Hospital facilities by branches of service for United States Veterans' Bureau patients as of Oct. 27, 1921. [Statement showing, by branches of service, the location, estimated beds available, both occupied and unoccupied, and treatment afforded in Government hospitals of the United States Public Health Service, Army, Navy, Soldiers' Homes, and Interior Department. Made and compiled by the United States Veterans' Bureau for administrative purposes only.] Dis- Location of Government hospitals. UNITED STATES PUBLIC HEALTH SERVICE. 1 Boston, Mass. Do.... Portland, Me... Vineyard Haven, Mass.. East Norfolk. Mass.... West Roxbury, Mass... Sterling Junction, Mass. 2 New Haven, Conn.. Buffalo, N. Y Stapleton, N. Y. New York, N. Y. New York, N. Y. 3 Pittsburgh, Pa. Philadelphia, Pa. 4 Perryville, Md. 5 Greenville, S. C. Washington, D. C... Memphis, Tenn. Savannah, Ga. Biltmore, N. C.. Atlanta, Ga.. Oteen, N. C.. Augusta, Ga.... Lake City, Fla.. 63 20 20 206 4 41 247 206 41 247 4 961 8 104 120 20 128 Hospital facilities by branches of service for United States Veterans' Bureau patients as of Oct. 21, 1921-Continued. 1 200 200 368 182 550 368 382 750 587 65 99 602 652 6 1 1 588 65 653 200 300 42 215 257 48 415 463 ARMY. Walter Reed Letterman General Beaumont General NAVY. 4 Washington, D. C..... 11 Denver, Colo.... 12 San Francisco, Ca if.... (Fort Sam Houston, Tex.. 14 Hot Springs, Ark... Total... (Che'sea, Mass.. 1 Portsmouth, N. H. 2 New York, N. Y. 8 Great Lakes, III. 11 Fort Lyon, Co'o. 14 Hot Springs, Ark.3. Total.. SOLDIERS' HOMES. 1 Togus, Me.... 5 Johnson City, Tenn.... 7 Dayton, Ohio. Marion, Ind... 8 Danville, Ill... Milwaukee, Wis... 9 Leavenworth, Kans.. 10 Hot Springs, S. Dak. 12 Los Angeles, Calif... Total... INTERIOR DEPARTMENT. Washington, D. C......... St. Elizabeths Total... Grand total. 1 The following United States Public Health Service hospitals were reporte 1 as being used in excess of their authorized bed capacity to the extent indicated: No. 37, Waukesha Wis., 5; No. 18, St. Louis, Mo., 8; No. 75, Colfax, Iowa, 1. Twenty-seven of these patients also neuropsychiatric cases. Reports of previous week used for National Soldiers' Homes, Dayton, Ohio; United States Naval Hospital, Fort Lyon, Cole., and United States Public Health Service Hospital No. 66, Carville, La. • Only one hospital. The CHAIRMAN. Have you given the unexpended balance of the appropriation of $33,000,000? Mr. ROUTSONG. There are approximately $11,500,000 unexpended. The CHAIRMAN. Can you give the rate of monthly expenditure? Then state just how soon you will need money and how much you will need. Mr. GALLIVAN. How much per month? Mr. ROUTSONG. It takes approximately $6,250,000 per month. Mr. RQUTSONG. Yes, sir; those that will have to be paid out of the medical and hospital service appropriation and out of this appropriation. The CHAIRMAN. You have $11,000,000 unexpended balance? The CHAIRMAN. You have about a two months' supply of money on hand, or substantially a two months' supply, or within $2,000.000 of it? Mr. ROUTSONG. No, sir. The CHAIRMAN. I understood you to say that the cost was $6,500,000 per month, and that would be $13,000,000 for two months. You say you have an unexpended balance of $11,000,000, and, according to that statement, you have within $2,000,000 of a two months' supply. Col. FORBES. There are other obligations. The CHAIRMAN. We are dealing only with this appropriation now. Have you any outstanding bills against this $11,000,000? The CHAIRMAN. Do you know now much they amount to? Mr. ROUTSONG. Because of the decentralization, and that implies the decentralization of certain disbursements, I can not give you exactly the unobligated balance. Mr. SISSON. This is the Treasury balance and it may be obligated? Mr. ROUTSONG. Yes, sir. I would say that we have sufficient funds to carry us through one more month. The CHAIRMAN. Do you mean to say that disbursements are made through division headquarters without your knowledge? Mr. ROUTSONG. Some disbursements are; yes, sir. The CHAIRMAN. What is the character of those disbursements, and who signs the checks in those cases? Mr. ROUTSONG. The disbursing officer, Mr. Holmes, and his deputies in each district office. The CHAIRMAN. You have disbursing officers at each district headquarters? Mr. BLACK. There is a deputy disbursing officer in each district office. He is a deputy to the disbursing officer in Washington. There are some purchases of trainee supplies that they are permitted to make at the district office. Under field order No. 3, they are allowed to purchase mechanical equipment up to $25 and up to $15 for other equipment, the rule being that no one purchase shall exceed that amount. Then, of course, there may be obligations for the Public Health Service. Col. FORBES. All of the obligations for the Public Health Service are covered by allotments. The CHAIRMAN. You have enough money under the most exacting conditions for 30 or 40 days? Mr. ROUTSONG. I should say 30 days. The CHAIRMAN. When you say that you would require $6,500,000 per month, you mean that that would cover every obligation that could be incurred under the most exacting circumstances? Mr. ROUTSONG. I do not believe that I would say that, because of the fact that our bills are unduly high just at this time. The CHAIRMAN. You do not think it ought to be that much? Mr. ROUTSONG. I would not say that $6,500,000 would cover all of the obligations incurred in the next 30 days, because of the fact that we are now in the act of decentralizing. The CHAIRMAN. Well, taking it over a long period Mr. ROUTSONG (interposing). I took it over a period of a year. AUTHORITY TO ESTABLISH GOVERNMENT SCHOOLS AT CAMPS. The CHAIRMAN. Col. Forbes, some time ago you stated that your bureau had authority to establish schools at Camp Sherman, Camp Grant, and at other camps that you indicated. I wish you would be kind enough to put in the record in connection with this hearing a reference to the law that gives you such authority. Col. FORBES. I will do that. 4 The CHAIRMAN. We would like to have a reference to the law that gives you thať authority. Col. FORBES. I might say that the property, of course, was turned over by an Executive order. The CHAIRMAN. We question the right to do it under any Executive order. If there is any law that authorizes you to take over one of those camps and make an expenditure of four or five million dollars for its rehabilitation, because that is what it will mean, and it will not be simply a question of $20,000; we want to know what that law is. Col. FORBES. The vocational act provides for the establishment of schools, and there are already seven of those schools in operation, but not in cantonments. The CHAIRMAN. We would like to have a reference to that law. Col. FORBES. I think I can give that right here. The CHAIRMAN. I do not think you will find it, but you can insert that in the hearings. Sections 8 and 9 of the Veterans' Bureau bill approved August 9, 1921, are as follows: "SEC. 8. All sums heretofore appropriated for carrying out the provisions of the war-risk insurance act and amendments thereto, and to carry out the provisions of the act entitled 'An act to provide for vocational rehabilitation and return to civil employment of disabled persons discharged from the military or naval forces of the United States, and for other purposes,' approved June 27, 1918, and amendments thereto, shall, where unexpended, be made available for the Veterans' Bureau, and may be expended in such manner as the director deems necessary in carrying out the purposes of this act, with the restrictions heretofore imposed as to number of persons that may be employed at stated salaries. "SEC. 9. The director, subject to the general directions of the President, shall be responsible for the proper examination, medical care, treatment, hospitalization, dispensary, and convalescent care, necessary and reasonable after care, welfare of, nursing, vocational training, and such other services as may be necessary in the carrying out of the provisions of this Act, and for that purpose is hereby authorized to utilize the now existing or future facilities of the United States Public Health Service, the War Department, the Navy Department, the Interior Department, the National Homes for Disabled Volunteer Soldiers, and such other governmental facilities as may be made |