페이지 이미지


Q. Do of the least use to any Party? A. Yes-of the greatest use to the Party he opposes. (A laugh.)

I consider the Prisoner at the Bar to be

Q. Have Members of the Opposition complained to you of the conduct of the Prisoner? A. Frequently.

Q. Have the goodness to name one? A. Peg Wharton.

Q. What was Mr. Wharton's observation on the Prisoner? A. He said he thought he was a cursed bore, or something to that effect, and that he could not understand him.

Q. Do you recollect any other? A. Yes-Mr. Plumer.

Q. Did Mr. Plumer make any comment or critique upon the Prisoner? A. He said he was a d-d long-winded Lawyer," and repeated the same thing fifty times over.

Q. What do you mean? was it Mr. Plumer or the Prisoner who repeated the same thing fifty times over? A. Both.

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Sir A. PIGOTT observed, that he should now proceed to establish the 3d charge against the Prisoner -namely, that he had called Mr. Ponsonby" an old woman." He observed, that this charge would rest on the evidence of an informer-admitted this was always suspicious evidence-but strongly urged that it was not to be always and altogether refused. He called the Hon. Frederic Douglas.

The Hon, Frederic Douglas.

Q. You are an independent man, I believe, Mr. Douglas? A. I am.

Q. You are in the habit of conversing indiscriminately with men of all political parties? A. I am.

Q. And each man with whom you converse would suppose you to belong to the same party to which he himself belongs? A. Of course-if he did not know me.

Q. Have you ever conversed with the Prisoner at the Bar? A. 1 have.

Q. On what occasion? A. The Prisoner had made a speech, which I understood as an attack on a Great Person, and I told him I thought it was a fine speech.

Q. What answer did the Prisoner make? A. He said, It was a very fine speech.

Q. Did you make any other observation? A. I said, I thought he (the Prisoner) ought to be Leader; and asked him, in confidence, what he thought of Mr. Ponsonby.

Q. What did he answer? A. He said Mr. Porsonby was an old woman, and ought to be turned to the right about.

Cross-examined by Mr. Abercrombie.

Mr. Abercrombie.-Put down your hat, Sir, and answer my questions.

Q. You have had the good fortune, I believe, Mr. Douglas, to have belonged to every party in the State? A. I cannot quite say that-I have not

been long in public life, but I have been tolerably indiscriminate in my connexions.

Q. You told the Prisoner that you wished to see him Leader? A. I did.

Q. Now I ask you, upon your oath, whether you did not tell Mr. Vansittart that you thought him a mischievous firebrand? A. I did, but that was last Session.

Q. Has any inducement been held out to you to inform against the Prisoner? A. I do not understand the question.

Q. I ask you, upon your oath, whether you expect any advantage from informing against the Prisoner? A. (after some pause) I do not.

Q. You have no promise or expectation of place or preferment held out to you by the Prosecutor or his friends? A. I do not deny that I have an expectation or promise.

Q. Then I ask the witness how he dare affirm that he expects no advantage from the information.

he has given? A. I beg to state, that I see no inconsistency at all. I have a promise, but little or no expectation; every body knows that promises of this nature are not always fulfilled.

Q. What place were you promised? A. Clerk of the Kitchen.

Q. Was that the place you applied for? A. No, I wished to be Secretary of State.

Q. What answer was made to this wish? A. That there were already sixteen candidates for Secretaryships of State, (exclusive of Mr. B. Gordon, and Mr. P. Moore) and that I had no chance.

Case for the prosecution closed.

The Prisoner attempted to set up an alibi, by the waiter of the Exchequer Coffee-house, but failed, it being clearly proved that he had spoken thirty-two times, on the night on which he alleged he was absent from the House.

Several witnesses to character were called.

Messrs. Creevey, Cochrane and Cobbett, General

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