II. Tho' I sit and vote with Peter Moore, Since all hope's past; Tho' I win from those who cough'd before, A cheer at last; So sweet a cheer I ne'er shall hear From Opposition throats, As when first I caught the Speaker's eye, And big with notes, Moved the Committee of Supply, On Ordnance votes !* III. Oh! never shall from memory fleet Dear Palace-yard!† Still fancy haunts the envied seat Of Robert Ward.‡ * Mr. Calcraft was Clerk of the Ordnance in the Talents' ad ministration, and moved the Ordnance estimates. E. + The Ordnance Office in Palace-yard. ‡ R. Ward, Esq. M. P. for Haslemere, and now Clerk of the Ordnance.-Е. 'Twas odour fled As soon as shed; 'Twas morning's winged dream; 'Twas a light, that ne'er can shine again On life's dull stream; Oh! 'twas light that ne'er can shine again On life's dull stream. I triumph'd there But half-a-year, And touch'd but half the pay! But oh! I ne'er may touch it more For half a-day; Alas! I ne'er may touch it more ENGLISH MELODIES. No. II. WE to-day present our readers with one of Lord BYRON'S Hebrew Melodies, which for vigour of language, ease of versification, and magnificence of idea, is one of the most admirable lyric compositions in modern poetry. Anxious, however, to fulfil our engagement with the public, we have not feared to enter the lists even with this excellent performance, and we trust that our "Debate on the Navy Estimates" will not be found unworthy our model. We are not authorised, much as we admire his work, to state the imitator's name; but, from the ingenuous diffidence which such a silence implies, many of our readers will suspect him to be the Honourable Mr. WILLIAM HENRY Lyttelton, a gentleman who inherits at once the talents and modesty of his family. |