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The Bishop.

UR help is in the Name of the Lord;
Answer. Who hath made heaven and earth.
Bishop. Blessed be the Name of the Lord;
Answer. Henceforth, world without end.
Bishop. Lord, hear our prayers.

Answer. And let our cry come unto thee.

ALMIGHTY and everliving

God, who didst vouchsafe to receive these thy Servants into thy Church by Baptism, and hast given them grace now in their own Persons to confess the true Faith, wherein they were to be instructed according to the promise then made for them; strengthen


I do.

The Bishop. Let us pray.
LMIGHTY and everliving

to regenerate these thy servants by Water and the Holy Ghost, and hast given unto them forgiveness of all their sins; Strengthen

[Sd. 1892]

[Ed. 1790, Sds. 1793-1871]

them, we beseech thee, O Lord, with the Holy Ghost, the Comforter, and daily increase in them thy manifold gifts of grace; the spirit of wisdom and understanding, the spirit of counsel and ghostly strength, the spirit of knowledge and true godliness; and fill them, O Lord, with the spirit of thy holy fear, now and for ever. Amen.

Then all of them in order kneeling before the Bishop, he shall lay his hands upon the head of every one severally, saying,

DEFEND, O Lord, this thy Child [or this thy Servant] with thy

heavenly grace; that he may continue thine for ever; and daily increase in thy Holy Spirit more and more, until he come unto thy everlasting kingdom. Amen.2

Then shall the Bishop say,

The Lord be with you.

Answer. And with thy spirit.

And all kneeling down, the Bishop shall add,

Let us pray.

UR Father, who, etc......... But deliver us from evil. Amen.


And this Collect.3

LMIGHTY and everliving God, who makest us both to will and to do those things which are good, and acceptable unto thy Divine Majesty; we make our humble supplications unto thee for these thy servants, upon whom, after the example of thy holy Apostles, we have now laid our hands, to certify them, by this sign, of thy favour and gracious goodness towards them. Let thy fatherly hand, we beseech thee, ever be over them; Let thy Holy Spirit ever be with them; And so lead them in the knowledge and obedience of thy Word, that in the end they may obtain everlasting life; through our Lord Jesus Christ; who with thee and the Holy Ghost liveth and reigneth, ever one God, world without end. Amen.


ALMIGHTY Lord, and everlasting God, vouchsafe, we beseech thee, to direct, sanctify, and govern, both our hearts and bodies, in the ways of thy laws, and in the works of thy commandments; that, through thy most mighty protection, both here and ever, we may be preserved in body and soul, through our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.



Then the Bishop shall bless them, saying thus:

HE blessing of God Almighty, the Father, the Son, and the Holy
Ghost, be upon you, and remain with you for ever. Amen.

1his hand [Ed. 1790 (1791)]. See the Introduction ad fin. "The word "Amen "is not found at this place in Ed. of 1790 (1791) nor in the Sd. of 1793. It was inserted in the Sds. of 1822 and 1832 and printed in Roman type; it was printed in Italics in the Sd. of 1838 by order of General Convention; it was changed back again to Roman type in the Sd. of 1845 and has so remained, thus agreeing with the MS. and Sealed Books.

[Prop. Bk. 1786]

[Eng. Bk. 1775 (1662)]

them we beseech thee, O Lord, with the Holy Ghost, the Comforter, and daily increase in them thy manifold gifts of grace; the spirit of wisdom and understanding; the spirit of counsel and ghostly strength; the spirit of knowledge and true godliness; and fill them, O Lord, with the spirit of thy holy fear, now and for ever. Amen.

Then all of them in order kneeling before the Bishop, he shall lay his hand upon the head of every one severally, saying,

EFEND, O Lord, this thy Child [or this thy Servant] with thy heavenly grace, that he may continue thine for ever; and daily increase in thy holy Spirit more and more, until he come unto thy everlasting kingdom. Amen."


Then shall the Bishop say,

The Lord be with you.
Answer. And with thy spirit.

¶ And (all kneeling down) the Bishop shall add,

Let us pray.

UR Father, which, etc. But deliver us from evil. Amen.

And this Collect.

ALMIGHTY and everliving God, who makest us both to will and

to do those things that be good and acceptable unto thy divine Majesty; We make our humble supplications unto thee for these thy servants, upon whom (after the example of thy holy Apostles) we have now laid our hands, to certify them (by this sign) of thy favour and gracious goodness toward them. Let thy fatherly hand, we beseech thee, ever be over them; let thy Holy Spirit ever be with them; and so lead them in the knowledge and obedience of thy Word, that in the end they may obtain everlasting life; through our Lord Jesus Christ, who with thee and the Holy Ghost liveth and reigneth, ever one God, world without end. Amen.

[ocr errors]

ALMIGHTY Lord, and everlasting God, vouchsafe, we beseech thee, to direct, sanctify, and govern, both our hearts and bodies, in the ways of thy laws, and in the works of thy commandments; that, through thy most mighty protection both here and ever, we may be preserved in body and soul; through our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. Amen.

¶ Then the Bishop shall bless them, saying thus,

HE blessing of God Almighty, the Father, the Son, and the Holy

THE of

This rubric was changed in Sd. of 1822 to "And these Collects." The readng "And this Collect" is found in the Prop. Bk., Ed. 1790 (1791), Sd. of 1793, and in the MS. and Sealed Books.

everlasting [Sds. 1822, 1838]

5 Amen [Prop. Bk.]

6 who [Prop. Bk.] 7 which are [Prop. Bk.]

[Sd. 1892]

The Minister shall not omit earnestly to move the Persons confirmed to come, without delay, to the Lord's Supper.

[Ed. 1790, Sds. 1793-1871]

¶ And there shall none be admitted to the Holy Communion, until such time as he be confirmed, or be ready and desirous to be confirmed.



¶ The Laws respecting Matrimony, whether by publishing the Banns in Churches, or by Licence, being different in the several States; every Minister is left to the direction of those Laws, in every thing that regards the civil contract between the parties.' And when the Banns are published, it shall be in the following form: I publish the Bauns of Marriage between M. of and N. of If any of you know cause, or just impediment, why these two persons should not be joined together in holy Matrimony, ye are to declare it. This is the first [second or third] time of asking.

At the day and time appointed for Solemnization of Matrimony, the Persons to be married shall come into the Body of the Church, or shall be ready in some proper house, with their Friends and Neighbours; and there standing together, the Man on the Right Hand, and the Woman on the Left, the Minister shall say,

1 Sie in all American Books until 1892, where we have SOLEMNIZATION OF MATRIMONY.

"This rubric was here divided into two in the Sd. of 1822.

3 In the Ed. of 1790 (1791) aud Sds. of 1793-1838 this clause is printed thus: "[This is the first, second, or third time of asking]." The Sd. of 1845 following the Sealed Books changed it to: This is the first [second or

[Prop. Bk. 1786]

[Eng. Bk. 1775 (1662)]

¶ And there shall none be admitted to the holy Communion, until such time as he be confirmed, or be ready and desirous to be confirmed.



The Laws respecting Matrimony, whether by publishing the Banns in Churches or by Licence, being different in several States; every Minister is left to the Direction of those Laws, in every Thing that regards the civil Contract between the Parties.

At the day and time appointed for Solemnization of Matrimony, the Minister shall say to the Persons assembled:

¶ First the Banns of all that are to be married together must be published in the Church three several Sundays or Holy-days, in the time of Divine Service, immediately before the Sentences for the Offertory; the Curate saying after the accustomed manner.


PUBLISH the Banns of Mar riage between M. of and N. of -. If any of you know cause, or just impediment, why these two persons should not be joined together in holy Matrimony, ye are to declare it. This is the first [second, or third] time of asking.

¶ And if the persons that are to be married dwell in divers Parishes, the Banns must be asked in both Parishes; and the Curate of the one Parish shall not solemnize Matrimony betwixt them, without a Certificate of the Banns being thrice asked, from the Curate of the other Parish. At the day and time appointed for solemnization of Matrimony, the persons to be married shall come into the body of the Church with their friends and neighbours: and there standing together, the Man on the right hand, and the Woman on the left, the Priest shall say,

third] time of asking," which is followed in Sd. of 1871. The Committee of 1892 have changed this to: "This is the first [second or third] time of asking" Sic in Oxford Ed. 1775, but MATRIMONY in the Prop. Bk., and OF MATRIMONY in the MS. and Sealed Books.

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