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if it were properly extended, and introduced at a fit time.-The Bill was read a second time.

August 14. On the motion that the Report of the Committee on the Forgery Bill be agreed to, the Earl of Rosslyn moved an amendment, with a view to except from the operation of the Bill forged wills, codicils, or testamentary writings, and powers of attorney to receive monies in the public funds.-The clause, after some remarks from the Lord Chancellor and Earl Grey, was agreed to.

passed for reforming the representation of the people have occupied, as was unavoidable, the greatest portion of your time and attention.

"In recommending this subject to your consideration, it was my object, by removing the causes of just complaint, to restore general confidence in the legislature, and to give additional security to the settled institutions of the state. This object will, I trust, be found to have been accomplished.

"I have still to lament the continuance of disturbances in Ireland, notwithstanding the vigilance and energy displayed by my Government there in the measures which it has taken to repress them. The laws which have been passed in conformity with my recommendation at the beginning of the session, with respect to the collection of tithes, are well calculated to lay the foundation of a new system, to the completion of which the attention of Parliament, when it again assembles, will of course be directed. To this necessary work my best assistance will be given, by enforcing the execution of the laws, and by promoting the prosperity of a country blessed by Divine Providence with so many natural advantages. As conducive to this subject, I must express the satisfaction which I have felt at the measures adopted for extending generally to my people of that kingdom the

August 15. The Forgery Bill was read a third time, and passed, after the Lord Chancellor had renewed his objections to the amendment excepting from the operation of this Bill the forgery of wills, &c. The amendment was reluctantly sanctioned. On the third reading of the Consolidated Fund Bill, the Duke of Wellington entered into a detail respecting the state of the finances of the country. He also touched on foreign affairs. He contended that the Chancellor of the Exchequer's Budget was not justified by facts, and that the prospects held out would not be realised, The Government ought not to be left with such an alarming deficiency on the year's revenue, especially in the present peculiar posture of affairs at home, in Ireland, and abroad.-Earl Grey replied that these remarks were inconveniently timed, coming, as they did, at the close of a Session, and when no particular, through the intimate union which subsists beopposition to this Bill was expected. He regretted that there should have been a deficiency in the revenue; but the causes of it, owing to the reduction of taxes, had not been wholly unforeseen.

August 16. This day being fixed upon for the prorogation of Parliament, at two o'clock his Majesty, accompanied by the Grand Officers of State, proceeded from St. James's Palace to the House of Lords, to perform that ceremony in person.Shortly after two o'clock, his Majesty entered the House of Lords, attended by the Lord Chancellor, &c. The Speaker of the House of Commons, accompanied by about 200 Members, then attended at the Bar, when the Speaker addressed his Majesty in the usual form.-The King read the following Speech from the Throne:

"My Lords and Gentlemen, "The state of the public business now enabling me to release you from a further attendance in Parliament, I cannot take leave of you without expressing the satisfaction with which I have observed your diligence and zeal in the discharge of your duties during a session of extraordinary labour and duration.

"The matters which you have had under your consideration have been of the first importance; and the laws in particular which have been

benefit of education.

"I continue to receive the most friendly assurances from all Foreign Powers; and though I am not enabled to announce to you the final arrangement of the questions which have been so long depending between Holland and Belgium; and though, unhappily, the contest in Portugal between the Princes of the House of Braganza still continues; I look with confidence,

tween me and my allies, to the preservation of the general peace.

"Gentlemen of the House of Commons,

"I thank you for the supplies which you have granted me; and it is a great satisfaction to me to find, notwithstanding large deductions from the revenue occasioned by the repeal of some of the taxes which pressed most heavily on my people, that you have been enabled, by the exercise of a well-considered economy in all the departments of the State, to provide for the service of the year without any addition to the public burdens.

"My Lords and Gentlemen,

"1 recommend to you, during the recess, the most careful attention to the preservation of the public peace, and to the maintenance of the authority of the law in your respective counties. I trust that the advantages enjoyed by all my subjects under our free constitution will be duly appreciated and cherished; that relief from any real causes of complaint will be sought only through legitimate channels; that all irregular and illegal proceedings will be discountenanced and resisted; and that the establishment of internal tranquillity and order will prove that the measures which I have sanctioned have not been fruitless in promoting the security of the State, and the content and welfare of my people."

Parliament was then declared prorogued to the 7th of October.

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July 23. In the Committee of Supply, Mr. S. Rice moved a grant of 15,000/, on account of the proposed "National Gallery" at Charing Cross. The Records also to be deposited there. The payment of that sum is to be spread over three years. The building is to be of stone.Sir R. Peel, Mr. Colburne, &c. supported the motion, and highly eulogised the proposed building, and the site selected for it. A discussion arose on various grants, but a division only took place on that for the Ministerial plan of Education for Ireland, when the Ministers had a majority of 51.

July 24. Mr. Hume moved for a return of the number of persons who had been imprisoned for selling Unstamped Publications, observing that the punishment seemed to have been very unequally awarded, and that it was impossible to execute the law, as it at present stood, without great injustice.-Lord Althorpe did not object to the motion; but observed, that it was necessary to protect those publications which paid a duty to Government. He thought it might be advisable to reduce the Stamp Duty on the public Journals, but was not prepared to submit a measure of that description during the present Session.The motion was agreed to, after some debate. On the motion that the House go into Committee on the Irish Tithes Composition Bill, Mr. Sheil moved, as an instruction to the Committee, that the preamble should recite, that the composition was to be extended, with a view to levying the first-fruits according to their real value, and the appropriation of tithes to such purposes of religion, education, and charity, as Parliament, after making a due provision for the Established Church, should seem proper. The proposition was rejected by a majority of 73 against 18, when the Bill went through the Committee.

July 25. Sir E. Sugden expressed his regret that the office of the late Mr. Scott, in the Court of Chancery, had been filled up. He also complained that the salary of the Lord Chancellor had not yet been fixed.-Lord Althorp said, that the Lord Chancellor had only temporarily filled the place, having named his brother to it, subject to the fate of a Bill for the abolition of that and many other offices which it was intended to introduce.

July 26. Sir F. Burdett called attention to the state of the Sewers of the Metropolis; intimately connected as the subject is with the pure and healthy supply of water, it was a matter that ought to be investigated. He intimated his in

tention of hereafter bringing forward a specific motion on the subject.-The Russian Dutch Loan Bill was read a third · time, and passed.

July 27. The Chancellor of the Exchequer made his annual development of his financial arrangements for the current year. He commenced by showing a comparison of the receipt and expenditure for the years 1830 and 1831. In the former year the income exceeded the expenditure by 2,768,600. In 1831 the expenditure exceeded the income by 600,0007. to 700,000. This seeming default, however, as the Chancellor of the Exchequer satisfactorily showed, had not arisen from any diminution in the consumption of taxable commodities. The remission of duty on coals and slate coastwise, the less amount received for duty on corn, and remission of certain excise duties exceeded, by more than a million, the deficiency in the receipt; the increase of consumption, however, had not, he admitted, equalled his expectation, and thereby accounted for the expenditure exceeding the income. The present and prospective state of the finances was next submitted to the attention of the House. After giving his predecessors credit for reducing the salaries and pay of the subordinate employés of the Govern ment in the years 1828 and 1830, to the extent of 340,000/., the Noble Lord took credit to himself for having already effected a similar reduction to the extent of 234,000, and promised to extend it to another 100,000.; and, after recapitulating other reductions, he summed up the estimated expenditure for the current year as amounting to 45,696,300l. against 47,858,4001. for the past year, being a diminution in the expenditure of 2,162,1007. To meet this expenditure, after anticipating an increase on the last year of about 430,000l., by the expiring of bounties on linen exported, and increase of proceeds on wine, tobacco, &c., and a diminution of 100,000. on the articles proposed for reduction of duty in the schedule now before the House, 80,000. for remission of duty on sugar lost by drainage, and the absence of all duty on corn, consequent on the favourable prospects of the pending harvest, the Noble Lord represented the Customs duty as likely to produce 15,871,000, being 404,000. less than in 1831. In reference to this diminution the Noble Lord adverted to cholera, the past political excitement, contraction of currency, and the exchanges having been against us, as having tended to occasion a less favourable result than wished for. The Excise, which last year the Noble Lord represented to have pro

duced 16,516,632, after anticipating an increase on malt, hops, and spirits to the amount of 690,0007., and a diminution by the repeal of the duties on candles, &c., he expected would produce 16,850,000.; and other branches of the revenue he expected to produce the same as last year, making the aggregate net income to be 46,470,000, being a surplus, over and above the estimated expenditure, of 773,6241. This, of course, will be set against the deficiency of the year 1832, which will reduce the deficit upon the two years to 446,789. Honourable Members, would, he trusted, do him the justice to admit that he had endeavoured to state the prospects of the country as low as he possibly could. For the year now going on, the revenue, as compared with the estimates, ought to yield a surplus of 770,000l. He had now stated the views of Government with regard to the income and expenditure of the country, and had only to add, that, after the most deliberate consideration, he found himself called upon to move the renewal of the Sugar Duties, without any reduction. He moved that the several duties, hitherto levied on Sugar and Molasses, be continued till the 5th of April, 1833.-Mr. Goulburn reprehended the policy of the Noble Lord for having reduced his receipt below the expenditure; and Mr. Keith Douglas reminded him of the breach of promise made by Lord Goderich to the West India interest, that in the general financial arrangement of the year that interest might expect some substantial relief.-The Chancellor of the Exchequer said it was not the intention of Government to make any alteration in the Sugar Duties during the present financial year. The reason why Government had not brought forward any measure to relieve West India produce from the burdens which were imposed upon it, was, because that relief was contingent upon the adoption in the chartered colonies of the Orders in Council regulating the treatment of the slaves. It was the intention of Government to introduce a measure by which crown colonies would be relieved from a great por tion of their local taxes, which was the readiest mode of fulfilling the promises which had been made to them; for any fiscal measure, distinguishing their produce from that of the other colonies, would be unjust, and the method of relief which he had suggested would have an equally beneficial effect on their agricultural produce. As far as he could see, there was no reason to be apprehensive of

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sion. The Noble Lord also stated, that hopes were entertained of a favourable arrangement being accomplished with France, relative to the trade between the two countries. His Lordship, in answer to Sir R. Peel, said, he could not see the utility of attempting the settlement of the Bank question before the next Session of Parliament. The resolutions were then agreed to, and several sums were voted to make good the supplies for the year.

July 30. The Speaker, agreeably to previous arrangement, intimated that at the close of the present Session he should resign the Chair. He adverted briefly to the arduous character of the duties of his office-to the anxiety with which he had endeavoured to discharge those dutiesand to the liberal aid which he had ever received from the several members in his efforts to forward and to maintain the order and the privileges of the House.— The Chancellor of the Exchequer afterwards moved a vote of thanks to the Speaker, for his conduct in the Chair during six Parliaments, or seventeen years. He highly eulogised the Speaker's urbanity and conciliatory demeanour in the Chair-an eulogium in which several other Members afterwards warmly joined. The Chancellor of the Exchequer expressed regret that the retirement had been resolved on, as he should be glad that the country, as well as the House, might have the benefit of so experienced a Speaker to preside over the proceedings of the new Parliament. The vote was carried literally by acclamation.-The Chancellor of the Exchequer then moved an Address to the King, to be pleased to bestow on Charles Manners Sutton, Esq., some distinguished mark of Royal favour, and to assure his Majesty that the House was ready to make good any expenses that might attend the same. The Motion was also unanimously adopted.—The Chancellor of the Exchequer brought forward, in a Committee on the Civil List Act, the Civil List Charges left unprovided for-namely, the mode of paying the Judges' Salaries, the Speaker's Allowances, the Diplomatic Charges, the Pensions, &c.; all of which, previously to the present reign, were chargeable upon, and paid out of, the Civil List. He stated that these matters had been frequently before the House, and were referred to a Committee, which recommended these charges to be separated from the Civil List, as not forming part of the King's Expenditure. The Noble Lord went into extensive details of those charges, enumerating the amounts, and how they are henceforth to be paid, which will be chiefly out of the Consolidated Fund. He also generally adverted

to the savings that would be effected, observing that, when the whole arrangements respecting what formerly constituted the Civil List Charges came into full operation, there would be a diminution of Charge to the extent of 253,000. In speaking of the Judges' salaries, his Lordship observed that those Puisne Judges who were appointed before the regulation of 1828 were to have 5,500. a year-subsequent appointments 5,000l. a year. The Lord Chancellor's retiring salary is to be raised from 4,000l. to 5,000l. a-year, with a reservation respecting the present Lord Chancellor.

July 31. Sir Francis Burdett moved for a Survey of the Sewers of the Metropolis-a subject that was defective, and that as loudly called for amendment, as its supply of water, He stated that upward of 200,000/. was annually collected for sewers, yet in many parts of the town there were no sewers. He urged this inquiry on the House as one that was of the greatest consequence to the health of this healthily-situated metropolis.-The Chancellor of the Exchequer concurred in the motion, admitting that the proposed in quiry was very desirable.-The Report of the Chancellor of the Exchequer's resolutions regarding the Civil List Act and Civil Charges was presented, and the resolutions were agreed to without any comment of consequence.-The Attorney General moved the third reading of the Forgery Bill; and in doing so he strongly urged the mitigating the capital punishment. The Bill was read a third time, and passed.

August 1. The Chancellor of the Exchequer, in a Committee on his Majesty's answer to the Address on the retirement of the Speaker, repeated his commendations of Mr. Manners Sutton, detailed the course that had been pursued heretofore as to the granting of Pensions to Speakers on their retirement, and moved a grant of 4,000l. a year to the Right Honourable Manners Sutton for his life, and 3,000. a year to his son. The latter grant is only to be enjoyed in the event of his not coming into an office in Doctors' Commons (worth, according to the Chancellor of the Exchequer, some 8,0007, or 10,000. a year) of which the son has the reversion. -Mr. Hume bore testimony to the great merits of the Speaker, and to the justice of his claim to reward-but protested against the notion that pension was to follow as a matter of course. The resolution was eventually adopted.

August 2. Mr. H. L. Bulwer rose to bring forward a motion on the subject of the declaration of the Germanic Diet, proposing an Address to his Majesty to

use his good offices to avert the threatened inroads upon the liberties of the German people. He addressed the House at considerable length, detailing, generally, the state of Germany, and the security promised to the different portions of it; and pourtraying, in strong colours, the delinquency and positive breach of faith, as well as of principle, that characterises the recent attacks upon, and declarations against, the liberty of the press in Germany. He urged the necessity of the interference of England to resist these combinations of powerful potentates against the liberties and improvement of mankind; and contended that it was not the policy of England quietly to behold the chain thrown over the mind of Europe. The Honourable Member concluded by moving, that an humble Address be presented to his Majesty, requesting him to exercise his influence with the Germanic Diet, in opposition to the course it has pursued in respect to the liberties and independence of the German people.-Lord Palmerston, without defending the resolutions of the Diet, denied the right of this country to interfere with the proceedings of confederated sovereigns in regard to their own dominions; for it was the external relations of states as separate nations that alone interested this country. On grounds of discretion, therefore, his Lordship would oppose the motion.-The motion was eventually withdrawn.

August 3. In the Committee of Supply, the Chancellor of the Exchequer moved a grant of 2,500l. to Sir Abraham Bradley King, on account of the abolition of his patent for supplying the Public-offices of Ireland with stationery. -Mr. Hume resisted the grant as unjustifiable, and because the referees had come to their conclusion on an erroneous case; they were led to believe the patent was for life, whereas it was only during pleasure.-Mr. S. Rice remarked, that the abolition had already produced a saving to the country of 10,000.- Mr. Hume pressed his division on the grant-Against it, 2; for it, 50.-Lord Howick subsequently moved a grant of 57,000l. for the relief of the Crown Colonies in the West Indies. Agreed to.

August 6. The Tithes (Ireland) Bill was read a third time, and passed-after which the Bribery Bill again went through a Committee. The Greek Loan Bill passed by a majority of 43.

August 7. Colonel Evans brought forward the question of Poland, in a speech reflecting strongly on the conduct of the Russian Government to that unhappy people, and concluded by moving a resolution to the effect that the renewal of cer


Great Britain.

tain obligations to the Emperor of Russia
gave his Majesty a peculiar claim on that
Power for a faithful interpretation of her
engagements, especially as regarded Po-
land. Lord Palmerston moved the pre-
vious question, and a sharp and spirited
debate ensued, in which Mr. Hume, Sir
Francis Burdett, and several other Mem-
bers took part.-The motion was finally
lost, without any division taking place.
The Chancellor of the Exchequer moved
for a Bill to enable those to vote who had
"tendered" the rates; but it was strongly
opposed by Sir E. Sugden, as a departure
from pledges that the Bill should not be
altered. He contended that, if there had
been neglect to pay, it had been wilful;
all knew the time.-The Chancellor of
the Exchequer said he had no desire to
press the Bill if it were viewed as a vio-
lation of pledge, or against the sense of
an unwilling House.-The motion was

August 8. In the Committee on the
Consolidation Fund Bill (in which the
"appropriation" clause is introduced), a
discussion arose on a new arrangement,
proposed by the Ministers, to allow naval
and military officers on half-pay to hold
civil offices, under certain circumstances,
without forfeiting their half-pay. Mr.
Hume objected to it, as it was against the
recommendation of the Finance Com-
mittee, and as it tended to prevent the
-a list
diminution of the half-pay list
that cost upwards of 5,000,0001. a-year,
and was as large as it was fifteen years
ago. Sir J. C. Hobhouse, the Chancellor
of the Exchequer, &c. defended this ar-
rangement, as securing to the public effi-
cient service, without injury to the coun-
try. A good deal of conversation took
place on the Lord Chancellor's Salary
Bill. Mr. Sadler deemed the salary of
14,000l. too much, and maintained that,
calculating the change in the circulating
medium, this was an increase, not a dimi-
nution, of the salary. He proposed a re-
duction of 20007.; but the original propo-
sition was carried by 52 to 5.-The Greek
Convention Bill was afterwards read a
second time, but not without renewed de-
bate, and a proposition to postpone it.
Lord Palmerston said the appointment of
Prince Otho was approved by most of the
Chiefs of Greece.

August 9. Lord John Russell moved the following resolution, which was agreed to:-"That all persons who will question any future return of Members to serve in Parliament upon any allegation of bribery or corruption, and who shall in their petition specifically allege any payment of money or other reward to have been made by any Member, or on his ac


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count or with his privity, since the time
of such return, in pursuance or in fur-
therance of such bribery or corruption,
may question the same at any time within
twenty-eight days after the date of such
payment; or, if this House be not sitting,
at the expiration of the said twenty-eight
days, then within fourteen days after the
day when the House shall next meet.'
Colonel Evans moved, and Mr. Hume
seconded the following Address to the
Crown:-"That his Majesty will be
graciously pleased to prorogue the present,
and convene another short Session of Par
liament, with as little delay as possible, to
take into consideration the unexpected
disfranchisement produced by certain re-
strictive clauses of the Act for amending
the Representation of the People in Par-
liament."-The motion was negatived.

August 10. Mr. Leader, on presenting
a petition from Ireland, complained with
much energy of the doctrine laid down by
the Lord Chancellor concerning the power
of Government to suspend the Habeas
Corpus Act in Ireland.-On the motion of
the third reading of the Civil List Bill,
Mr. Irving took occasion to give a correet
statement of the Clithero outrage, which
was received with much cheering, and
corroborated by the Members of the Go-
vernment, to whom Mr. Irving returned
thanks for the sentiments they had ex-
pressed towards him.

August 15. Mr. Lamb stated, in reply
to inquiry, that the Bailiff of Clithero had
not, at first, sanctioned the introduction
of the military, but that, when introduced,
they had not acted until after the reading
of the Riot Act.-Mr. Hunt having re-
marked that, if the elections were to be
characterized by such proceedings, the
people would have to arm in self-defence,
the Chancellor of the Exchequer censured
such a sentiment as mischievous and un-
called for, expressing a conviction that the
law was strong enough to vindicate his
Majesty's subjects, and declaring that any
aggression made by the military would
experience the prompt notice of the Go-
vernment. A long conversation after-
wards arose, as to the disqualification of
votes from the non-payment of rates,
the Chancellor of the Exchequer show-
ing that the disqualifications at Manches-
ter, Bolton, Blackburn, &c., were not so
numerous as had been represented on a
former evening.-Sir G. Warrender, Mr.
Hume, and others having urged a short ses-
sion, the Chancellor of the Exchequer said
it was desirable that the registration should
be completed before a general election
took place, but he could not pledge himself
as to when the dissolution would be.-Sir
J. C. Hobhouse stated, in answer to in-


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