THE ENGLISH WOMAN'S MAGAZINE AND Christian Mother's Miscellany. EDITED BY MRS. MILNER, AUTHOR OF "THE LIFE OF DEAN MILNER," "HISTORICAL SKETCHES," ETC. "I NEVER WANTED ARTICLES ON RELIGIOUS SUBJECTS, HALF SO MUCH, AS TONE." DR. ARNOLD. WRITTEN WITH A DECIDEDLY CHRISTIAN PETER JACKSON, LATE FISHER, SON, & CO, LONDON; PREFACE. A PREFACE to each consecutive volume of a work, of which the successive numbers are, or ought to be, marked by a general unity of character and desigu, is, perhaps, superfluous. About, however, to enter upon her tenth yearly volume, the Editor of “The Englishwoman's Magazine" feels herself called upon to express her grateful sense of the public favour by which that Periodical has been thus permanently distinguished; and would also intimate her general purpose with regard to its future conduct. Persuaded that "common subjects," in every variety, may be treated "in a decidedly Christian tone;" and that science and literature are then best employed, when they are rendered subservient to the cause of Scriptural truth; the Editor of "The Englishwoman's Magazine,"-assisted, as she is, by able contributors,—would allow herself a wide range of topics, and would aim at a high standard of literary excellence. Her first object, however, will be henceforward, that which it has been hitherto. In the pages of her Magazine, the essential principles of Christianity will be constantly recognized as necessarily lying at the foundation of all moral excellence; and her primary aim must ever be to recommend those principles to her readers, as worthy of all acceptation. The Vicarage, Appleby, Westmoreland, Dec., 1852. |