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of the merits of such a production, have heard pages | sophically replied: "Ah, well, if you always look for
of the sweet poem read, and praise it. We have probability you will never find out the truth."—Re-
heard portions of the poetic melody, and commend view of V. Hugo's Life.
it also. The volume will comprise some four hundred
pages beautifully illustrated, and will be out in time
for the holidays. We predict an extensive sale for
this beautiful poem, and an enviable fame for its
gifted authoress.

DR. LORD'S LECTURES.-It will gratify the lecture loving public to learn that the eloquent historic lecturer, Dr. John Lord, will soon repeat his course of lectures in this city, on the Illustrious and Celebrated Women of Europe. In power and force of language, in graphic delineation of character, and in instructive interest, few lecturers come up to the standard of Dr. Lord.

ACADEMY OF MUSIC.-Mr. Maretzek, the popular and successful manager of the musical forces at the Academy, we observe, is winning golden opinions from the press and the public, by his skillful and energetic efforts to gratify the lovers of song, and improve the taste in the highest styles of music in the Italian opera, by the excellent company and accomplished musical artists he employs.

REMARKABLE DISCOVERIES AT POMPEIL-New discoveries are reported from Pompeii. A house has been uncovered, which, to judge from the splendor of its interior, and its almost perfect furniture, must have belonged to a very wealthy proprietor. The dining-room is paved with mosaic. The completely served table is covered with petrified remnants of dishes; and around it are found three divans, or table-beds, of bronze, richly adorned with gold and silver, upon which reposed several skeletons. A great many precious jewels were found near them. On the table stood, among other ornaments, a very beautifully worked statue of Bacchus, in silver, with eyes of enamel, a collar of jewels, and precious armlets.

DOES THE CHILD KNOW ITS MOTHER?-At Essonne, the first place they stopped at, Nodier told a good story apropos of a remark of his, to the effect that a child can not always be certain of knowing who was its own mother:

"How do you make that out ?" asked every one. "By this billiard table." There was a billiard table in the adjoining room. They asked him to explain himself, and he related that, two years before, a carriageful of nurses was returning from fetching their nurselings from Paris, in order to convey them to Burgundy, and stopped for breakfast at this inn. In order to feed at their ease, the nurses had deposited the children on the billiard table. Whilst they were in the dining-room some wagoners had entered to play a game, and in removing the babies had placed them pell-mell on the benches. The nurses, on their return, were much puzzled how to recognize their nurselings; for we all know that newly-born children are exactly alike. So they merely exclaimed, "Well, it can't be helped," and took the children at random from the pile, merely making a point that the sex of the child was all right. Thus, at the present day, probably not less than twenty mothers are tenderly lavishing on the children of others the endearing epithets of "my son," or "my daughter." The story, however, was spoiled by a remark of Madame Nodier. "As if," she said, "the linen were not sure to be marked." To which Nodier philo

AN IMPROVEMENT IN CRINOLINE.-A tradesman in Piccadilly has made an astounding discovery. This distinguished person has met the great want of the age.

He has discovered a crinoline which won't get into eccentric and unbecoming angles when ladies get into omnibuses or press through crowds. The article in question is called the "Ondina, or waved jupon," and the inventor thus describes its wonderful properties: "It does away with the unsightly results of the ordinary hoops; and so perfect are the wave-like bands that a lady may ascend a steep stair, lean against a table, throw herself into an arm-chair, pass to her stall at the opera, or occupy a fourth seat in a carriage, without inconvenience to herself or others, or provoking the rude remarks of the observers, besides removing or modifying in an important degree all those peculi. arites tending to destroy the modesty of English women and lastly, it allows the dress to fall into graceful folds."

ARAB HORSES.-The much-vexed point as to the merits of English and Arab horses has just again been tried in Cairo. Ali Pasha, who has the finest" stud of Arabs in Egypt, maintained that no English horse could run against an Arab for four miles. His highness Halim Pacha offered to run Companion, a well-known racer here, against him for any sum he liked. The match was run from the first station on the Suez desert to Cairo. The English horse, which was bred by Lord Ribblesdale, won in a canter by more than half a mile. Such a crushing defeat has taken all courage out of the partisans of Arab horses. What astonished the natives most was that Companion, beating his adversary by so great a distance, was perfectly fresh and quite ready to turn round and run the distance over again, while the Arab was quite exhausted and blown.-Times Alexandria Correspondent.

MENTAL development is the never failing reward of intense mental industry. The mind grows by its own force of action.

FACTS ABOUT RAILROAD SPEED.-A railroad - car moves about seventy-four feet, or nearly twice its own length, in a second. At this velocity the locomotive driving-wheel, six feet in diameter, makes four revolutions in a second, the piston-rod thus traversing the cylinder eight times. If a horse and carriage should approach and cross a track at the rate of six miles an hour, an express train approaching at the moment would move toward it two hundred and fifty-seven feet while it was in the act of crossing; if the horse moved no faster than a walk, the train would move toward it more than five hundred feet, which fact accounts for the many accidents at such points. When the locomotive whistle is opened at the post eighty rods from the crossing, the train will advance near one hundred feet before the sound of the whistle traverses the distance to, and is heard at the crossing.

THE track upon which the train of human reformation runs is laid in sympathy, and this sympathy can never be established as long as there exists in the heart of virtue the same feeling of hatred toward the sinner that is felt toward the sin.

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SOUTHEY ON DUELLING. - Learning that it was Lord Byron's intention to send him a challenge, Southey prepared the following letter in reply. The challenge was not sent, however, and the letter was found among Southey's papers after his death:

THE NOTABLES AND THE ARCHDUKE.-The Mexi- | neat, obedient, pleasant, quiet, reflecting, sober, can deputation reached Miramar, the seat of the tender, urbane, virtuous, wise, exemplary, and Archduke Maximilian, in great state from Vienna. zealous. Senor de Estrada made the tender of the crown to the Emperor elect in a lengthy address. He also presented the roll of the votes of the Chamber of Notables of Mexico, splendidly engrossed and inclosed in the head of a scepter of solid gold, manugangfactured by Mexican artists. The Archduke replied in a speech in which he formally set forth the conditions on which he will accept the crown, declaring that a monarchy could not be satisfactorily reestablished in Mexico without the spontaneous consent of the whole nation. Having regard also to certain "dangers" which threaten the integrity and independence of the country, it was essential to obtain guarantees," and if both these conditions are fulfilled the Archduke intimates that he will accept the proffered crown subject to the approval of his brother, the Emperor of Austria. In the event of becoming monarch, the Archduke would" open the path of progress by giving a constitution" to the country of his adoption.

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ONE hundred and nineteen thousand emigrants have arrived at this port since January last. The umber who arrived during the same period last year was forty-one thousand.

SHAKSPEARE'S three hundredth birthday takes place in April, 1864, when there is to be a great time in England in his honor. Prof. Rotscher, of Berlin, calls upon the German nation also to have a celebration in honor of one who is not only the poet of all time but of the whole world.

JENNY LIND GOLDSCHMIDT seems to prefer England to her native land, as a place of residence. In city and in country, and always pleasantly and agreeably, the people are in the constant habit of hearing of her enjoying herself and giving pleasure to all around her. She and her husband, Otto Goldschmidt, have been taking a prominent part in a harvest festival, held at Little Houghton, in Northamptonshire. After the sermon, M. Goldschmidt took his seat at the organ, and Madame Goldschmidt, standing by him, sung a harvest hymn from a book of hymns and chorals arranged by M. Goldschmidt.

A BERLIN professor finds that Europe contains 272,000,000 of inhabitants; Asia, 720,000,000; Africa, 89,000,000; America, 200,000,000; Polynesia, 2,000,000; total, 1,283,000,000. Of this little crowd, about 32,000,000 die in each year, which is 87,761 a day, or 61 a minute. Another professor calculates that 36,627,843,275,075,855 people have lived on the earth since the creation.

"SIR: I have the honor of acknowledging the receipt of your letter, and do myself the pleasure of replying to it without delay.

"In affairs of this kind the parties ought to meet on equal terms. But to establish equality between you and me there are three things which ought to be done; and then a fourth also becomes necessary before I can meet you on the field.

"First. You must marry and have four children; please to be particular in having them girls.

"Second. You must prove that the greater part of the provision you make for them depends on your life, and you must be under bonds of four thousand pounds not to be hanged, not to commit suicide, and not to be killed in a duel—which are the conditions upon which I have effected an insurance on my own life for the benefit of my wife and daughters.

"Third. I must tell three distinct falsehoods concerning you upon the hustings, or in some other no less public assembly; and I shall neither be able to do this nor to meet you afterward in the manner you propose unless you can perform the fourth thing -which is:

"You must convert me from the Christian re


"Till all this can be accomplished our dispute must be carried on without the use of any more iron than is necessary for blacking our ink or mending our pens; or any more lead than enters into the composition of the Edinburgh Review. "I have the honor to subscribe myself, sir, yours, with all proper consideration, "ROBERT SOUTHEY."

BONELLI'S PRINTING TELEGRAPH.-Messages have now been forwarded and delivered in a distinct Roman type on the Liverpool and Manchester route, where the modern locomotive and railway system was finally established. So says the Albion. The first message sent from the Manchester end was addressed to the Albion office, with a request to know if it was satisfactory, and the reply was in the affirmative. The advantages of the Bonelli system, says the Albion, are rapidity and accuracy, and these are attained through the passage of a rule of type under a comb containing five teeth, each of which is inasulated and represents the termination of a line wire. Thus it will be seen that the instrument requires five line wires to work it efficiently, but the same wires are used for the up and down traffic; and as the rules of type pass under the comb the messages are legibly printed off at the rate of four hundred words per minute with accuracy amounting to certainty. Any errors are corrected before the dispatch of the message, and thus the transmission of them is checked at the outset. The system of the promoters of the Bonelli telegraph enables them to make a reduction in the charge of transmitting telegrams.-London paper.

A BERLIN artisan has come into possession of very interesting historical curiosity-the marriage ring of Luther. On the ring is an inscription bearing the names of Martin Luther and his wife, as well as the date of their marriage. The possessor is at present in negotiation with the Direction of the Royal Museum, with a view to its purchase for that institution. The Museum authorities entertain no doubt as to the genuineness of the relic.

A WOMAN should be amiable, benevolent, charitable, domestic, economical, forgiving, generous, honest, industrious, judicious, kind, loving, modest, VOL. LX.-NO. 4



THE WESTMINSTER CLOCK. The Astronomer | ers would have produced their kind according to the Royal reports to the visitors of the Royal Observa-law, although they had never been painted. It is tory that the rate of this clock, which records itself not necessary for the rose and the lily that the one at Greenwich daily by galvanic connection, "may should blush so beautiful a red and the other bloom be considered certain, to much less than one second as white as snow. God has made a useful flower-a a week." The original stipulation was that it should useful rose and useful lily-and then painted them. not exceed a second a day, and that was attempted It is as certain as that the Bible is true that he is a to be set aside as impracticable by some of the can- God of taste, as much as he is possessed of those didates for making the clock. Mr. Airy's testimony other attributes. And therefore it is, I say, that I to its accuracy is the more reliable as he had retired rejoice in the erection of such a building for God's in 1853 from the joint superintendence of the work service. Our old stupid notion was we abhorred on account of some differences with Mr. Denison, Popery so much that we recoiled to the other side— Q. C., who designed the clock and invented the that God was never so well worshiped as in an ugly "gravity escapement" for it, which has since been house. It is a great mistake-a mistake contrary adopted in other large clocks. It may not be gener- to the Bible-contrary to reason and common ally known that most of the wheels are of cast-iron; sense."-The Builder. the hands and their appendages weigh about a ton and a half, and the pendulum six cwt. The dials IRISH EMIGRATION TO THE UNITED STATES.-The are twenty-two and a half feet wide, or four hun-total emigration of natives of Ireland within the dred feet in area each, and cost more than the clock first six months of 1863-that is, up to 30th of June itself. The cracked Big Ben still hangs in the tower, -was greater by nearly one half than the total emiwith a hole cut in its side, by which Dr. Percy inves-gration for the entire year 1861, and by a third than tigated its real state, and reported it as "porous, the entire year 1862. There have left Ireland this unhomogeneous, unsound, and a defective casting." year already 68,136 persons, whereas in 1862 only 49,680 left up to the last day in December; in 1861, INEXHAUSTIBLE LORD BROUGHAM.-Lord Brough- 36,232, and in 1860, 60,835. The destination of am, as young and vigorous in spirit at eighty-four as the emigrant Irish for 1863 is set down as the United he was when he commenced his career, opened the States in by far the greater proportion; 56,554 inseventh annual meeting of the Social Science Con- dividuals have left for that country, and the rest gress at Edinburgh, on Wednesday, in really splen- principally for Australia. The emigration of Irish did style. The old man eloquent spoke for hours for the United States last year being only 33,521 in on the condition of the world. To all nations he all, and for 1861, 28,209, the latter figure may be rendered the praise that was due, but he was as un- taken as the normal emigration, no exceptional desparing in his censure. He so described the assas-mand for "laborers" in the United States being sin-like policy of Russia as to show that the inventors of it were mere savages wearing the forms of civilization. He attributed to the insane vanity rampant in America much of the calamity by which she is now afflicted. He had a lash of his scorpion whip for the worthless king who made himself hangman to the Czar. He reviewed progress and oppression in France; cast his sagacious eye abroad over the world, and then portrayed fairly and cheerfully the condition of things at home. There was, too, a brief but beautiful allusion to his own growing proximity to the angel that may not be avoided by mortal man. The speech was, in fact, a marvel and a triumph.-Athenæum, Oct. 10.

THE city of London, in ten years, has increased in population 441,753; New-York, 290,104 souls, or 56.37 per cent.; and Philadelphia, 222,484 inhabitants, or 65.43 per cent. The average number of houses during ten years built in London was 5349; in New-York, 1668; and in Philadelphia, 2805. London has been settled 2000 years, York 249, and Philadelphia 178.

in operation in 1861. It would therefore appear that since January last natives of Ireland have been leaving for the States at the rate of nearly ten thousand a month.

RAILWAY STATISTICS.-In 1862 no less than 180,429,071 passengers traveled on the railways of the United Kingdom, besides 56,656 season-ticket holders, who of course all traveled very many times; and also, besides, 262,334 horses, 386,864 dogs, 3,094,183 cattle, 7,800,928 sheep, and 1,989,892 pigs. The passengers were more than in 1861 by about 7,000,000. They paid £12,295,278 for their fares. The first class passengers paid £3,332,380; the second class, £4,018,221; the third class, £4,639,250. The proportion of third class passengers is still increasing, and second class rather diminishing. Thirty-five passengers were killed (nine of them owing to their own misconduct or want of caution) and 536 were injured. This is less than half the number who lost their lives in 1861 by railNew-way accidents. So much for the severity of juries, of late, in their assessments of damages against railway companies. The passenger trains traveled 57,A GOD OF TASTE.-At the opening of the new 542,831 miles, and the goods trains nearly as many Free Church at Crathie, in Scotland, already no- more. The passenger traffic supplied 47.76 per ticed, Dr. Guthrie said: "I highly approve of the cent. of the total receipts of the companies, and the resolution of our friends that led them to build such goods traffic 52.24 per cent. The receipts from all a house as this; because there is no greater mistake the traffic amounted to £29,128,558. The traffic in the world than to fancy that while God is a God receipts of railways in the United Kingdom amountof holiness, a God of power, and of justice, he is not ed, for the week ending the 5th of September, on also a God of taste, just as much as he is a God of 10,822 miles, to £645,314, and for the correspondany thing else that is lovely and good. And how doing week of last year, on 10,428 miles, to £635,814, I prove that? you may ask. I prove that by just showing an increase of 454 miles and of £9500 in asking you to go to the seashore and find out for the receipts. me a shell that is not pretty. I prove that by asking you to go to those meadows and find out a flow- THE mind has more room in it than most people er that is not pretty. Let me tell you that the flow. I think, if you would but furnish the apartments.

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