
event (which God forbid) of the escape of the said prisoner, his Majesty the Emperor engages to use all his* address to catch him again.


Whereas the territories of his Majesty the Emperor abound in poppies, insomuch that opium is the staple commodity thereof, the President engages to take off as much of the said opium as he can bear, provided always that the said Emperor shall not attempt to export a greater quantity of the said opium than he has hitherto done, and that the President may continue to receive, at the rate of the tarif now subsisting, the opium, digitalis, and other narcotics of his ancient allies, neighbours, and confederates.


And whereas the President is eminently desirous of diffusing and inculcating the most liberal and en

* Mr. Methuen had, at Lord Castlereagh's request, seconded the address at the opening of the session.

lightened principles throughout the world, it is agreed that his Majesty the Emperor may attend as often as he pleases at Mr. Lancaster's school, founded by the said President, for the purpose of learning and attaining the arts, crafts, acquirements, or accomplishments of reading and writing; and his Majesty and the President do jointly and mutually engage to support and maintain, within their respective territories, a full, perfect, and uncontrolled freedom of speech and publication upon all subjects whatsoever; provided always that any disturber of the public peace, who shall maliciously or contumeliously write or speak any words or matters, reflecting upon either of the High Contracting Parties themselves, shall be forthwith arrested and brought to execution without benefit of clergy.


The present Treaty shall be ratified, and the notifications exchanged in the course of three weeks, or sooner if possible.

In witness whereof the respective Plenipotentiaries have signed it, and have affixed thereunto the seals of their arms.

Done at Westminster this 5th of February, 1816. Signed




SIR,-When you said that there were no original English Melodies, you must have forgotten all that amiable class of composition which amused you in your infancy, such as "The Baby Bunting," "Goosey Goosey Gander," " A was an Archer," and several other ditties, very delectable to the ear of childhood, and which I presume to think are exclusively national. I therefore presume that you will not be displeased at my attempting to introduce some of those INFANTINE LYRICS to the public notice.

Men, it has been said, are no more than full-grown children; and I think that this apophthegm was never more truly applied than to that distinguished portion of our countrymen, to whom I dedicate my labours, and who in the common language are called the Opposition: as a sample of my work, I beg leave to submit to you my version of that celebrated decameter-monologue, which begins

"A was an Archer and shot at a frog."
I am, Sir, your obedient servant,

P. P.



A, was an ALTHORPE, as dull as a hog;
B, was black BROUGHAM, a surly cur dog;
C, was a COCHRANE, all stripp'd of his lace;
D, was a DOUGLAS, who wanted a place;


E, was an EBRINGTON, dismal and dumb;

F, was a FINLAY, a hogshead of seum ;

G, was a GORDON'S preposterous phiz;
H, was a HERON, a damnable quiz;

J, was JOE JEKYL, whose law is a jest;
K, was a KNOX, in a sinecure-nest;

L, was a LAMBTON, sour, saucy and sad,
M, was PAUL METHUEN! -a Dandy gone mad;
N, was big NUGENT, who "Portugal" writ!!!
O, was an OsSULSTON, small as his wit;

P, was poor PRESTON, stark mad about oats;

Q, was a QUIN, who with neither side votes;
R, was dark ROMILLY'S hypocrite look;

S, was a SEFTON, -Lord, coachman, and cook;
T, was Том THOMPSON, a tinker from Hool;
V, was a VERNON, an *asphaltic fool;

W, was a WARRE, 'twixt a wasp and a worm; -
But X, Y, and Zed, are not found in this form,

* One of Mr.V--'s speeches was laughed at for a metaphor about the fruits of the Asphaltic lake.

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