페이지 이미지

bottes. Faire une chose de propos délibéré, to do any thing coolly and designedly.

Proposer. L'homme propose et Dieu dispose, nothing can be done without the assistance of God.

Quatre. Se mettre en quatre pour servir ses amis, to do one's best to serve one's friends. Comme quatre (a very familiar expression) which means 'as much as four persons can do.' Travailler, manger comme quatre.

Question. Faire une question, to ask a question. Il est question de, the matter in hand is, &c.

Quiproquo, a mistake, a misunderstanding. Faire un quiproquo, mistaking one thing for another.

Quitte, quits, rid of. Nous sommes quittes, we are quits. Me voilà quitte de la fièvre, I have got rid of the fever. J'en serai quitte pour être grondé, &c., they will let me off with a scolding. Tenir quitte de, &c., to let any one off for, &c. Qui va là? Qui vive? who is that? Etre toujours sur le qui vive. Raillerie. Entendre raillerie, to take a joke. Raison. Perdre la raison, to become crazy. reason. Parler raison, to speak reasonably. Recherché, far-fetched, over nice, not natural.

Entendre raison, to hear

Une personne est re

cherchée dans ses repas, ses ajustemens, ses meubles. Des pensées recherchées, far-fetched thoughts.

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Recueillir, to gather together. Recueillir une succession, les fruits de son travail, les débris d'une armée, d'un naufrage; recueillir les voix, les suffrages. Se recueillir en soi-même, to commune with one's self. Reculer, to go back. Reculer pour mieux sauter, to hang back in expectation of greater success. Redresser. Dresser means to set upright; redresser to set upright again: (figuratively) to set any one right, or in the right way. parlé malhonnêtement, mais nous l'avons redressé. Regarder. Vous y regardez de trop près, you are too particular, Cette fenêtre regarde sur la mer, this window looks on the sea. Relief (literally) in architecture, that part which comes or projects out from the flat work, relievo: (figuratively) influence, a name, authority. Cette charge vous donnera du relief.

Repaître (only figuratively), to glut one's self. Se repaître de sang et de carnage.

Reprise. A plusieurs reprises, several times over.

Ressort (literally), spring: (figuratively), province, department. Cela est de mon ressort, that is within my department, capacity.

Reste. Il ne demanda pas son reste, he was very glad to get off without entering into particulars.

Retour. Faire un retour sur soi-même, to reflect seriously, to repent. Retrancher (se). Il se retranche toujours sur sa bonne intention, he always gives his good intentions as an excuse.

Revenant bon, extra profit derived from an employment, perquisite. Un revenant, a hobgoblin.

Revenir. Ceci me revient fort, I like this very much. Il est revenu

de ses égarements, des plaisirs de ce monde, he has lost all inclination, or relish for pleasure; he is reclaimed.

Rideau. Tirons le rideau là-dessus, let us drop the subject.

Rire. Tel qui rit vendredi, dimanche pleurera, if you laugh to-day, you'll cry to-morrow.

Rompre. Ne me rompez pas la tête, do not split my head.

Rouler. Pierre qui roule n'amasse point de mousse, rolling stones gather no moss.

Ruisseau. Des ruisseaux de sang, de vin, de larmes, torrents of blood,&c.
Sage, as an adjective, means prudent, circumspect, not learned.
Sain. Sain et sauf, safe and sound.

Sec, dry, when used literally; harsh, figuratively. Un compliment sec, une réponse sèche. Un ouvrage sec, a tiresome, dry composition. Je suis à sec, I have no money left.

Sécher. Sécher d'ennui, de tristesse, to linger with weariness and sadness. Sécurité, sureté. (See Synonymes.)

Semblant. Faire semblant de, to pretend, to make pretence. Il fait semblant de ne pas comprendre.

Sens, in French, has about the same acceptation as in English.

Sevrer, to wean, is used both literally and figuratively, in the sense of depriving.'

Siffler, to whistle. At a theatre in France, the audience express their displeasure by whistling, which has the effect of hissing in England. Le nouvel acteur a été sifflé, the new actor has been hissed. On le siffla tant qu'il fut obligé de se retirer, he was hissed off.

Soi. Chacun pour soi, et Dieu pour tous, every one for himself, and God for us all.

Soulier. Vous ne savez pas où le soulier blesse, no one knows where the shoe pinches but he who wears it.

Sourd. Faire la sourde oreille, to pretend not to hear. Une lanterne sourde, a dark lantern. Des menées, des pratiques sourdes, sly dealings. Des bruits sourds, secret reports.

Sphère and Style are each used in the literal and figurative sense in English and French, and in both languages are taken nearly in the same acceptation.

Suffire. Il faut savoir se suffire à soi-même, we ought to have resources within ourselves.

Suivre. Un discours suivi, a well managed discourse, one in which every part is well laid down. Ce prédicateur, ce professeur est bien suivi, that preacher, that professor is run after.

Tablature (donner de la) to puzzle, to torment.

Table. Tenir table ouverte, to keep an open table.

Tapis. Cette affaire a été sur le tapis, this business has been the subject of conversation.

Tarir, to dry up. Quand il s'agit de raconter, il ne tarit jamais, when he once begins to relate any thing there is no end to it.

Tâter le pouls, to feel the pulse.

Tâtons (aller à), to go groping along.

Tendre. L'âge le plus tendre. De sa plus tendre jeunesse, from his earliest youth.

Tenir. Il ne tient qu'à moi, qu'à toi, it is in my power. (See Idioms.) Je m'en tiens à cela, that will do, I will not go any further. Je m'en tiens à ce que vous dites, what you say is quite satisfactory to me. A l'impossible nul n'est tenu, no one is obliged to do impossibilities. Tenir à' is used literally and figuratively. Ce papier tient à la muraille, this paper sticks to the wall. Cette corde tient au clou, that cord holds by the nail. Il tient beaucoup à ses anciennes habitudes, he clings to his old habits. Je tiens beaucoup à le rendre heureux, I am particularly anxious to make him happy. Je ne tiens pas à conserver l'estime d'un tel personnage, I am not anxious to preserve, &c. Tête. Avoir la tête fêlée, timbrée, to be crazy. La tête lui tourne, he is quite giddy. Faire à sa tête, to act according to one's fancy. C'est un coup de sa tête, one of his pranks. Une tête folle, écervelée, éventée, évaporée, sans cervelle, de linotte, de girouette, légère, giddy headed, hair brained. Tête froide, cool headed. Avoir de la tête, to be firm, and have presence of mind. Perdre la tête, to be bewildered. Un homme de tête, a profound, clever, cool headed man. Tenir tête à quelqu'un, to oppose or keep up with any one. sait où donner de la tête, he does not know what to have recourse to. Tête-à-tête, an interview, conversation between two persons. Tirer. Cette affaire tire en longueur, this business begins to drag, is longer than it should be. Tirer au sort, to draw lots.

Il ne

Titre. C'est à juste titre qu'il a obtenu sa promotion, he justly deserved his promotion.

Ton. Le prendre sur un ton qui choque. Here 'ton' implies tone of voice, and peremptory manners. Un ton doucereux, or doux.

Le bon ton et le mauvais ton, genteel and vulgar manners. Tout. Il n'avait pour tous gages que, that is Tous les gages qu'il avait ne se montaient qu'à, the whole of the wages he had amounted to only. Il avait pour toute fortune, pour tout bien, &c., his only fortune, &c.

Train, the rate that one goes at. Aller grand, petit train, may refer to the quickness with which one travels, or the rate one lives at. Je suis en train d'écrire, de travailler, &c., I am just in the humour for writing, &c. Faire du train, to make a noise.

Tranchant, the edge of a cutting tool. Le tranchant d'une lame. Une lame à deux tranchans. Une couleur tranchante, a glaring, gaudy, showy colour.

Trancher, to slice off at one blow (literally). Ex.: Trancher la tête à quelqu'un, to chop any body's head off. Hence, in the figurative sense, 'trancher' means 'to give one's opinion in so decisive and peremptory a manner as not to admit of a reply.' Voilà un homme qui tranche. Il est bien ignorant, et cependant il tranche sur tous les sujets.

Tremper, to steep. Tremper ses mains dans le sang, to imbrue one's hands in blood. Tremper dans un crime, to be an accomplice. Trempe, the temper of a blade, &c. (Figuratively), Cette personne à


l'esprit et le corps d'une bonne trempe, that person is quite sound with regard to mind and body.

Trève, (literally) truce. (Figuratively) Trève de cérémonies, de complimens, de railleries, de morale, no more of your ceremonies, compliments-put a stop to, &c.

Triomphe. When speaking of a part of a play, or any thing that an actor, an artist, or any man of talent particularly shines in, we say, 'C'est son triomphe.'

Trop. Vous êtes de trop, you are not wanted. Je crains d'être de trop, I am afraid I am intruding.

Trouver. Comment trouvez-vous cela? how do you like that? Il se trouva un chelin de moins, there happened to be a shilling too little. User. En user avec, to deal with. Il en use librement et familièrement avec ses amis. User quelque chose (without a preposition), to wear out. User ses habits, ses souliers. User de, to use. (See Synonymes.)

Valoir. Il vaut mieux (without a preposition before the next verb), it is better. Il vaut mieux aller seul que mal accompagné, it is better to go alone than in bad company. Faire valoir un bien, ses talens, to render property, or one's talents, valuable or productive, or to show one's merit to the best advantage. Se faire valoir, to make the most of one's self. Autant vaut faire une chose qu'une autre, one may as well, &c.

Venir, (see Idioms.) Je viens de parler à votre père, I have just spoken to your father. S'il vient à pleuvoir, if it happens to rain. En venir aux coups, aux mains, to come to blows.

Vent. Au gré des vents, at the mercy of the winds.

Ventre. Aller (à cheval) ventre à terre or bride abattue, to go full speed. Vert, green. Figuratively it means vigorous. Il est encore vert pour son âge, he is strong and hearty for his age. Une vieillesse verte, a hearty old age.

Vertu. Il faut faire de nécessité vertu, we should make a virtue of necessity.

Vif. De vive voix, by word of mouth. Piqué jusqu'au vif, stung to the quick.

Vin. Entre deux vins, half seas over.

Vinaigre. On attrappe des mouches avec du miel et non avec du vinaigre, mild ways do better than harshness.

Visage. Faire bon, mauvais visage à quelqu'un, to put on a good or a sour face.

Visite. Rendre visite, to pay a visit.

Vivre. Il faut vivre à Rome comme à Rome, you must live at Rome as they do at Rome.

Voie. Mettre quelqu'un sur la voie, to put any one in the way.

Volée. Ce monsieur est de la première, de la haute volée, this gentleman is of high connexions.

Vouloir. En vouloir à quelqu'un, to have a spite against any one. Vomir des injures, des imprécations, des blasphèmes, contre, &c. to utter insults, imprecations, &c.



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to have a regard.

.....to use, to be wont.

.....to compassionate, to commiserate.

...to pity, to have pity on.

to be ashamed.

.to have a share, to be concerned in. ..to have patience.

...to repose confidence in.

.....to be afraid, to fear.

connaissance, avis de ....to have notice.

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