DISTRICT NO. 9-Continued. 23 DISTRICT NO. 10. 545 719 936.00 78.00 1.30 do... do... 30 All.... 9 20, 981. 81 1,748.48 2.66 ....do..... do... 30 None....... 60 All.. 41 United States Veterans' Bureau leases, district and subdistrict offices-Continued. Subdistrict offices Continued. St. Louis, Mo., Chemical Building, Chemical 2,121 $3,660.00 $3305.00 $1.72 July $1,1921 June 30, 1922 None. Chillicothe, Mo., post office building, Gov ernment owned. 81.83 Lodge of the W. O. W. Lincoln, Nebr., Federal building, Govern ment owned. Kearney, Nebr., Federal building, Govern ment owned. District office: Minneapolis, Minn., Keith Plaza Building, 40, 150 $49,935.00 $4, 161.25 $0.97 July 1, 1921 June 30, 1922 30 Except light. Subdistrict offices: Duluth, Minn., Manhattan Building, John Minneapolis, Minn., Lincoln Bank Building, 8,148 Pence Holding Co. St. Paul, Minn., Lowry Annex, Arcade In 3,325 3,970.80 330.90 1.19 .do..... .do... vestment Co. St. Paul, Minn., Hamm Building, Hamm 3,010 4,870.00 405.33 1.62 Jan. 1, 1922 do... Realty Co. Fargo, N. Dak., Emerson Implement, Emer 3,000 2,400.00 200.00 .80 Nov. 1,1921 .do... son-Branington Implement Co. Sioux Falls, S. Dak., Security Building, 1,148 1,920,00 160.00 1.67 do... do.... Western Surety Co. Helena, Mont., Kohrs Block, Conrad Kohrs 3,300 1,980.00 165,00 Co. 10 DISTRICT No. 11. Except light and elevator. 54 All. Term. 407 648 540.00 45.00 .83 .do... .do.. ..do... 27 9,000,00 750.00 2.00 ..do... .do. None. 407 1,803.59 150,29 .76 Nov. 1,1921 .do. Except water.. 29 Distr.ct Office: Denver, Colo., United States National Bank, 32,494 $54,989.96 $5,415.83 $2.00 July 1, 1921 June 30, 1922 Subdistrict offices: Colorado Springs, Colo., 117 East Pikes 4,200 Pueblo, Colo., Central Block, the T. & Η. 2,373 Albuquerque, N. Mex., Korber Building, 6,250 Korber Realty Co. Salt Lake City, Utah, Boston Building, Hol- Casper, Wyo., Oil Exchange, Oil Exchange 2,587 76214-21-21 DISTRICT NO. 12. District offices: San Francisco, Calif., Flood Building, Flood San Francisco, Calif., Lincoln Realty Co., 26,870 $51,996.00 $4,333.00 $1.94 July 1, 1921 Nov. 30, 1921 36, 144 52, 200.00 4,350.00 1.44 Dec. 1, 1921 June 30, 1922 Tucson, Ariz., Red Cloude Lodge, Nealy A. 1,728 1,200.00 100.00 .68......do.... .do. Fennington. Sacramento, Calif., Merchants National 2,280 3,600.00 300.00 1.51 Nov. 1, 1921 ...do.. 30 All. Fresno, Calif., 632 Blackstone, D. Thomas. Mutual Life Ins. Co. San Diego, Calif., Spreckles Building, J. D. Reno, Nev., 550 Sierra Avenue, Henry Reno, Nev., Washoe County Building. R. G. Withers. 3, 402 2,700.00 225.00 3,062,00 78 July 1, 1921 .do. .do. 2,051 United States Veterans' Bureau leases, district and subdistrict offices-Continued. DISTRICT NO. 13. From Can. Service furnished. Number of persons. To $3,898.58 | $2.00 July 1, 1921 June 30, 1922 30 All. DISTRICT NO. 14. 261 $1.75 July 1, 1921 June 30, 1922 90 Except light and water.... 332 .59 do. do. 30 All. 16 2.00 ...do.. ..do. 30 .do.. Address. Area, Rental, Rental, monthly. Square foot. District office: Seattle, Wash., Arcade Building, Arcade Subdistrict offices: 23,818 $46, 783.00 Pocatello, Idaho, Kane Wooley Realty Co.... 1,216 1,620.00 135.00 1.33 .do..... do. Portalnd, Oreg., Medical Building, F. O. 1,600 3,000.00 250.00 1.88 .do..... .do... Downing. Spokane, Wash., Fernwell, H. W. Hutton... 2,300 3,600.00 300.00 1.56 ...do... .do... 2, 120 3,922.00 326.83 1.85 Oct. 1, 1921 ..do... 3030 3030 do.. 30 None.... 30 All.... ....do.. ton & Co. District office: 164 249 Dallas, Tex., 1503 Pacific Avenue.. 21,000 $36,750.00 $3,062.49 Subdistrict offices: Texarkana, Ark., Foreman Building, 1,830 1,080.00 90.00 Nannie E. Foreman. Little Rock, Ark., A. O. U. W., the Grand Lodge A. O. U. W. Fort Smith, Ark., First National Bank...... Grain Exchange Building Co. Tulsa, Okla., First National Bank. Dallas, Tex., 1400 Pacific Avenue, Thomas Goggan & Bros. Dallas, Tex., Praetorian Realty Co......... Stevens. Fort Worth, Tex., F.and M. Building, Farm- Bank of Commerce. San Antonio, Tex., Bedell, J. H. Savage, agent. Waco, Tex., Amicable Life.... 1,405 2,800. 10 233.34 1,354 1,305.00 108.75 1,443 2,884.00 246.34 2.00 1,158 2,610.00 217.50 2.25 2,500 1,500.00 125.00 1,000 2,200.00 183.33 2.28 1,913 2,556.00 213.00 2.68 1,298 2,277 2,270! 3,144.00 262.00 1.38 1,023 1,540,00 128.00 1.50 District No. 11: .do. ..do. 30 .....do.... 8 TRAINING CENTERS. NOTE. There are 195 training centers in all, including those operated in connection with hospitals, soldiers' homes, and Government owned properties. Fifty-one are operated under leases, some of them having more than one lease, so that the number of leases is 60. These leases were usually made for the current fiscal year with a 30-day cancellation clause. The following list shows the location of the training center, the term of the lease, the rent per annum, and the name of the lessor. Racine, Wis.. District No. 9: Mason City, Iowa..... District No. 10: Minneapolis, Minn..... No time limit .do... do. do. Closed Aug. 25, 1921. No time limit .do. No time limit July 1, 1921, to June 30, 1922... 36,000 International Shipbuilding Co. (1) ontract. (1) 10. (1) Do. (1) 1 Do. (1) Do. Jan. 1, 1921, to June 30, 1925...... 32,500 Ed. B. MeGure. July 1, 1921, to June 30, 1922..... 120,000 July 1, 1922, to June 30, 1923...... 25,000 Do. July 1, 1923, to June 30, 1924.. 20,000 July 1, 1921, to June 30, 1922. Alamosa, Colo. Aug. 1, 1921, to June 30, 1922. 1,200 Friendship Lodge 134, Indo pendent Order of Odd Fellows. Albuquerque, N. Mex.. July 1, 1921, to June 30, 1922..... Do..... Free space. July 1, 1921, to July 1, 1922...... 2,760 Korber Realty Co. (Inc.). The CHAIRMAN. For communication, the expenditure for 1921 was $76,435.59, and you estimate for the same purpose $157,583.16. Is that for telegraphing? Col. FORBES. That is for all sorts of communication service, by telephone, telegraph, etc. The CHAIRMAN. It seems outrageous. I suppose the Government maintains the Western Union and Postal Telegraph Cos., and if they did not have any business except that of the agencies of the Government they would still make big profits. I do not suppose anybody pays any attention to economy in the use of these communications, but use them indiscriminately. Will you furnish an intemization of that? Col. FORBES. A large percentage of telegraphic expenses is due to communication to central office from the regional offices relative to the change in status of the trainees; for example, the report for the present month shows 17,000 men with training interrupted. Many of these cases will require hospitalization. When the trainee is unable to carry on as a trainee, it is necessary that he be removed from the pay roll of the Vocational Division and placed back on that of compensation. Compensation received by the trainee is rarely ever as much as that paid as allowance. Hence, in order that there be no delay in the change from one pay roll to another; it is necessary to wire the transfer, in order that the saving be made in difference in the amount of compensation and allowances, and also so that the individual will not suffer for want of funds while the transfer is being made. This increase can be charged to the increase |