As grows a flower, thus quietly she grew, And kept her heart serene within its zone. There was awe in the homage which she drew; Her spirit seemed as seated on a throne Apart from the surrounding world, and strong The castled crag of Drachenfels Frowns 'o'er the wide and winding Rhine, Whose far white walls along them shine, And peasant girls, with deep blue eyes, Through green leaves lift their walls of grey, Look o'er this vale of vintage-bowers; But one thing want these banks of Rhine,- I send the lilies given to me; For I have cherished them as dear, The river nobly foams and flows, Could thy dear eyes in following mine, Still sweeten more these banks of Rhine! THE DREAM OF SARDANAPALUS. Sar. (awaking) Not so-although ye multiplied And gave them to me as a realm to share [the stars, From you and with you! I would not so purchase The empire of eternity: Hence—henceOld hunter of the earliest brutes.! and ye, Who hunted fellow-creatures as if brutes! Once bloody mortals and now bloodier idols, If your priests lie not! And thou, ghastly beldame! Dripping with dusky gore, and trampling on The carcases of Inde-away! away! Where am I? Where the spectres? Where-NoIs no false phantom: I should know it 'midst [that All that the dead dare gloomily raise up From their black gulf to daunt the living! Myrrha! Myr. Alas! thou art pale, and on thy brow the drops Gather like night dew. My beloved, hush- Sar. Thy hand-so-'tis thy hand; 'Tis flesh; grasp clasp-yet closer, till I feel Myself that which I was. Myr. At least know me For what I am, and ever must be thine. Sar. I know it now. I know this life again. Ah, Myrrha! I have been where we shall be. Myr. My lord! Sar. I've been i' the grave-where worms are lords, And kings are。. I thought 'twas nothing. Myr. But I did not deem it so ; So it is; except Oh, Myrrha! if Unto the timid, who anticipate That which may never be. Sar. Sleep shows such things, what may not death disclose ? Myr. I know no evil death can show, which life Has not already shown to those who live Embodied longest. If there be indeed A shore, where mind survives, 'twill be as mind, A shadow of this cumbrous clog of clay, Which stalks, methinks, between our souls and heaven, And fetters us to earth at least the phantom, Whate'er it have to fear, will not fear death. Sar. I fear it not; but I have felt-have seenA legion of the dead. Myr. And so have I. The dust we tread upon was once alive, And wretched. But proceed what hast thou seen ? Speak it, 'twill lighten thy dimmed mind. Sar. Methought. Myr. Yet pause, thou art tired—in pain-ex hausted; all Which can impair both strength and spirit: seek Sar. Not now I would not Dream; though I know it now to be a dream What I have dreamt :-and canst thou bear to hear it? Myr. I can bear all things: dreams of life or death, Which I participate with you, in semblance Or full reality. Sar. And this look'd real, I tell you: after that these eyes were open, Sar. I saw, that is, I dream'd myself Between us, I frown'd upon him as a king should frown— But Myr. [He pauses. What instead? Sar. In thine own chair-thine own place in the banquet, I sought thy sweet face in the circle-but Myr. Sar. Is this all? Upon Her right hand her lank, bird-like right-hand-stood No: It was so palpable, I could have touch'd them. |