페이지 이미지






OF THE YEAR-Parliament opened on the 3rd of February by Commis-

sion-The Royal Speech-The Address to the Throne moved in the House

of Lords by the Earl of Cork, seconded by the Earl of Airlie-Speeches

of the Earls of Derby, Clarendon and Grey, Lords Granville and

Brougham, and the Lord Chancellor-An Amendment moved by Earl

Grey is negatived by 45 to 12-In the House of Commons, the Address

proposed by Sir John Ramsden is seconded by Sir Andrew Agnew-Mr.

Disraeli, in a long speech, comments severely on the Foreign Policy of the

Government, and on the state of the Finances-He is answered by the

Chancellor of the Exchequer-Speech of Mr. Gladstone-Lord Palmerston

vindicates the Foreign Policy of the Cabinet-Speeches of Lord John

Russell, Mr. Gibson and other Members-The Address is agreed to without

division-Expulsion of Mr. James Sadleir from the House of Commons

for frauds in the management of the Tipperary Joint-Stock Bank-LAW

REFORM-Announcement made by the Lord Chancellor on the first night

of the Session-Sir George Grey moves for leave to introduce a Bill to

regulate Transportation and Secondary Punishments-His Speech-

Observations of Sir John Pakington, Mr. Adderley, Sir J. Ramsden and

other Members-Leave given to bring in the Bill; also a Bill for establish-

ing Reformatory Schools-MINISTRY OF JUSTICE-Mr. Napier moves an

Address, praying for the appointment of a Law-Officer to preside over the

Department of Public Justice-Lord Palmerston assents to the Motion

with some qualifications, and it is carried-EXTENSION OF THE COUNTY

FRANCHISE-Motion by Mr. Locke King for this purpose; opposed by the

Government, supported by Lord John Russell and Sir James Graham;

rejected by 13 votes-ENDOWMENT OF MAYNOOTH-Mr. Spooner's sessional

Motion for repealing the Endowment negatived after a short debate by

167 to 159

Remarks of Mr. Glyn, Mr. Laing, Mr. Disraeli, Sir C. Wood, Mr. Spooner

and other Members-Committee of Inquiry appointed--THE INCOME TAX

---Great interest felt by the public respecting the cessation of the War In-

come Tax-The Chancellor of the Exchequer makes his Financial State-

ment on the 13th February-He announces the intention of reducing the

Income Tax for the next three years to 7d. in the pound-Observations of

Mr. Gladstone-On the 20th of February Mr. Disraeli moves a resolution

pledging the House to the total remission of the Income Tax in 1860–

His Speech-He comments with much severity on the calculations of the

Chancellor of the Exchequer, who vindicates his own statement of the

Finances Mr. Gladstone supports the Motion, and strongly urges a re-

duction of the Estimates-Mr. Wilson replies to Mr. Gladstone-Lord

John Russell supports the financial views of the Government-Remarks

of Mr. Bentinck, Sir F. Baring, Mr. Walpole, Mr. Cardwell, Sir C. Wood

and other Members-The resolution is negatived on a division by 286 to

206-Mr. Gladstone opposes the propositions of the Chancellor of the

Exchequer on the Tea Duties, and advocates a further remission of the

duty-Speeches of the Chancellor of the Exchequer, Lord John Russell,

Mr. Gibson and other Members-Mr. Gladstone's Amendment is rejected

by 187 to 125-The Bill is passed-Debates on the Income Tax-Sir

Fitzroy Kelly moves to reduce the tax to 5d. in the pound, but without

success- -Mr. Gladstone moves a resolution in favour of a reduction of

the Expenditure-He enters into a detailed statement, showing the rapid

increase of the National Expenditure within the last few years-The

Chancellor of the Exchequer justifies the conduct of the Government-

Debate in the House of Lords on the Second Reading of the Income Tax

Bill-The Earl of Derby enters upon many topics of public interest with

reference to the impending Dissolution of Parliament-His animadver-

sions upon the financial operations of the Government-He is answered

by Lord Granville-Strictures of Mr. Disraeli to the same effect in the

House of Commons-Lord Palmerston's reply-Remarks of Mr. Gladstone

on the connection between our Foreign Policy and the increase of the


Sir Bulwer Lytton, Lord John Russell, the Lord Advocate, Sir James

Graham, Sir George Grey, Sir John Pakington, Sir F. Thesiger, Mr. Sidney

Herbert, the Attorney-General, Mr. Roundell Palmer, Mr. Roebuck, Mr.

Gladstone, Lord Palmerston, Mr. Disraeli and several other Members-

The Motion is carried against the Government by 16 votes-Important

results of this division-The Ministers announce in both Houses the Disso-

lution of the Parliament-Discussion thereupon in the House of Commons

-Mr. Speaker Lefevre announces his intention to retire from the Chair-

Lord Palmerston expresses in warm terms the regret of the House at

losing his services-The next day Lord Palmerston moves the thanks of

the House to the Speaker in a laudatory speech-Mr. Disraeli and Lord

John Russell unite in expressing, in strong terms, the respect and grati-

tude of the House for his valuable services-The Motion carried nem.

con.-An Address voted to the Crown for some mark of Royal favour

to the retiring Speaker-An annuity of £4000 a year is voted nem. diss.

The title of Viscount subsequently conferred by the Crown-The re-

mainder of the Session occupied with financial arrangements, which are

proposed for one year only, and with incidental discussions on Foreign

Affairs-The Marquis of Clanricarde moves for papers to show the cost of

the Expedition to Persia-Discussion on this subject-Lord Ellenborough

introduces a debate on our relations with China, and offers suggestions as

to the conduct of operations in that country-The Prorogation of Parlia-

ment takes place on March 21st-Mr. Thomas Duncombe puts a question

touching our relations with Naples-Lord Palmerston's answer-The

Houses are prorogued to the 30th April by Commission-The Royal

Speech-Parliament dissolved the same day by Proclamation-Prepara-

tions for the Elections

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merston moves for leave to bring in a Bill to alter the Oaths taken by

Members of the House of Commons-Iis Speech-Sir F. Thesiger

declares his opposition to the measure Remarks of Lord John Russell,

Mr. Newdegate, Mr. Henley and other Members-The Bill brought in

and read a second time without discussion-On committal, Sir F. Thesiger

moves as an Amendment to retain the words, "on the true faith of a Chris-

tian"-Some of the Roman Catholic Members oppose the Bill, as retain-

ing the distinction between the Oath taken by them and by Protestants—

Speech of Mr. Deasy-Answer of Lord Palmerston to this objection-Sir

J. Pakington declares his adhesion to the Bill-Speeches of Mr. White-

side and Lord John Russell-After debate, Sir F. Thesiger's amendment,

as well as one moved by Mr. Roebuck, are negatived by large Majorities-

On the passing of the Bill a question is raised as to the eligibility of Jews

to high offices of State-Mr. Seymour Fitzgerald proposes a clause, dis-

qualifying them for the office of Lord Chancellor, Lord Lieutenant

of Ireland, and other high offices-Lord Palmerston assents to this

clause, which is inserted in the Bill-Strong protests are made against

the measure by Mr. Wigram, Mr. Newdegate, Mr. Bentinck and other

Members-The Third Reading is carried by 291 against 168-The Second

Reading is moved in the House of Lords on the 10th of July-Speeches

of Earl Granville, Lord Lyndhurst, the Duke of Norfolk, the Bishop of

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