페이지 이미지

dgetary reserve for routine financial administration, April 1972—


[In thousands of dollars]

nd Plant Health Service_____

nount is in excess of current estimate of 1972 needs. s will be apportioned, if needed, for animal and pest

e Administration:

nd self-help housing grants__.

t shown here is in excess of current estimates of 1972 conditions change and the funds are needed, apporbe made.

an account (farm operating loans limitation) __

at reflects balances of loan authority now held pending ration of the need for funds.

d Marketing Service:

er protective marketing, and regulatory programs_--mounts shown here is in excess of 1972 needs. If condis change and funds are needed, apportionments will be le.

ole Commodities Act Fund___

mounts shown here is in excess of current estimates 1972 needs. If conditions change and the funds are ded, apportionments will be made.


protection and utilization:


2, 049


49, 453



operative range improvement---


Amount shown here is in excess of current estimates of
2 needs. If conditions change and the funds are needed,
portionments will be made.
Conservation Corps----

1, 730

These funds will be release later for the fiscal year 1973
rtion of the calendar year summer program.
roads and trails---

Reserve reflects amount of available contract authority
ove the obligation program that was approved and fi-
nced by the appropriation Congress enacted to liquidate
e obligations.

ses, brush disposal____.

Amount shown here is in excess of current estimates of 72 needs. If conditions change and the funds are needed, >portionments will be made.

Fire Prevention___

Amount shown here is in excess of current estimates of 72 needs. If conditions change and the funds are needed, oportionments will be made.

it of Commerce:

9th Decennial Census_.

402, 040

13, 803


u of the Census:

11, 028

These funds are to be used for printing costs and will be pportioned when needed for this purpose.

nal Action Planning Commissions:

nal Action Planning Commissions_.


Funds will be released when Mississippi Valley Regional 'ommission is formed.

otion of industry and commerce:

rade adjustment assistance (financial assistance).


ount shown here is in excess of current estimates of 1972

5, 446

. If conditions change and the funds are needed, apportion3 will be made.

-American Cultural and Trade Center___.

nds will be released when plans for participation in U.S. tennial are completed and approved.

TABLE A.-Budgetary reserve for routine financial administration, April 197


[In thousands of dollars]

National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration:
Research, development, and facilities___

These funds are for disaster relief to fisheries. Apportionment awaits arrival of contingencies under which the funds must, by statute, be made available.

Research, development. and facilities: (special foreign currency program).

Apportionment awaits development of research contracts with foreign organizations.

Promote and develop fishery products and research pertaining to American fisheries___

Amount shown here is in excess of current estimates of 1972 needs. If conditions change and the funds are needed, apportionments will be made.

National Bureau of Standards:

Plant and facilities___

Funds are for a new laboratory now in the planning stage. Apportionment awaits development of approved plans and specifications.

Department of Defense-Military Shipbuilding and conversion____ For use in subsequent years; these projects are fully funded when appropriated.

Other procurement programs--

Military construction and family housing__


1, 49

1,388, 94

21, 02

For use in subsequent years; these projects are fully funded when appropriated.

302, 602

Apportionment awaits development by the agency of approved plans and specifications.

Civil defense programs--

1, 080

Amount is in excess of currently estimated needs. It will
be used, as needed, in subsequent fiscal years.
Special foreign currency program---.

4, 903

Apportionment awaits development by the agency of approved plans and specifications.

Department of Defense-Civil Corps of Engineers:
Construction, general: Lafayette Lake, Ind___


Funds are being held in reserve because of local opposition to initiation of construction of the project. Lukfata Lake, Oklahoma__


Funds are being held in reserve because the State of
Oklahoma is considering designating one of the streams to
be inundated as a wild and scenic stream.
New York Harbor Collection and Removal of Drift.


Funds are being held in reserve because, although the project has been authorized by the Congress for initiation and partial accomplishment, initiation of construction must await approval of the Secretary of the Army and the President. The Secretary of the Army has neither approved the project nor sent the project report to the President.

Panama Canal Government: Capital outlays..


Under a proposal now pending before the Congress, these fiscal year 1972 funds will be combined with the 1973 appropriation for the purchase of major items of capital equipment. Wildlife conservation___.


Includes estimated receipts not needed for current year program. Will be used in subsequent years.

Department of Health, Education, and Welfare:

National Institutes of Health: Buildings and facilities___

Apportionment awaits development by the agency of approved plans and specifications. Construction obligations are to be incurred in subsequent years.


udgetary reserve for routine financial administration, April 1972


[In thousands of dollars]

ducation: School assitance in federally affected areas__ pportionment awaits development by the agency of apved plans and specifications. Construction obligations to be incurred in subsequent years.


.pportionment awaits development by the agency of apved plans and specifications.

onal activities overseas (special foreign currency pro

rtionment of this amount awaits development of ap-
plans and specifications by the agency.
rity Administration: Construction_.

rtionment awaits development of approved plans and
ations by the agency. These plans will depend at least
on the outcome of legislation pending before the Con-
o authorize acquisition of these facilities through pur-
ontracts that will provide for installment payments.
stitutions: Gallaudet College___

part of an appropriation for a national continuing eduprogram for the deaf is being held pending the developof a plan for the effective use of the funds, including neccoordination with the other Federal and non-Federal s that might be involved.

rd University--

ointment of this amount awaits development of ap1 plans and specifications. Construction obligations are ncurred in subsequent years.

'hild Development---.

ortionment of this amount awaits development of ap1 plans and specifications.

nt of Housing and Urban Development:

I cities programs_-_

e 1972 appropriation is available for use in 1972 and 1973;
mount reserved is being allocated among cities to cover
tions to be made early in 1973. Thus, each such city will
in advance a target figure against which to plan.
ent of the Interior:

au of Land Management:

Public lands development, roads and trails-

Reserve reflects amounts of available contract authority bove the obligation program that was approved and fihanced by the appropriation Congress enacted to liquidate he obligations.

au of Indian Affairs: Road construction__
serve reflects amounts of available contract authority
e the obligation program that was approved and financed
he appropriation Congress enacted to liquidate the obliga-

au of Outdoor Recreation: Land and water conservation

nsists of 1972 annual contract authority which the 1973 et shows as not being obligated. This contract authority, h was made available annually through fiscal year 1989 ublic Law 91–308, approved July 7, 1970, is not being used use the Federal agencies purchasing park lands have found al contract authority cumbersome to administer. Instead, prefer ordinary appropriations to finance such land pures and the budget proposes appropriation of the full $300 on annual authorization for the fund, of which about $98 on is for Federal land purchases in 1973.

[blocks in formation]

TABLE A.-Budgetary reserve for routine financial administration, April 1972


[In thousands of dollars]

Department of the Interior-Continued

Bureau of Mines: Drainage of anthracite mines....
Funds are spent on a matching basis with Pennsylvania as
that the State and Department of the Interior develop projects
for this purpose. Apportionment awaits development of ap-
proved plans and specifications.

Bureau of Sports Fisheries and Wildlife: Construction___

Appropriated funds for D.C. Aquarium withheld because authorized facility cannot be constructed within the funding limits established by the authorization.

National Park Service: Parkway and road construction_____. Reserve reflects amounts of available contract authority above the obligation program that was approved and financed by the appropriation Congress enacted to liquidate the obligations.

Bureau of Reclamation: Construction and rehabilitation--

Funds are being held in reserve pending completion and review of the economic restudy to determine the most effective use of funds for the Second Bacon Siphon and Tunnel Unit, Wash.

Operation and maintenance and replacement of project works,

North Platte project----

This amount fulfills the legal requirements for this account of an annually established contingency reserve.

Department of Justice: Federal Prison System: Buildings and facilities

The apportionment awaits development by the affected agency of approved plans and specifications. Department of State:

Education exchange fund (earmarked proceeds of payment by Finland on World War I debt)---

Apportionment awaits development by the agency of specific plans for the exchange of students.

Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs:

International Educational Exchange Activities (special foreign currency program).

Funds represent recent recovery of prior year obligations in excess of current year needs. These funds are expected to be utilized in the future.

Department of Transportation-Coast Guard:


3, 6

9, 07

73, 58

1, 055


4, 299



Acquisition, construction and improvements---.


Funds are for equipment or improvements and will not be needed until construction on seven projects is in an advanced stage. They will be released when needed.

Alteration of bridges__.


Apportionment awaits development of approved plans and specifications.

Retired pay-


Appropriation is in excess of needs due to a lag in voluntary retirements.

Federal Aviation Administration:

Facilities and equipment (Airport and Airway trust fund)___
Grants-in-aid for airports (Airport and Airway trust fund).
Construction, National Capital Airports---
U.S. International Aeronautical Exposition----
Civil Supersonic aircraft development termination____.
Apportionment of the above FAA accounts awaits develop-
ment of approved plans and specifications.

53, 639

56, 458




Igetary reserve for routine financial administration, April 1972-

[In thousands of dollars]

vay Administration: Territorial Highways..
ogram established by the 1970 Highway Act, effective
30, 1970. No appropriation was provided until Au-
, although $4.5 million of contract authority was au-
for each of 1971 and 1972. Territories were not pre-
handle programs and have just begun to organize
and prepare studies for use of the funds. Total ob-
through December 31, 1971, were about $93,000.
ral-aid highways:

(1) 1973 contract authority----.

(2) Remaining balance from prior reductions to meet outlay ceilings and abate inflation__-Transportation Administration:

ass transportation__.

ongress provided a total of $3.1 billion of contract auor the five-year period 1971-1975. Executive Branch iments will result in $1.0 billion of this amount havused by June 30, 1972, another $1.0 billion (including ) million) will be apportioned July 1, 1972, for fiscal ving $1.1 billion, or $550 million per year for the fiscal 74 and 1975. By appropriation action in fiscal years I 1972, the Congress effectively limited the amount of tract authority that could be used each fiscal year. e $300 million shown is the difference between the $600 apportioned for 1972 and the $900 million upper limit ch administrative expenses may be incurred under the propriation Act for the Department of Transportation: 08. None of the funds provided in this Act shall be e for administrative expenses in connection with ments for grants for Urban Mass Transportation agng more than $900,000,000 in fiscal year 1972."


f the Secretary:



5, 700, 000

246, 798

299, 970

[blocks in formation]

Appointment awaits development by the agency of apoved plans and specifications.

penses of administration of settlement of World War Claims Act of 1928_.

Amount shown her: is in excess of current estimate 1972 administrative costs. If conditions change and nds are needed, a portionment will be made.

1 of the Min Construction___

ortionmenc awaits the completion of studies for the we use of funds.

ergy Commission: Operating expenses:

or development

unds held in reserve for the Liquid Metal Fast Breeder Reactor (LMFBR) demonstration plant awaiting the completion of detailed negotiations now underway involving AEC and the Commonwealth Edison Company and TVA___.

dical Research

unds held in reserve pending development of a plan for effective utilization___


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