페이지 이미지

[Russian-Dutch Loan.]

Interest and Sinking Fund.

ART. II. The future charge to which their said Belgic and Britannic Majesties shall be respectively liable in equal shares on account of the said debt, is to consist of an annual Interest of Five per cent, on the said capitals, each of 25,000,000, together with a sinking fund of one per cent. for the extinction of the same, the said sinking fund being subject, however, to be increased on the demand of the Russian Government, to any annual sum not exceeding three per cent.; the same to be payable till the capital of the said debt shall be fully discharged, when the aforesaid charge for interests and sinking fund shall wholly cease to be borne by their said Belgic and Britannic Majesties respectively.

Mode of Payment.

ART. III. Their said Belgic and Britannic Majesties respectively bind themselves, on or before the usual day or days in each year, on which the interest on the said debt shall be due and payable, to deposit with the agent of the Russian Government in Holland, their respective proportions of the said interest and sinking fund, as above specified; provided always, that previously to the advance of each successive instalment so to be paid, the said agent shall be authorised to furnish a certificate to each of the said two High Contracting Parties, declaring that the preceding instalment has been duly applied in discharge of the interest, and in reduction of the principal of the said debt: together with the corresponding payments, on account of the Russian Government on that part of the debt which shall remain a charge on the said Government.

Russia to be security to Creditors, and to administer the Loan. Great Britain and the Netherlands liable to Russia for their respective proportions.

ART. IV. The Russian Government shall continue, as heretofore, to be security to the creditors for the whole of the said loan, and shall be charged with the administration of the same; the Governments of the King of the Netherlands and of His Britannic Majesty remaining liable and bound to the Government of His Imperial Majesty, each for the punctual discharge, as above, of the respective proportions of the said charge.

[Russian-Dutch Loan.]

Payments by the Netherlands and Great Britain to cease on Belgic Provinces being severed from the Netherlands.

ART. V. It is hereby understood and agreed between the High Contracting Parties, that the said payments on the part of their Majesties the King of the Netherlands and the King of Great Britain, as aforesaid, shall cease and determine, should the possession and Sovereignty (which God forbid) of the Belgic Provinces at any time pass or be severed from the dominions of His Majesty the King of the Netherlands previous to the complete liquidation of the same.*

Payments not to cease in case of War.

It is also understood and agreed between the High Contracting Parties, that the payments on the part of their Majesties the King of the Netherlands and the King of Great Britain, as aforesaid, shall not be interrupted in the event (which God forbid) of a War breaking out between any of the three High Contracting Parties; the Government of His Majesty the Emperor of All the Russias being actually bound to its creditors by a similar agreement.


ART. VI. The present Convention shall be ratified, and the Ratifications thereof shall be exchanged at London in six weeks, or sooner if possible.

In faith whereof we the Undersigned, in virtue of our Full Powers, have signed the present Convention, and affixed thereto the Seal of our Arms.

Done at London, the 19th day of May, in the year of Our Lord, 1815.

(L.S.) H. FAGEL.

*See also Additional Article, page 153. The Union between the Netherlands and Belgium was dissolved by the Treaty between the 5 Powers and Belgium of 15th November, 1831; and on the 16th November, 1831, a Convention was concluded between Great Britain and Russia, relative to the Russian-Dutch Loan, which was carried into effect by an Act of Parliament, 2 and 3 Wm. IV, c. 81, 3rd August, 1832. On the 8th August, 1850, a Convention was concluded between the Netherlands and Russia respecting the ancient Russian Debt.

[Russian-Dutch Loan.]


Payments to be made in case of Part of Belgic Provinces being Severed from the Dominions of Belgium.

In order to prevent any doubts that might hereafter arise, with respect to the meaning and operation of Article V* of the Convention this day signed, it is understood and agreed between the 3 High Contracting Parties, that in the event of a part of the Belgic Provinces being at any time hereafter severed from the Dominions of His Belgic Majesty, a proportionate reduction only of the charge agreed to be borne by their Majesties the King of the Netherlands, and the King of Great Britain, to be calculated according to the Population of the Districts so severed, shall thereupon take place; the residue of the respective payments continuing to be regularly defrayed, as provided for in the said Convention.

Payments to be made in case of Invasion or Temporary Occupation of Belgic Provinces.

It is further understood and agreed, that the invasion or temporary occupation of the said Provinces, by an enemy, shall not be considered as determining any part of the said payments, unless continued beyond the period of a year; in which case it shall be competent for their said Majesties the King of the Netherlands, and the King of Great Britain, to suspend their respective payments, subject to account with the Government of His Imperial Majesty, upon the expulsion or evacuation of the said Provinces by the enemy, for the whole, or such proportion of the said Arrears as may correspond with the state of possession in which His Majesty the King of the Netherlands may at such period find himself established.


This Additional Article shall be ratified on the same day as the Convention signed on this day; and it shall have the same force and validity as if it were inserted word for word in the said Convention.

In faith whereof, we, the Undersigned, in virtue of our Full Powers, have signed the present Additional Article, and affixed thereto the Seal of our Arms.

* See page 152.

[Russian-Dutch Loan.]

Done at London, the 19th of May, in the year of Our Lord, 1815.



(ANNEX.)-Statement of the Capital, Interest, and Sinking Fund, of that part of the Russian Delt in Holland, to be provided for by Great Britain, in pursuance of the preceding Convention.

[blocks in formation]

[Genoa, Geneva, &c.]

No. 19.-TREATY between Austria (Great Britain, Russia, Prussia, and France) and Sardinia. Signed at Vienna, 20th May, 1815.

[This Treaty formed Annex XIII to the Vienna Congress Treaty of 9th June, 1815, No. 27.]

[blocks in formation]

1. Frontiers of the States of the King of Sardinia. Island of Capraja. 2. Union of the States of Genoa with the States of the King of Sardinia. 3. Title of King of Sardinia; Duke of Genoa.

4. Rights and Privileges of Genoese. See also Annex A.A.

5. Union of the Imperial Fiefs to Sardinia. Imperial Fiefs.

6. Rights of Fortifying.

7. Savoy. Cession by King of Sardinia to the Canton of Geneva. See also Annex B.B.

8. Switzerland and Sardinia. Neutrality of Chablais and Faucigny. Passage

of Troops.

9. Treaty to form part of Definitive Arrangement.

10. Ratifications.

A.A. Conditions (annexed to Article IV of the Treaty of the 20th
May, 1815), which are to serve as the Bases of the Union of the
Genoese States to those of His Sardinian Majesty.

1. Genoese to enjoy equal Privileges with Sardinians.
2. Genoese Military to be incorporated with Royal Troops.
3. Arms and Colours of Genoa.

4. Re-establishment of Free Port of Genoa.

(Page 159.)

Re-election of

5. Provincial Council. Election of President of Council. Members. Duties of the Council. Time of Assembly of Councils.

Extraordinary Assembly of Councils.

Province to a seat in the Assembly.

Right of Intendant of the

Levy of New Taxes. Vote of

President. Assent of Provincial Councils to Levy of New Taxes.
Majority of Votes.

6. Maximum of Taxes.

7. Public Debt Guaranteed.

8. Civil and Military Pensions. Pensions to Clergy and individuals of Religious Institutions; and to Genoese Nobles.

9. Supreme Tribunal to be called a Senate.

10. Currency.

11. Levy of Troops.

12. Genoese Body Guard.

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