
first entertain a ludicrous notion that he was recommending the hat to the Speaker, and exhorting him to purchase it.

I must now bid thee farewell, but I have much more to communicate to thee.

Thy Friend,




5, Bearbinder-lane, 10th day of 5th month.

WORTHY TOBIAS, -In my last I expounded unto

thee, with what skill I could command, the characters of most of the persons in the Parliament House, who go by the name of the Opposition-insomuch that I have little more at this present writing to impart to thee on that head.

It seemeth good that I should now present unto thee some information regarding the nature of the business upon which the said Parliament House and the Members thereof are ordinarily engaged. Upon the table of the House there lieth a sort of ledger or entry book, in the which a Member purposing to propound any matter inscribeth it beforehand, that due notice may be had thereof. By the favour of Martin, I have procured a sight of this valuable register or record; and shall, for the better edification and induction into the mysteries of the legislation of this people, indulge thee with certain transcripts thereof. And let me first premise unto thee, that in many cases the precise nature of the business is not easily to be comprehended (by a stranger at least) from the entry thereof in the book.


Nor can I well translate unto thee what is signified by such terms as these: "Scotch Hawkers bill, 2d time;"" Co. Sugar Mistake bill;"" Irish Vermin, 3d time;"" Madder explanation bill, Rep.;" " British White Herring bill Co." - In most cases, however, the entry is sufficiently clear to shew to thee the object of the mover, as he is called, because when he riseth to speak he putteth himself into a great deal of motion, and generally also moveth several members to depart; and by frequent attention to the purport of the notices each man giveth, thou mayest judge of his capacity and public conduct. From this entry-book I surmise that there is not a man who hath more real business to transact than the little Irishman, of whom I spoke in my last, and who is so well respected by both parties that he is commonly called the worthy Baronet; wherein his worthiness above his fellows consists I have not satisfied myself, but suspect it is his great good humour and pleasant temper. He hath at the present time 33 entries or notices on the book, and of the great moment thereof to the State thou mayest judge for thyself from the following examples:

"Notice. Tuesday, May 23.

"Sir John Newport-To move for a Copy of the Commission of Thady Doyle, a supernumerary gauger; and a Copy of all Correspondence between the Excise Board in Ireland and any supernumerary gauger, on the subject of the illicit distillation of aniseed water, since the Union with this country."

"Ditto-To refer for the opinion of the twelve Judges the Petition of Michael Kenny, of the city of Waterford, merchant and huckster, complaining of a surcharge of 3s. 9d. Irish currency."

"Wednesday, May 24.

"Ditto-Bill to abolish the Office of Crier of the Justiciary Court of Scotland, and to carry the net emolument of the said Office to the account of the Commissioners for Draining the Bog of Allen."

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"Ditto-To appoint a Commission under the Sign Manual, to enquire whether the Isle of Man is, according to the Articles of Union, a part of Ireland or of Great Britain; and to move for a return of the duties on wrought plate and jewels, imported from the said Island into the port of London, in the last year."

I shall now proceed with a transcript of divers other motions and notices, likewise of great im

portance, and very praiseworthy in the gentlemen who introduce the same :

"MR. PETER MOORE-An Act to abolish the River Thames, and to substitute instead thereof a canal from Staines to Sheerness, to be called the Royal Clarence Canal."*

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"LORD NUGENT-Motion for the production of all the Logs of H.M. packets Montague and Pelham, since they were launched." "Friday, March 17.

"Ditto-To appoint a committee to inspect all mail bags which may have been conveyed in H. M. packets Montague and Pelham in the years 1809, 1810, 1811, 1812, and 1813."

"Saturday, April 1.

"Ditto-To address H. R. H. the Prince Regent that he will be pleased to appoint Timothy Perring, Esq. late Commander of the Lady Pelham packet, Commander-in-chief of the Chan

nel Fleet."

Wednesday, May 31.

"Ditto-In Supply, to move a sum of 4,3651.7s. 8 d. towards defraying the expenses of printing the papers relative to the Montague and Pelham packets. Also, to move for an account of the number of purser's lanterns supplied to each of H. M. ships or vessels employed on the Halifax, East India, Downs, and other foreign stations."

* Incredible as it may seem, there was a bill of this or a somewhat similar nature introduced by Mr. Moore.-E.

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