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[Pacification of Greece.]

ing Parties the necessity of taking immediate measures for forming a connection with the Greeks.

It is understood that this shall be effected by establishing commercial relations with the Greeks, and by sending to and receiving from them, for this purpose, Consular Agents, provided there shall exist in Greece authorities capable of supporting such relations.

Measures to be adopted by Allied Powers in case of Non-observance of Armistice.

§ II. If, within the said term of one month, the Porte does not accept the Armistice proposed in Article I of the patent Treaty, or if the Greeks refuse to carry it into execution, the High Contracting Powers shall declare to either of the Contending Parties which may be disposed to continue hostilities, or to both of them, if necessary, that the said High Powers intend to exert all the means which circumstances may suggest to their prudence, for the purpose of obtaining the immediate effects of the Armistice of which they desire the execution, by preventing, as far as possible, all collision between the Contending Parties; and in consequence, immediately after the above-mentioned declaration, the High Powers will, jointly, exert all their efforts to accomplish the object of such Armistice, without, however, taking any part in the hostilities between the Two Contending Parties.

Immediately after the signature of the present Additional Article, the High Contracting Powers will, consequently, transmit to the Admirals commanding their respective squadrons in the Levant, conditional Instructions in conformity to the arrangements above declared.

Measures to be adopted in case of Refusal of Ottoman Porte.

§ III. Finally, if, contrary to all expectation, these measures do not prove sufficient to procure the adoption of the propositions of the High Contracting Parties by the Ottoman Porte; or if, on the other hand, the Greeks decline the conditions stipulated in their favour, by the Treaty of this date, the High Contracting Powers will, nevertheless, continue to pursue the work of pacification, on the bases upon which they have agreed; and, in consequence, they authorise, from the present moment, their Representatives at London, to discuss and determine the future measures which it may become necessary to employ.

[Pacification of Greece.]

The present Additional Article shall have the same force and validity as if it were inserted, word for word, in the Treaty of this day. It shall be ratified, and the Ratifications shall be exchanged at the same time as those of the said Treaty.

In witness whereof the respective Plenipotentiaries have signed the same, and have affixed thereto the Seals of their Arms.

Done at London, the 6th day of July, in the year of Our Lord,




[The Porte declared its Entire adhesion to the Stipulations of this Treaty, by a Declaration signed on the 9th September, 1829, and in Art. X of the Treaty of 14th September, 1829.]




between Hanover

and Prussia.-Signed at Iburg, 22nd December, 1827.


Preamble. Reference to Agreement of 12th August, 1783. Boundaries between Osnabruck, Tecklenburg, and Ober-Lingen.

1. As the above-mentioned Agreement of 12th August, 1783, although sanctioned by both Parties, has, on account of subsequent difficulties, never been carried out, the said Agreement, so far as it relates to the arrangement of the limits and rights of the respective Sovereignties, is hereby annulled, and declared altogether invalid.

2. On the other hand the aforesaid Agreement, so far as it relates to Communal Landmarks and private rights, is confirmed and declared binding where it has not been modified by other Treaties, or by the present stipulations.

3. The Supplementary Agreement of 31st October, 1801, is declared invalid. 4. From the date of the Ratification of this Treaty, the Boundaries between the above-mentioned Territories shall be as described in Annex I, and the plans prepared in 1778 and 1782 shall be considered valid where not altered by the present Treaty.

5. Both Parties renounce all Claims to the lands respectively transferred from one to the other by this Treaty.

6. The line now agreed upon shall be the Boundary Line of the respective Sovereignties in regard to all rights, privileges, and obligations here set forth.

7. The Domains and Domanial Rights of the two Parties suffer no further restrictions than are herein stipulated.

8. Private and Corporation rights shall remain intact.

9. Maintenance of Roads and Waterways.

10. Communal relations remain as before, unless altered by special stipu


11. The Mersch Bridge to be maintained at the joint expense of the two Parties.

12. The Potts Bridge, &c., to be maintained by Hanover.

13. Access to certain Mills shall be unimpeded.

14. Where the line runs through Rivers or Brooks, these shall be maintained

in their present course.

15. Modification of the Agreement of 12th August, 1783, by Annex II.

16. Special Stipulations respecting Annex II.

17. Line to be drawn at a certain distance from ancient Tilled Lands and Meadows.

18. Landmarks shall be set up to define the Boundary.

19. Boundary Line shall be inspected every 5 years.

20. Any trespass or alteration of the Boundary Line shall be punished by


21. If any Disputes should arise as to the Boundary Line after the ratification of this Treaty, they shall be settled by the Commissioners.

22. Ratifications.



General and Special Stipulations, chiefly in reference to the Communal and Frontier relations on the basis of the Boundary Agreement of 12th August, 1783.

1. General Stipulations.

2. Special Stipulations relating to Articles V to XXII.


Preamble. Reference to Agreement of 12th August, 1783. Boundaries between Osnabruck, Tecklenburg, and Ober-Lingen. For the definitive settlement of the Boundaries between the Hanoverian Principality of Osnabruck and the Prussian Counties of Tecklenburg and Ober-Lingen, arranged by the Agreement dated Höne, 12th August, 1783, but since disputed, the Commissioners appointed for the purpose, namely, Councillor Charles Augustus Rudloff, on the Hanoverian side, and Provincial Deputy Ernest Albert von Bodelschwingh, on the Prussian side, have agreed and concluded as follows:

ARTS. I to XXII and Annex (See Table).

Iburg, 22nd December, 1827.




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