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Government control, 5020, 7717.

Not more than 12 in one Private House, 7191.

Should be under local management and Government Inspection, 7885-7894.

Three hundred might be treated in one place, 8177.


Connected with St John's Hill Rescue and Probationary Home, 5228-5229; result not encouraging, 5232-5234; points submitted to conference of Rescue Workers, 5235; reasons for seeking powers of compulsory detention, 5240, 5251, 5259, 5294, 5339; would fix maximum period at two years, 5327-5329, 5340; chiefly employed at laundry work, 5245-5246, 5313; other occupations, 5246, 53345337; proportion of inmates who are inebriates, 5252, 5286-5290; analysis of their ages, 5324; about one-third remain for full term of eighteen months, 5249-5250, 5321; and with them results more satisfactory, 5261; the others repeatedly come back, 5260; supervision after discharge unsatisfactory, 5264; no classification of inmates, 53075311; Home nearly self-supporting, 5275; some cases sent to Home from Police Courts, 5278-5279, 5315-5316; investigation as to formation of palate of inmates, 52905292.


Agent for Edinburgh Discharged Prisoners' Aid Society, 6014; does not take charge of gratuities earned in prison by ordinary prisoners, 6026-6032; nature of help given, 6033-6046; average amount, 6061-6071; habitual offenders form large percentage of those helped, 6084-6087; results of Society's work, 6088-6092, 6096-6099; the disbursing of prisoners' gratuities would lengthen period of Society's supervision, 6293-6295.

ROBERTSON, M.A., D.Sc., Rev. J. D.

Represents Edinburgh Presbytery of U.P. Church, 6184; results of inquiries by circular within Presbytery bound distinctly favourable to increased powers of dealing with habitual inebriates, 6185-6188; thinks the law as to adulteration of drink should be more stringently enforced, and the sale of liquor to children prohibited, 6189; that publicans who supply drink to persons known to have been convicted frequently of drunkenness should forfeit licence, and that a reduction in the number of licences should be effected, 6190; institutions for reclamation of inebriates, to be aided by Government grant and voluntary contributions, 6191; treatment of inmates to be elaborately graded, 6192; thinks public opinion favourable to such proposals, 6194.


Assistant Inspector of Reformatory and Industrial Schools, 14,697; gives list of Scotch Schools and their population, 14,698-14,703; with subsequent history of Reformatory school cases showing large percentage of Scotch Protestant Girls whose whereabouts are given as unknown, 14,704, 14,705; considers this reflects seriously on management of Glasgow and Dalry Schools especially, 14,706-14,709; system of checking returns of subsequent history of scholars, 14,71014,718; percentage of reclamations, 14,710, 14,719-14,728 ; average annual cost of maintenance, 14,741-14,745; total Government contributions in England and Scotland, with amounts recovered from parents, 14,749-14,760; liability of Parochial Boards for children sent to Industrial Schools by them, and of School Boards for children sent to Day Industrial Schools, 14,761-14,767, 14,869-14,871; subsequent history of children discharged from Industrial Schools, 14,77214,781; cost of maintenance, 14,782-14,793; inspection of schools very comprehensive, 14,794-14,797; educational state-English Code used, 14,798-14,813, 14,873; cases of children refused by schools on account of physical infirmity, considers separate institutions required for such, 14,81414,820, 14,845-14,856; corporal punishment for breach of rules, 14,832; would like to see more Day Industrial

Physician-Superintendent of Dundee Royal Lunatic Asylum, 13,577; considers 16 to 18 per cent. of cases of insanity due to drink, 13,580, 13,615, 13,616; does not consider asylum or lunatic ward of poorhouse proper places for treatment of inebriates, 13,581, 13,619, 13,625; objections, 13,626; but considers it desirable that there should be power to detain in the poorhouse paupers who move between it and the prison, 13,628-13,630; thinks there ought to be public institutions for detention of inebriates on similar lines to Lunacy Acts as well as private houses specially licensed, 13,586, 13,623, 13,627; minimum period of detention not to be less than twelve months, 13,585; would have special institution for treatment of police habituals and vicious class of insane, 13,592, 13,593; institutions to be main. tained by public rates, 13,587; thinks Parochial Authorities too prone to discharge insane persons from lunatic wards of poorhouses, 13,595-13,600; is not sanguine of the results of prolonged detention of dipsomaniacs in institutions, 13,603, 13,618; system of liberation of pauper insane on probation, 13,606-13,611; personally has found adminis tration of bitter tonics very beneficial in some cases of dipsomania, 13,612, 13,613, 13,621, 13,622; various forms of drug drinking, 13,631-13,633; procedure on com mittal of lunatic to asylum at instance of Fiscal, 13,63413,637; thinks inquiry before Sheriff prior to committal of habitual should be private, but would grant public inquiry inquiry if desired, 13,638, 13,629.


Member of Scottish and Queensland Bars, 6244; appointed Commissioner in Australia to inquire into treatment of prisoners and convicts, 6245; sentences for petty offences much alike in both countries, 6248; special laws in Queensland dealing with habitual drunkards, 6250-6253D.; and licensing system, 62531.-6253K.; restrictions on pawn brokers in dealing with habituals, 6277; number of habit. ual offenders, 6253K., 6255, 6258; bill introduced into Parliament to establish inebriate asylums, 6256, 62746274A.; system of gratuities to prisoners recommended as means of ensuring supervision after discharge, 62596261; work of Prison Gate Brigade of Salvation Army in Queensland, 6262-6264, 6275; proportion of police to population in Colony, 6272, 6273; treatment of juvenile offenders in Queensland, 6281-6284; strongly approves inebriate retreats, 6285; where inmates could be put to work, 6289, 6290.

ROSS, M. A., Rev. D. M.


Represents Dundee Presbytery of Free Church, 13,461; returns sent in by whole of ministers show 87 habitual drunkards, mostly non-crimininal, known to them in their pastoral work, 13, 462; thinks 90 per cent. of them too poor to pay for treatment in Inebriate Retreats, 13,471; which considers should be maintained by the State, 13,472; relatives paying where able, 13,485; all members of Presbytery approve of compulsory detention of habitual drunkards, 13,475; and think any interested party or relative should have power to initiate proceedings for committal, 13,486, 13,487; thinks power of compulsory detention would deter many from becoming habituals, 13,489; and that law regarding the supplying of liquor to persons already intoxicated should be more strictly enforced, 13,49013,495; considers public opinion in Dundee favours more stringent measures in dealing with habitual offenders, 13,497-13,499; personally thinks that women preponderate as habitual drunkards, 13,500-13,503; and knows that a large number of workmen get drunk on pay-days who do not become habituals, 13,504-13,511.


Difference in arrests for petty offences between Glasgow and Edinburgh accounted for, 1903-1914, 2024; system of liberation on pledge, 2018-19; great disparity in sentences imposed for particular offences by Sheriffs and Magistrates, 1917, 1926; resulting in many pleading not guilty where Magistrate is known to be severe, and asking adjournment, 1917; previous convictions for drunkenness not considered, 1918-1921; uselessness of penalties inflicted

on prostitutes, 1926-1931; great care exercised in apprehending prostitutes, 1932-1935, 1995-1998, 2030-2031, 2046-2051; persons importuned seldom appear, 2029-2031; not very many beggars in Edinburgh, 1948; tramp, received into Night Asylum and House of Refuges 1936-1944; very few sheltered at police office, 1938; thinks parochial authorities should deal with beggars, 1949; details cases of habitual offenders, 1945-1946; considers habitual drunkards as semi-lunatics, and would detain such compulsorily at public cost, generally for not less than two years, but for life if needed, 1950-1957, 1976-1978, 1984-1992, 2010-2014, 2041-2045, 2052-2056; difficulty of dealing with workmen who get drunk at paytime but otherwise sober, 1979; would favour wages being handed over to wives, if trustworthy, 1980-1981; would raise age for committal to reformatory schools as a check on juvenile delinquency, 1958-1959, 1966-1975; whipping as a punishment for juveniles unpopular and imprisonment undesirable, 1960-1964, 1975, 1993-1994, 2038-2040; drunkards who do not come before Police Court often dealt with through Society for Prevention of Cruelty to Children and Association for Improving Condition of the Poor, 2000-2009, 2020-2023; difficulty of restricting pawnbrokers in their dealing with habituals, and of convicting publicans of supplying drink to persons under its influence, 2057-58.


Explains arrangement under which Sheriff-Substitutes and Magistrates preside alternately in Edinburgh Police Court, 2702-2709; and justifies system of remanding prisoners pleading not guilty, 2715, 2778; and of sentencing those pleading guilty without evidence of accusers, 2720-2721A; charging of previous convictions in police cases, 2710-2714, 2790-2796; personal attitude towards petty offences, especially importuning for prostitution, 2722-2728, 27812785; fears as to police action against prostitutes, 27352738, 2783; better class prostitutes rarely prosecuted, 2735, 2740, 2833A; considers sentences of fourteen or thirty days for importuning oppressive, not reformatory, and liable to reduction by High Court, 2729-2734, 27652766, 2808; committal of these women to homes desirable, 2804-2805; maximum penalties for drunkenness and disorderly conduct in local and general Police Acts, 27442752; punishment of juvenile offenders, 2753-2754, 27972799, 2806-2807, 2841-2843; imprisonment for such undesirable, 2755-2756, 2797, 2812-2814; whipping more satisfactory, 2757-2762, 2798-2799; parents might be put under security for child's conduct, 2800-2801; and age for whipping should be raised to sixteen years, 2828; police sentence for drunkenness not reformatory, 2768, 2846; would favour establishing retreats for habitual drunkards, 2773, 2827; where compulsory detention for long periods might be tried, 2776; enquiry before Sheriff should precede all committals to retreats, as under Lunacy Laws, 2824, 2835-2840, 2850-2851; number of habituals in Edinburgh, 2849; complaints of forcible detention of inmates of Queensberry Lodge, 2852-2857.


Governor, Aberdeen Prison, 7762; number of prisoners previously in Reformatory Schools, 7770,7771; thinks short imprisonment often effective with first offenders, but of no use on habituals, 7772, 7779 and 7803, 7804; considers whipping of juveniles ought to be done by parents, 7773, 7811-7813; many females prefer prison to rescue homes, 7777, 7790; females often unjustly imprisoned on charges of importuning, 7781-7785, 7808-7810, 7816-7820; gratuities of prisoners disbursed through Discharged Prisoners' Aid Society, 7792; recommends long sentences for adult habituals and treatment in reformatories for juveniles, 7805-7808;. results of Reformatory Schools not so favourable as could be desired, 7771, 7821.



Merchant, Dundee, quotes details of experiment by Berlin Municipality in dealing with habitual criminals, 13,642; gives statistics of defaulting school children in Dundee, and quotes accounts of Berlin system of dealing with orphan children, 13,642; recommends (1) prolonged detention of habitual drunkards at hard work in open air, (2) breaking of parental tie where abused, and making cruelty to children severely punishable, and the restoration of parental rights the inducement for well-doing; (3) boarding out with suitable parties, children so taken; (4) more drastic method of dealing with one-roomed and insanitary dwellings; (5) the more liberal and special equipment of schools where half-timers and neglected children are trained; and (6) localities having power to control granting of liquor licences 13,642.


Drunken habits account for 50 to 75 per cent. of defaulters, Mr W. Mitchell, 152.


Heavier penalties of Act not taken advantage of, 5365. Clauses anent Vagrancy should be extended to Counties. Lord Kincairney, 5938.


Assistant Secretary to Edinburgh Magdalene Asylum, 5485-5487; inmates usually brought by missionaries, 5532; kept for eighteen months and employed chiefly at washing, 5486, 5492-5494; profit on work, 5491, 5518-5519; amount paid to workers, 5503-5508; no power of com pulsory detention, 5499; and such only desirable for worst class, 5605-5608; re-admissions, 5509, 5537-5540; supervision after discharge, 5512-5517, 5542; few admit having been in prison, 5531, 5535, 5556, 5595-5597; no classification, 5562-5564, 5604; religious instruction, 55225523, 5552-5555; amusements, 5565-5581; no restrictions on visits by friends, 5590-5593; considers drink a considerable factor in lives of inmates, 5608-5610; situations got for inmates as laundry-maids or general servants in private houses, 5612-5614; a number retained as servants in Home, 5622-5624.

SCOTT, Lieut. A. L.

Captain-Superintendent' Mars' Training Ship, 8206; boys mainly committed under Sec. 14 of Industrial Schools Act; cites several sections in extenso, 8208-8215; Government grants for boys committed under different sections of Act, 8216; physical requirements, height, &c., 8345-8348, 83658367; results of training, 8224, 8225; number of boys sent to sea, &c., 8233-8238; mostly on Norwegian vessels, 83708374; system of training, 8241-8261; educational statistics, 8261-8271; cost of maintenance and sources of revenue, 8272-8293; Glasgow does not contribute, 8290, 8291; advantages of training, 8294-8299; percentage of relapses, 8301-8307; punishment for misconduct, 8313-8320; dearth of sailors in navy and mercantile marine, 8356-8359; powers of detention, 8360-8364.


Have no deterrent effect, 784, 1212, 1653, 1816, 2346, 2561, 2768, 3529, 5889, 6327, 7221, 10,088, 12,324. Should be cumulative, 784.

Dangers of cumulative system, 2369.

Maximum penalties rarely inflicted, 2121.

Short sentences undeterrent, 3529, 5889, 7715, 7804, 8379. Neither deterrent nor reformative, 5376.

Shorter sentences injurious, 5662.

Repetition of short sentences hurtful, 13,218.

Sharper sentences at early stage of career advocated by
Bailie J. Walcot, 2372-2383.

Mr W. Geddes, 13,219.

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Commissioner in Lunacy for Scotland, 6197; powers of detention exercised by guardians of lunatics privately boarded-out, 6198-6209; supervision and visitation of boarded-out patients, 6210-6214; cost of boarding-out pauper lunatics, 6215; houses licensed for two, three, and four, 6217; no inspection by Board of Lunacy of incipient cases under a six months' certificate, 6230-6232, 6232-6234; proportion of cost of maintenance paid by Government, 6225-6227; does not think boarding-out system could be applied to habitual inebriates, 6219; proclivity for vice or intemperance unfits, 6222; 2500 boarded in private house, 6232.


Secretary of Magdalen Institution and Lochburn Home, 990992; moral reclamation of fallen women primary object of homes, 1070; teaching habits of industry secondary consideration, 1087-1088; homes are entirely unsectarian though Protestant, 1071-1074, 1202, 1174-1176. Fallen women not above thirty years received, 993; mostly on voluntary application, 991; Magistrates send some which, as a rule, are unsatisfactory, 994, 1003-1004; compulsory powers for detention of such are desirable, 1152, 1184; inmates in probationary home are instructed in sewing as test of sincerity, 992, 996-997; after which they are sent to Lochburn Home and kept till expiry of two years, and employed at laundry work and sewing, 1014 - 1017; annual receptions about 220, 1114; mostly prostitutes addicted to drink, 1007-1008, 1043-1052, 1058-1060, 1158-1159; which is often hereditarily acquired, 11661167; fallen and unfallen not separated, 1012-1013, 1020, 1090-1092, 1117; no compulsory powers of detention, 1053; incentives to remain, 1024-1038, 1053-1057; no money given while in home, 1030, 1033-1034; profits on working, 1064-1065, 1178; no friction with outside industries, 1196; no alcohol allowed, 1078; religious instruction, 1072-1076; privileges, 1094; entertainments, 1076, 1101-1103; from fifteen to twenty-five per cent. leave voluntarily or are dismissed, 1021-1022; about 70 per cent. turn out well, 1125, 1157; gross average earnings per inmate, 1180; average premium paid inmates, 1179; the matron corresponds with discharged inmates, 1209; short sentences given by Magistrates to fallen girls do great harm, 1212.


Police Sergeant, Pitlochry, concurs that begging is very prevalent there, 6688; though complaints are seldom lodged, 6689, 6690.


Special missionary experience in Edinburgh, 5627; results of temperance work, 5628; the need for power of compulsory detention of habituals, 5629-5630, 5640; testified by meeting of reformed drunkards, 5635; Municipalities should provide retreats on lines of German Labour Colonies, 5632-5633, 5649-5651; would require conclusive and unbiassed evidence before competent authority before committal to Retreat, 5637; considers one year's enforced abstinence from drink as likely to bring about recovery, 5638; and would distinguish between Habitual and occasional Drunkards, 5643.


Member of Board of Guardians, Birmingham, and Hon. Secretary of Homes for Feeble-minded Women, &c., &c., 15,186, 15,187; states objects and scope of Homes, 15,19215,201, 15,213, 15,219-15, 223; sources of revenue and cost

of maintenance, 15,202-15,207; industries carried on,. 15,209-15,211; and how goods are disposed of, 15,22415,226, 15,282-15, 286; number of inmates having drunken parents, 15,216; percentage of illegitimate girls in Homes, 15,259; the children of inmates not taken in, 15,27015,276; thinks inmates improve both morally and intellectually in Homes, 15,260-15,263; analysis of those casewho left Home, 15,217; operations of similar Homes elses where, 15,266, 15,267, 15,281; thinks the want of powers of detention in workhouse a serious default in Poor Law System, 15,227, 15,228; very few really respectable poor avail themselves of casual ward, 15,230; means of relieving able-bodied persons by work outwith casual wards, 15,24015,258; pauper children housed in Cottage Homes, 15,27715,280.


Percentage to population in England, Scotland, and
Ireland by Col. M'Hardy, p. 512.
Returns of apprehensions for offences and crimes in
Cities and Burghs, p. 533, etc.

Details of offences of Habituals in Glasgow, Dundee, and Edinburgh, pp. 587-594.

Return of persons convicted three times and upwards during 1893 for five specific petty offences, pp. 614 and 615.

Returns of Reformatory and Industrial School Pupils in Prison during 1894 and their previous prison history, pp. 624, 625, and 626.


Member of Edinburgh Parochial Board for ten years, 2999-3000; experience of vagrancy, 3001-3005, 3011-3013, 3029-3031; power of retention of pauper children given under Custody of Children Act, 1891, practically useless, 3006-3007, 3018-3019, 3049; proposed amendments, 3008, 3014, 3024, 3025, 3027-3028, 3032-3034, 3044, 3047-3048, 3053-3055; Parochial Boards should also have power to detain paupers, 3010; children often claimed by parents whenever able to earn wages, 3035; vagrant children not dealt with under Industrial Schools Act, 3036-3043; proportion of vagrants apprehended, 3055-3058.


One of deputation from Perthshire Committee on Vagrancy See under Col. WILLIAMSON.


Chairman, Edinburgh City Parochial Board, 3932; considers compulsory detention the only cure for vagrancy, 3933; and that laws as to begging should be strictly enforced in counties, 3934, 3944; thinks Parochial Boards would agree to set aside poorhouse accommodation for treatment of habituals, 3942, 3943.


Secretary Glasgow Charity Organization Society, 9375; explains scope and working of labour yard where temporary employment is given to men out of work, 9377, 94189444, 9500-9515, 9589-9591; and of industrial shelter recently started where food and lodging are given in exchange for a certain amount of labour next morning, 9380, 9384-9399, 9411-9417, 9445-9452; numbers dealt with in each, 9419, 9420, 9394, 9411-9413; average earnings in labour yards, 9431, 9436; in shelter all earned about 6s. per week, is placed to men's credit and paid on leaving, unless forfeited, 9448, 9449; men also hired out from shelter, and paid full wage after deducting keep, 9453-9456; no shelter for women, who are employed at sewing and by ladies auxiliary, 9400, 9487, 9492-9495, 9607-9609; a large number of Irish and American tramps sent home by Society, 9460-9466, 9596-9606; total annual applications for relief, 9467; general character and condition of applicants, 9556-9576, 9592-9596; about half the number connected with children's clothing scheme, 9468; scope of that scheme, 9531-9537; of the remainder about two-thirds refuse work, 9468, 9577; disposal of others, 9469-9484; drunkenness cause of majority of applications, 9530; disapproves of children being sent to prison, 9546; thinks they should be treated in separate

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Chief Constable of Paisley, 11,304; thinks smallness of ratio of arrests due to exceptionally good behaviour of Paisley community, 11,307-11,315, 11,378, 11,416-11,418; disposal of drunk and incapables prior to Burgh Police Act, 11,316-11,318; penalties presently imposed, 11,319-11,354; pledges taken, 11,327-11,329, 11,335-11,338; total amount, 11,419-11,424; illustrative cases of habitual offenders, 11,354-11,359; does not think increased powers under Burgh Police Act have decreased number of drunkards, 11,360-11,365; nor leniency shown increased the number, 11,414, 11,415; special section of Act dealing with habitual drunkards not enforced, 11,366-11,368; petty offenders not arrested unless unavoidable, 11,371-11,378; difficulty of dealing with beggars, 11,369, 11,370; penalties usually severe, 11,379, 11,380; very few prostitutes and no brothels in Paisley, 11,382-11,392; proceedings against publicans for supplying liquor to drunk persons, 11,393, 11,394; and against shebeeners, 11,395-11,399; previous convictions in cases of petty offences, 11,401-11,404; number of first offenders, 11,405, 11,406; ratio of police to population, 11,407-11,413.


Removing Officer, Barony Parochial Board sent by Inspector with Jane M'Polland, referred to in Mr Motions' evidence, 594; gives information regarding her, 596-606.

Australian Colonies, 13,985-13,989; control of London apprentices by City Chamberlain's Court, 13,989-13,991; approves of solitary confinement as generally a better punishment than whipping for juveniles, 13,994-13,999.


Act regulating the sale of liquor, p. 622.


For thirty-six years in prison service, Governor of Barlinnie Prison for six years, 736, 737, 742, 854; majority of commitments are for drunkenness, 739, 754-755, 761; great increase in commitments to prison statistics, 744-747; this due to the shortening of sentences, 748-750; thinks about half of those sentenced go to prison, 751-752; daily average population of Barlinnie, about 700-756; analysis of their offences and sentences, 757-764; cost of transit to and from city, 765-767; number of re-committals, 771, 775-781; 10 in one year the highest, 821; thinks first committal has often a salutary effect, 768-770, 910; but on habituals present sentences have no salutary effect, 896-899, 911-912; suggests graduation of punishment as means of diminishing commitments, 784, 798, 881-883; work of Discharged Prisoners' Aid Society, 792-797, 874; police should keep register of apprehensions for drunkenness, &c., 799-802; would give alternative of fine in all cases of drunkenness, 803–805; number of prisoners previously in Poorhouses, Reformatory, and Industrial Schools, and in penal servitude, 806-809; proportions of married and single, 810-812; prisoners' own statements as to drinking habits, 813-818; juveniles in prison, greatly reduced since 1882, their ages and sentences, 822-835; juvenile drunkards, 836-839; separation of juveniles, 840-841; disapproves of imprisoning very young people, and thinks 16 years young enough, 842-843; younger ones should be whipped or sent to Reformatory or Industrial Schools, 844; whipping effective with many, 845-851; vagrancy and begging not prevalent in Glasgow, 852-853; relatively more prevalent in Ayr, where drunkenness much the same as Glasgow, 852-857; old and infirm beggars should be sent to poorhouse instead of prison, 858-864; definition of habitual drunkard, 865-867, 876; number of such in Barlinnie Prison and in Scotland, 868–870; seclusion as a cure for drunkenness, 871-873, 876, 907-909, 913; persons charged as habituals should be remitted to Sheriff or Justices of Peace, 877-880; women much more frequently convicted of drunkenness than men, 884-888; bearing of Summary Jurisdiction Act on the sentences for petty offences, 889-890; many habitual drunkards come to prison unfit for prison discipline, 891-895; petty theft as a concomitant of drunkenness most frequent with women, 900-902; enquiry into antecedents of alleged habituals should be open, and evidence taken from members of families, 880, 903-906.

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TAIT, Rev. W.

One of deputation from Perthshire Committee on Vagrancy. See under Col. WILLIAMSON.


Secretary Howard Association, 13,928; thinks it universally admitted that system of constantly repeated short sentences for habitual offenders is a failure, 13,926; advocates system of progressive sentences, fortnightly cumulation for disorderliness and longer for drunkenness, maximum to be two years with conditional liberation, 13,92613,931; says system of progressive detention partly in force in other countries, 13,932; particulars of such foreign institutions, 14,009, 14,010; financial results, 13,938, 13,942; says that long imprisonment combined with work in Labour Colonies has resulted in diminution of arrests for vagabondage by 41 per cent. in ten years, 13,942; describes German system of prison labour, 13,944-13,946; attaches great importance to separation of prisoners, 13,947; considers many prisons in Scotland and England too comfortable, and should have some deterrent element to prevent their becoming attractive, 13,949, 14,003-14,005; advocates treadmill or whip for incorrigible rufflanly offenders, 13,950-13,960, 14,000-14,002, 14,006, 14,01114,022; results of long sentences on tramps in State of Connecticut reported good, 13,959; but personally would prefer system of liberation on probation, 13,961; advocates providing test labour at piece work for unemployed, as at Birmingham, 13,966; thinks cure of intemperance would go a great way to cure vagrancy, 13,977, 13,978; juvenile offenders should be treated separately from adults, 13,979; parents being made responsible for them where possible, and system of liberating on probation more utilized 13,98013,986; working of such a system in Massachusetts and

TEMPLE, Jun., Mr Jas. G.

Newspaper reporter and had considerable experience of Police Court proceedings in Glasgow, 10,770; considers teetotal magistrates severest in cases of drunkenness, 10,773; thinks drunkenness increasing amongst young women, 10,779, 10,788; sees many before courts 16 years old, 10,780, women charged with importuning rarely plead guilty; 10,802, 10,803; suspicious similarity of police evidence in cases of prostitution, 10,806-10,810; treatment of drunk and incapables on reception, 10,817-10,819; verbatim report of police court proceedings on specified date showing disparity in sentences, nature of evidence and method of submitting previous convictions, 10,827-10,900.


Governor of Maxwelltown Prison, explains nature of prison employments and system of marks, 12,006–12,024; and considers that by persistent efforts the laziest prisoner can be made perform at least the required task, 12,008, 12,07612,085; punishments imposed for idleness, 12,025-12,030; compares the suitability of different kinds of work, 12,032– 12,046; suggests washing, &c., and sackmaking for female prisoners, 12,047-12,061; considers long periods of solitary confinement detrimental to health, 12,067-12,075.


Was with Rev. David Macrae a Member of Committee investigating Tyson drink cure in Dundee, 8464. For evidence see under Rev. DAVID MACRAE.



Landlords and tenants should prohibit tinkers camping out. Mr W. Mitchell, 188.

Adults all drunkards and quarrelsome.

Mr W. Mitchell, 183–208.

Dwellings a few sticks and sacks.

Mr W. Mitchell, 189–199.

Registration and inspection of all Movable Dwellings advocated.

Mr W. Mitchell, 192-195.

Children totally uneducated.

Mr W. Mitchell, 182.

Mr John M'Pherson, 6484-6492.
Major D. F. Gordon, 7660.

Infantile mortality high.

Mr W. Mitchell, 205.

Generally honest and orderly, 6333, 6550.

Honest, but beggars and drunkards, 7257.

Wick School-Board on education of children, p. 606. The Registrar-General on registration of births, p. 628.


Physician in Edinburgh, other qualifications, 12,669-12,674; connection between lunacy and habitual drunkenness, 12,675; present means of dealing with habitual drunkards entirely inadequate, 12,678; would amend the definition of habitual drunkard of Inebriates Act, 12,679-12,681, 12,726-12,728; suggests in addition to present voluntary facilities, legal process before Sheriff at instance of interested parties for the committal of habituals to a retreat :-Sheriff to be assisted byassessors and medical testimony to be adduced, 12,682-12,692, 12,729-12,731, 12, 749-12,751; would fix maximum period of detention at two years, with earlier liberation on parole if thought proper, 12,693, 12,694, 12,737; would expect from 10 to 15 per cent. of recoveries, 12,69712,700; curators to be appointed on estates of habituals, and habituals liable to re-committal without new trial, if lapsing within one year, 12,701-12,703, 12,738-12,740; does not favour the treating of drunkards in lunatic asylums, 12,704-12,706, 12,741; has no faith in the treatment of inebriates by drugs, 12,709-12,712; no disease so thoroughly hereditary as drinking, 12,714; would have inebriate retreats under inspection to obviate illegal detention, 12, 72012,723, 12,732, 12,733.

TODD, Mr Wм.

Secretary, Edinburgh Total Abstinence Society, 6155; thinks the law against supplying drink to drunken persons is not enforced, 6158; number of individuals pledged by Society, 6162; and percentage of relapses, 6163; nature of various pledges, 6172-6178; experience of 'Tyson' cure for drunkenness, 6179-6182.


Shelter houses for such strongly disapproved of, 4067.
Increases vagrancy, 4068.

No means of keeping deserving tramps, 4158.
System of passes for honest tramps, 5102.

Existing system unsatisfactory, 5109.

[blocks in formation]

New York State.-Sketch of Elmira Reformatory and its methods of dealing with young felons, p. 619. Elmira Reformatory. Commission of inquiry as to allegations against the management and decision of the Governor of New York State, p. 599–606. Massachusetts.-The State Reformatory conducted on the indeterminate, sentence plan, p. 619. Its Girls' Industrial School P. 620. Boston Home of Industry and Drunkenness, p. 620. Inebriate Home, San Francisco, p. 621.

Ohio and Minnesota.-Methods of treating drunkards, p. 620. The law in relation to the 'probation system' and the punishment of drunkards, p. 644.

[blocks in formation]


Physician Superintendent of Murray's Royal Asylum, 7078; attempts to deal with habitual drunkards who voluntarily submit to control have accomplished nothing, 7081; boarding-out in private houses preferable to sending to present institutions, 7084-7086; proportion of habitual drunkards admitted to asylum, 7095-7098; classification, 7099, 7204; and diseases they suffered from, 7105, 7188; powers of detention over voluntary and insane patients, 7110-7115, 7148-7156, 7163; would fix maximum period of detention at 2 years with system of probation, 7120, 7210, 7211; outdoor employment for men and women desirable, 7130-7133; other occupations, 7137, 7138, 7164-7168; rarity of real dipsomania, 7141; police habituals should be sent to reformatories for medical observation and treatment and boarded-out if desirable, 7146, 7156, 7157; the initiation of proceedings against habituals should be open to friends or public officials, 7178; medical testimony also desirable, 7179; drunkards should be kept separate from insane, 7189, 7190; and not more than twelve treated in any one house, 7191; imprisonment not calculated to cure habitual drinking, 7206; treatment at Elmira, 7213-7216.


Recommended, 320, 341, 2464, 2504, 2962, 3889,
3942, 3892, 5899.
Does not recommend, 3664.

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