the Ponsonby, and many quarrels arose about the future distribution of their captured booty. On the evening of the 20th, as they were standing on under easy sail, the Methuen, an empty vessel, leading the way, the Broom fire-ship insisted upon running in to blow up Fort Regent: the Ponsonby flag-ship remonstrated against the attempt, alleging that they should only lose time by it; that the defences of Fort Regent were strong, and they were sure of being repulsed; that it would create an alarm, and raise the country people against them; and that it would be better to wait till they had got possession of Treasury Harbour, and then they might demolish Fort Regent at their leisure. The Broom, however, relying upon her store of combustibles, and particularly the quantity of brimstone she had taken on board, disobeyed orders, and setting all sail, stood right in upon Fort Regent, blazing away on all sides. It was soon observed, however, that her fire was ill directed, and that more of her shot hit her friends than the Fort, and the rest of the fleet therefore hauled off, and stood aloof from her, contenting themselves with cheering her as she bore down in her attack. The mistake made by the Broom now became manifest: a tremendous cannonade was opened upon her; she tried to manœuvre to get out again, but failed; she missed stays, and mismanaged her royals, and she was soon so dreadfully cut up that she lay like a log upon the water. At this time a fresh fire was opened upon her flank by the Martello tower on the Banks, supported by a detachment from the Saintes, and this completely silenced her. The night was now so far advanced as to put an end to the engagement. The Broom was now seen lying in a pitiable condition. Her friends, however, determined to make an attempt to get her off, and about five in the afternoon, the Ponsonby sheerhulk, and the Tierney hired trader, accompanied by the Bennet convict-ship, and the Gordon bumboat, came down into St. Stephen's Bay, in order to try to tow her out. The Broom, however, would not answer the helm, was found quite unmanageable, and although she seemed to float for a moment, yet a well-directed fire, which was instantly poured into her from Castle-Ray, laid her upon her beam ends again. What is now to become of her we have no means of guessing; whether they will attempt to get her under way with a jury rigging, or appropriate her to the press, we know not. It seems certain that all the captains of the other ships would object to her ever being again brought forward in the line of battle. THE TRIAL OF HENRY BROUGHAM FOR MUTINY. SITTINGS BEFORE LORD GRENVILLE AND A SPECIAL JURY OF THE WHIG CLUB. HENRY BROUGHAM was indicted, in the usual form, on the three following counts: Ist. That the said Henry Brougham hath, on sundry occasions, treated with disrespect the rightful and legitimate Leader of the Party, viz. the Right Honourable George Ponsonby, contrary to good manners, and the said George, his place and dignity. 2dly, That he, the said Henry Brougham, hath, at sundry times, made divers propositions or motions, without having communicated the same to the Right Honourable George Ponsonby, such conduct being contrary to the Rules and Regulations of the Party-disrespectful to the Right Honourable George Ponsonby, and unbecoming the character of a Member of Opposition. 3dly, That he, the said Henry Brougham, did, on or about the 29th March, declare to a Member of Parliament, that it was his opinion that the Right Honourable George Ponsonby was " an old woman," or words to that effect. The charges being distinctly read by Sir W. W. Wynne, the Prisoner pleaded not guilty. Counsel for the prosecution, Sir Arthur Pigott; Mr. Charles Wynne. For the Prisoner, Mr. Abercrombie; Mr. Bennet; Mr. Lambton. Sir A. P. opened the case in a short speech of about two hours and a half, in which he took occasion, as explanatory of the present charge, to read the Annual Mutiny Bill verbatim, and to insist on |