페이지 이미지

Conduit, piping, tank and fixtures, water tower....

All used.

(Chapter 703, Laws of 1905.)

$941 71

[blocks in formation]

Capacity of institution, 591.

Average population for the fiscal year, 559.62.




Net per capita cost of maintenance, $115.08.

Total net cost of maintenance, $64,400.11.

Area of grounds, 42 acres.

Number of buildings, 15.

Appropriated for improvements and betterments by the Legis

lature of 1905, $76,230.42.

Movement of population during the year was as follows:

Number of inmates October 1, 1904.

Admitted during the year.

Discharged during the year.

Died during the year...

Number of inmates October 1, 1905.....






Cottage "G," a fine brick structure 50 x 87 feet, two stories and finished rooms on the attic floor, was completed and occupied after May 1st. This building accommodates sixty inmates upon the first and second floors, in addition to an industrial room 22 x 20 feet upon the second floor, and two finished rooms on the attic floor suitable for inmates of the better grade.

The institution water plant has been completed and in use since April 1st. This water is absolutely pure and of excellent quality while the supply is abundant for present and future needs. The source of water is the Eben Lake spring, which is piped six thousand feet to a point twelve hundred feet south of the power plant, and thence pumped into the service system at the desired pressure. A frost-proof pump-house, with a pump driven by electric motor, for ordinary use, has been provided, together with a steam fire pump of twenty-five horse-power capacity, all controlled and operated from the powerhouse.

Cement walks have been laid around cottage "G," and cement floors have been laid in the greenhouse and pigpen. The grounds

around cottage "G" and in the rear of cottages "E" and "F". have been graded and seeded, and the land west of these cottages has been entirely cleared. A building on the grounds near the Church street entrance has been remodeled, and is now occupied as a residence for the superintendent and his family.

The following bills of fare for the closing week of the fiscal year, submitted by the superintendent at the request of this Department, give a fair idea of the range of diet at this institution:



Breakfast-Mush, bread, butter, coffee, milk, sugar.

Dinner-Roast mutton and beef, gravy, potatoes, beans, bread, tea, milk, sugar, cornstarch pudding.

Supper-Bread, butter, cake, coffee, milk, sugar.


Breakfast Oatmeal, bread, butter, coffee, milk, sugar.
Dinner-Beef stew, gravy, squash, potatoes, bread, milk.
Supper-Hominy, bread, butter, coffee, milk, sugar.


Breakfast Oatmeal, bread, butter, coffee, sugar, milk.

Dinner-Boiled beef, gravy, potatoes, corn, bread, tea, milk,


Supper-Fried potatoes, bread, butter, coffee, sugar, milk.


Breakfast-Hominy, bread, butter, coffee, sugar, milk.

Dinner-Beef, gravy, potatoes, carrots, bread, tea, milk, sugar. Supper-Creamed potatoes, bread, butter, coffee, sugar, milk.

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