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The Viceregal Medical Staff-Their Treatment of Englishwomen's
Constitution-The Mothers of the Harem-Their Knowledge
of Medicine - Their Characters Prince Baksheesh at
Premium- Annals of Egyptian History — Narcotics - Philters
- Their Power Haschachir Its Effects upon the Brain-
When it should be taken - The Hallucinations it produces
Singular Noises-Ringing of Bells-Chanting at a Distance-
- A Lethargy - Konnah Hindu.



Fakir's Weed-Bang-The Turkish Kef-Its Derivation-The
Mothers of the Harem-Efficacy of Ostrich Marrow-Dried
Hippopotamus-Their Fate-The Doctors-Their Skill-The
Hekim Pacha-Their Visits to the Harem-Operations on a
Slave A Slave at the Point of Death-The Italian Doctor-The
Hanem enceinte-The Mother's Anxiety-The Hekim's Tact-
His Reward-Dominoes-H. H. the Grand Pacha Master of the
Ceremonies-The Fantasia-Turkish Songs-The Prince's Ban-
quet His Ikbal Her History—A Visit from Vermin-
Their Abode-The Slave and the Bon-bons-The Prince acts as
Judge The Gourmand-Foot Ball-Where it went to "The
Old Curiosity Shop "-An Exploration-The Curiosities-Old
Clothes-The Wardour Street Vertu Dealer's Show Room in the
Harem-Pictures-China-Clocks-A Miscellaneous Collection
-My Resolve-How prevented-My Impression of Harem Life
-The Eight Young Eunuchs-Their Destination-The Bleating
and Butting of a Ram-The Damage done-H. H. the Prince
becomes an Amateur of the Ring-The Eunuch and his Mother-
My own Reflections

Page 301




AFTER a quick but tempestuous voyage from the busy port of Marseilles, on board the Peleuse, one of the fleetest steamers in the service of the Messageries Impériales, I arrived in the land of the Pharaohs, at the harbour of Alexandria, in the month of April, 186—. proceeded to the Peninsular and Oriental Hotel, where I took up my quarters for a few days. As a host of travellers have minutely, but yet not, according to my impressions, very accurately described that Liverpool of Egypt, Alexandria for Egypt as it was and Egypt as it is are vastly different-nevertheless, I shall not attempt to give any topographical account

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of that wonderfully improving country and its ancient capital, the whole length and breadth of which I was enabled to traverse during my residence with the viceregal family.

H. H. the Viceroy's reputed agent in London had, to use mercantile phraseology, consigned me, "bag and baggage," to the care of an eminent banking firm at Alexandria, who are also reported to be associated with H. H. Ismael Pacha in his private capacity as the billioniare Eastern merchant prince.

Upon forwarding my bill of lading—yclept letter of introduction-to Messrs. H. and Co. I received instructions to proceed to Cairo by the express train, and there to report myself, on arrival, to Mr. B. who, independently of being associated with H. H. the Viceroy in mercantile pursuits, also holds the lucrative, yet by no means sinecure, appointments of Keeper of the Privy Purse and Purveyor General of H. H.'s Households; for it must be observed that the Viceroy maintains numerous establishments both at several palaces and harems.

After having visited every nook and corner of "El Iskendereeyeh," I proceeded to the

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