The General Court, which was chosen November 7, 1922, assembled on Wednesday, the second day of January, 1924, for its second annual session. His Excellency CHANNING H. Cox and His Honor ALVAN T. FULLER continued to serve as Governor and Lieutenant Governor, respectively, for the political year of 1924. ACTS. AN ACT AUTHORIZING THE CITY OF WALTHAM TO CONSTRUCT Chap. 1 AND MAINTAIN A CITY HALL ON THE COΜΜΟΝ. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives in General Waltham may hall, etc. SECTION 1. The city of Waltham, if its city council, with the City of approval of the mayor, so votes, is hereby authorized to con- construct struct and maintain a city hall on the Common, which Common etc., a city is bounded and described as follows: northerly by Main street, easterly by Elm street, southerly by Carter street and westerly by Moody street. SECTION 2. This act shall take effect upon its passage. Approved January 21, 1924. AN ACT PROVIDING FOR AN INVESTIGATION AND REPORT RELA- Be it enacted, etc., as follows: Chap. 2 relative to school for county. SECTION 1. The towns of Chilmark, Edgartown, Gay Head, Investigation Gosnold, Oak Bluffs, Tisbury and West Tisbury are each hereby union high authorized to elect one person for each one thousand inhabitants, certain towns or fraction thereof, to serve on a union high school building in Dukes committee. Upon the election of such person or persons by any four or more of said towns whose total valuation equals or exceeds three fourths of the valuation of Dukes county, said committee shall investigate the desirability and the cost of a union high school for the participating towns, and report its findings to the said towns. If the establishment of said school is found desirable, said committee shall recommend a site and secure an estimate of the cost of the building and its equipment. Said committee shall serve without pay, but any necessary ex- Expenses, penses, not exceeding seven hundred and fifty dollars, incurred etc. for travel and for preliminary plans and estimates, and for printing and mailing the report provided for in section two, shall be paid by the participating towns in shares proportionate to their state tax, after examination and approval of the accounts of said expenses by the county commissioners of Dukes county. SECTION 2. Said committee shall cause its report and recom- Report and mendations to be printed and shall mail a copy thereof to every recommend registered voter in each town represented on the committee not printed, etc. later than two weeks prior to its annual meeting for the year nineteen hundred and twenty-five. SECTION 3. This act shall take effect upon its passage. Approved January 22, 1924. |