페이지 이미지

No. 29.


WASHINGTON, May 19, 1915.

Paragraphs 34, 35, and 101, General Orders, No. 128, War Department, September 19, 1911, publishing regulations governing The Army Service Schools, Fort Leavenworth, Kans., are amended to read as follows:


34. Selections of student officers will be made as follows: (a) They will be detailed annually, by the War Department, from the highest graduates of the latest class of The Army School of the Line who receive the recommendation of the academic board, approved by the commandant, and who desire to take the course: Provided, That an officer once detailed to The Army Staff College, and through sickness or War Department orders is prevented from completing the course, may be redetailed as a member of a succeeding class, upon the recommendation of the academic board, approved by the commandant.

(b) With the exceptions noted under (c) of this paragraph, no officer of the Army will be detailed for instruction in The Army Staff College who has not been graduated at The Army School of the Line with a standing as high as No. 18, exclusive of militia officers, and no militia officer will be eligible for admission to the college unless he has been graduated at The Army School of the Line with a percentage as high as that of the regular officer lowest in class standing who has qualified in accordance with the foregoing. No officer will be detailed for instruction in The Army Staff College without the recommendation of the academic board, approved by the commandant.

(c) In addition to the students who become eligible under (a) and (b) of this paragraph, there may be detailed annually by the War Department, upon the recommendation of the academic board, approved by the commandant, not to exceed two graduates of The Army Field Engineer School, who may so desire, to receive instruction in The Army Staff College. To become eligible for such detail graduates of The Army Field Engineer School must attain a percentage in the course in military art as high as the student officer graduating No. 18 in that course of The Army School of the Line.


(d) The student body of The Army Staff College shall be arranged into two (2) sections, as follows:

1. Based upon special qualifications or lack of qualifications for the elective subjects of either course, to be determined by the academic board, the preference of individuals being considered as far as practicable.

2. By transfer, by the academic board, in the early part of the course.


35. Courses of study will be embraced in five departments as follows:

[blocks in formation]

The course will comprise the following subjects or fields of inquiry:

(a) Staff duties:

To include duties of the General Staff, supply, and administration.

Instruction by lectures and conferences and practical problems.

(b) Tactics:

Instruction by lectures and conferences.

Map problems and terrain exercises, tactical and staff rides, and maneuvers on the map and ground.

Practice in criticising and umpiring practical exercises in The Army School of the Line and The Army Field Engineer School.

Practical demonstrations of the uses of all means afforded by the Signal Corps for gaining information and furnishing lines of information in the theater of operations, including balloons, wireless and ordinary telegraph, telephones, etc., in conjunction with field exercises.

(c) Military history:


Instruction by lectures and conferences and if practicable by an historical ride.

(d) Strategical and tactical cooperation of the Army and Navy:

Lectures on modern navies and naval warfare, with special reference to cooperation with an army. These lectures will be given, when practicable, by an officer of the United States Navy.

(e) Care of troops:

Instruction in the care of troops will be given by The Army Field Service and Correspondence School for Medical Officers as called for by the schedule of The Army Staff College, approved by the commandant.

II.-Military engineering.

Instruction in military engineering will be given by The Army Field Engineer School. The course will comprise practical work in the following subjects:

(a) Military topography, sketching.—The making of rapid individual, road, position, outpost, and place sketches; combined road and position sketches; the organization and direction of sketching and surveying parties covering large areas, and the methods of combining the resulting sketches; photographic and mechanical processes for reproduction of maps and drawings; assisting in the instruction of The Army School of the Line in the practical work in military topography.

Instruction by lectures, demonstrations, and field prob


(b) Fortification.-The principles and application of field, provisional, and permanent fortifications and the attack and defense of fortified places.

Instruction by lectures and by field and map problems in the location and preparation of defensive positions and in fortress warfare.


III.-Military law.

The course will comprise the following subjects, instruction to be given by conferences, lectures, study of cases, and original research:

Military government and martial law, the laws of war, and the military in aid of the civil authorities.


The course of instruction in languages will be elective for the student officer and will comprise instruction in French, German, Spanish, or any other foreign language in which it may be practicable to give instruction: Provided, That no student officer will be permitted to elect one of these languages unless he has a satisfactory knowledge of Spanish, to be determined by the senior instructor, department of languages. The course in each language will comprise instruction in reading, writing, and speaking, with a special view to acquiring a conversational knowledge of the language. Instruction will be given by conferences, lectures, and conversational practice.

V. Staff supply.

(a) Staff administration and supply:

Going into details as to the lines of communication and base, their organization, etc., with reference to supply work.

(b) Mechanical traction:

Including study of gasoline engines and practice with motor trucks.

(c) Movements by rail and over sea: (d) Law:

Having particular application to the duties of administration and supply.

(e) Military and commercial geography:

(f) Animals and vehicles-draft and saddle animals: Purchase, inspection, training, and conservation of green animals. Animal endurance in saddle, draft, and pack. Vehicles, traction and packing. Forage and feeding. Transportation of animals by rail and over sea. Organization and man

agement of horse depots.

Veterinary hygiene.


(9) Supplies and fiscal administration:

Furnishing, purchasing, inspection, care and issue.
Returns and accountability.

101. After the standing of the student officers in The Army School of the Line and The Army Field Engineer School has been determined, the academic board will convene to recommend officers for detail for instruction in The Army Staff College for the following year. These recommendations will be forwarded by the commandant, with his own action thereon, to The Adjutant General of the Army. Entrance to The Army Staff College from The Army School of the Line and The Army Field Engineer School will be accorded student officers in order of their graduation as far down the class (arranged according to merit) as they shall be recommended by the academic board, approved by the commandant, subject to the restrictions of paragraph 34, and their arrangement into sections for compulsory or elective courses shall be made as provided in paragraph 34, General Orders, No. 128, War Department, 1911, as amended. Said recommendation and approval, however, will not be withheld from any officer and given to one below him in order of graduation, except on account of moral deficiencies or defects in habits or disposition sufficiently serious to render him markedly unsuitable for staff service. Whenever the recommendadant is thus withheld, the reason for such action will be tion of the academic board or the approval of the commanstated clearly in each case, giving details of such misconduct or defects as are relied upon to justify the withholding of said recommendation or approval.

[2271588 B-A. G. O.]



Major General, Chief of Staff.



The Adjutant General.

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