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SCENE L-A chamber in DON LOPEZ's house.


Lop. Was ever man thus plagued? Odsheart, I could swallow my dagger for madness. I know not what to think: sure Frederick had no hand in her escape. She must get out of the window; and she could not do that, without a ladder; and who could bring it to her but him? Ay, it must be so. The dislike he shewed to Don Guzman, in our discourse to-day, confirms my suspicion; and I will charge him home with it. Sure children were given me for a curse! Why, what innumerable misfortunes attend us parents! when we have employed our whole care to educate and bring our children up to years of matu

rity, just when we expect to reap the fruits of our labour, a man shall, in the tinkling of a bell, see one hanged, and t'other whored. This graceless baggage! But I'll to Frederick immediately; I'll take the Alguazil with me, and search his house; and if I find her, I'll use herby St Anthony, I don't know how I'll use her!


SCENE II.-Changes to the Street. Enter COLONEL with ISABELLA's letter in his hand, and GIBBY following.

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Col. Well, though I could not see my fair iucognita, Fortune, to make me amends, has flung another intrigue in my way. Oh, how I love these pretty, kind, coming females, that won't give a man the trouble of racking his invention to deceive them.- -Oh, Portugal! thou dear garden of pleasure--where love drops down his mellow fruit, and every bough bends to our hands, and seems to cry, Come, pull, and eat! how deliciously a man lives here, without fear of the stool of repentance!This letter I received from a lady in a veil- -some duenna, some necessary implement of Cupid, I suppose. The style is frank and easy; I hope, like her that writ it. [Reads.] Sir, I have seen your person, and like it-very concise!' and if you'll meet me at four o'clock in the morning, upon the Terriero de passa, half an hour's conversation will let me into your mind.'-Ha, ha, ha! a philosophical wench! This is the first time I ever knew a woman had any business with the mind of a man! -If your intellects answer your outward appearance, the adventure may not displease you. I expect you'll not attempt to see my face, nor offer any thing unbecoming the gentleman I 'take you for.Humph, the gentleman she takes me for! I hope she takes me to be flesh and blood, and then I'm sure I shall do nothing unbecoming a gentleman. Well, if I must not


see her face, it shall go hard if I don't know where she lives.-Gibby!

Gib. Here, an like honour.


Col. Follow me at a good distance; do you hear, Gibby?

Gib. In troth dee I, weel eneugh, sir.

Col. I am to meet a lady upon the Terriero de passa.

Gib. The deel an mine eyn gin I ken her, sir. Col. But you will, when you come there, sir rah.

Gib. Like eneugh, sir; I have as sharp an eye tull a bonny lass, as ere a lad in aw Scotland. And what mun I dee wi' her, sir?

Col. Why if she and I part, you must watch her home, and bring me word where she lives. Gib. In troth sall I, sir, gin the deel tak her


Col. Come along, then; it is pretty near the time.-I like a woman that rises early to pursue her inclination.

Thus we improve the pleasures of the day, While tasteless mortals sleep their time away. [Exit.

SCENE III.-Changes to FREDERICK's house. Enter INIS and LISSARDO.

Lis. Your lady run away, and you know not whither, say you?

Inis. She never greatly cared for me, after finding you and I together. But you are very grave, methinks, Lissardo.

Lis. [Looking on the ring.] Not at all-I have some thoughts, indeed, of altering my course of living: there is a critical minute in every man's life, which if he can but lay hold of, he may make his fortune.

Inis. Ha! what do I see? a diamond ring! Where the deuce had he that ring?--You have got a very pretty ring there, Lissardo?


Lis. Ay, the trifle is pretty enoughthe lady who gave it to me is a bona roba in beauty, I assure you. [Cocks his hat, and struts. Inis. I can't bear this.——The lady! what lady, pray?

Lis. O fy! there's a question to ask a gentleman!

Inis. A gentleman! why, the fellow's spoiled! Is this your love for me? Ungrateful man! you'll break my heart; so you will. [Bursts into tears. Liss. Poor tender-hearted fool!

Inis. If I knew who gave you that ring, I'd tear her eyes out; so I would.


Lis. So, now, the jade wants a little coaxing. Why, what dost weep for now, my dear? ha! Inis. I suppose Flora gave you that ring; but I'll

Lis. No; the devil take me if she did! you make me swear now. -So, they are all for the ring; but I shall bob them.--I did but joke; the ring is none of mine; it is my master's; I am to give it to be new set, that's all; therefore, pr'ythee, dry thy eyes, and kiss me; come. Enter FLORA.

Inis. And do you really speak truth now? Lis. Why, do you doubt it? Flo. So, so; very well! I thought there was an intrigue between him and Inis, for all he has forsworn it so often. [Aside. since you my name? [Aside. [Kisses her. [Aside.

Inis. Nor ha'nt you seen Flora came to town?

Flo. Ha! how dares she name

Lis. No, by this kiss I ha'nt. Flo. Here's a dissembling varlet! Inis. Nor don't you love her at all? Lis. Love the devil! Why, did I not always tell thee she was my aversion? Flo. Did you so, villain?

[Strikes him a box on the ear. Lis. Zounds, she here! I have made a fine spot of work on't. [Aside. Inis. What's that for? ha! [Brushes up to her. Flo. I shall tell you by and by, Mrs Frippery, if don't get about your business. you

Inis. Who do you call Frippery, Mrs Trollop? -Pray get about your business, if you go to that. I hope you pretend to no right and title here?

Lis. What the devil! do they take me for an acre of land, that they quarrel about right and title to me? Aside.

Flo. Pray, what right have you, mistress, to ask that question?

Inis. No matter for that; I can show a better title to him than you, I believe.

Flo. What, has he given thee nine months earnest for a living title? ha, ha!

Inis. Don't fling your flaunting jests to me, Mrs Boldface, for I won't take them, I assure


Lis. So now I am as great as the famed Alexander. But, my dear Statira and Roxana, don't exert yourselves so much about me. Now, I fancy if you would agree lovingly together, I might, in a modest way, satisfy both your demands upon me.

Flo. You satisfy! No, sirrah; I am not to be satisfied so soon as you think, perhaps.

Inis. No, nor I, neither.-What! do you make no difference between us?

Flo. You pitiful fellow you! What! you fancy, I warrant, I gave, myself the trouble of dogging you out of love to your filthy person; but you are mistaken, sirrah-it was to detect your treachery.- -How often have you sworn to me, that you hated Inis, and only carried fair for the good cheer she gave you; but that you could never like a woman with crooked legs, you said?


Inis. How, how, sirrah? crooked legs! Ods, I could find in my heart

[Snatching up her petticoat a little. Lis. Here's a lying young jade now! pr'ythee, my dear, moderate thy passion. [Coaringly. Inis. I'd have you to know, sirrah, my legs were never- -Your master, I hope, understands legs better than you do, sirrah. [Passionately. Lis. My master! SO, so! [Shaking his head, and winking. Flo. I am glad I have done some mischief, however. [Aside.

Lis. [To INIS.] Art thou really so foolish to mind what an enraged woman says? Don't you see she does it on purpose to part you and I?— [Runs to FLORA]. Could not you find the joke, without putting yourself in a passion, you silly girl you? Why, I saw you follow us plain enough, mun, and said all this, that you might not go back with only your labour for your pains.-But you are a revengeful young slut though, I tell you that; but come, kiss and be friends.

Flo. Don't think to coax me; hang your


Fel. [Within.] Lissardo!

Lis. Ods-heart, here's my master! The devil take both these jades for me! What shall I do with them?

Inis. Ha! 'tis Don Felix's voice! I would not have him find me here with his footman for the world. Aside.

Fel. [Within.] Why, Lissardo, Lissardo!
Lis. Coming sir. What a pox will you do!
Flo. Bless me, which way shall I get out?

Lis. Nay, nay, you must e'en set your quarrel aside, and be content to be mewed up in this clothes-press together, or stay where you are and face it out-there is no help for it.

Flo. Put me any where rather than that; come, come; let me in.

[He opens the press, and she goes in. Inis. I'll see her hanged before I'll go into the place where she is.-I'll trust fortune with my deliverance. Here us'd to be a pair of back stairs, I'll try to find them out. [Exit INIS.

Enter FELIX and FREDERICK. Fel. Was you asleep, sirrab, that you did not hear me call?

Lis. I did hear you, and answered you coming, sir.

I was

Fel. Go, get the horses ready; I'll leave Lisbon to-night, never to see it more.

Lis. Hey-day! what's the matter now?

[Erit LISSARDO. Fred. Pray, tell me, Don Felix, what has ruffled your temper thus?

Fel. A woman-Oh, friend! who can name woman, and forget inconstancy!

Fred. This, from a person of mean education, were excuseable; such low suspicions have their source from vulgar conversation; men of your

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politer taste never rashly censure.-Come, this is some groundless jealousy.—Love raises many fears.

Fel. No, no; my ears conveyed the truth into my heart, and reason justifies my anger. Oh, my friend! Violante's false, and I have nothing left but thee in Lisbon which can make me wish ever to see it more, except revenge upon my rival, of whom I'm ignorant. Oh, that some miracle would reveal him to me, that I might, through his heart, punish her infidelity!


my reputation, I have not seen Donna Isabella since the absence of Don Felix.

Lop. Then pray, sir-if I am not too inquisitive, what motive had you for those objections you made against her marriage with don Guzman yesterday?

Fred. The disagreeableness of such a match, I feared, would give your daughter cause to curse her duty, if she complied with your demands; that was all, my lord.

Lop. And so you helped her through the window, to make her disobey?

Fel. Ha, my sister gone! Oh, scandal to our

Lis. Oh, sir! here's your father, Don Lopez, blood! coming up.

Fel. Does he know that I am here?

Fred. This is insulting me, my lord, when I assure you I have neither seen nor know any Lis. I can't tell, sir: he ask'd for Don Frede- thing of your daughter.--If she is gone, the rick. contrivance was her own, and you may thank Fred. Did he see you? your rigour for it.

Lis. I believe not, sir; for as soon as I saw him I ran back to give my master notice.

Fel. Keep out of his sight then-and dear Frederick, permit me to retire into the next room; for I know the old gentleman will be very much displeased at my return without his leave. [Exit FELIX.

Fred. Quick, quick; begone, he is here.

Enter Don LOPEZ, speaking as he enters. Lop. Mr Alguazil, wait you without, till I call for you. Frederick, an affair brings me herewhich requires privacy-so that, if you have any body within ear-shot, pray order them to retire.


Fred. We are private, my lord; speak freely. Lop. Why then, sir, I must tell you, that had better have pitched upon any man in Portugal to have injured than myself.

Fel. [Peeping.] What means my father? Fred. I understand you not, my lord. Lop. Though I am old, I have a son-Alas! why name I him? He knows not the dishonour of my house.

Fel. I am confounded! The dishonour of his house!

Fred. Explain yourself, my lord: I am not conscious of any dishonourable action to any man, much less to your lordship.

Lop. 'Tis false; you have debauched my daughter.

Fel. Debauched my sister! impossible! he could not, durst not, be that villain.

Fred. My lord, I scorn so foul a charge. Lop. You have debauched her duty at least; therefore, instantly restore her to me, or, by St Anthony, I'll make you.

Fred. Restore her, my lord! where shall I find her?

Lop. I have those that will swear she is here

in your house.

Fel. Ha! in this house?

Lop. Very well, sir; however, my rigour shall make bold to search your house. Here, call in the Alguazil

Flo. [Peeping.] The Alguazil! What, in the name of wonder, will become of me? Fred. The Alguazil! My lord, you'll repent


[blocks in formation]

Alg. How, sir! dare you presume to draw your sword upon the representative of majesty? I am, sir, I am his majesty's alguazil, and the very quintessence of authority-therefore, put up your sword, or I shall order you to be knocked down-for know, sir, the breath of an alguazil is as dangerous as the breath of a demiculverin.

Lop. She is certainly in that room, by his guarding the door. If he disputes your authority, knock him down, I say.

Fred. I shall shew you some sport first. The woman you look for is not here; but there is something in this room which I'll preserve from your sight at the hazard of my life.

Lop. Enter, I say; nothing but my daughter can be there. Force his sword from him.

[FELIX comes out, and joins FREDERICK. Fel. Villains, stand off! assassinate a man in his own house!

Lop. Oh, oh, misericordia! what do I see?

my son!

Alg. Ha, his son! Here's five hundred pounds

Fred. You are misinformed, my lord! Upon good, my brethren, if Antonio dies; and that's in

the surgeon's power-and he's in love with my daughter, you know-so seize him-Don Felix, I command you to surrender yourself into the hands of justice, in order to raise me and my posterity; and, in consideration you lose your head to gain me five hundred pounds, I'll have your generosity recorded on your tombstone-at my own proper cost and charge-I hate to be ungrateful.

Lop. Hold, hold! Oh that ever I was born! Fred. Did I not tell you, you would repent, my lord? What, hoa! within there.

Enter Servants.

Arm yourselves, and let not a man in nor out but Felix.

Fel. Generous Frederick!

Fred. Look ye, alguazil, when you would betray my friend for filthy lucre, I shall no more regard you as an officer of justice, but, as a thief and robber, thus resist you.

Fel. Come on, sir; we'll shew you play for the five hundred pounds.

watch my rival, and pursue my sister. Prithee, Frederick, inform thyself of the truth of this report.

Fred. I will, this minute. Do you hear? let nobody in to Don Felix till my return.

[Exit FRED. Vas. I'll observe, sir. [Exit VAS. Flo. [Peeping.] They have almost frighted me out of my wits, I'm sure. Now Felix is alone, I

have a good mind to pretend I came with a message from my lady; but how then shall I say I came into the cupboard?

Enter VASQUEZ, seeming to oppose the entrance of somebody.

Vas. I tell you, madam, Don Felix is not here. Vio. [Within.] I tell you, sir, he is here, and I will see him.

Fel. What noise is that?

Vio. [Breaking in] You are as difficult of access, sir, as a first minister of state. Flo. My stars, my lady here !


[Shuts the close. Fel. If your visit was designed for Frederick, madam, he is abroad.

Vio. No, sir, the visit is to you.
Fel. You are very punctual in your ceremo-

Alg. Fall on; seize the money, right or wrong, ye rogues. [They fight. Lop. Hold, hold, alguazil! I'll give you the five hundred pounds, that is, my bond to pay upon Antonio's death, and twenty pistoles, how-nies, madam. ever things go, for you and these honest fellows to drink my health.

Alg. Say you so, my lord? Why look ye, my lord; I bear the young gentleman no ill will, my lord. If I get but the five hundred pounds, my lord why look ye, my lord; 'tis the same thing to me, whether your son be hanged or not, my lord.

Fel. Scoundrels!

Lop. Aye, well, thou art a good-natured fellow, that's the truth on't. Come, then, we'll to the tavern, and sign and seal this minute. Oh, Felix! why wouldst thou serve me thus? But I cannot upbraid thee now, nor have I time to talk. Be careful of thyself, or thou wilt break my heart.

[Exeunt LOPEZ, alguazil, and attendants. Fel. Now, Frederick, though I ought to thank you for your care of me, yet till I am satisfied as to my father's accusation, for I overheard it all, I can't return the acknowledgments I owe you. Know you aught relating to my sister?

Fred. I hope my faith and truth are known to you- -and here, by both I swear, I am ignorant of every thing relating to your father's charge.

Fel. Enough, I do believe thee. Oh Fortune! where will thy malice end?


Vas. Sir, I bring you joyful news.

Fel. What's the matter?

Vio. Though I did not come to return your visit, but to take that which your civility ought to have brought me.

Fel. If my eyes, my ears, and my understanding lied, then I am in your debt; else not,


Vio. I will not charge them with a term so gross, to say they lied; but call it a mistake; nay, call it any thing to excuse my Felix. Could I, think ye, could I put off my pride so far, poorly to dissemble a passion which I did not feel, or seek a reconciliation with what I did not love? Do but consider, if I had entertained another, should I not rather embrace this quarrel, pleased with the occasion that rid me of your visits, and gave me freedom to enjoy the choice which you think I have made? Have I any interest in thee but my love? or am I bound by aught but inclination to submit and follow thee?-No law, whilst single, binds us to obeybut your sex are, by nature and education, obliged to pay a deference to all womankind."

Fel. These are fruitless arguments. 'Tis most certain thou wert dearer to these eyes than all that Heaven e'er gave to charm the sense of man; but I would rather tear them out than suffer them to delude ny reason and enslave my peace.

Vio. Can you love without esteem? and where is the esteem for her you still suspect? Oh, Felix, there is a delicacy in love, which equals even

Vas. I am told that Don Antonio is out of a religious faith! True love never doubts the obdanger, and now in the palace.

ject it adores, and sceptics there will disbelieve

Fel. I wish it be true; then I'm at liberty to their sight.

Fel. Your notions are too refined for mine, I not leave me! No, she is not false—at least



How now, sirrah, what do you want?

my love now represents her true, because I fear to lose her. Ha! villain, art thou here?—[Turns upon LISSARDO.]-Tell me, this moment, who this woman was, and for what intent she was here

Vas. Only my master's cloak out of this press, concealed-orsir; that's all.

Fel. Make haste, then.

Vas. [Opens the press, sees FLORA, and roars out.] Oh, the devil, the devil!


Flo. Discovered! nay, then, legs befriend me.

[Exit. [Runs out.

Lis. Aye, good sir! forgive me, and I'll tell you the whole truth. [Falls on his knees. Fel. Out with it, then

Lis. It, it, it was Mrs Flora, sir, Donna Violante's woman. You must know, sir, we have had a sneaking kindness for one another a great

Vio. Ha! a woman concealed! very well, Fe-while-She was not willing you should know it;

Fel. A woman in the press!


How the devil came a woman there, sirrah?
Lis. What shall I say now?

Vio. Now, Lissardo, shew your wit to bring your master off.

Lis. Off, madam- -Nay, nay, nay-there, there needs no great wit to, to, to bring them off, madain; for she did, and she did not come, as, as, as, a, a, a, man may say directly to, to, to, to, to speak with my master, madam.

Vio. I see by your stammering, Lissardo, that your invention is at a very low ebb.

Fel. 'Sdeath! rascal, speak without hesitation, and the truth, too, or I shall stick my spado in your guts.

Vio. No, no; your master mistakes; he would not have you speak the truth.

Fel. Madam, my sincerity wants no excuse. Lis. I am so confounded between one and the other, that I cannot think of a lie. [Aside.

Fel. Sirrah, fetch me this woman back instantly-I'll know what business she has here.

Vio. Not a step; your master shall not be put to the blush. Come, a truce, Felix. Do you ask me no more questions about the window, and I'll forgive this.

Fel. I scorn forgiveness, where I own no crime; but your soul, conscious of its guilt, would fain Jay hold of this occasion, to blend your treason with my innocence.

Vio. Insolent! Nay, if, instead of owning your fault, you endeavour to insult my patience, I must tell you, sir, you don't behave yourself like that man of honour you would be taken for; you ground your quarrel with me upon your own inconstancy; 'tis plain you are false yourself, and would make me the aggressor. It was not for nothing the fellow opposed my entrance. This last usage has given me back my liberty; and now iny father's will shall be obeyed, without the least reluctance; and so your servant.

[Exit VIOLANTE. Fel. Oh, stubborn, stubborn heart! what wilt thou do? Her father's will shall be obeyed! Ha! that carries her to a cloister, and cuts off all my hopes at once. By Heaven, she shall not, must

so, when she heard your voice, she ran into the clothes-press. I would have told you this at first, but I was afraid of her lady's knowing it. This is the truth, as I hope for a whole skin, sir.

Fel. If it be not, I'll not leave you a whole bone in it, sirrah. Fly, and observe if Violante goes directly home.

Lis. Yes, sir, yes.

Fel. Fly, you dog, fly!-[Erit LISSARDO.]I must convince her of my faith. Oh, how irresolute is a lover's heart! My resentment cooled, when hers grew high-nor can I struggle longer with my fate; I cannot quit her; no, I cannot, so absolute a conquest has she gained. How absolute is woman's power!

In vain we strive their tyranny to quit,
In vain we struggle, for we must submit.

[blocks in formation]

Col. Then you say it is impossible for me to wait on you home, madam?

Isa. I say it is inconsistent with my circumstances, colonel-and, that way, impossible for me to admit of it.

Col. Consent to go with me, then. I lodge at one Don Frederick's, a merchant, just by here.He is a very honest fellow, and I dare confide in his secrecy.

Isa. Ha! does he lodge there? Pray Heaven I am not discovered!

[Aside. Col. What say you, my charmer? Shall we breakfast together? I have some of the best te in the universe.

Isa. Puh! tea! is that the best treat you can give a lady at your lodgings, colonel ?

Col. Well hinted--No, no, no; I have other things at thy service, child.

Isa. What are those things, pray?

Col. My heart, soul, and body, into the bar


Isa. Has the last no incumbrance upon it? can you make a clear title, colonel?

Col. All freehold, child, and I'll afford thee a very good bargain. [Embraces her. Gib. O'my saul, they mak muckle words about

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