페이지 이미지
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Biography. John D. McCrae, a physician of Montreal, was made a Lieutenant Colonel in the Canadian Army and went overseas early in the war. He died of pneumonia at the front in January, 1918. This beautiful poem was written by him during the second battle of Ypres, April, 1915.

Discussion. 1. Tell in your own words the scene which the poet describes in the first five lines. 2. Of what is the poppy a symbol? 3. What does the poet bid us do? 4. What do you think was the motive which inspired Lieutenant Colonel McCrae to write this poem?

poppies blow, 590, 1

mark our place, 590, 3


felt dawn, 590, 7
falling hands, 590, 11

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Biography. "America's Answer" was written by R. W. Lillard of New York City after the death of Lieutenant Colonel McCrae, the author of "In Flanders Fields." It was printed in the New York Evening Post as a fitting response to the sentiment expressed in Dr. McCrae's poem.

Discussion. 1. Why does the poet say that the "Flanders dead" may now rest in peace? 2. Who took up the struggle? 3. Why does the poet say that the heroes of Flanders have not "died for naught"? 4. Do you think this poem is as stirring as the one that precedes it?

true faith, 591, 4 lifeblood, 591, 7


Freedom's light, 591, 13
learned the lesson, 591, 14

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a-bat'ed (a-bat'ěd), reduced, decreased. ab'bess (ǎb'ěs), head of a convent. ab'bey (ab'i), the church of a monastery,



Ab'er-deen/shire (ǎb'er-dēn'sher), county in northeastern Scotland. Ab'er-dour (ǎb'er-door'), same as Ab'. er-deen', a city in Scotland. ab'di-cate (ǎb'di-kāt), to surrender, abandon.

ab-hor'rence (ǎb-hôr'ĕns), extreme hatred.

a-bide' (å-bid'), to entrust.

a-bode' (a-bod'), residence, dwelling. a-bom-i-na'tion (à-bom-i-na'shun), disgust, hatred.

a-boone' (ȧ-boon'), Scotch for above. ab'o-rig'i-nes (ǎb'ō-rījĭ-nēz),



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ab-surd' (ǎb-sŭrd'), ridiculous.


a-byss' (a-bis'), a bottomless pit.

a-byss' of the whirl (a-bis'), great depth of the whirlpool.

Ab'ys-sin'i-a (ăb'i-sin'i-ȧ), a country in East Africa.

A-ca'di-a (å-kā'di-ȧ), the original French, and now poetic, name of Nova Scotia.

ac'cess (ǎk'sěs; ǎk-sěs'), admission. ac-com'pa-nied (ă-kum'på-nid), went with. ac-cord (ǎ-kôrd'), agreement of will, assent, blend. ac-cord'ing-ly quently, so.

(ǎ-kôrd'ing-li), conse

ac-count'a-ble (ǎ-koun'tȧ-b'l), responsible.

ac-count'ant (ǎ-kount'ănt), one skilled in keeping accounts.

ac-cu'mu-la'tion (ǎ-ku'mū-lā'shŭn), collection.

ac'cu-sa'tion (ǎk'u-za'shun), the charge of an offense or crime. ac-cus'tomed (ǎ-kus'tumd), wont, used. a-chieve' (a-chev'), achieve your adventure, do your favor.

ō as in note

Ŏ as in not

ô as in or ō as in obey ú as in use

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A-chil'les (å-kil'ēz), the central hero in the Iliad. See Elson Reader, Book II. ac-quire' (ǎ-kwir'), gain.

a-cu'men (å-kū'měn), keenness, shrewd


ad'age (ǎd'āj), an old saying. ad’a-man/tine (ad’i-măn’tin), impene trable, hard.

a-dapt'ing (a-dăpt'ing), fitting, adjusting. ad'der (ăd'er), a kind of snake. ad-dress' (ă-drěs'), skill, tact; to make a speech.

ad'e-quate (ǎd'ê-kwāt), sufficient. ad-her'ence (ăd-her'ĕns), steady attachment, fidelity.

ad-her'ent (ăd-her'ěnt), follower. a-dieu' (à-dū'), farewell, good-by. ad-ja'cent (ǎ-jā'sĕnt), near by. ad-just' (ǎ-just'), to arrange.

ad-min'is-ter (ǎd-min'is-ter), to apply,

serve out.

ad-min'is-tra'tion (ăd-min'is-tra'shun), management of public affairs.

ad'mi-ra-ble (ǎd'mi-râ-b'l), wonderful, marvelous.

ad'mi-ral (ǎd'mi-răl), a naval officer of the highest rank.

a-dorn' (a-dôrn'), to set off to advantage, beautify, decorate.

a-dorn'ment of all India (ȧ-dôrn'měnt), a flattering phrase-one that helps to beautify India.

a-droit'ness in traffic (à-droit'něs, trăf'ik), skill in bargaining or commerce. ad-vance' (ăd-văns'), offer, set forth. ad'van-ta/geous-ly (ăd'văn-tā jūs-lī), beneficially.

ad-ven'ture (ăd-věn'tûr), undertaking. ad-ven'tur-ous (ăd-ven'tûr-us), daring. ad'ver-sa-ries (ǎd'ver-sa-riz), foes, opponents.

ad'verse (ăd'vērs), unfavorable. ad-vert' (ăd-vûrt'), to refer, allude. ad-vis'a-ble (ăd-viz'à-b'l), desirable. ad'vo-cate (ăd'vō-kât), counselor, one who pleads for another.

a-e'ri-al (a-ē'ri-ăl), airy,. pertaining to air.

af-fect'ed (ǎ-fěkt'ěd), fancied; laid hold of.

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af-fects' many gen'er-ous sen'timents (ǎ-fěkts'; jĕn'ēr-us; sĕn'timěnts), assumes so many noble feelings.

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al'a-bas'ter (ǎl'à-bȧs'ter), white stone resembling marble.

al-be'it (ǎl'be'it), although.

Al-giers' (al-jērz'), seaport in Africa. Al-hambra (al-hăm’bra), the fortress, palace, or alcazar, of the Moorish kings.

al'ien (al'yen), foreign, strange. A-li-e'na (à-li-ē'nä).

al-e'giance (ǎ-lē'jăns),

loyalty, alle

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giance merely nominal, loyalty called, not real. al-leg'ing (ă-lěj'ing), declaring, asserting. al-lit'er-a'tion (a-lit'er-a'shun), repetition of the same letter or sound at the beginning of two or more words immediately succeeding each other. al-lot'ment (ă-lot'měnt), share by chance. al-low'ance (á-low'ăns), share. al-lude' (ă-lūd'), refer, hint.

al-lu'sion (ă-lū’zhŭn), indirect reference, hint.

al-ly' (ǎ-li'), partner, relative. Almes'bury (ämz'ber-i).

alms (ämz), charity.

a-loft' (a-loft'), to the mast head, overhead.

a-loof' (ä-loof'), apart. al-ter'nate (ǎl-tûr'nat; ăǎl'ter-nat), by


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a-nat'o-my (ă-nǎt'ō-mi), the science which treats of the structure of the body.

An'dre, Major (än'drâ), a British officer in the Revolutionary War who was arrested at Tarrytown and executed as a spy.

anec-dote (ăn’ěk-dot), particular inci dent or fact of an interesting nature. an-gelic kin’dred (ăn-jělik kin’drěd), heavenly relationship.

an'guish (ăn'gwish), agony, distress. an i-mate (ǎn'i-mat), to enliven, inspire. an'kus (ǎn'kus), an elephant goad. An'noure (ǎn'or), a sorceress of King Arthur's time.

an-nul' (ăn-nul'), to cancel, abolish. a-non' (ȧ-non'), soon.

An-tae'us (ăn-te'us), a son of Poseidon. He was of gigantic size and strength, and grew stronger as long as he

touched his mother Earth. an-tag’o-nist (ăn tăgõ-nist), opponent. an'te (ǎn'tè), to put up.

an'them (an'them), a song of praise. an-tic'i-pate (ăn-tis'i-pāt), to have a previous view of what is to happen. anʼti-quat'ed (ǎn'ti-kwāt'ěd), old fashioned.

an'vil (ǎn'vil), a block usually of iron, steel faced, and of characteristic shape, on which metal is shaped as by hammering or forging.

ap'a-thy (ap'a-thi), lack of feeling. a'pex (a'pēks), summit, point. ap'ing (ap'ing), mimicing, imitating. a-poc'a-lyp'ti-cal (ȧ-pok'à-lip'ti-kǎl), revealing.

a-pos'tle (ȧ-pos"), one of the twelve disciples of Christ, specially chosen as his companions and witnesses, and sent forth to preach the gospel.

ap'os-tol'ic (ăp'os-tolik), like one having a great mission.

ap-pall'ing (ǎ-pôl'ing), fearful, unusual. ap-par'el (ǎ-păr'ěl). clothing.

ap-par'ent (ǎ-pâr'ĕnt), easily seen, seeming.

ap'pa-ri'tion (ǎp'ȧ-rish'un), ghost. apper-tain/ing (áp’ěr-tâning), belong.

ing to.

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ap-proach' (ǎ-prōch'), to draw near to stealthily.

ap'pro-ba'tion (ǎp'rō-ba'shun), liking. apt (ǎpt), suitable.

aptness to acts of violence, tending to commit deeds of violence, tendency to kill.

Ar'a-bic (ar'à-bik), the Arabs' language. ar'bi-tra-ry (är'bi-tra-ri), irresponsible. ar'bu-tus (är'bû-tŭs; är-bu'tus), a small trailing plant having fragrant flowers. Ar'ca-bu-ce/ro (är'kä-boo-thāʼrō), a soldier armed with firearms of the middle fifteenth century.

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Ar-ma'da (är-mā'dä), a fleet; especially the great Spanish fleet defeated by England in 1588.

ar-ma'dos (är-mā'dōs), large ships, battleships.

ar'mor-er (är'mēr-er), one who cleans and repairs the small arms or iron parts on a ship.

arms at the trail, a military term, rifles carried at side in horizontal position. ar'rack (ǎr'ǎk), liquor made from rice, or molasses, or the sap of palms. ar'rant (ăr'ănt), downright. ar-ray' (ǎ-ra'), order, dress. ar'ro-gance (ǎr'ō-găns), pride. ar'se-nal (är'sê-năl), a public establishment for the storage or manufacture of arms and military equipment. ar-tif'i-cer (är-tif'i-sēr), skilled worker. ar'ti-fi'cial-ly (är'ti-fish'ă-li), not genuinely.

as-cend’an-cy (ă-sěn’dăn-si), control, su periority.

as-cend'ing (ă-send'ing), moving or climbing upward.

as'cer-tain' (ǎs'er-tān'), find out for a certainty.

as-crib'ing (ǎs-krib'ing), attributing, assigning.

as'pect (as'pěkt), appearance.

As'ni-net (as'pi-nět), an Indian chief. as'pi-ra'tion (ăs'pi-ra'shŭn), high desire. as-sail' (ă-sal'), attack.

as-sail'ant (ă-sāl'ănt)), one that attacks. as-sault' (ă-solt'), attack.

as-sert' their lordship (ă-sûrt'), state their right to rule.

as-sim'i-lat/ing (ă-sim'í-lātĭng), resembling.

as-sured' (ă-shoord'), made sure. as-sur'ed-ly (ǎ-shoor'ed-li), certainly. As'ta-roth (ǎs'tà-roth), the Phoenician goddess of love.

asth'ma (ǎz'má), a disease causing difficulty of breathing.

As'to-lat (ǎs'tō-låt), a name for Guildford, Surrey, England.

astral lamp (as'tral), a kind of brilliant lamp.

Atherfield (ǎth'ĕr-feld).

ath-let'ic (ǎth-lět'ik), strong, muscular. a-thwart' (a-thwort'), across.

Atlas (ǎt'las), in Greek mythology, a god who bore up the pillars which upheld the heavens.

a-tone' (ȧ-ton'), to make satisfaction for.

a-tro'cious (å-tro'shus), wicked, terrible. a-troc'i-ties (ȧ-tros'i-tiz), savagely brutal deeds.

at-tend'ance (ă-těn'dăns), service. at'ten/tive-ly scru'ti-nized (a-těn tiv-li skroo'ti-nizd), examined closely.

at'ti-tude (ǎt'i-tud), posture or position. at'tri-bute (ǎ'tri-būt), quality.

Auchmuty, Judge (ók'mů-ti), British general (1756-1822).

au-da'cious (ô-dā'shŭs), impudent, daring.

au'di-ble (ô'di-b'l), actually heard. au'di-tor (o'di-ter), a hearer, listener. aug-ment'ed (ôg-měnt'ěd), increased. auld (öld; äld), Scotch for old. aus-tere' (ôs-ter'), stern, severe.

au-then'tic (ô-thěntik), real, trustworthy, true. au'then-tic/i-ty ineness.



au-thor'i-ta-tive (ô-thŏr'i-tå-tiv), commanding, positive.

au'to-bi-og/ra-phy (ô'tō-bi-og'rȧ-fi), history of one's life written by himself.

au'to-crat (ô'tō-krǎt), an absolute monarch.

au'to-cratic (ô'tō-krǎtik), absolute. au-tum'nal (ô-tŭm'năl), belonging to, or like autumn.

aux-il'ia-ry (ôg-zil'yȧ-ri), helper, assistant.

a-venged' (ȧ-věnjd'), punished the injuring party.

a-verse' (a-vers'), disinclined, contrary. aversion, unbounded (å-vûr'shŭn), unlimited dislike.

A-vil'ion (a-vil'yon), in Celtic mythology an earthly paradise in the western seas where heroes were carried at death. av'o-ca/tions (ăv'ō-ka'shunz), pursuits. a-vow'al (ȧ-vou'ăl), declaration. awed (ôd), struck with great fear. Ay'mer de Va'lence (a'mēr då vä'lons), Ayr (âr), a seaport in southwestern Scotland.

A-zores' (ā-zōrz'), islands near and belonging to Portugal.

az'ure (ǎzh'ûr), sky-blue.

Ba'al (bā'ǎl), a Phoenician god whose worship was attended by wild revelry. bab'ble (băb'l), utter unintelligible sounds, prattle.

Bab'y-lo/ni-an vaunt'ing (Băb'i-lōnĭ-ăn vänt'ing), referring to the hanging gardens of Babylon, one of the seven wonders of the world.

bach'e-lor (băch'e-ler), the lowest university degree.

Bacon, Sir Francis, English philosopher and statesman (1561-1626).

bade (băd), ordered, commanded. badge of his au-thor'i-ty (băj of his ô-thor'i-ti), sign of his power.

baf'fled (bǎf'"'ld), defeated, thwarted. bal'dric (bôl'drik), a broad belt, worn over one shoulder, across the breast and under the opposite arm. bal'ing (bal'ing),, dipping out water; making large bundles for shipping. bal'last (bǎl'ast), any heavy substance put into the hold of a ship to sink it in the water.

bam-boo' (băm-boo'), a woody kind of

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