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grant, usage, or custom to the contrary notwithstanding:

And whereas the said Commissioners, pursuant to the authority vested in them by the said Act, have duly prepared and laid before Her Majesty in Council a scheme, bearing date the twenty-eighth day of July one thousand eight hundred and thirtyeight, in the words and figures following, that is

to say:

To the Queen's Most Excellent Majesty in Council. We, the Ecclesiastical Commissioners for England, appointed and incorporated by an. Act, passed


the session of Parliament held in the sixth and seventh years of the reign of His late Majesty King William the Fourth, intituled

An Act for carrying into effect the reports "of the Commissioners appointed to consider the "state of the Established Church in England and "Wales, with reference to ecclesiastical duties and

revenues, 30 far as they relate to episcopal "dioceses, revenues, and patronage," have, in pursuance thereof, prepared, and now humbly lay before your Majesty in Council, the following scheme for carrying into effect part of the recommendations in the said Act contained, relating to the sees and dioceses of Saint Asaph, Bangor, Saint David's, and Llandaff, and to the erection of the bishopric of Manchester.

We humbly recommend and propose, that when either of the said sees of Saint Asaph and Bangor shall become vacant by death or translation, or otherwise, the bishop who shall succeed thereto shall take the same, subject to the provisions and conditions hereinafter recommended and proposed; and that every future bishop succeeding to the same see shall take the same, subject to the same provisions and conditions; and that when the other of the said two sees shall then next become vacant,


the said sees and dioceses of Saint Asaph and Bangor shall forthwith become and be permanently united, and shall, when so united, be called and known by the name of the see and diocese of Saint Asaph and Bangor.

And we further recommend and propose, that, udon such union as aforesaid, the Bishop of Saint Asaph or of Bangor, as the case may be, who shall be then in possession of the see which shall have first become vacant, shall become and be the bishop of the said see and diocese of Saint Asaph and Bangor, and shall, without any other act, deed, form, or proceeding whatsoever, other than such Order or Orders as it may please your Majesty in Council to issue in pursuance of this scheme, and under the authority of the said Act of Parliament, become absolutely confirmed in the bishopric of Saint Asaph and Bangor, and ipso facto seized and possessed of all the property, revenues, advowsons, and patronage then respectively belonging to both the said sees, and of all the episcopal jurisdiction, power, and authority then and theretofore possessed and exercised by the bishops thereof respectively.

And we further recommend and propose, that the said Bishop of Saint Asaph or Bishop of Bangor, as the case may be, who shall succeed to the said see of Saint Asaph and Bangor, shall be exempted and relieved from the payment of first fruits, and of all costs, charges, fees, and expences whatsoever in respect of his becoming bishop of Saint Asaph and Bangor.

And we further recommend and propose, that the said bishop and his successors, bishops of the said see and diocese, shall be one body corporate, by the name of the bishop of Saint Asaph and Bangor, and by that name shall have perpetual succession and a common seal, and shall and may by that name sue and be sued, and shall and may take and hold all lands, tithes, advowsons, tenements, and heredita


ments belonging, at the time of such union as aforesaid, either to the see of Saint Asaph or to the see of Bangor, or which may be granted to the said Bishop of Saint Asaph and Bangor, or to his successors, by your Majesty, your heirs, and successors, or by any other person or persons whatsoever, and may give or grant the same, and make leases, and enjoy and do all other rights and acts in respect of the same, in as full and perfect a manner as other bishops of England and Wales, but not otherwise.

And we further recommend and propose, that the said Bishop of Saint Asaph and Bangor, and his successors, bishops of Saint Asaph and Bangor, shall occupy a seat both in the cathedral church of Saint Asaph and in the cathedral church of Bangor, and shall possess and exercise the same authority and jurisdiction, ordinary and visitatorial, over the deans and chapters thereof respectively, as shall, previously to such union as aforesaid, have been possessed and exercised by bishops of Saint Asaph and bishops of Bangor respectively.

And we further recommend and propose, that all such episcopal acts, gifts, grants, and leases performed and made by the Bishop of Saint Asaph and Bangor, and by his successors, bishops of Saint Asaph and Bangor, as may require confirmation under the common seal of a dean and chapter, shall be presented for confirmation to the dean and chapter of the cathedral church, either of Saint Asaph or of Bangor, accordingly as the right of confirmation thereof would have belonged to the one or to the other dean and chapter, if the union of the two sees had not taken place; and that every such act, gift, grant, and lease, being so confirmed by such dean and chapter, shall be good and valid.

And we further recommend and propose, that, upon the first avoidance of the said see of Saint Asaph and Bangor, the warrant for the election of a person to be the bishop thereof shall issue to the


dean and chapter of the cathedral church of Saint Asaph; and that upon all future avoidances of the said see, the warrant for the election of a bishop thereof shall issue alternately to the dean and chapter of the cathedral church of Bangor and to the dean and chapter of the cathedral church of Saint Asaph.

And we further recommend and propose, that, for the purposes of the said Act, and so as to leave to the Bishop of Saint Asaph and Bangor the average annual income of five thousand two hundred pounds, as near as may be, the said Bishop of Saint Asaph and Bangor, and his successors, bishops of Saint Asaph and Bangor for the time being, shall pay, or cause to be paid, to our credit into the Bank of England to an account intituled "Account with the Ecclesiastical Commissioners for England," the fixed annual sum of four thousand seven hundred and fifty pounds in every year, by equal half yearly payments, the first of such pavments to be made at the end of six calendar months from the day of such union as aforesaid; and that whenever a vacancy of the said see of Saint Asaph and Bangor shall happen on any other day than the halfyearly day of payment so calculated as aforesaid, then the next half yearly payment shall be apportioned between the bishop making the vacancy, or his representatives, and the bishop succeeding to the said see, according to the time which shall have elapsed from the last half yearly day of payment to the day of the vacancy inclusive; and such proportions shall be paid by the respective parties accordingly.

And we further recommend and propose, that in order to raise the average annual income of the Bishop of Saint David's, for the time being, to the sum of four thousand five hundred pounds, as near as may be, there shall be paid by us to the bishop who, upon the first avoidance of the said see, shall succeed thereto, and to his successors bishops of 1839.



Saint David's for the time being, out of such moneys as aforesaid, or out of such other moneys as shall from time to time be standing to our account in the Bank of England, being part of any payments from the larger sees respectively, towards the augmentation of the incomes of the bishops of the smaller sees, the fixed annual sum of one thousand six hundred pounds, by equal half-yearly payments in every year; and that, in order to raise the average annual income of the Bishop of Llandaff for the time being to the sum of four thousand two hundred pounds, as near as may be, there shall be paid by us to the bishop who, upon the first avoidance of the same see, shall succeed thereto, and to his successors, bishops of Llandaff for the time being, out of the same moneys, the fixed annual sum of three thousand one hundred and fifty pounds, by equal half-yearly payments in every year; the first of such payments to be made at the end of six calendar months from the day of such avoidance in each case respectively; and that whenever thereafter a vacancy in either of the said sees of Saint David's and Llandaff shall happen on any other day than the half-yearly day of payment so calculated as aforesaid, the next half-yearly payment shall be apportioned between the bishop making the vacancy, or his representatives, and the bishop succeeding to the see, according to the time which shall have elapsed from the last half-yearly day of payment to the day of the vacancy inclusive, and such proportions shall be paid to the respective parties accordingly.

And we further recommend and propose, that, until an episcopal house of residence shall be provided for the said see of Llandaff, the bishop who, upon such avoidance as aforesaid, shall succeed to the same see, and his successors, bishops of Llandaff for the time being, shall, out of the same moneys, and in like manner and by like half-yearly pay


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