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Fiance. Preparations for the Campaign of 1796. Revolt of the Chiefs of

the Vendee. Proclamation of Stoflet. Death of the rebel Chiefs, and final

Submission of the infurgent Departments. Opening of the Campaign in Italy.

Command of the Army given to Buonaparte. Attack of the Combined Armies.

Fictory of the French at the Battle of Monte Notte. Battle of Millepmo.

Brave Defence of the Piedmontese General Rovera. Defeat of the Austrians

with the Loss of ten thousand Men. Surprize and Repulse of the French

at Dego by Marshal Beaulieu. Ceva taken by the French. Retreat of

Count Colli across the Stura towards Turin. Defeat of the Piedmontefe

Army at Cherafco. Suspension of Arms demanded by the King of Sardinia.

Peace concluded between the French Republic and his Sardiman Majesty at

Paris. Conditions of the Treaty. Reflections on the Treaty. Obfervations

on the Mode of Conducting the War. Evacuation of Piedmont by Moskal

Beaulieu. Poffeffion of the Piedmontese Fortresses by the French, Prepa-

rations made by Beautien to prevent the Paffage of the Po at Valenza. Paf-

fage of the Po by the French at Placentia. Defeat of the Austrians at

Fombio. Repulse of the Austrians at Codogno. Death of General Laharje.

Armistice folicited by the Dukes of Parma and Modena. Defeat of the

Auftrians at the Bridge of Lodi. Conquest of Lombardy. Causes of the

Difcontents. between the French Republic and the United States of America.

General Washington's intercepted Letter to Mr. Morris. Representations

made 10 the French Directory to prevent an immediate Rupture. Rife and

Progress of the Discontents in Holland. Negotiations of the discontented

Porty with the French Government. Affembly of the Dutch Convention.

State of Parins. Declaration of War against hugland. Propoj.t.ons

made at Bujle by the English Ambaffador for opening a Negotiation with

France. Remonstrances of the French Directory with the Canton of Bafle.

Envy Extraordinar, fent fram Bape to Paris. Appointment of a Minister

of the Police. Troubles in the South of France. Irfurrection in the Depart-.

ment of the Niere. Proclamation of the Directory. Jacobin Societies Aut

up. Severe. Laws enacted against them. Revolt of the Legion of the

Police. Confpiracy of Babeuf. Troubles occafioned by the refractory

Clergy. Laws respecting the Division of the Estates of Emigrants, 182

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Opening of the Campaign on the Rhine. Object of the Campaign. Battle on

the Sieg. Victories of the French at Altenkirchen. Paffage of the Lahn.

Attack of the French by Prince Charles. Retreat of the French to their

former Pofitions. Passage of the Rhine by the Army under Moreau. Kehl

taken. Auftrian Army in Italy take Refuge in Mantua. French take Pof-

feffion of Leghorn. Entrance of the French Army on the Territories of the

Pope. Surrender of Bologna, Ferrara, and Urbino. Armistice concluded

with Naples and the Pope. Conditions of the Armistice. Petition of the

French Artists against the Removal to Paris of the Monuments of the Arts

from Italy. Refusal of the Directory. Operations of the French Army in

the Brifgaw. Return of Prince Charles from the Lower Rhine to the Af-

fiftance of General Wurmfer. Battle of Reuchen. Battle of Radfiadt.

General Jourdan advances to Frankfort. Battle of Ettingen. Retreat of

the Imperial Army into Germany. Passage of the Rhine at Huningue.

French in Poffeffion of the Course of the Rhine. Trial of the Murderers of

September 1792. Acquittal of the Infurgents in the Affair of Vendemiaire.

Causes and Confequences of that Insurrection. Affairs of Finance. Extinc-

tion of the Affignats and Refcriptions. Creation of Mandats. Loans in-

forcing their Circulation. Great Depreciation of this Paper. Forced Loans.

State of the Public Revenue. Various Modes of granting the Supplies.

Suppreffion of religious Houses in the Low Countries. Expulsion of the Pope's

Envoys from Paris. Dismission of the Sardinian Ambassador. Dismission

of the Plenipotentiary from the Duke of Tuscany. Expulsion of the Swedish



Speech of the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland, to both Houses of Parliament, April

15, 1796,


Speech of the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland, to both Houses of Parliament, Oct.

13, 1796,


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Manifesto of the Court of Spain against Great Britain, OF. 5, 1796, (115)

Answer of the British Government to the Spanish Declaration of War, (117)

Note transmitted to M. Barthelemy, Ambassador from the French Republic to
the Helvetic Body, by Mr. Wickham, his Britannic Majesty's Minister Pleni-
potentiary to the Swiss Cantons, March 8, 1796,


Note transmitted to Mr. Wickham by M. Barthelemy, March 26, 1796,


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