Classical ElectrodynamicsJohn Wiley & Sons, 1998. 8. 14. - 832ÆäÀÌÁö Ein Klassiker im neuen Gewand! Diese Neuauflage behandelt in bekannter verständlicher und umfassender Weise alle Grundlagen und fortgeschrittenen Aspekte der klassischen und semiklassischen Elektrodynamik und wurde darüber hinaus um die Neuheiten der vergangenen zwanzig Jahre - Synchrotronstrahlung, Undulatoren, Wiggler,... - ergänzt. Ebenfalls besprochen werden die Grundgedanken numerischer Methoden der Elektrostatik und Magnetostatik, so da©¬ der Leser die theoretische Basis einschlägiger Computerprogramme verstehen lernt. (01/99) |
Contents | 1 |
Introduction to Electrostatics | 24 |
I | 57 |
II | 95 |
Yim¥è ¥Õ | 107 |
Multipoles Electrostatics of Macroscopic Media | 145 |
Magnetostatics Faradays Law QuasiStatic Fields | 174 |
with an Asymptotically Uniform Tangential Magnetic Field | 203 |
Scattering and Diffraction | 456 |
Special Theory of Relativity | 514 |
The Darwin Lagrangian | 596 |
Collisions Energy Loss and Scattering of Charged Particles | 624 |
Radiation by Moving Charges | 661 |
Bremsstrahlung Method of Virtual Quanta | 708 |
Radiation Damping Classical Models | 745 |
Appendix on Units and Dimensions | 775 |
Maxwell Equations Macroscopic Electromagnetism | 237 |
Plane Electromagnetic Waves and Wave Propagation | 295 |
Waveguides Resonant Cavities and Optical Fibers | 352 |
Radiating Systems Multipole Fields and Radiation | 407 |
785 | |
791 | |
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4-vector amplitude angle angular distribution angular momentum approximation atomic axis Bessel functions boundary conditions calculation Chapter charge density charge q charged particle classical coefficients collision components conductor constant coordinates cross section current density cylinder d©øx defined dielectric dielectric constant diffraction dimensions dipole direction discussed electric and magnetic electric field electromagnetic fields electron electrostatic energy loss expansion expression finite Fourier frequency given Green function incident integral linear Lorentz transformation macroscopic magnetic field magnetic induction Maxwell equations mc©÷ modes motion multipole multipole expansion multipole moments nonrelativistic optical parameter photon Phys plane wave point charge polarization Problem propagation radiation radius relativistic rest frame result scalar scattering Show shown in Fig solution spectrum sphere spherical surface tensor theorem transverse unit vanishes vector potential velocity wave number waveguide wavelength zero ¥ì¥ï