Estimated expenditures for vocational rehabilitation for fiscal year ending 1922, and expenditures for fiscal year ended June 30, 1921--Continued. 1 Teachers' salaries were included in administrative salaries during the first three quarters of 1921. The CHAIRMAN. This table shows the items that make up the $141,757,308.36, which it is calculated will make up the requirements for the vocational training system until the 30th of June, 1922, including $65,000,000 already appropriated. The first item on that list is for salaries, $7,980,461.46; I wish you would be kind enough to give us the figures showing how that is made up, how many people you have employed, the range of salaries, etc. I see it is about $830,000 more than it was for 1921. I would like to know how it comes that it is that much greater. We had an idea that the number of employees was being reduced instead of increased. Col. FORBES. That also includes salaries for men in new institutions. The CHAIRMAN. What we want to know is how it is made up. The CHAIRMAN. Supply us with that information and put it right in this place in the record. We would like to be able to visualize it as we go along, because it is not of much use to us unless we do. NUMBER AND SALARIES OF EMPLOYEES TRANSFERRED TO UNITED STATES VETERANS' BUREAU. Col. FORBES. We will supply that in the record. The annual salary of employees transferred to the Veterans' Bureau was $10,632,239. The estimate provides for $7,980,461.46, which provides for a decrease of $2,651,778. Below is an itemization of the salary by amount and number of employees transferred. You will note that, if the amount requested for salaries is allowed to stand, a reduction of 25 per cent under the number on the rolls on August 9 will have to be made. Number of employees transferred to the United States Veterans' Bureau Aug. 9, 1921. The CHAIRMAN. You have an item of $652,844.52 for travel employees. What does that consist of and how is it made up? How many employees are traveling and what is the allowance? Col. FORBES. The following list gives the amount spent by each employee of the Rehabilitation Division during the second quarter of the fiscal year 1921, both for travel and subsistence. I will file a list of all employees traveling from the central office, their travel, and subsistence for the whole year 1921. The CHAIRMAN. For subsistence you have an item of $461,493.54. We would like to have that itemized, with a statement showing how it is incurred, how many men are involved in the expense, the amount of the allowances, etc., Mr. ROUTSONG. Mr. Chairman, may I tell you how those figures were arrived at? The CHAIRMAN. Yes. Mr. ROUTSONG. We had the total administrative cost in 1921 distributed as you see it there, and we prorated those figures on the basis of the cost per trainee per month. Then we estimated the number of trainee months we would have through 1922, and we figured that proportionate increased cost. The CHAIRMAN. What we want to know is how much was paid on account of each individual. Mr. ROUTSONG. You see how we did it, and, therefore, the figures I will give you may vary from that slightly. The CHAIRMAN. What we want to know is the allowance you make for each one of those individuals, so that we may determine whether they are violating the law or not. There is a law covering that sort of expenditure and we want to know whether you are working in compliance with the law. Col. FORBES. You want a statement of the per diem cost? The CHAIRMAN. A statement of the subsistence of men traveling. That is the traveling subsistence, is it not? Mr. ROUTSONG. Yes, sir. Col. FORBES. That is at the rate of $4 per day. The CHAIRMAN. Let us have a statement of it. Col. FORBES. We are furnishing that. Under the itemization of travel, subsistence is also included. SUPPLIES. The CHAIRMAN. The next item is for supplies. In 1921 the supplies cost $769,338.49, while for 1922 you figure $1,350,712.80. We would like to know what that large increase is for and what the supplies consist of. Col. FORBES. During the fiscal year 1921 there was an average of 63,000 trainees, with an expenditure of $769,338.49. The estimated expenditure for 1922 is $1,350,712.80 for 93,700 trainees, or an average of $1.20 per month per trainee, the average being the same in each instance. Therefore the increase is due to the increase in number of trainees. The supplies consist of office furniture; typewriters; adding machines and all mechanical devices; cards, index (Hollerith), and guide; brief cases; maps; stationery supplies; mimeograph supplies. RENT. The CHAIRMAN. The next item you have is for rent, for which the expenditure in 1921 was $521,320.53, while for 1922 you propose an expenditure of $968,010.84. We would like to know how you come to have so much more rent-whether you have higher rent or more places. Col. FORBES. More places. The increase in rent is due in part to the increase in the number of local offices. The number of local offices at the beginning of the fiscal year 1921 was 98; at the present time there are 124. It has been necessary to open up training centers for tubercular and mental cases, where the trainees can get special care and special instruction. Several such institutions have been opened since the estimate for 1921 was made, for example, Pocono Pines $87,000, Silver Spring $26,000, Waynesville $27,225, Nauvoo $152,500 first year, second year $57,500,third year $52,500. (The following statements show the detail which was requested regarding rentals. The first refers to district offices and suboffices with the approximate number of employees in each. The second refers to training centers:) United States Veterans' Bureau leases, district and subdistrict offices. 669 6 20 22 60, 520 $266, 430.00 $13, 869. 16 $2.75 July 1, 1921 June 30, 1920 None.... 1, 190 334 840.00 70.00 2.51 June 30, 1922 30 All..... 25 962 2, 100.00 175.00 2. 21 30 Except elevator... Address. Area, District office: Boston, Mass, Washington Essex, E. T. Red- Subdistrict offices: Bangor, Me., Smith Building, W. W. Palmer, agent for estate of Charles Stetson. Portland, Me., Benoit Building, A. H. Be noit & Co., H. A. Benoit, treasurer. Springfiled, Mass, Patton, William Patton... 2,987 Worcester, Mass., 544 Main Street, W. J. Woods and James Montgomery. Manchester, N. H., Bell Building, Samuel K. Bell. Providence, R. I., Raymond Block, Walter Burlington, Vt., Burlington Block, Max L. Powell. District office: New York, N. Y., 25 West Forty-third Subdistrict offices: Hartford, Conn., 179 Allyn Street, Glover E. Hartford, Conn., Hartford Market, Hartford New Haven, Conn., Plymouth Building, Newark, N. J., Aetna Realty Co., Aetna Re- Newark, N. J., 9-11 Franklin Street, Lewis T. 945 1,848.00 154.00 1.95 .do... P. 30 Except water. 33 |