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161. Cadet Thomas Fenton Taylor to the 19th Infantry. 162. Cadet Marshall Henry Quesenberry to the 12th Infantry. 163. Cadet Robert Livingston Williams to the 17th Infantry. 164. Cadet Charles Curtiss Herrick to the 30th Infantry.

Lieuts. Bragdon, Cronkhite, Bethel, Ganahl, Harris, Gilleite, Davison, and Young, Corps of Engineers, are assigned to the 1st Battalion of Engineers. Upon receipt of these orders each of the officers named will report by letter to the commanding officer of the 1st Battalion of Engineers at Washington Barracks, D. C., for assignment to a company, and will proceed upon the expiration of his graduating leave to join the company to which he may be assigned.

Lieuts. Kimble, Richards, Smylie, L. W. Miller, Gesler, and Conklin, Corps of Engineers, are assigned to the 2d Battalion of Engineers. Upon receipt of these orders each of the officers named will report by letter to the commanding officer, 2d Battalion of Engineers, at Texas City, Tex., for assignment to a company, and upon the expiration of his graduating leave will proceed to join the company to which he may be assigned.

Lieut. Covell, Corps of Engineers, is assigned to the 3d Battalion of Engineers, and will proceed at the proper time to San Francisco, Cal., and take the transport to sail from that place on or about October 5, 1915, for Hawaii, and upon arrival at Honolulu will report in person to the commanding general, Hawaiian Department, for assignment to duty.

Lieut. Arthur, Corps of Engineers, is assigned to the 3d Battalion of Engineers, and upon the expiration of his graduating leave will proceed to the Canal Zone and report in person to the commanding general of the United States troops in the Canal Zone for duty.

Lieuts. E. F. Miller, Weart, Tompkins, Hodgson, Larkin, Kelton, and Atkins, Corps of Engineers, upon the expiration of their graduating leaves, will proceed to this city, take station, and report in person to the commandant of the Engineer School, Washington Barracks, D. C., to take the course of instruction at that school.

Lieuts. Aurand, Small, Sayler, Warren, Kahle, Melberg, Lindner, Cochran, Serles, Meneely, Teter, MacTaggart, Gibson, Hyde, Hess, Brady, Corbin, Harmon, Coughlan, Chapin, Cherrington, and Finley, Coast Artillery Corps, will report in per


son upon the expiration of their graduating leaves, but not earlier than August 25, 1915, to the commanding officer, Coast Defenses of Chesapeake Bay, for assignment or attachment to companies of his command.

Lieuts. O'Brien, Tenney, Emery, Wallington, and Hocker, Coast Artillery Corps, will report in person upon the expiration of their graduating leaves to the commanding officer, Coast Defenses of Puget Sound, for assignment to companies of his command.

Lieuts. Haw, Summers, Jones, and Wogan, Coast Artillery Corps, will report in person upon the expiration of their graduating leaves to the commanding officer, Coast Defenses of Long Island Sound, for assignment to companies of his command.

The officers attached to the 7th Cavalry will join the 9th Cavalry and serve therewith until the arrival of the 7th Cavalry at its station in the United States, when they will join that regiment. Those assigned to the 24th Infantry will report in person to the commanding general 2d Division, for assignment to duty with Infantry regiments until the arrival of the 24th Infantry at its station in the United States, when they will proceed to join that regiment. The other officers assigned or attached to the Cavalry, Field Artillery, and Infantry arms, will report by letter to their respective regimental commanders for assignment to troops, batteries, and companies, and will proceed upon the expiration of their graduating leaves to join the troops, batteries, and companies to which they may be assigned. The respective regimental commanders will report such assignments to The Adjutant General of the Army.

The travel directed is necessary in the military service. [2297102, A. G. O.]



Major General, Chief of Staff.



The Adjutant General.

No. 49.


Before a general court-martial which convened at Columbus Barracks, Ohio, February 2, 1915, pursuant to Special Orders, No. 9, Central Department, January 21, 1915, and of which Col. GEORGE A. DODD, Cavalry, was president, and First Lieut. IRA A. SMITH, Infantry, judge advocate, was arraigned and tried

First Lieut. John B. De Lancey, 7th Infantry.

CHARGE. "Conduct unbecoming an officer and a gentleman, in violation of the 61st Article of War."

Specification I.-"In that 1st Lieutenant John B. De Lancey, 7th Infantry, did in an official indorsement to The Adjutant General of the Army, dated September 23, 1914, state

'I never went on the supposition that I was to pay Lieut. Cron's expenses from Lansing, Michigan, to the Canal Zone. A positive agreement never existed prior to my letter of July 3, 1914, to him, and then only after he had written me his insistent letter of June 21, 1914.'

which statement was false, and was then known by him, Lieutenant De Lancey, to be false, in that he had, on or about the 15th day of June, 1913, specifically promised Lieutenant Cron that he would pay his (Lieutenant Cron's) expenses from Lansing, Michigan, to the Panama Canal Zone, and which statement was made with intent to deceive The Adjutant General of the Army. This at East Lansing, Michigan, on September 23, 1914."

Specification II.-"In that 1st Lieutenant John B. De Lancey, 7th Infantry, in a letter written by him on May 24, 1914, and transmitted by mail to 1st Lieutenant A. C. Cron, 10th Infantry, did state

'We never had any agreement that I should pay your expenses; neither did you ever state to me that I should pay your expenses, and I never went on that supposition, so why should you demand this money from me now, almost a year after the transfer.'

which statement was false and was then known by him, Lieutenant De Lancey, to be false, in that he had, on or


about the 15th day of June, 1913, promised 1st Lieutenant A. C. Cron, that he would pay his (Lieutenant Cron's) expenses from Lansing, Michigan, to the Panama Canal Zone. This at East Lansing, Michigan, on or about May 24, 1914.” Specification III.-"In that 1st Lieutenant John B. De Lancey, 7th Infantry, (then 1st Lieutenant, 10th Infantry), having on or about June 15, 1913, promised 1st Lieutenant A. C. Cron, 10th Infantry, (then 1st Lieutenant, 7th Infantry), that he would pay his (Lieutenant Cron's) expenses from Lansing, Michigan, to the Panama Canal Zone, did seek to avoid the payment of said expenses by denying that he had agreed to make such payment. This at East Lansing, Michigan, on or about May 24, 1914."

Specification IV.-"In that 1st Lieutenant John B. De Lancey, 7th Infantry, did, in the course of an official investigation conducted by Colonel Charles M. O'Connor, Inspector General, Central Department, when shown a certain letter purporting to have been written by him, the said Lieutenant De Lancey, under date of Sunday, which was June 15, 1913, at Washington, D. C., and addressed to 1st Lieutenant A. C. Cron, 10th Infantry, (then 1st Lieutenant, 7th Infantry) and signed 'J. B. De Lancey,' and when asked if he wrote the said letter, stated to Colonel O'Connor that he could not say positively under oath that he had written the letter, which statement was false, was known by him, the said Lieutenant De Lancey, to be false, and was made with the intent of deceiving the said Colonel O'Connor, in that he, the said Lieutenant De Lancey, well knew that the said letter had been written by him. This at East Lansing, Michigan, on or about December 8, 1914."

To which Charge and Specifications the accused pleaded "Not Guilty."


Of the Charge and of all of the Specifications thereof, "Guilty."


"To be dismissed the service."

The sentence having been approved by the convening authority and the record of trial forwarded for the action

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