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Psalmody "appears to contain a very good selection, ancient and modern, and quite enough for any established church --the Psalms and Paraphrases not admitting of much variety of metres.

In this useful little work, the harmony appears to be a good deal altered from other collections; and, to our taste, mightily improved. The airs are, of course, the same, but the tenor, counter-tenor, and bass, are, in many cases, greatly altered. In fact, Mr Clark has shown his science more in this respect, than any editor of Psalm Tunes we have seen. Instead of confining his basses to the common chords of tonic, dominant, and sub-dominant, which are found recurring in almost every line of the generally-received books of sacred music, he introduces a greater variety in the harmony, giving it more interest than when written in plain counterpoint. We observe, also, that he has recourse to inverted basses, dissonances, and the dominant 7th, which throw a higher degree of light and shade into the harmony. The minor tunes, especially, have pleased us in this respect, being much more difficult to harmonize, probably, than those in the major keys.

There is another modern improvement in the science, of which the Editor has repeatedly availed himself, and which has an uncommonly fine effect, the introduction of the sharp 6th. We do not know any chord that has a better effect than this one, when judiciously used. The last line of our old favourite, Dundee, is made quite another thing by this chord. St Mary's, St Alban's, St Ann's-Irish, The Old Hundred, and many others, are improved by the same beautiful interval. Judging of Mr Clark's talents from the few tunes he has given of his own composition, we must say we are sorry they are not more numerous—St George's-Glasgow, and Yarmouth, are both splendid tunes, and must be well adapted for the expression of cheerful praise.

This little work is well got up, the size is convenient for the pocket, and the price is reasonable. It will be found a great acquisition to those who play the piano and organ, having the full harmony written for every note which gives it considerable richness and fulness.



Translated from the Journal of Baron Adolph von Bissing. [The character of the following paper, for which we are indebted to a distinguished foreigner now in Edinburgh, will be best explained by a few sentences of the letter which accompanied it :-"I send, as you desired, the simple expression of my feelings, just as I entered them in my Journal with a view of transmitting them, according to my custom, to my father, by the first post. True feeling shuns publicity, and but for your solicitations, these notes should never have been presented to a wider public than the family circle for which they were originally destined. And yet where is the harm in telling a man openly how highly we esteem him? I know that I speak not merely my own sentiments, but those of my whole nation. I would be the last man on earth to violate the sanctity of the domestic fireside, and to drag its secrets to the day. I have no desire to become a collector of trifling anecdotes, merely because they refer to a great man. But a poet belongs to the public, and I see no greater harm in expressing publicly the impression his presence made upon me, than he himself does in singing the impulses awakened within him by the contemplation of the sun and stars. I am no author by profession, and the suspicion of seeking the acquaintance of distinguish

ed persons, with a view to write about them, cannot fall upon me."] A MORE worthy feeling than the idle wish to be able to say, on my return, " I, too, have seen him," rendered me most anxious to meet with Walter Scott. It was therefore with some degree of excitement that I repaired to the Parliament House, where the Bard officiates in his juridical capacity, to find the friend who had promised to introduce me. On entering the hall, I dwelt with pleasure on the idea, that this favourite of the gentle Muses

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At last he stood before me!-the venerated old man, leaning upon his staff, in his black gown, while, beneath his snow-white head, his soul looked out through his clear eyes! I forgot every thing that I had been so anxious to say to him; and I could with difficulty stammer out, "that my acquaintances and relations had charged me, on leaving home, should I have the good fortune to meet our northern favourite in this country, to add, to my own, the expression of their esteem, devotion, and love, and to invite him to visit a land where he would be welcomed as the personal friend of every family circle which he had delighted with his songs, and awakened to sympathetic pleasures." I received a friendly and polite answer. Scott spoke with kindness of our country; and delighted me in particular with his warm expressions of esteem for our immortal Göthe.

While he spoke, I had leisure to contemplate the lofty poet. His image is deeply engraven on my memory. An ever-wakeful and deep feeling glances from his eye. An expression of sound judgment, peace of mind, modest consciousness of power and goodness of heart, sits upon his high forehead. A gentle seriousness, indicative of past struggles and matured experience, plays around his mouth. The echo of the soul-his voice is soft and full-toned, and accommodates its modulations to the train of his thought. His bearing is gently dignified. His whole appearance has the self-created beauty of an amiable mind

the reflection of internal harmony. None but the man who is blind to this expression of the soul, can fail to recognise this lofty and eloquent expression in Scott's exterior-can see in him a mere commonplace person. It is written legibly on his brow, that his songs bear the exact impression of his character, no less than of his genius—that he is himself the same noble, pious, high-spirited being as the creatures of his fancy. And herein lies that personal charm, which Scott possesses in a degree superior, perhaps, to every other author. The thoughtful, purely intellectual look of the Ægis-clad Minerva, depresses and repels the beholder, while the human feeling about the genius of Scott elevates us to him.

And it ought to be thus. Is not the artist more noble than his work? Is man, the masterpiece of the creation, not more worthy of our wonder than the works of his hand? Must we not attach to the lofty temple those very feelings with which we think it inspires us? Must we not attribute even to dumb nature that life which is in ourselves? How much more strongly then must these feelings influence us, when we come in contact with a highly-gifted man, in whom there is independent and innate life. The noblest works of art are, after all, but the imperfect exertions of a single talent: the beams of the poet's eye, bright, variegated, and glancing as the light, are of themselves all in all sufficient, and need no completion from without.

In that memorable moment, the poet stood before me associated with all those remembrances of my home,-of those evenings sacred to domestic affections, whose cheerfulness his tales had increased. His the songs of the bard of human affections-whose gentle muse never seeks to wither the human heart. As he shook me friendly by the hand, and wished me in parting success in the journey of life, I thought I felt why our forefathers should have esteemed their bards a sacred race. I would not have given his simple wish, for the prayers of a whole congregation. I still hear his friendly voice,-I still feel the

warm pressure of his hand. I hope my eyes spoke my gratitude, for in such moments the lips are by no means the best interpreters of the heart.


ness effectually bars him out, forces him to nurse his warm feelings in silence and secrecy, and to attach himself to the beings of his own fancy. A degree of morbid egotism is thus engendered within him. In Byron this state of mind was heightened by the consciousness of a personal blemish. The first indication of expanding intellect is a desire to stand well in the opinion of others; and the first tendency of this desire is to create anxiety about personal appearance.

Under all these inauspicious circumstances, Byron took his place as a man among men, without having been guilty of any greater irregularities than the majority of his equals in rank. He entered upon the world with embarrassed finances, and without a single senior friend to countenance or lend him advice and assistance. Ha

FEW men have been more unjustly dealt with than Byron. He died just at the time when the character can be first said to be definitely formed, yet both his actions and writings have been tried by the standard of the full-grown man. Cast on the world without a guide, obliged, like all who have to learn for themselves, to blunder into correctness,-the errors which he unavoidably committed in groping for the right path have been attri-ving stood forward as an author, his irascible temper was buted to wanton depravity. To judge of him so, was to judge hastily and most erroneously.

The fundamental characteristics of Byron's mind were susceptibility and intense power. Both of these are essentially necessary in the poet's constitution; the former renders him alive to the most delicate and evanescent feelings, the other enables him to combine and reproduce effectively the images he has thus acquired. For man as a social being, and especially for a young man, they are dangerous endowments. The one exposes him to seductions and irritations of which less susceptible constitutions are not aware; while the other gives a vehemence to his actions which drives him off his equipoise and status in society. In after life, the reasoning and imaginative powers frequently serve as conductors to lead a portion of the lightning of the mind to expend itself harmlessly upon abstract pursuits; but in youth the whole stock of glowing passion is poured out upon nature and mankind, now fostering, now scathing with their blaze. It is at this period, therefore, that the instinctive ties of family and friendship, reverence for elders, love for those who are of our own standing or younger, are indispensable as substitutes for the yet unawakened powers of reason. These feelings, less strong, but also less transitory than others, serve as moorings to keep the ship steady till the anchor is slung with which she is to steer through life. At a Later period the same feelings are our ornament and solace, but in youth they are necessary to our moral existence. Yet, during all the freshness of youth, when man's character receives its first indelible impression, Byron was excluded from participation in these feelings and affections.

exposed to all the annoyances of carping criticism; and having attained a degree of public notoriety, he was seized upon as a common-good by all the scandal-mongers of the press. Prepared by his constitutional susceptibility to feel these attacks deeply, and by his lonely habits to brood over his own thoughts more than was conducive to a healthy state of mind, he took refuge in retaliation, and in nursing a gloomy pride and pleasure in dwelling upon, and exaggerating, his tortured feelings. He could not hope to prove to the world he was immaculate, and he took a perverse pride in bidding defiance to its censure, and attempting to prove himself worse than he really was. The means suggested by his friends as most likely to retrieve him from this wayward conduct, added new fuel to the flame; and, possessed of the dangerous power of investing his passions with the grandeur and beauty of poetry, he sought rather to nurse than to control them. This could not last for ever with a mind so superior as his. So unhealthy a state of excitement was gradually subsiding into a more firm and manly tone,— the indestructible mind was gleaming through and over it,-when, alas! his career was abruptly and prematurely closed.

This is the dark side of the picture,-let us now turn to the reverse. Byron's conduct and feelings towards his mother have been already noticed. His generosity and bravery are attested by hundreds. In all his aberrations there is nothing mean, equivocal, or malignant. Notwithstanding his assumed cynicism, his enthusiasm for whatever is good and great is every moment flashing forth. Sublime and lovely though his works be, they He came occasionally in contact with some who are but the hasty effusions of a mind which had not yet knew how to estimate his promise, and there were plenty attained the full consciousness and command of its who, from motives of vanity or interest, sought to hang powers. His uncertainty respecting the merit of his themselves upon the young lord; but for a permanence, poems, until stamped by the fiat of public applause, can there was only one who really loved him-his mother-only be accounted for on the supposition that, conscious a weak and violent woman, whose conduct was calculated to stifle or pervert his affections. Yet it is precisely in Byron's treatment of this mother, that we find, amid all his aberrations, the strongest proofs of an indestructible goodness of nature. The whole tone of his correspondence with her, and of the expressions casually wrung from him, show how truly he could see her character, and how deeply his feelings had been wounded by her folly; yet, from first to last, we find the knowledge that she was his mother triumphing over all. He struggles, throughout, not only to pay her the services of a son, (and in them he was never deficient,) but to feel for her all that the magic word "mother" inspires.

Notwithstanding his filial piety, however, he reached manhood in a state of isolation. He had companions, but no friends. There is a loneliness in the condition of an only child, without parents, or without such parents as he can cling to, that only he who has experienced can conceive. The young affections expand among a band of second selves;-they are so many additional hooks by which we attach ourselves to society, and are drawn within its circle. But he who stands alone must work his way into it, and the least awkwardness or shy

how insufficiently they expressed his unutterable thoughts, he could not see their real value. His continual depreciation of literary labour, and his panting after action, indicate a mind not yet at ease with itself as to its proper sphere. His life was a fragment. He stands like one of the immense cathedrals of Germany, a work commenced on too gigantic a scale for human powers and perseverance to complete. We saw him only in that period of life in which the mind is a fermenting chaos. But even in this state, what augury did he not give of future greatness! His promise is more than other men's performance. Wit, humour, the most voluptuous passion, the most delicate beauty, and the most magnificent power and grandeur, strive for pre-eminence in his poetry.

The aim of this hasty and unsatisfactory sketch has been to seize, as far as possible, the grand outlines of Byron's character. The attempt was audacious,—but better to fail in it, than to succeed in repeating small anecdotes, which but distort our ideas of the mighty dead. It is the right of every man to be judged, not by his isolated actions, easily susceptible of misrepresentation, but by the whole tenor of the mind and affections whence

they proceeded, as indicated by the collective conduct of investigate the special use of each of these organs, and the his life.



We have been favoured with an early view of this highly interesting and splendid work. Mr Macdonald has chosen for the story of his new group, Thetis arming Achilles. The figures are, as in his Ajax, colossal. Achilles appears in the act of moving forward; with his left arm he poises his shield above his head; in the right hand, which is depressed, he brandishes a couple of light javelins. His figure unites the utmost physical power with the ideal beauty of the "goddess-born." His countenance is fiercely beautiful. His eager glance, harmonizing with his forward motion, seems to seek Hector in the distance; and his mind, engrossed with the thought of vengeance, and consciousness of power, is inaccessible to every other impression. Thetis, who has one arm reclined on his shoulder, is allowing the other to drop away, as if relinquishing the vain hope of detaining him. Her face is turned to heaven, with an expression in which the grief of the prescient mother, and the dignified composure of the goddess, are majestically mingled.

Unlike Mr Macdonald's former work, in which passion and the death-struggle knit every sinew, and swell every vein even to bursting, the present group is composed in the most severe style of quiet and elevated beauty. The attitudes and action of the figures simple in the extreme-the drapery of Thetis falling in the most inartificial folds the outlines bold and majestic,-harmonize with the heroic character of the story. Achilles is the very Achilles of Homer,-beautiful, and strong as a demi-god, the unreflecting child of impulse. Thetis is the goddess of that old mythology, with all a mother's feelings warm about her, and with a far-searching view into futurity, the curse of those human-hearted deities, but with that intellectual power which confers dignity upon grief, by controlling its expression.

We feel perfectly satisfied that this work will at once place Mr Macdonald on a level with the most eminent living sculptor, and prove him to possess a mind capable of achieving the highest triumphs of his noble art.




Monday, February 1, 1830.

Professor HOPE in the Chair.

SIR GEORGE MACKENZIE concluded, this evening, his communication on Phrenology. In so doing, he recapitulated his former observations, read an account of the history of the Science, from an unpublished work of Mr Combe, and referred for facts in support of his views, to the works of Gall and Spurzheim, to the Phrenological Journal, Mr Combe's Lectures, and the Clyde Street Museum. Professor Hope, on the conclusion of the paper, said he thought himself at liberty to return thanks to Sir George Mackenzie, for the pains he had taken to lay before the Society a view of the fundamental principles of a doctrine which Sir George thought well founded, and highly important to the welfare of mankind, and in particular to the rising generation. That as Sir George had availed himself of that opportunity of recommending to his hearers to make themselves acquainted with the doctrine, by reading the works of Gall, &c., he, in his turn, would use the freedom of recommending to Sir George to direct his attention to that view of phrenology which alone he considered as philosophical. Every person, the Professor observed, who is in the smallest degree acquainted with the anatomy of the brain, must know that there lie deep seated a very large number of distinct organs, totally dissimilar in appearance, substance, and structure; and that, as different organs are provided for each of the external senses, it is extremely probable that each of these had a particular share in the general mental operations of the brain assigned to it:-That it is a study strictly physiological, and truly philosophical, to

particular operation of the mind to which each is more immediately subservient :-That much benefit had accrued to medical science, and to mankind, by investigating the structure and use of the other organs of the body-as, for example, the heart;-and that, without doubt, both physical and metaphysical science would profit greatly from successful enquiries into the uses of these multifarious and finelyconstructed organs in the interior of the brain :-That the phrenologists of the present day, having quitted the right path, had not advanced a single step in this physiological investigation; for they had not, so far as he knew, ascertained the function performed by any one of them. The Professor concluded by recommending strongly Sir George and other phrenologists to pursue the truly philosophical, though very difficult, course of enquiry which he had pointed out.-Notice of a Meteorological Journal, kept for twenty-five years, at Carlisle, by Mr W. Pitt, was then read, and afterwards an account of a Specimen of a mineral called Wad, by Dr Turner.

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One sprightly strain to me;
Why, there's a tear in thy dark eye!
Sweet girl! what aileth thee?"
"Oh! mother, let me gaze awhile
Upon this silent scene,—
The fading glories of the sky,

The hills and valleys green!

"I feel the calm of nature's mood
Steal softly to my heart;
And all unknown the gentle tears
Into my eyelids start!

"I cannot-cannot sing to-night,
A spell is round me thrown;
Oh! leave me here to gaze awhile
On this sweet scene alone!"
She cast upon her mother's face
One fond imploring look,—
Then silently she turned again
To Nature's holy book.

And who may tell what noble thoughts
Across that bosom stole ;

How many sacred feelings rush'd

Like music on her soul?

Ah! who can say in hours like these,
With holiest visions fraught,
What heavenly wisdom Nature's voice
To the sad heart has taught?
Blest-ever blest is she who loves
To meditate in youth!-
And on Creation's glorious page
Has learnt to read the TRUTH!


By Thomas Atkinson.

I Do not wish again to love
As when I had its scarlet fever;
And yet I still love on,-a name

Makes me as great a fool as ever!

'Tis true, I'm now too old to rave

At midnight in my chamber lonely, Yet oft I'm humming, as I shave,

Such stuff as "Love me-love me only!"

Nay, faith, I've more than once been caught-
Would you believe it, though I own it?—
With vacant look, as if in thought,
And perpetrating half a sonnet!

The deuce is in the witching race!
No sooner have I cut my cousin,
Who flirted even before my face,

Than I'm in love with half-a-dozen!

Yet, on my life, I cannot tell

For whom the symptoms are in motion;
Sometimes I think they are for Bell,-
For Bessy next I've got a notion.

I know a pair of lovely eyes,

As blue as sapphire-ringlets yellow;—
If I could make that fair my prize,
I'd be a devilish happy fellow.

But then I know a pair of black

As bright as night when stars are lighted; And 'tis an undisputed fact,

That I'm with dark eyes much delighted.

One of the sweetest girls I ken,

Is my heart's height-up to my shoulder; Another I look up to-then

She overlooks me as I told her!

With ten-stone-seven I've been prepared
To fly to heaven if she were willing;
Or with a sylph I would have dared
To dig Potosi for a shilling.

Well, since in love I am-that's flat-
But cannot tell the happy woman,
I'll toss their names into a hat,

And woo as guided by the omen!

Then here goes Ann-Kate-Mary-Peg-
Now, Madam Fate, I humbly beg
You'll be propitious!-Heavens ! 'tis Bessy!


By Lawrence Macdonald.

MAN'S life's a bubble, born of empty bliss,
Flung on the ocean of unebbing time,
To drink the hues of every sunbeam kiss,
To take the dies of every varying clime,
Expanding, 'mid the growth of every crime!
Creation's veriest fiction, without name,

Eud, aim-a hollow toy; from out the slime
Of over-wrought existence forth it came,
Expanded, burst, and left no trace where it had lain.


- A NEW work, entitled "The Athenæum," conducted by students in the University of Glasgow, is announced to appear in April. Though it will be for the most part written by members of the University, yet its pages will be enriched by a few articles from some of the most celebrated literary characters of the present day.

Monsieur Surenne, of the Scottish Military and Naval Academy, has in the press, and nearly ready for publication, a Pocket French Grammatical and Critical Dictionary, the principal object of which is to point out the popular errors committed in French conversation. We understand that Mr Motherwell, editor of the Paisley Advertiser, is about to succeed Mr M'Queen as editor of the Glasgow Courier, Mr M'Queen's other avocations requiring his undivided attention. We are glad that Mr Motherwell's talents, of which we entertain a high opinion, are thus likely to be brought into a more extensive sphere of usefulness.

WAVERLEY NOVELS.-Volume 9th of the new edition contains the Black Dwarf, and the first part of Old Mortality. The frontispiece, by Wilkie, is excellently drawn, but indifferently engraved, by R. Graves, for whom Wilkie seems to entertain an undue partiality. The vignette is pretty. The literary additions are not numerous, but are curious and interesting.

Messrs Colburn and Bentley announce seventy-seven new Works in the press! We cannot find space to enumerate them all; but the following appear the most important:-The Life of Sir Thomas Lawrence, by Thomas Campbell, the Poet-Renè Caillie's Travels to Timbuctoo-Cloudesley, a novel, by the author of Caleb WilliamsMarquis of Londonderry's Narrative of the War in Germany and France-The Garrick Papers--Travels in various parts of Peru, by Edmond Temple-Private Memoirs of the French Cabinet during the Directory, Reign, and Consulate of Napoleon, by M. Bourienne -The Heiress of Bruges, by the author of Highways and BywaysTales of the Colonies, by William Howison, Esq.-Travels among the Bedouins and Wahabees, by the late John Lewis Burckhardt Journal of a Nobleman at the Congress of Vienna-A History of Modern Greece, by James Emerson, Esq.-East and West, by one of the authors of " Rejected Addresses"-Life of John Hampden, by Lord Nugent-Letters from Switzerland and Italy, by John Carne, Esq.Sketches of the Irish Bar, in 2 vols.-History of the Bible, by the Rev. G. R. Gleig, author of the Subaltern-The Correspondence of Sir John Sinclair, Bart.

Mr Murray's list of Works, nearly ready for publication, amounts to forty-four, among which are the following:-Consolations in Travel, or the Last Days of a Philosopher, by Sir Humphry Davy-Life of Bishop Heber, with Selections from his Correspondence, by his Widow-Life of Sir Stamford Raffles, by his Widow-Papers of the Earl of Marchmont-Life of Robert, second Marquis of Londonderry -Life of the Earl of Peterborough, by Sir Walter Scott-Popular English Specimens of the Greek Dramatic Poets, with Essays and Notes-The concluding volume of Southey's Peninsular War-Life of General Wolfe, by Dr Southey-Life of Sir Humphry Davy, by J. S. Paris, M.D.-Conversations on Religion, with Lord Byron, held in Cephalonia, by the late James Kennedy, M.D.-The Progress of Society, by the late Robert Hamilton, LL.D.

Periodical Literature seems at last to be taking root in Ireland. There is the Literary Gazette-The Dublin Monthly Magazine-The Christian Examiner, and the Christian Herald, monthly--The Friend, weekly-two in Belfast, the Ulster Magazine and the Orthodox Presbyterian, both monthly-besides the Limerick Magazine that is to be, and the Cork Magazine that was.

The Correspondence between Lord Mountcashel and the Bishop of Ferns, on the State of the Church, together with an Account of the Lay Meeting at Cork, out of which the Correspondence arose, will be ready in a few days.

FOREIGN LITERATURE.-A Literary Gazette, to appear twice aweek, was commenced on the 1st of this month at Weimar.-German translations of Scott's, Mackintosh's, and Moore's Histories of the British Islands, are already announced.-Manzoni, the Italian novelist, is busy with a new Historical Romance.-A selection from the principal London Annuals has been published at Paris, under the title of Album Britannique.-A work is announced at Paris, called Confessions d'un Homme de Cour, sous le regne de Louis XV.Beuchot, the Editor of a new edition of Voltaire's works, gives six of the Philosopher's unpublished letters. In one of them Voltaire favours us with his opinion of Weekly Journals, which is in these words: -"I depise as much as you these trifling weekly publications; but frequently they contain what is agreeable. They are the venders of grains of dust, in which diamonds are sometimes found." What a pity that Voltaire did not live in the days of the Edinburgh Literary Journal!-By the last arrival from Egypt, there has been received a file of the newspapers published at Boulac, under the authority and Protection of the Viceroy, and with the title of the Egyptian Journal : it contains regular reports of all the debates in the National Council, particularly a speech of the Viceroy's son, Ibrahim, in which he declares to the assembly that his father is resolved to remain at peace with all countries, and to improve the condition of their own. There is a notice in one of these papers of the construction, at Alexandria, under the direction of M. Sereci, a French engineer, of a new arscnal and dock-yard, for vessels of the line and frigates; 1697 workmen are employed in ship-building, casting of cannon, &c., and there are The Viceroy has also esta upwards of 500 clerks and officers. blished, with the National Council, a new Penal Code.

O'Donoghue, Prince of Killarney, a Poem, in several cantos, with Notes, is nearly ready for the press.

THE ROYAL ACADEMY.-Mr M. A. Shee has been chosen President of the Royal Academy by a large majority; and Mr Wilkie has been appointed principal Painter in ordinary to the King, it being understood that the latter declined the fatigues of the Presidency. The new President is known to the public fully as much as a man of letters as an artist. He is the author of "Rhymes on Art," of the tragedy of "Alasco," and of the recent novel of "Oldcourt." His election does not seem to be altogether approved of; but, with the exception of Wilkie, we are not aware that any one now living could fill the place of Sir Thomas Lawrence with the desired eclat.

PROFESSOR LESLIE.-Our readers will be glad to learn, that this eminent Professor announces a Course of Popular Lectures, on various branches of Natural Science. In this subject the Edinburgh ladies take a deep interest, and there is no man by whom they would sooner be initiated into its mysteries than Professor Leslie.

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SCIENTIFIC EDUCATION.-A lady who lately visited an Infant School, was treated to the following exhibition:-Schoolmistress (un- THE ROYAL INSTITUTION OF SCOTLAND. folding an umbrella) -" What is this, my dear?"-Pupil." An umbrella, Ma'am."-"How many kingdoms does it contain?" " 1hree." -"What are they?"" Animal, mineral, and vegetable."-" Name the animal?" "Whalebone.”—“ The mineral?"" The brass."-day, "The vegetable?" "The cotton !"

Theatrical Gossip.-Macready having adapted Byron's Tragedy of Werner" to the stage, it has been brought out at Bristol with great success, Macready playing the hero.-The French Theatre has opened in London, with Potier for the principal comedian.-The Italian Opera commences its season this evening.-Pasta is now at Verona ;-on her entrance to the town she was met by a band of military music and a number of splendid equipages.-Nothing of much consequence is doing at the principal Metropolitan Theatres. Neither Covent Garden nor Drury Lane are in a flourishing condition, for Kean and Fanny Kem.ble have ceased to draw such crowded houses as they once did.-An amusing farce, called "Supper's Over," has been produced at the Adelphi.-Ducrow is still astonishing the people in Liverpool.-At the Theatrical Fund Dinner here, on Friday the 29th ult, the sum of L.350 was collected in aid of the fund, which upon an average was about L.1 from each person present. The dinner went off about as well as public dinners generally do.Braham has been here for the last week, but takes his leave of us this evening. He has drawn fully as good houses as when he was here three months ago, notwithstanding the severity of the weather, and the greater number of private parties at this season. As he has only repeated some of his old characters, we have nothing to add to what we said concerning him when he was last here. Upon leaving Edinburgh he is to visit Aberdeen and other places in the North, and is then to make a pretty extensive tour through the English provinces.-Vandenhoff, who has been performing in Dundee and Perth, appears in his favourite part of Coriolanus on Monday, when Miss Jarman also returns.-Alexander has for the present entire possession of Glasgow,-Seymour, the rival manager, having gone to Belfast with Miss Smithson.-The Caledonian Theatre is to re-open early

in March. The manager, Mr C. Bass, has engaged a corps de ballet. and if there be a Vedy or two among them, it is pretty sure to pay well. Murray does not seem to know the difference between a Vedy and a Fairbrother.-Postscript. We wonder why OLD CERBERUS has not annihilated Larkin,-the worst singer ever exported out of Aberdeen.





Jan. 30-Feb. 5.

THE EXHIBITION will be opened for the pri

vate view of the Life Governors of the Institution, on Satur6th, at one o'clock, upon exhibiting their Silver Ticket to the door-keeper. It will be opened for the Public on Monday the 8th.

Evening Promenades will be from time to time resumed, but the character of the present Exhibition requires, that the number of Tickets issued for each Promenade should be restricted to a smaller number than formerly, with a view to prevent the Gallery ever be coming too crowded.

Open from Ten till Dusk.
Admission, 1s.-Season Tickets, 5s.

FRAS. CAMERON, Assistant-Secretary.

Edinburgh, 4th Feb. 1830.

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Author of Critical Researches in Geography, Editor of Rollin's An⚫
cient History, and principal Editor of the Glasgow Geography.
The Work will be completed in about 40 Parts, price 2s. each; or,
in half vols., 7s. 6d. each; forming Six handsome Octavo Volumes.
Four Parts will consist of Maps-five in each Part. The other Parts
will contain 96 pages each, with a Map in each alternate Part. Other

The Spring Meeting, Love Laughs at Bailiffs, & Before Engravings, illustrative of the Work, will be given in the course of

Guy Mannering, & The Bottle Imp.

The Siege of Belgrade, & Cramond Brig.

The Devil's Bridge, William Thomson, & Gilderoy. The Duenna, & The Waterman.

The Castle of Andalusia, & The Invincibles.


NOTICES of the Earl of Glengall's Comedy, Robert Montgomery's "Satan," and several other new works, are unavoidably postponed. Also some interesting miscellaneous articles.

We hope to hear soon again from the Author of "The Picture Gallery," of whose talents we have a high opinion.

We shall be glad to hear from "Lorma," at his best convenience. The Stanzas "To the Brier," are not exactly to our taste, being rather obscure and laboured, though they frequently indicate considerable poetical power.-The " Song for the Anniversary of Burns," from Dalry, is good, but is a little out of date, and we are afraid must lie over.-The "Song composed on a Summer's Eve," from Alloa,

will not suit us.

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