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deed she may safely enter the lists with the competitors for public favour at an exhibition of greater pretensions.

the general phrase) so tastefully "got up." The embellishments are of the highest order, and the melodies rich and varied, without being too com

plicated for general drawing room performance.

We recommend the volume to all who wish to possess a book at once elegant and pleasing, com

bining the beauties of music and painting in a

manner which must gratify the lovers of both de. lightful arts.

No. 570,"Portraits of a Lady and her Children," is an exquisite drawing, by D. Mc Clise; who also exhibits an interesting sketch of the venerable Northcote, taken in his chamber a few days before his death. Mr. T. Uwins has also several drawings of exceeding merit, among which we may by J. Bromley. particularize No. 639, Psyche opening the Box of Beauty."

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We have space only to mention a few others; Mr. Childe's Landscapes; two or three heads by J. Faulkner; the Landscapes of J. A. O'Connor; Elderberry Gatherers, by J. Stark; two spirited and humorous pictures, by R. Farriar; the "Auld Friends," by H. Pidding; the "Reform Question," by T. Clater; the Portrait and a Drawing, (545,) by S. A. Hart; an " Eastern Girl," by Miss Fanny Corbaux ; " Madeline," by W. Boxall; a Waterfall in North Wales, and other Landscapes, by W. R. Earl; "Autumnal Pastime," by W. Derby; the "Broken Pitcher," by W. Kidd; Studies from Nature, by Mrs. Hakewell; two excellent landscapes, a Coast Scene and Dolbardien Castle," by R. H. Noble; "Still Life," by G. Stevens; "the Interior of St. Thomas, Monmouth," by J. Wilson; "Mrs. Davenport in Character," by J. Holmes; "Scotch Drink (a sketch from Burns) and the Rivals," by J. P. Knight; three or four exquisite drawings by F. Rochard. The "Damask Rose," by Miss Derby, and a beautiful and finelyexecuted drawing after Vandyke, by the same lady; a copy after Stothard and another after Watteau, by Miss M. A. Pickersgill. We are reluctantly compelled to leave the above works with so limited a notice, at least for the present; and to omit from even so crude a list a number of others that doubtless merit the best recommendation we could have bestowed upon them. But at so late a period of the month, we have found it difficult to say even so much of the exhibition in Suffolk Street. The Society of British Artists may rest assured that they have our warmest wishes for their success. They have laboured much and well for the patronage they have obtained, and we trust and believe they will continue their exertions to secure it.

The public will find their exhibition room a delightful place in which to spend a few hours-not only pleasantly but profitably.


Melodies, by Mrs. Alexander Kerr. We beg the fair Authoress's pardon for having suffered her beautiful production to remain so long unnoticed. We have never seen a work (to use


Drawn by Miss Sharp; engraved

Our readers are already acquainted with this print; it was published in "The Keepsake," and is now engraved on a larger scale, in mezzotinto, but assuredly not the Juliet that Shakspeare conby Mr. Bromley. It is a very agreeable print,

ceived and drew.

Maiden Meditation.

Painted by W. Boxall; engraved by J. Bromley.

We have had frequent occasion to mention the name of Mr. Boxall, but it has rarely been our fortune to notice any of his engraved works; yet few artists, we think, are more likely to " tell," when their efforts have been transferred to copper. He has a fine and delicate perception of female beauty; he paints as a poet, yet with a thorough knowledge of his art. We hail the ap pearance of an accessible work after his pencil, as an acquisition of considerable value to our stock of intellectual delights. If the print before as be "maiden meditation," it certainly is not "fancy free." The engraver has performed his task in a satisfactory manner.

The Poacher's Confederate. Painted by C. Hancock; drawn on stone by Thomas Fairland.

drawings we have ever seen. It represents a

This is one of the most spirited lithographic

Jurcher with a dead hare; we can scarcely call to mind any instance of engraving in which the character of the animals has been more faithfully described.

The Return to the Village. Drawn on stone by Thomas and William Fairland, from a painting by Destouches.

A story is beautifully told by this print. An unhappy and erring maiden has returned to the

cottage of her father, a stern but sorrowful old man, who is employed in burning the gay trapput on once again the humble garments of ber pings his repentant child has just thrown off, to more innocent days. It is an exquisite picture, and has been admirably copied in lithography by Messrs. Fairland. We imagine that prints after French artists will become more numerous in England than they have been. British painters of the higher class demand such enormous sums from those who seek to multiply specimens of their genius, that publishers, or engravers who publish on their own account, can scarcely venture to incur the risk of publication. If M. Destonches had been M, R.A. or M, R.A. he would doubtless have demanded some two hundred pounds sterling for the "copy-right" of "The Return to the Village." The matter is of too weighty a nature to be discussed briefly-we may recur to it hereafter.



The lecture on improvisation, delivered at the Royal Institution by the Marquis Moscati, created so strong a sensation, that, says the Literary Gazette, we were anxious to procure an extended report of it. But as our friend, the learned and accomplished lecturer, delivered his discourse without notes, we are sorry to say we can afford but a meagre statement of what made so powerful an impression upon an auditory of some seven hundred persons, including about two hundred ladies. Well aware of the extraordinary gifts and talents of the Marquis, we can only hope that our disappointment in this instance may be, to a certain degree, compensated by his being induced to continue his brilliant labours in the same theatre of high literary and intellectual resort. The following notes were taken by an able auditor :—

After having given a philosophical definition of poetry, the lecturer declared that extemporaneous poetry is nothing but a divine mania, arising from irritation of the nervous system, and from over-excitement of the brain. He then introduced a great variety of the most renowned improvisatori of all ages, and of many different nations. The Hebrews were first mentioned, and David and Judith were described as truly inspired poets; and specimens of their extemporaneous poems were quoted in the Hebrew language. Next came the Phoenicians; and Marbat was cited as their best improvisatore. The Carthaginian improvisatori were afterwards commented upon. With Virgil the lecturer praised Iopas, who sung extemporaneous poetry at the banquet which Dido gave to Eneas. Hannibal also had with him at Cyma an improvisatore, called Hamicar, who died in that city. The renowned Carthaginian traveller, Hanno, was accompanied into the interior of Africa by Satubal, who was accustomed to sing extemporaneous poems for the amusement of the company. The Egyptians were also endowed with the gift of improvisation; and the lecturer pointed out Berytas, the poet of Cleopatra. Several Greek improvisatori were also introduced; and after having spoken of Homer, Orpheus, Corinna, Sappho, and Musaus, the Marquis, by quotations from Strabo, proved that there existed a Thyrsian academy, where only improvisatori were admitted. Several Arcadians, and especially Thyrsis and Corydon, were much commended. From Greece he passed to Rome, and with Dionysius of Halicarnassus quoted an extemporaneous poet who lived under Romulus. He then alluded to Archias, who has been celebrated by Cicero. April.-VOL. XXXVI. NO. CXXXVI.

Quintus Rennius Fannius was also cited as a renowned Roman improvisatore, and the testimony of Suetonius was produced: lastly, a young Roman was mentioned, as having been publicly crowned under Trajan, for his extraordinary genius in extemporaneous poetry. From the Germans he selected the Minnesingers and Leibesingers, as their best improvisatori. The Provençal Troubadours, the French Trouverers, and the Spanish improvisatori, were also described. The lecturer did not show great admiration for French poetry. He introduced Lord Byron, as an English improvisatore; and cited some lines from an extemporaneous poem, which the English bard composed in the Campo-Santo of Pisa, in his presence. In speaking of Italy, he seemed animated with feelings of grief, and divided the improvisatori of his unhappy country into two classes, the educated and the uneducated. Of the latter he mentioned three, of whom he gave several speci mens; and in analysing a stanza of a Neapolitan lazzarone, he caused general merriment, and was universally applauded. The lecturer then widely described the most celebrated educated improvisatori: these were Serafino dell' Aquila, Bernardino Accolti, Brandolino, Giammaria Filelfo, Niccola Leoniceno, Andrea Marone, Bernardino Perfetti, Corilla Olympica, Metastasio, Don Caspare Mollo, Duke of Lusciano, Gianni, Sgricci, and Taddei. He stated that Madame de Staël had taken the principal characters of her "Corinne" from Corilla; and that the Oswald of Corinne was the late Duke of Gloucester. He went on to demonstrate, from Latin passages, physiological observations, and historical facts, that the improvisatori when singing are under the powerful influence of a spiritual mania. Having, lastly, given an explanation of the art of improvisation, he demanded rhymes for a sonnet. These were given from Petrach; on which he first composed a sonnet on Naples, and then another on Love: both the subjects were proposed by the audience. The lecturer offered to sing an extemporaneous poem, accompanied by music, but it was in vain that he appealed to the gentlemen for the accompaniment. lady, however, descended from the gallery, and having taken the tune on which he was to sing, a subject was demanded; and Music was given as the theme, and sung. subjoin a copy of the verses.

Delle sere l' eterna armonia,

Che nel giro de' lor movimenti
Fan con dolei graditi concenti

L'alto empireo ognor risuonar,

A kind


Della Musica sveglia l' idea,

E la strana concordia c' attesta,
Che col basso il soprano n' innesta,
E produce il soave cantar.

Il volatile stuol, che s' annida

Ne' giardin, nelle selve, ne' monti,
Se alla Musica ancor tu confronti,
Trovi esempio di grato piacer.
Filomela, che narra dolente

Con dolcissima voce il suo amore,
Ci risveglia un diletto nel core,

Che ci fa del suo canto goder.
Quando l'uomo è dal duolo depresso,
Può la Musica torgli la noja,
E destargli nel seno la gioja,
Anche in mezzo al più crudo dolor.
Deh! mirate il soldato, che corre
Spensierato al periglio, alla morte,
Sol la Musica il rende più forte,

E lo sprona nel bellico ardor.

Colla Musica vince l' amante

La durezza di quella ch' adora,
Colla Musica il Nume s' onora,
Colla Musica onorasi il re;
Colla Musica in petto s' accende
Del poeta quel vivido ardore
Che lo fa improvisar nel furore,
E lo rende maggiore di se.

Ma la Musica invano cercai

Fra la dotta gentile udienza,
Ch' ascoltommi con grande pazienza,
E d' applausi mi rese l'onor.

Se non fosse per questa donzella
Che degnò d' ajutarmi nel canto,
Io per certo perduto avrei il vanto

Di spiegarvi de' vati il valor.

The next subject proposed was Poland, and the lecturer, in singing of that unfortunate country, took a very elevated tone: his words, his actions, and his voice, seemed extremely agitated. At the end, universal applause was accorded; and a venerable Polish gentleman, with his eyes in tears, twice embraced the poet before the company, and expressed his admiration. The entire scene was such as is rarely witnessed with our calm temperament, and in our phlegmatic climate.


An additional notice of the volcanic island, by Dr. John Davy, was read. The author's account of this island, in his former communication, extended to the 25th of October; and this supplementary notice contains his observations to the time of its final disappearance, at the end of December last. În July, the atmosphere at Malta is described by him as having been exceedingly close and oppressive, and its temperature unusually high; and in August the western sky to have exhibited a most lurid and threatening aspect, to the great alarm of the inhabitants, who regarded these atmospheric appearances as indicative of some great impending calamity. He states the successive changes which have taken place in the vol

canic island since its elevation to have been very imperfectly observed; but he considers the knowledge of these changes to be unimportant. Having described some of the mineralogical specimens thrown up, he remarks that the island disappeared during the continuance of violent squalls and a heavy sea; and considers this circumstance to be favourable to the supposition that it was forced up from a deep sea, and not elevated by a shoal. But the valuable and sterling data, and accurate local information, which Captain Smyth's long residence on that naval station, while executing the Admiralty survey of the Mediterranean, enabled him to supply in his late communication to the Royal Society, afford to ourselves almost conclusive evidence on this point.


From the prospectuses that have been published relative to the objects of this institution, we entertain the most sanguine hopes of its ultimate success; it is patronized and supported by the wealth and influence of the first dignitaries of the Church. This University or College is to be established by a great personal sacrifice, principally made by the prebendaries, and to cover the expense, they are, we believe, about to part with one of their estates at South Shields. The Bishop, besides a magnificent donation, confers on the institution 1000l. annually. The endowment is on a scale of liberality worthy of the olden time. The warden and classical professor will have the reversion of

the first two vacant stalls in the Cathedral, and (waiting the golden prebends) a handsome salary. The minor canonries of the Cathedral, which are of the value of 2001. versity as Fellowships; and the whole of the per annum, will be appropriated to the Unipatronage of the chapter and the see will be distributed according to a scale of merit

among its members.

The college presents numerous facilities for the machinery of an University. There is a most valuable library, a dormitory, and other apartments, convertible into lecturerooms. The Bishop's library, on the Castle Green, will form an admirable hall; and a row of houses forming one side of the Green, is purchased for the residence of the foundation scholars.

The Government of the University is to be vested in the Dean and Chapter, the Bishop being visitor. A chief officer of the College or University is to be appointed, with the title of Warden, to whom will be committed the ordinary discipline. There will be professors of Divinity and Ecclesiastical History, of Greek and Classical Literature, and of Mathematics and Natural Philosophy; besides readers, teachers, and tutors, the latter of whom will superintend

the studies of their respective pupils, and have the care of their general conduct. The students will consist of-1st, Foundation Students, twenty of whom will have lodgings, commons, and tuition, provided for them at the expense of the prebendaries. These appointments witl be filled up, as they become vacant, by those of the applicants who most distinguish themselves at a public examination.-2nd, Ordinary Students, maintained at their own cost, but subject in all respects to the college rules of discipline, and to have every academical privilege in common with other students. 3rd, Occasional Students, to be admitted, under certain restrictions, to attend one or more courses of public lectures, but without other academical privileges.-4th, Divinity Students.

The course of study required to complete the education of a member of the College will extend to four years. Prizes are to be instituted for the reward of special merit, at the close of each annual examination. Arrangements are making with all possible speed for opening the University in October.


A paper was read at a recent meeting of this society, written by Major Henry Burney, British resident at Ava, descriptive of the process employed by the Burmese in the manufacture of what is commonly termed lacquered ware; and was intended to illustrate a splendid donation from the same gentleman, comprising specimens of various articles manufactured by the Burmese from the fibres of the bamboo cane, and exhibiting in every stage the method of making drinkingcups, betel-boxes, dinner-boxes, &c. The name of lacquered ware, which has been given to this manufacture, appears to be incorrect, as no lac is used in the process. The principal material is the varnish called theet-tsee, or wood-oil, which is very plentiful in Ava, and of which three sorts are used. Few colours preserve their tint when mixed with this varnish; vermilion answers best; and the Burmese prefer that of their own making to what is imported from China. The varnish being applied with the hand sometimes raises blisters on the skin of the workman, as a remedy for which they apply a little teak-wood rubbed down with water; as a preventive, they occasionally swallow a little of the varnish. The different figures are etched on the article, while fixed on a lathe, by means of a rude graver; the traces of which are subsequently filled up with vermilion, or whatever colour is preferred. After giving an account of the materials used, the author describes the process of manufacture, as performed by two separate parties of workmen engaged by him expressly for this purpose, and some of whom

prided themselves on having manufactured betel-boxes for her majesty the Queen of Ava. In the course of this description, he refers to the various articles which accompanied it, as illustrative of his remarks. Of the drinking-cups there are nine plain specimens, showing the stages from the first weaving of the basket-work to the finished article, and five others variously ornamented; there are three specimens of the dinner or rice-box, from the rough frame as turned on the lathe, to the article finished with vermilion; six specimens of betel-boxes; a lathe; specimens of the varnish, oil, polishing powders, and every implement used.


At the annual meeting of the proprietors, &c. of this Institution, the statement of affairs was somewhat more satisfactory than on late occasions. The capital amounts to 164,8521. including 2,3771. of donations, of which 157,3981. has been actually received. By economy and attention, it was reported that the prospects of the University might be considered favourable. Of 386 students now attending, 226 belong to the medical classes, which, accordingly, seem alone to have taken a permanent root. 2001. was voted, as a compensation, to Professor Pattison. Mr. Maldon, M.A., and Mr. White, B.A., of Trinity College, Cambridge, and the Rev. Dr. Ritchie, have been severally appointed professors of Greek, mathematics, and natural philosophy, vice Long, De Morgan, and Lardner, resigned. Dr. Carswell was also appointed professor of morbid anatomy, a new class; to aid which he has contributed a fine collection of drawings.


A dissertation on the great plague of Athens, by Dr. Ireland, dean of Westminster, was read by the President. The first introduction of this pestilence into Europe occurred about 430 years B. c., when it made its appearance with great mortality at Athens; where it continued for three years, having been conveyed, as it was believed, from Ethiopia, or some part of the African coast, to that celebrated city, at the time under the sway of Pericles, and devastated by the ravages of the first Peloponnesian war. Both Thucydides and Hippocrates were living at that period, and were attacked, but not fatally, by the disorder. The former, in the second book of his history, has given us, with the Attic vigour and eloquence for which his history of the Peloponnesian war is so much admired, a full account of the appearance and progress of the pestilence. Hippocrates, however, it is to be regretted, has left no statement of the treatment of the disorder, and the means employed for its cure. The disease made

its first appearance in the head, and continued its attacks in succession to the lower parts of the body; and it was remarkable that it never terminated fatally in those patients who had already recovered from an attack. The sufferer felt the greatest desire to be entirely uncovered and to remain cool, although the skin externally was only moderately warm. Some patients, while unguarded, escaped and leaped into the wells or other collections of cold water. It is remarked by all the historians, that the years immediately preceding the plague were unusually healthy, and that while it continued it was the only disorder, all others changing their character and becoming converted into it. The Athenians attributed it to a poisoning of the springs; and the idea of poison being in some mode or other the cause of their calamity, was so firmly fixed in their minds, that suspicion existed universally even among the nearest relatives.

The au

thor concluded his dissertation with some remarks on the plague at Milan, Marseilles, and London.


At a recent meeting, Capt. Boswall, R.N. read an account of an ancient bulwark discovered on the sea shore, at Wardie, near Newhaven. He illustrated the nature of the very excellent cement by which this bulwark has been so long kept together, by specimens of cement from various Roman works abroad. A very high antiquity is assigned by some to this bulwark, under the impression that, since the time of the Romans, no cement has been used in this country that could withstand the action of

the sea for any length of time. Others, however, imagine that this may be the remains of a harbour or dock, constructed by James IV. near Newhaven, which is known to have been overwhelmed by the encroachments of the sea in that quarter.

William Skene, Esq. also read a very interesting communication regarding the remains still to be found of the ancient capital of the Picts. Mr. Skene clearly showed that Forteviot, in Strathearn, and not Abernethy, as has been asserted by some writers, was the Pictish capital. He then gave a description, illustrated by a drawing of a sculptured stone, found some years ago in the bed of the river, close to Forteviot, and which is now preserved at Freeland, the seat of Lord Ruthven. This piece of sculpture Mr. Skene considers to have formed part of the palace of the kings of the united Picts and Scots at Forteviot; and from the style of the sculpture, as compared with our oldest coins, there is every reason to believe that it is as ancient as the commencement of the 12th century.

The Secretary, Mr. Gregory, also read remarks on some obscure points in the chronology of the reigns of James II. and James III. of Scotland, connected with the rebellions of the Earls of Douglas and Ross, and with an interesting incident in the history of the family of Athole. In these remarks, Mr. Gregory sufficiently established certain important errors on the part of the general historians of Scotland in reference to the occurrences mentioned, and concluded by suggesting some necessary corrections on this portion of Scottish history.


Devastation in the Forest of Dean by Mice. -In a recent number of "Paxton's Horticultural Register," there is an extraordinary account of the destruction of young oak trees in the Forest of Dean, by the short-tailed field-mouse (mus arvalis), communicated by Mr. E. Murphy. "Before the autumn of 1813, the mice had become so numerous that we could pick up four or five plants of the larger five-year-old oaks, on a very small piece of ground, all bitten off, just within the ground, between the roots and the stem; and not only oak and ash, but elm, sycamore, and Spanish chesnut, of which, however, they did not appear to be so fond as of the two former. The hollies which had been cut down produced abundance of suckers, which were destroyed in the same manner, and some of them, which were as thick as a man's leg, were barked all around, four or five feet up the stem. The crabtree,

willow, furze, birch, spruce-in a word, every kind of tree, and even grass, particularly cock's-foot-grass, seemed equally acceptable to those voracious little creatures; till at length Lord Glenbervie became so alarmed about the final success of raising a forest, that we were instructed to pursue every means we could think of, by cats, dogs, owls, poisons, traps, &c.; but all was to no purpose. At length a person hit upon a simple, and eventually a very efficacious mode. Having, in digging a hole in the ground, observed that some mice, which happened to fall in, could not get out again, the idea of forming similar holes was suggested; it was tried accordingly, and found to answer. In short, holes about two feet long and ten inches broad at the top, and somewhat larger every way at the bottom, were made at twenty yards apart, over about 3200 acres of planta

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