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IN presenting to the Public a Work with so comprehensive a Title as that of "THE MAP OF EUROPE BY TREATY, from 1814 to 1875," I feel that a brief explanation is required, both as to its precise object and the Plan upon which it has been compiled. Its object is to show the Changes which, by Treaty or other International Arrangements, have taken place in Europe within this period. The work is intended to bring together in a collected form the various Documents that have given Treaty sanction to these Territorial Changes, and which, in defining in this manner the LANDMARKS of Europe, constitute the TITLE DEEDS of the European Family.

The Documents are arranged throughout the entire work in chronological order; each Paper has a distinctive Number; and where references are made in one Document to a previous one, the Number is referred to, and not the date; but where subsequent Documents are referred to in the Notes, the Dates are given, and not the numbers, as it was found impossible to fix beforehand what the number of each Paper would be.

Each Treaty is preceded by a Table of Contents to the subjects contained therein; and each Article has a descriptive heading; whilst a sub-heading at the top of each page is given to denote the subject of the Document, or the name by which the Treaty is generally known.

With the view of avoiding the insertion of unnecessary matter, the purport only is given of the clauses of Treaties where the details are of no European interest.

VOL. I. EMBRACES THE PERIOD FROM 1814 TO 1827; and contains, among other Important Documents:

The 1st Treaty of Peace of Paris of 30th May, 1814, which terminated the French Revolutionary War.

The Vienna Congress Treaty of 9th June, 1815, which settled the Territorial Arrangements of Europe; regulated the Precedence of Diplomatic Agents; threw open the Navigation of the Rhine and other important Rivers; declared the Abolition of the Slave Trade, &c.

The 2nd, or Definitive, Treaty of Peace of Paris, of 20th November, 1815, which confirmed the Treaties of 30th May, 1814, and 9th June, 1815, but with modifications as to the Boundaries of France; provided for the temporary Occupation of France by the Allied Troops; fixed the Amount of the Pecuniary Indemnity to be paid by France on account of the War, and declared the Alliance of Great Britain, Austria, Prussia, and Russia, for the preservation of the Peace of Europe. The Admission of France to this Alliance in 1818. The Declaration of the 8 Powers of the same date respecting the Neutrality of Switzerland.

The General Treaty of Frankfort of 20th July, 1819, which

completed the Territorial Arrangements of 1815. The Final Act signed at Vienna on the 15th May, 1820, for the Organization of the Germanic Confederation, And the Treaties, &c., of 1825-1827 relating to the Separation of Greece from Turkey.


and contaius, among other important Documents:

The Treaties, &c., relating to the War between Russia and Turkey in 1828.

The Treaty of Peace between those Powers signed at
Adrianople on the 14th September, 1829.

The Separation of Belgium from Holland, in 1831.
The Incorporation of Poland with Russia, in 1832.

The Erection of Greece into a Kingdom, under a Bavarian Prince, in 1832.

The Pacification of Spain and Portugal, in 1834.

The Treaties for the Separation of Belgium from Holland, and the Arrangements respecting the Duchics of Limburg and Luxemburg, of 1839.

The Pacification of the Levant, in 1840.

The Convention respecting the Straits of the Dardanelles and Bosphorus, of 1811.

The Suppression of the Free State of Cracow, and its Incorporation with Austria, in 1846.

The Territorial Arrangements of Italy, in 1844 and 1847. The Integrity of the Danish Monarchy and the Succession to the Danish Throne, 1850-1852.

The War between Turkey and Russia, in 1853.

The Crimean War, 1854-1856.

The Treaty for the maintenance of the Integrity of Sweden and Norway, in 1855.

The Conferences of Paris, of 1856.

The General Treaty of Peace with Russia, of 30th March, 1856.

The Separate Treaties, of the same date, relating to the Dardanelles and Bosphorus, the Black Sea, and the Aland Islands.

The Mediation Protocol and the Maritime Law Declaration of April, 1856.

The Arrangements respecting the Bessarabian Frontier, the Isle of Serpents, and the Delta of the Danube, of 1857. The Redemption of the Sound Dues, in 1857.

The Turco-Russian Frontier in Asia, in 1857.

The Organization of the Principalities of Moldavia and Wallachia, in 1858.

The Boundary of Montenegro in 1858.

The War between Austria, France, and Sardinia, in 1859. The Treaties of Peace of Villafranca and Zurich, of 1859, by which Lombardy was ceded to Sardinia.

The Annexation of Savoy and Nice to France, in 1860.
The Pacification of Syria, in 1860.

The Annexation of Tuscany, Modena, Naples, Sicily,
Romagna, Parma, &c., to Sardinia, in 1860.

The Formation of the Kingdom of Italy, in 1861.

The Cession of Mentone and Roccabruna to France, in


The Withdrawal of the British Protectorate over the Ionian Islands, in 1863.

The Termination of the Bavarian Order of Succession to

the Throne of Greece, and the recognition of the Danish Order of Succession to the Throne of that Kingdom, in 1863.

The Redemption of the Scheldt Toll, and

The proposed assembly of a European Congress for the preservation of the Peace of Europe, in 1863.


and contains the Treaties and other Documents relating


The Union of the Ionian Islands to Greece, in 1864.

The Amelioration of the condition of the Wounded, in

War, in 1864.

The Conferences in London relative to the War between Austria, Prussia, and Denmark, in 1864.

The Convention of Vienna, of 1864, and of Gastein, of 1865, relative to the Dachies of Schleswig and Holstein.

The Union of the Principalities of Moldavia and Wallachia, in 1864 and 1866.

The War between Austria and Prussia, in 1866.

The Treaty of Peace of Prague, of 23rd August, 1866, and

of Vienna, of 3rd October, 1866, by which the Lombardo-Venetian Kingdom was ceded to Italy.

The Annexation of Hanover, Hesse-Cassel, Nassau, Frankfort, Holstein, Schleswig, Waldeck, &c., to Prussia, in 1866.

The Dissolution of the Germanic Confederation, in 1866, the formation of the North German Confederation, in 1867, and of the German Empire, in 1871.

The Luxemburg Treaty of 11th May, 1867.

The Declaration with regard to the non-use of Explosive Projectiles during War, of 1868.

The War between France and Germany, in 1870–71. and the Treaties of Peace, by which Alsace and Lorraine were reunited to Germany.

The Abrogation in 1871 of the Black Sea Clauses of the Treaty of Paris, of 1856.

The Final Protocol of the Brussels Conference, of 1874; and

The Proposals for reopening the Conferences, in 1875, which were declined by the British Government.

That these Engagements have been contracted, in many instances, with the avowed object of maintaining the BALANCE OF POWER in Europe, may be readily tested by referring to the Index under that heading.

Many of them have been preceded or followed by EUROPEAN CONFERENCES, and full descriptions are given of what passed at the deliberations of the most important of them under their respective dates, with a reference to the volumes of the "State Papers" in which the Protocols. themselves will be found.

DECLARATIONS OF WAR are also inserted, as well as Treaties for the EUROPEAN GUARANTEE of the INDEPENDENCE and NEUTRALITY of certain States, also Decrees annexing Territories, and Protests of the Possessors against such Annexations. As the VIENNA CONGRESS TREATY of 1815 is not unfrequently referred to in such Protests, a reference is given in the Index, under the

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