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(3) Brief description of the drawings, if any, showing what each view represents;

(4) Detailed description, explaining fully the alleged inventior, and the manner of constructing, practicing, operating, and using it;

(5) Claim or claims;

(6) Signature of inventor;

(7) Signatures of two witnesses.

The specification and claims and all amendments must be written in a fair, legible hand, on but one side of the paper; otherwise the office may require them to be printed; and all interlineations and erasures must be clearly marked in marginal or foot notes written on the same sheet of paper. Legal cap paper with the lines numbered is deemed preferable and a wide margin must always be reserved on the left hand side of the page.


Form of a Specification to Accompany a Petition.



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Be it known that I, and State of preventing steam boilers from bursting (for which I have received letters patent in England, dated July 6, 1909, No. ), and I do hereby declare that the following is a full, clear, and exact description of the same:

have invented a new and useful means for

The nature of my invention consists in providing the upper part of a steam boiler with an aperture in addition to that for the safety-valve, which aperture is to be closed by a plug or disk of alloy, which will fuse at any given degree of heat, and permit the steam to escape, should the safety-valve fail to perform its functions.

In the accompanying drawings Fig. I is a longitudinal section of a boiler embodying my invention, and Fig. 2 is a perspective view of the same.

To enable others skilled in the art to make use of my invention, I will proceed to describe its construction and operation. I construct my steam boiler in any of the known forms, and apply thereto gauge-cocks, a safetyvalve, and the other appendages of such boilers; but in order to obviate the danger arising from the adhesion of the safety-valve, and from other causes, I make a second opening in the top of the boiler, similar to that made for the safety-valve, as shown at A, in the accompanying drawing; and in this opening I insert a plug or disk of fusible alloy, securing it in its place by a metal ring and screws, or otherwise. In general, I compose this fusible metal of a mixture of lead, tin, and bismuth, in such proportions as will insure its melting at a given temperature. which must be that to which

it is intended to limit the steam; it will, of course, vary with the pressure the boiler is intended to sustain.

What I claim as my invention, and desire to secure by letters patent, is the application to steam boilers of a fusible alloy which will melt at a given temperature and allow the steam to escape, substantially as herein described. (Signature.)


When the application is for a machine, the specification should be modified accordingly.

The applicant must make oath or affirmation substantially as follows, which is to be annexed to the specification.

[blocks in formation]

the above named petitioner, being duly sworn (or affirmed)

deposes and says that he is a citizen of

and resident of

; that he verily believes himself to be the original, first and sole inventor of the improvement in described and claimed in the annexed specification; that he does not know and does not believe that the same was ever known or used before his invention or discovery thereof, or patented or described in any printed publication in any country before his invention or discovery thereof, or more than two years prior to this application, or in public use or on sale in the United States for more than two years prior to this application; that said invention has not been patented in any country foreign to the United States on an application filed by him or .by his legal representatives or assigns more than twelve months prior to this application; and that no application for patent on said improvement has been filed by him or his representatives or assigns in any country foreign to the United States (except as follows):

Sworn to and subscribed before me this


(Inventor's full name.)
day of
(Signature of magistrate.)
(Official character.)


Give residence in full, including street and number, if any.

If the applicants be joint inventors the form of the oath will be changed accordingly, and the word joint used instead of sole.

If the inventor be dead the oath will be made by the executor or administrator who will declare his belief that the party named as inventor was the original and first inventor.

Citizens of the British Provinces should state specifically the provinces of which they are citizens, and not merely that they are subjects of the crown of Great Britain. The oath may be taken before any person authorized by law to administer oaths, but a notary public or U. S. Commissioner is preferable. The oath may be taken in a foreign country before any min. ister plenipotentiary, chargé d'affaires, consul, or commercial agent, holding commission under the government of the United States, or before any notary public of the country in which the oath is taken, being attested in all cases by the proper official seal of such notary.


The applicant for a patent is required by law to furnish drawings of his invention when the nature of the case admits of them.

The drawings must be signed by the inventor or by his attorney in fact, and attested by two witnesses, and must show every feature of the invention covered by the claims.

Different views of the whole invention and of its parts may De given in perspective, longitudinal, or cross section, etc., so as clearly to show their construction and mode of operation. If one sheet is insufficient for this purpose, others may be added, the several sheets being distinguished and referred to by numbers. Each part must be distinguished by the same letter or number, wherever it appears in the several drawings.

The rules of the Patent Office require that all drawings be made upon pure white paper of a thickness corresponding to "three sheet Bristol board," and that they shall be made with the pen, and that India ink only must be used. The size of a sheet on which a drawing is made must be exactly 10 by 15 inches. One inch from its edge a single marginal line is to be drawn, leaving the "sight" precisely 8 by 13 inches.

Within this margin all work and signatures must be included. One of the shorter sides is regarded as the top, and measuring downward from the marginal line a space of not less than 1 inch is to be left blank for the heading of title, name, number, and date.

The signature of the inventor is to be placed at the lower

right hand corner of the sheet, and the signatures of the witnesses at the lower left hand corner, all within the marginal line. The title is to be written in pencil on the back of the sheet. The permanent names and title will be supplied by the office.

Drawings should be rolled for transmission to the office,not folded.


A model is no longer required, unless the examiner to whom the case is referred deems it necessary, and of this the applicant will be duly notified.

It must be neatly and substantially made, and of durable material, metal being preferred, and must not exceed one foot in length, breadth, or height. If made of wood, it must be painted or varnished, and the parts must be securely fastened without glue.

Whenever practicable, the name of the inventor should be permanently affixed.

When the invention or discovery consists of a composition of matter, the commissioners may require the applicant to furnish a specimen of the composition and of its ingredients sufficient in quantity for the purpose of experiment.

In all cases where the article is not perishable, a specimen of the composition claimed, put up in proper form to be preserved by the office, must be furnished, if required.


No application is examined, nor is the case placed upon the files for examination, until the preliminary fee is paid, and the specification, with the petition, oath, and drawings (when required), filed. Everything necessary to make the application complete should be deposited in the office at the same time, and the application must be completed within one year after filing the petition.


All cases in the Patent Office are arranged in classes, which are taken up for examination in regular rotation; those in the same class being examined and disposed of, as far as practicable, in the order in which the respective applications are completed.

When, however, the invention is deemed of peculiar importance to some branch of the public service, and when, for that reason, the head of some department of the government specially requests immediate action, the case will be taken up out of its order. These, with applications for re-issue, and for inventions for which a foreign patent has been issued, are the only exceptions to the rule above stated in relation to the order of examination.


Whenever, on examination, any claim of an application is rejected for any reason whatever, the applicant will be notified thereof, and the reason for such rejection will be fully and precisely stated, and such information and references given as may be useful in judging of the propriety of prosecuting the application or of altering the specification or claims; and if, after receiving such notice, the applicant shall persist in his claim, with or without altering his specification, the case will be re-examined. If, on re-examination, it shall be again rejected, the reasons therefor will be fully and precisely stated.


The applicant has a right to amend his specification or claims before or after the first rejection; and he may amend as often as the examiner presents any new references or reasons for rejection. In so amending the applicant must clearly point out all of the patentable novelty which he thinks the case presents, in view of the state of the art disclosed by the references cited or objections made.

He must also show how the amendments avoid such references or objections.

No alterations or amendments, except of clerical errors, will be allowed after an appeal to the examiner-in-chief, or after the patent has been ordered to issue, unless the same are approved by the examiner in charge.

All amendments of the model, drawings or specifications, must conform to at least one of them as they were at the time of the filing of the application; and all amendments of specifications or claims must be made on separate sheets of paper from the original, and must be filed in the manner above

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