THE ENGLISHWOMAN'S MAGAZINE AND Christian Mother's Miscellany. EDITED BY MRS. MILNER, AUTHOR OF "THE LIFE OF DEAN MILNER,' HISTORICAL SKETCHES," ETC. "I NEVER WANTED ARTICLES ON RELIGIOUS SUBJECTS, HALF SO MUCH, AS TONE."-DR. ARNOLD. NEW SERIES. VOL. III.-1848. BOD PETER JACKSON, LATE FISHER, SON, & CO., LONDON; PREFACE. FIVE years having now elapsed since the original establishment of this Periodical, and three years, since it received its present Title, the Editor, encouraged by this permanent, and, as she would gratefully add, increasing support, avails herself of the present opportunity to express her earnest determination, in dependence upon the Divine blessing, to labour in future with augmented care and energy, so to conduct "THE ENGLISH WOMAN'S MAGAZINE AND CHRISTIAN MOTHER'S MISCELLANY," that while it shall become more acceptable and attractive to its readers, it may also become more and more instrumental to the diffusion and support of Christian truth. The Vicarage, Appleby, Westmoreland, Dec. 1848. |