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vote upon a par, but no other,—be first key-keeper of the Society's box,-see the money lodged in a Bank by the Treasurer, or otherwise disposed of as may be thought most beneficial by a majority of the Society,-preserve all the intimation lines of members returning to their employment after being on the sick list,-compare these quarterly with the Treasurer's account of his disbursements to the respective members, and deliver the whole to the Auditors at the end of the year,-and, generally, shall conduct all the other affairs of the Society to the best of his judgment and ability.

51. The Treasurer shall collect all sums due to the Society,-be custodier and second key-keeper of the Society's box,-pay all proper charges, and take proper receipts or other vouchers for the same,-enter regularly all the receipts and disbursements in the Society's cash-book,-lodge in the Bank, or otherwise dispose of, as he may be directed, all the money belonging to the Society, on the first lawful day after each Quarterly Meeting, excepting such a sum as may be thought necessary by the Committee for defraying the current quarter's expences,-give a regular account of his intromissions at each Quarterly Meeting,-make up a clear and accurate abstract of his receipts and disbursements for the year that he has been in office,—and, before the 1st of July following, lay such abstract, with the books, and all other vouchers of the Society, before the Auditors for their inspection and report.

52. The Clerk shall, upon being desired by the Preses, prepare and get printed all the notices for convening Quarterly, Extraordinary, and Committee Meetings, inserting in such notices, so far as known, the business to be brought each evening before the Society, but particularly the names of candidates for admission, their ages, by whom recommended, and where employed,-be third keykeeper,-keep the Society's roll and minute books, and enter regularly therein the minutes of all Society and Committee Meetings, copies of which having first been exhibited and approved of by the Committee and Society, and sign the same along with the Preses and Treasurer,-keep a correct account of the sums due by members or others,-insert annually in the roll-book the ages of the members,and, previous to the Quarterly Meeting in August, draw up, and circulate to each member, whether in town or country, along with the Treasurer's Abstract before mentioned, a Statement of the free and not free members, with their ages, during the year preceding; together with any other particulars that may be judged necessary.

53. The general duties of the Managers shall be to attend all General and Committee Meetings, pay the sick, and give their advice and assistance in all other matters pertaining to the Society.

54. One of the eight Managers shall, month about, regularly wait on the Surgeon each Friday, at 10 o'clock forenoon, for the weekly orders of payments to the sick.

55. The Manager shall deliver these orders to the Treasurer by 10 o'clock, or sooner, on Saturday forenoon, who shall thereupon make payment to him of the requisite amount, to be again paid to the sick members individually in the course of that day, or by 8 o'clock evening at latest.


56. The Manager for the previous month shall report to the Preses, by Monday evening thereafter at farthest, the state of the sick list, with any other information that may be necessary.

57. The Managers shall keep a small cash-book, wherein they shall insert weekly the names of the sick, and the sums paid to each; which book shall be signed by the acting Manager at the end of the month, when he delivers it to his successor.


58. THAT the Society shall have a sufficient Box, with three different locks and keys, for keeping their cash, bills, papers and accounts, or whatever may be found necessary to be lodged therein; which box shall be kept within the toll-bars around Edinburgh.

59. The box shall never be opened, unless all the three keykeepers be present; but should any of them, by sickness or otherwise, be unable to attend, his key must be sent, and the old Preses, Treasurer, or Clerk, shall act in his stead, or, failing them, any of the four senior Managers.

60. The residue of the Society's disposable cash shall either be invested in heritable property or in any public stock, lent out on heritable bond, or lodged in such a bank as may be judged proper; -all securities, receipts, and vouchers, being taken in name of the Preses, Treasurer, and Clerk, for behoof of the Society, and deposited in the Society's box.

61. No money shall be drawn from the bank unless upon an order signed by the Preses, Treasurer, and Clerk; and all other receipts for money received by the Society must be signed by the Treasurer and Clerk.


62, THAT a respectable medical practitioner, residing within the toll-bars around Edinburgh, shall be appointed Surgeon to the Society, with such a salary as can be agreed on, to visit personally the sick members, residing within the toll-bars, once a-week, so long as they are claiming the Society's allowance.

63. The Surgeon shall visit the sick, and grant orders upon the Treasurer for payment, (of which blank forms shall be furnished to him by the Society), and shall have the same ready for delivery by 10 o'clock forenoon of each Friday at latest.

64. The Surgeon's visits on the Society's account shall only be for the purpose of ascertaining the applicants' state of health, without giving either advice or medicines; but should he be employed by any individual member, the Society shall not be responsible for any advice or medicines that may be given to him.

65. On or before the first week in May, the Surgeon shall deliver to the Preses a list of the sick from the preceding February to February of the current year, specifying their respective diseases; which list shall be read at the ensuing Quarterly Meeting, and thereafter inserted in the Treasurer's book,

66. The general law with respect to the appointment of a Surgeon shall not be annulled, unless in terms of the act of Parliament; but any Surgeon may be changed, upon a motion for that purpose being made and seconded at one Quarterly Meeting, and carried by a majority at the next.


67. THAT any member in Edinburgh claiming sick-money, shall intimate his claim to the Preses in the following terms:





"Being incapacitated by sickness for my usual employ

"ment, I request the Society's allowance from this date.

"To the Preses of "THE EDIN. COMP. SOC."


"I remain yours," &c.

68. All sick intimations must be sent to the Preses before 10 o'clock forenoon on Wednesday, and transmitted by him to the Surgeon before 10 o'clock on Thursday morning, otherwise the sick-money for that week will not be paid until Saturday of the week following.

69. In the case of a member, who resides beyond the toll-bars around Edinburgh, claiming sick-money, he shall, along with the above intimation, transmit the certificate of a Surgeon that he is unable to follow his employment, and a similar certificate must be transmitted once a month thereafter, so long as he continues on the sickroll.

70. Sick members in the country must state, in their note of intimation, how often, and by what conveyance, they wish their money transmitted; and shall sustain all risk and expence that may be incurred in transmitting it.

71. The weekly sick-allowance shall always be paid on Saturday; but should any member have been less than six days' sick, he shall be paid at the rate of 1s. 8d. for each working day from the date of his application; and should he not have applied in sufficient time for the Surgeon's visit, the odd days shall be paid him on the Saturday of the week following, along with the next week's payment, or any smaller sum he may then be entitled to receive;-it be ing understood that a member may at any time return to his employment without waiting until the expiry of a week, and shall receive payment for whatever odd days may be previously due.

72. The Treasurer shall pay no sick-money without the Surgeon's order and shall deduct all quarterly arrears that may be due by the applicant.

73. Should the Surgeon, Treasurer, or acting Manager, think it necessary at any time to suspend payment of a member's allowance, such member may appeal to the next Quarterly Meeting; or he may, within fourteen days after said suspension, insist upon a meeting of Committee being called within three days to investigate his case.

74. Should a member be dissatisfied with the decision of the Committee, he may still either appeal to the next Quarterly Meeting, or, within other fourteen days, order a General Meeting to be called in three days after giving such notice; but should the opinion of the Surgeon, Treasurer, or Manager, be sustained by the Committee, and the decision of the Committee sanctioned by the Society, the party complaining shall defray all expences that may have been incurred.

75. Should any member not be regularly visited by the Surgeon or acting Manager, and be thereby deprived of the Society's allowance, he shall give notice thereof to the Preses within three days thereafter.

76. The Preses, within twenty-four hours after receiving said notice, shall inquire into the reason of such neglect, and also, if necessary, call a meeting of Committee, to obtain their advice on the subject.

77. When a member in Edinburgh has so far recovered as to be able to return to his employment, he shall give one day's previous notice in writing to the Preses, in the following terms:

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" allowance from the Society, and been always regularly visited and

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78. When a member in the country intends to resume his employment, he shall also, one day previous to doing so, dispatch the following note by post to the Preses, certified by a Surgeon, and stating the disease with which he was afflicted.


"After having received



days' allow

ance from the Society, I intend to resume my employment on and that I was not sooner able to Surgeon.



"do so, is certified by


"To the Preses of


"I remain yours,” &c.

79. All sick applications, and other communications, from members, or others, in the country, must be post or carriage paid, and addressed to " The Preses of The Edinburgh Compositors' Society,


Edinburgh," whose name, and place of abode or employment, shall be annually inserted in the Edinburgh Directories.

80. No member, while receiving the Society's allowance, shall be at liberty to engage in any employment unsuitable to his situation as a sick member, excepting in cases of urgent necessity.

81. Should any member have run Fifteen Shillings (fines included), in arrears, he shall not be entitled to sick allowance for or during the current quarter, nor until he shall have cleared the books at the next or a subsequent Quarterly Meeting.

82. Should a member have received the Society's allowance for three months, and afterwards return to his employment, other three months must elapse before making a second application; otherwise the time he was formerly on the sick list shall be added to his present period of sickness, in estimating the rate of his allowance,

83. Should a member have been reduced to the second rate of allowance, and then resumed his employment, he must continue at it for six months, and if to the third rate, he must continue for nine months, before making another application; otherwise he shall be again placed upon the same rate, and the time he was formerly sick added to the period of his current incapacity for labour.

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