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Abuse of power, Collectivism a great

temptation to, 241

Academic Socialists, 353

Adam Smith, 357

Aims of man, 273

America, 342, 343

American Socialism, historians of, 35
Anarchism, literature of, 39; and
Communism, 86

Anarchism, Democratic, 305
Aquinas, Thomas, 375

Aristocracy, the truth in the idea of,

Armies of industry, Carlyle on, 229
Associations, political, 322

Austria, Catholic Socialists in, 439
Author, his definition and use of word
"Socialism," 17, 21, 28

BARRY, Dr., his definition of Social-
ism, 24

Bastiat, 357

Bax, E. Belfort, on the teaching of
Christ, 96; on position of the work-
ing classes, 263; 284, 287, 352, 401,
403, 431, 462

Bebel, references to, 283, 352, 462;
his definition of Socialism, 24; his
"Die Frau," 139

Belgium, 288

Bellamy, 462
Bellom, Maurice, 294

Benevolence, Cumberland inculcates

a theory of, 64

Bible, the, a very political book, 490
Blanc, Louis, on the duties of Govern-

ment, 34; on standard of wages,
125; 405, 414
Blanchard, J. T., on the right to
labour, 415

Blanqui's motto, Ni Dieu ni maître,

Böhmert, Victor, 295

Bonar, Dr., 327

Bosanquet, his definition of Socialism,
26; on Economical Socialism, 333
"Bourgeois Family," the, 283
Bourgeoisie, 387; bourgeoisie and
peuple, 384

Bradlaugh's definition of Socialism at
St. James's Hall, 16

Britain, working men in, and Social-
ism, 44; dangers of Socialism in,
45; provoking causes of Socialism
in, 46; no warrant for a pessimistic
view of coming events in, 46;
Socialistic periodicals in, 49 et
seq.; 288; possible ruin of, by
other great military and naval
Powers, or by its own people, 325;
Democracy of, should not be in-
different to Britain's naval and
military supremacy, 310


strongest in its recognition of, 381;
yet violates it, 386

Buckle referred to (in Encyclopædia
Britannica by Dr. Flint), 72

Buying out proprietors of land, 222

CÆSARISM, 336, 342
Campanella, 283

Capital and intelligence entitled to
remuneration, 112; Marx on, 141,
144, 148, 153, 154, 155, 164, 170,
198, 199, 372; and Interest, 173;
Mr. Lecky on, 174; what is it? 156;
and labour dependent on each
other, 158; and Collectivism, 176;
and labour reciprocally essential,
177 as an "historic category,"
185; and circulation, 186; "vari-
able," and "constant," 187; robs
labour-fallacy of the idea, 164;

Adam Smith, Ricardo, and Proud-
hon mentioned in connection with,
164; Schäffle on, 166; mediæval
superstition about, 173; collec-
tivisation of, scope and aim of the
scheme, 231; its impracticability,
232; and its folly, 239, 241; pro-
blem of maintenance of, affected
by Collectivism, 246

Capitalist, a, must be the friend of
labour, and those who seek the good
of labour should desire increase of
capital, 158; the mere, a despicable
being, 179; claims of the, to re-
muneration, incontestible, 171 seq.;
method of exploitation, 190; work-
men's grounds of complaint against,
179; system of an industrial reserve
army, 198

Carlyle on State management of the
land, 228; and armies of industry,

Catchwords of parties, 289
Catholic doctrine and Socialism, 439
Catholic Socialists in Germany, 438
Cathrein, 360

Cave of Furies (ancient Athens), 394
Chalmers, Dr., his purpose in writing

"Political Economy," 280; 353
Chamberlain, Mr. on political reform,

Champion, H. H., 295

Character, importance of education
in forming, 280

Charity, 410; and history of Christ-

endom, 390; legal and official, 392
Chicago martyrs, 35

Children, transfer of to the care of the
State, 286

Christ, the teaching of, neither indi-

vidualistic nor socialist, 96; and
brotherly love, &c., 388, 307, 394;
immeasurably the greatest reformer
and revolutionist who has ever ap-
peared on earth, 466
Christian Socialists, 434
Christianity not bound to existing

order of society, 452; Socialism
antagonistic to, 460; meant to free
men from such slavery as Socialism
imposes, 465

Church, the medieval, and social
authority, 96

Church, the, 288, 289, 470 et seq.;
and Socialism, 289, 290; should aim
at fulfilling her social mission
wholly in the spirit of her Lord,
481; her duty plain, 481; must not

be the Church of any class alone,
481; should endeavour to remove
causes of disaffection, 482; Dives
and Lazarus, 485; should do more
for solution of social and labour
problems, 486; should point out
duties as well as rights to the
classes, 488; cannot draw any
absolute distinction between social
and political questions, 489; bas
not to do with politics in the same
way as the State has, 490; Prof.
Wace, 491; call of, to study social
questions (supplementary note), 493
et seq.

Claims of proprietors of land, 221
Clergy, the, 476 et seq.; Leighton
(quoted), and "preaching up the
times," 476

Colins, an advocate of Collectivism,
Collectivisation of capital, scope and
aim of the scheme, 231; its imprac-
ticability, 232; to be realised only
by revolution-folly of such an
attempt, 234; J. S. Mill on, 235;
Archbishop Whateley on, 238;
means national slavery, 239; a
species of slavery, 241

Collectivism, Schäffle on, 61; the
only formidable kind of Socialism,
63; and Individualism contrasted,
64 et seq.; Karl Marx founder of,
86; described, 87; and capital,
176; Professor J. S. Nicholson
on the proposals of, 233; a great
temptation to abuse of power, 241;
would cause a longer labour day,
244; would almost entirely deprive
us of benefits of foreign trade, 246;
the problem of maintenance of capi-
tal, 246; incapable of a stable and
solid realisation, 245; democratic,
Schäffle's objections to, 250; not to
be attained by evolution, but by re-
volution, 269; tendency of, 272;
and religion, 277; no religious
difficulties under its régime, 277;
358, 360, 375, 389

Collectivist principles, history of, 87
Combinations, workmen's, 295
Commune, Parisian, 395

Communes, splitting up of Europe
into, advocated by fervent Demo-
crats, 304
Communism, 55; relationship to
Socialism, 55 frequency, 55: re-
ligious, 56; in Italy and Spain, 59;

in Europe, 60; democratic, im-
practicable, 61; Noyes on, 81;
Wagner on, 83; Socialism and, 84;
creed of, 85; literature of, and
Anarchism, 86; 389

Communist party, manifesto of, by
Marx and Engels, 88
Communistic experiments applied to
industrial problem, 57; frequency
of, in United States, conditions of
success, 57 et seq.; societies, pros-
perity of a material kind, 84
Competition, duty of the State in
regard to, 119; in relation to pau-
perism, 120; industrial, is Chris-
tian, as shown by Bishop Butler,


Comte, Fourier, and Saint-Simon,
men of exceptional constructive
power, though unsuccessful, 202;
reasons of their non-success, 203
Comte on historical hypothesis of
Marx, 138 and social organisa-
tion, 274; on the family, 282; 430
Condorcet on equality of wealth, 201
Considérant, Victor, 414, 430
Co-operation, relation of to Socialism,

Cossa, L., 348
Costa-Rossetti, 439
Cournot, 339

Crown, the British, has been gradu-
ally stripped of the power by which
it can check or control Parliament,
Cumberland inculcates benevolence,

DAVIDSON, J. MORRISON, on nationali-
sation of land, 227; 353, 359, 360,
361, 362
D'Eckstein and other Frenchmen use
the word Industrialism preferably
to Socialism, 13
Decrements, undeserved, 218
Definition of Socialism, no true and
precise, possible, 18
Democracies, State intervention in,
79; ancient and modern demo-
cracies compared, 300, 301; in many
cases have ended in despotisms,
338; Froude quoted, 338; author's
opinion as to duration of demo-
cracy, 338; the late M. Cournot
cited, 339; De Tocqueville's famous
work on Democracy in America,"
the author's words in reference
thereto quoted, 339 et seq.

[ocr errors]

Democracy, what is it? 299; etymo-
logy of word, 299; only an ideal,
300; manhood and womanhood
suffrage a sine qua non of, 301;
representative system restrictive of,
302, 303; the truth distinctive of,
not the whole truth of government,
307; may tend to be, but is not
bound to be, republican, 309;
human qualities demanded for its
success, 322, 323; party spirit its
direst foe, 321; prosperity of
secured only by toil and thought,
326; and Cæsarism of Greece and
Rome, and the fate of modern
Europe, 336

De Tocqueville, 339, 340
Dietzgen, 431

Discontent inherent in human nature,

Doniol, M., contribution to the history
of the imaginary distinction be-
tween bourgeoisie and peuple, 384
Dove, P. E., on nationalisation of land
and rent value of soil, 204
Dugald Stewart, 353

ECONOMIC laws limit State action, 73
Economics, various views of, dis-
cussed, 345 et seq.; relation to
ethics, 348; Ruskin quoted, 351;
alleged by Socialists to be un-
favourable to morality, because, as
generally taught, it assumes, they
say, that human nature is essen-
tially selfish, 353; Thos. Davidson
quoted, 354; argument disposed of,
Education, importance of, in forming
character, 280
Ego, 378, 379

Eisenach programme (Social Demo-
cratic), 89
Enfantin, 416

Engels, one of the authors of the
manifesto of the Communist party,
88; quoted, 137, 139; social orga-
nisation, 276

English Socialism, periodicals, and
Socialists, contemporary leaders of,
43; Land Restoration League, un-
wisdom of, 227

Equality, Condorcet on growth of,
201; the distinctive and favourite
principle of Democracy, 315; very
often the desire for, is identical
with envy, 316; only one strictly-
right sort of, 316; political, 316,

317; in property, 317; religious,

Erfurt Social Democratic programme,


Estates, Third and Fourth, 383
Ethical Individualism, 96
Ethics, relation to economics, 348;
true, in conflict with ordinary
ethics of Socialism, 369; domestic,
Exclusion, arbitrary, of any class
from political activity is a wrong,

FABIAN Society, 43

Fabians and State intervention, 77;
and the theory of value, 183
Fallacies as to relation of capital and

labour, 159 seq.

Family, importance of, 281; 380
Farmers', tenant, scheme under na-
tionalisation of land, 225
Ferguson, Adam, 357
Feuerbach, 431

Fichte, J. G., quoted, 405

Flint, Dr., his views on Socialism and
social organisation criticised, 260
Foreign policy of Socialism, 396
Foreign trade, problem of, 230
Fortunes, the greatest, made by
speculation, 181

Fourier, one of the founders of French
Socialism, 34, 430
Fourierist societies, 86

"Fourth Estate," so-called by Social-
ists, 383; solution of the social
question, according to Socialists,
only to be obtained by its triumph,
383; really no Fourth Estate at
present, 384

France, not now the country most
threatened by Socialism, 34; pro-
gress of Socialism in, 54; 288, 341;
in 1830-1835, 341; Guizot Ministry
(1840-1848). 342; Cæsarism, ac-
claimed, 342; and the Third Estate,
383 et seq.

Fraternity, belief in the truth of by
Socialism, 381; thought of, and
charity, 387

"Die Frau" (Bebel), 139
Freedom, industrial, democratic, 201
Free love, 283, 287

French Academy's definition of So-
cialism, 15; Anarchist journals, 54 ;
Socialism, founders of, 34; Social-
ists, 35
Froude quoted, 338

Functions of the State, 69

Furies, Cave of (ancient Athens), 395

GAMBETTA, famous declaration of,
Garibaldi, 397
Garnier, 357

George, Henry, on mutual relations of
capital and labour-his hypothesis
examined, 162 seq.; nationalisation
of land, 204; 400, 401

German Socialism, progress of, 43;
literature of, 42, 52

Giffen on property in land, 219
Gilman, N. P., 295
Gioberti, 397

God, recognition of sovereignty of,
308; love to be given to, 367
God, Fatherhood of, 470
Godwin, Wm., 416

Goschen, Mr., on self-help, 77
Gospel, the principles of the, designed
to pervade, embrace, and direct
the whole of the life of man, 480
Gotha Social Democratic programme,
Government, Louis Blanc on the

duties of a, 34; primary function of,
to coerce and suppress crime, 37
Graham, "Socialism New and Old," 28
Greece and Rome ruined through
failure to solve the "social ques-
tion," 32

Grievances of labour, 178
Gronlund, 352

Guild of St. Matthew, 52

Gunton's refutation of Marx, 192
Guyot, Yves, 394

HAFFNER, Canon, 438
Hall, Chas., 416


wealth, Hobbes,

Spencer, Morris, and Belfort Bax
on, 262, 263

Harrison, Mr. Frederic, on the ques-
tion of producers and products, 115
Headlam, Rev. Stewart D., 52; 438
Hedonism, 372

Hegel on historical hypothesis of
Marx, 138

Held's definition of Socialism, 24
Helvetius, a representative of ethicai
individualism, 96

Historical evolution, ideas of Owen,
Saint-Simon, Fourier, Condorcet
and Comte on, 267

Historical hypothesis of Marx and
Comte, Hegel on, 138; school, 463


History, failure of Socialism in its
explanation of, 464; sacred and
other, 490

Hitchcock quoted, 406
Hitze, Abbot, 438

Hobbes inculcates a theory of selfish-
ness, 64, 96; a representative of
ethical individualism, 96
Holyoake on term Socialism, 12
House of Commons, 310, 311, 337
House of Lords, might be greatly
improved by direct reform, 312;
should be mended, not ended, 312
Hubert, V. P., 295
Hughes, 434
Hugo, 397

Human liberties, certain fundamental,
limit State action, 73

Human nature, plasticity of, exagge-
rated by Socialists, 352
Hume, 357

Hutcheson, Fras., 353
Hyndman - Bradlaugh debate in St.
James's Hall, 15

Hyndman's definition of Socialism, 15

ICARIAN Societies-Cabet, 60
Incomes, earned and unearned, wis-
dom of State in not attempting to
separate, 219

Increments, unearned, 215
Individual initiative, Professor Pulszky

on, 78; ownership not unjust, 210;
action, influence of, on society, 271
Individualism, date of the term, 13;
not to be identified with sociology,
19; an excess as well as Socialism,
64; compared with Socialism, 95;
ethical, visible in egoistic hedonism,
96; a System of Politics (Donis-
thorpe), 98; and Socialism (in Les
Progrès de la Science Economique),
Individualist assumptions, 65; reli-
gious teaching, 96
Individuum, 378

Industrial reserve army, capitalist
system of an, 199; freedom, demo-
cratic, 201

Industrialism, 13
Industry and property, Socialism
aims primarily at a re-organisation
of, 101; division of the profits of,
117; armies of, Carlyle on, 229;
Socialism and the organisation of,

Insurance, labour (compulsory), 293
Interest, Lecky on, 175

International feeling, diffusion of,
393; Workmen's Association, fun-
damental pact of the, by Marx, 88
Ireland, Socialism in, 54
Italy, 288

JANET'S definition of Socialism, 27
Jesus, quoted, 307, 388, 394
Jingoism, 394

John the Baptist, metanoia of, 379
Joly on Socialism, 86
Jones, B., 295

Justice and Socialism, 398; Bax
quoted, 401

Justice (Spencer), 210

KAUFMAN'S definition of Socialism,
23; Utopias, 34

Ketteler, Bishop von, 438

Kingdom of God, 464; Heaven,
Socialist delusion as to how it may
be established on earth, 351, 378
Kingsley, 434, 479

Kirkup on the origin of the word
Socialism, 12; his History of
Socialism, 28
Kossuth, 397

Küfstein, Count von, 439

LABOUR, the history of, 103; the
burning question of the day, 104;
the danger of misrepresentation
regarding, producing discontent
and bitterness, 106; a fallacy that
it is the sole source of wealth, 107,
III, 112; dependent on Nature
for wealth, 108; Marx's erroneous
theory of its exploitation, 109;
Adam Smith and Ricardo fell into
same error, 110; labourers repre-
sent capital, and cannot work with-
out it, III; does not give value
to commodities, 113; not being
the sole source of wealth, the
whole Socialist doctrine regarding
it is wrong, 114; Bastiat and Marx,
their views on the point, 114; some-
times asks more than capital can
give, 118; and capital, Marx on,
149; grievances of, 178; power as
sole source of value, Marx's argu-
ments criticised and examined, 189
seq.; day, Collectivism would ini-
tiate a longer, 244; the right to,
408 et seq., different from rights of
labour, 409 et seq., Turgot quoted;
Proudhon quoted, 412; current price
of, 412; Switzerland, 414; rights

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