페이지 이미지


Management is a compilation of references to unclassified reports and periodical articles on the subject of management that may be found in the NASA scientific and technical information system. The publication assembles groups of citations formerly announced in separate journals, Scientific and Technical Aerospace Reports (STAR) and International Aerospace Abstracts (IAA), to provide management with a convenient information tool.

The first issue (NASA SP-7500) covered material generated or sponsored by NASA during the period 1962 through 1967. The present issue covers the same period but the references are to material generated or sponsored by agencies other than NASA. As before, the selection of items for reannouncement was made on the basis of general interest, usefulness and applicability, but is by no means exhaustive.

For greater convenience the selected items are grouped in nine categories. These are shown in the table of contents with appropriate scope notes. The categories bear no relationship to those in STAR and IAA but have been specially chosen for this publication. Three indexes are provided-subject, personal author, and corporate source.

Items concerning management in the fields of reliability and quality assurance have for the most part been excluded. Such items appear in Reliability Abstracts and Technical Reviews (RATR), a monthly journal prepared for NASA by the Research Triangle Institute, Durham, North Carolina.

Many of the abstracts included in Management have been reproduced from those appearing in STAR and IAA. This procedure, adopted in the interests of economy, has introduced some variation in size, style, and intensity of type.


STAR Entries

Department of Defense documents (identified by the "AD" number in the citation) are available without charge to U.S. Government-sponsored research and development activities from the Defense Documentation Center (DDC), Cameron Station, Alexandria, Virginia 22314. Department of Defense documents are not available from NASA.

Other non-NASA documents are provided by NASA without charge only to NASA Offices, Centers, contractors, subcontractors, grantees, and consultants. Foreign non-copyrighted documents will be provided to U.S. Government Agencies and their contractors.

Documents that have been placed on microfiche (a transparent sheet of film, approximately 4x6" in size, capable of containing an orderly arrangement of 60 or more pages of information reduced to micro images) are identified with the symbol #. Microfiche are available on the same basis as hard copy.

The public may purchase many of the documents listed from either of the following sales agencies, as specifically identified in the citations.

Clearinghouse for Federal Scientific

and Technical Information (CFSTI), Springfield, Virginia 22151

Superintendent of Documents

U.S. Government Printing Office (GPO)
Washington, D.C. 20502

Documents available from CFSTI are sold in hard copy and microfiche form. If a printed hard copy is not available, a facsimile copy is provided. The symbols "HC" and "MF" are used in the abstract section to designate the copy available: "HC" (hard copy) for full size or facsimile; "MF" for microfiche. A unit price policy has been established by CFSTI: $3.00 for printed hard copy or facsimile copy: $0.65 for microfiche.

Documents not available from either of the sales agencies identified above may be requested by writing to the source or other information systems. Bibliographic information, e.g., report number, etc., rather than the NASA accession number (i.e., N67-12345) should always be provided when requesting such a document from its source.

IAA Entries


All cited documents are available from the AIAA Technical Information Service as

Paper copies are available at $3.00 per document up to a maximum of 20 pages. The charge for each additional page is $0.25.

Microfiche are available at the rate of $0.50 per microfiche for documents identified by the symbol # following the accession number.

A number of publications, because of their special characteristics, are available only for reference in the AIAA Technical Information Service Library.

Minimum air-mail postage to foreign countries is $1.00.

Please refer to the accession number, e.g., A67-12345, when requesting documents. Address all inquiries and requests to:

Technical Information Service

American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Inc.

750 Third Avenue

New York, N. Y. 10017


Copies of Management, NASA SP-7500 and SP-7500(02), can be obtained from NASA (Code USS-A), without charge, by NASA offices and contractors, U.S. Government agencies and their contractors, and organizations that are working in direct support of NASA programs.

Other organizations can purchase copies of the survey from the Clearinghouse for Federal Scientific and Technical Information, Springfield, Virginia 22151.


Subject Categories

Abstracts in the survey are grouped under the following categories:

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