envelope thereof, not authorized by this Warrant, except the name and address of the person to whom the same is sent; but the name or title of any newspaper, and the name and address of the publisher, newsvender, or agent, by whom the same is sent, may be printed on the cover thereof; and any other packet, not being a newspaper, may have any matter or thing printed on the cover thereof;

Every packet transmitted by the post under the 8th or 9th clause of this Warrant, and posted in the United Kingdom, shall be put into the post-office, at such hours in the day, and under all such regulations as the Postmaster-General may appoint.

The postage of every packet transmitted by the post under the 8th or 9th clause of this Warrant, shall be paid at the time of the same being posted by being duly stamped with the proper postage stamp or stamps affixed thereto, which stamp or stamps shall, in every case, be affixed, or appear on the outside of every such packet, near the address or direction, and shall be of the value or amount of the postage duty payable thereon, under or by virtue of this Warrant.

11. If any packet, authorized to be transmitted by the post under this Warrant, shall be posted in the United Kingdom, addressed to Bremen, or if any such packet shall be posted in Bremen, addressed to the United Kingdom, the postage whereof shall be insufficiently prepaid by having thereupon, or affixed thereto, a postage stamp or stamps which shall represent a sum less than the amount of postage duty payable in respect thereof, every such packet shall be charged with double the amount of the postage which shall be so insufficiently prepaid upon any such packet.

12. If any packet transmitted by the post under the 8th or 9th clause of this Warrant, shall be 80 transmitted otherwise than in conformity with the conditions and regulations established by or under the authority of this Warrant (except only as in the last preceding clause mentioned), the same shall and may be detained and opened, and at the option of the Postmaster-General, shall be either returned or given up to the sender thereof, or be given up to the person to whom the same shall be addressed, or be forwarded to the place of its destination; and any such packet on being so returned, given up, or forwarded, shall, at the option of the Postmaster-General, be either free of postage or be charged with any rate of postage 1863.


he may think fit, not exceeding the rate that would be chargeable on such packet as an unpaid letter.

13. The respective letters and packets transmitted by the post under the provisions of this Warrant, shall be subject to the several orders, directions, regulations, and rates of postage respectively contained in a certain other Warrant of the Commissioners of Her Majesty's Treasury, under the hands of two of the said Commissioners, bearing date the 19th day of February, 1855, relating to redirected rates of postage upon letters and packets which shall be redirected and again forwarded by the post.

14. The rates of postage chargeable on letters, printed newspapers, books, publications, or works of literature or art, and other printed papers, transmitted by the post under the provisions of this Warrant, shall be in lieu of any rates of British postage now chargeable by law thereon.

15. Nothing herein contained shall be construed in anywise to annul, prejudice, or affect any of the exceptions and privileges granted by the said recited Act, passed in the session of Parliament holden in the third and fourth years of the reign of Her present Majesty, or to annul, prejudice, or affect any of the privileges which seamen and soldiers employed in Her Majesty's Service, are now by law entitled to, of sending and receiving by the post letters not exceeding half an ounce in weight, subject to the regulations and restrictions in respect of the same.

16. The term "books, publications, or works of literature or art," in this Warrant used, shall, for the purposes of this Warrant, mean and comprise all printed books, or other printed publications, printed or lithographed letters, and such artistic productions as prints, printed maps (whether on paper, parchment, or vellum), and photographs (when not on glass, or in frames

containing glass), together with any binding, mounting, or covering of or upon or belonging to any such article or production, or any portion thereof, and including also any cases or rollers of prints or maps, book markers (whether of paper or otherwise), or other thing usually appertaining to any such article or production, or necessary for its safe transmission, which shall be sent in the same packet with any such article or production to which they or it shall belong, and also when contained in any packet consisting of unbound proof sheets only, any ordinary corrections in writing of such unbound proof sheets, provided nevertheless, that nothing herein contained shall extend to authorize the sending by the post, under the provisions of this Warrant, of any patterns or books of patterns or papers of patterns of any article or thing whatsoever, unless such patterns consist merely of paper, and the other terms and expressions used in this Warrant shall be construed to have the like meaning in all respects as they would have had if inserted in the said Act, passed in the session of Parliament holden in the third and fourth years of the reign of Her Majesty, for the regulation of the duties of postage.

17. The Commissioners for the time being of Her Majesty's Treasury may, by Warrant under their hands duly made at any time hereafter, alter, repeal, or revoke any of the rates of postage hereby fixed or altered, or any of the orders, directions, regulations, and conditions hereby made, and may make and establish any new or other rates, orders, regulations, and conditions in lieu thereof, and from time to time appoint at what time the rates which may be payable are to be paid. 18. This Warrant shall come into operation on the first day of January, 1863.

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