
Unless MOORE, MARTIN, and CREEVY be said,
(As the last of mankind) to be X, Y, and Zed.*


SIR,-Your kind reception of the first number of my Infantine Lyrics emboldens me to offer you some other specimens. In the ancient song of Goosey Gander, short as it is, there are two points of serious instruction. The first is, that geese ought not to wander into situations for which they are naturally disqualified; the second is, that old gentlemen, who happen not to recollect what they have been taught to say, are treated with contempt and kicked down

* The editor has supplied the names to the initials, which only appeared at first. He believes he has made no mistake, as the allusions are very plain from other articles of this collection,-- E.


stairs. These fine moral sentiments, which couched, in the original, in allegorical or rather hierographical obscurity, I have endeavoured to bring more home to men's business and bosoms; and if, by the example of one old Lord, I can deter another from making a goose of himself, I shall consider that I have been useful in my generation; and I shall not repent the great care, pains, trouble, and solicitude which I have bestowed in translating (if I may use the expression) this interesting allegory, which, though it be pretty generally known, I, as a proof of my fidelity, do not scruple to lay before your readers.

P. P.

Goosey, Goosey Gander,

Whither do you wander?

Up the stairs,

Down the stairs,

In my Lady's chamber.

Old Father Long-legs would not say his prayers;

Take him by the left leg,

Take him by the left leg,

Take him by the left leg,

And throw him down the stairs.



Goosey, Goosey Gander,
Whither will you wander?
Example take-

(Or down you'll break)

From the other chamber:

* Lord George Cavendish.

Poor Johnny Bedford could not say his speech ;*

But he moved his right leg,

Then he moved his left leg,

Then he cried, "I pardon beg"

And sat upon his breech!!!


A VERY full meeting of the Opposition took place yesterday morning at Lord George Cavendish's, at Burlington House, to consider the course of pro

• It seems from the parliamentary debates, that the Duke of Bedford had about this time stopped suddenly before he had finished his speech.-E.

† Such a meeting did take place.-E.

ceeding to be adopted by the Noble Lord on his motion this evening. The Noble owner of this splendid mansion opened the business to the party in a short, and, as far as we would catch his meaning, satisfactory manner. He apologized for the liberty he had taken in requesting their attendance at his own house, but his respectable friend, Mr. Ponsonby, having made over to him the lead of the Party upon this occasion, he thought it most in form to do so. The task he had undertaken was one of some difficulty, and if he could collect the sense of the meeting, he was sure it would be of the greatest use to him. His intention, as far as he had considered the subject, was to move for the appointment of a Parliamentary Commission, with full powers to make such reductions in every part of our military establishments as they might think proper; and if he succeeded in carrying this motion, of which, however, a fuller attendance on this occasion would have given more sanguine hopes, he should move that it

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