페이지 이미지


Report from Com'r Indian Affairs-papers and docs. accompanying-Cont'd.


No. 94. Report of Governor David Meriwether, superintendent ex

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No. 97. Report of Agent John Cain......

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No. 98. Letter of Superintendent Palmer, of Oregon, to Agent Cain.

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No. 99. Report of Governor Brigham Young, superintendent ex


No. 100. Report of Agent Garland Hurt..

Nos. 101, 102. Reports of Agent George W. Armstrong.




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No. 103. Instructions from the Commissioner of Indian Affairs to
Governor Meriwether, in regard to negotiations to be
made with Indians in New Mexico...

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No. 104. Instructions from the Commissioner of Indian Affairs to
to Superintendent Cumming, relative to preliminaries to
be made for a council with the Blackfeet and neighboring
tribes, and the delivery of annuity goods to Indians on the
Missouri, parties to the treaty of Fort Laramie of 1851... 1
No. 105. Instructions from the Commissioner of Indian Affairs
to Commissioners Cumming, Stevens, and Palmer,
appointed to treat with the Blackfeet and neighboring


No. 106. Letter from the Commissioner of Indian Affairs to Super-
intendent Cumming, requiring him to instruct certain
agents, therein named, to co-operate and act in concert
with the officers in command of the military expedition
against certain Indians of the plains......

No. 107. Report of Commissioners Cumming and Stevens as to ar-
rangements made for the council with the Blackfeet, &c..
No. 108. Report of Commissioner Stevens upon same subject.......
No. 109. Letter of Superintendent Huebschmann, transmitting copy
of letter of R. W. Thompson to the Menomonee Indians,
and memorial of the Menomonee chiefs revoking any
paper signed in favor of said Thompson

No. 110. Letter of Charles A. Grignon, making charges against
Superintendent Huebschmann, and tendering his resigna-
tion as interpreter for the Menomonees...

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No. 111. Letter from the Commissioner of Indian Affairs accepting
the resignation of Grignon.....

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No. 112. Letter from the Commissioner of Indian Affairs to Superin-
tendent Huebschmann, informing him of the charges made
by Grignon, and calling for a reply....
No. 113. Reply of Superintendent Huebschmann to the charges made
by Grignon.....

No. 114. Letter from Superintendent Cumming's clerk, transmitting
communication from Agent Clarke, and its enclosures, viz:
Copy of two letters from George W. Ewing to Andrew
Jackson, a Pottawatomie, and a communication from the
Pottawatomie chiefs, headmen, and braves, in relation to
the manner in which powers of attorney have been ob-
tained from them by white men, and stating that by act
of council a power granted some years since to the Messrs.
Ewing was thereby annulled and revoked

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Report from Com'r Indian Affairs-papers and docs. accompanying-Cont'd.
No. 115. Regulations and forms prescribed for obtaining bounty lands

by Indians...

No. 116. Regulation requiring of agents a schedule of articles to be
delivered to Indian tribes under treaty stipulations.....
No. 117. Regulation requiring of agents, quarterly, estimates of
money needed, and statements of unexpended balances in
their hands
No. 118. Communication from the Commissioner of Indian Affairs to
the Secretary of the Interior, detailing the sums expended
by the government, certain missionary associations, and
various Indian tribes, during the ten years ending Jan-
uary 1, 1855, for missionary, educational, and agricul-
tural purposes

No. 119. Tabular statement of United States and State stocks, held
in trust by the Secretary of the Interior for Indian tribes
No. 120. Statement exhibiting present liabilities of the United States
to Indian tribes under the stipulations of treaties, &c.....
No. 121. Statement designating the Indian tribes to whom per capita
payments in money were made during the year 1854....
No. 122. Statement of the tribes of Indians within the limits of the
United States..

Report from the Commissioner of Patents.

Showing the transactions in the Patent Office in relation to inventions, &c.,
in arts and mechanics during the year 1855, (part 1)........
Showing a continuation of the transactions of the Patent Office in the me-
chanical and artizan department, with illustrations, (part 2,) during
the year 1855...

Showing the agricultural statistics and improvements in the various depart-
ments of agriculture during the year 1855 (part 3)...

Report from the Commissioner of Pensions, viz:

Accompanying the annual message of the President, and showing the
operations of the Pension office during the year 1855....

Papers accompanying the above.

A.-Tabular statement of the business in the principal divisions,
under the act of March 3, 1855, showing the number of ap-
plications received, warrants issued, &c., to September 30,

B. Tabular statement showing the number of army pensioners,
under the various acts, now on the rolls in the different States
and Territories, with the amounts of their annual pensions.... 1
C.-Tabular statement showing the amounts paid, during the year
ending June 30, 1855, to army pensioners, under the various
acts, in the different States and Territories......
D.-Tabular statement showing the number of navy pensioners now
on the rolls in the different States and Territories, with the
amounts of their annual pensions...

E. Tabular statement showing the amounts paid, during the year
ending June 30, 1855, to navy pensioners in the different
States and Territories...

F. Tabular statement of the balances of funds in the hands of the
agents for paying army pensions in the different States and
Territories, June 30, 1855......

G.-Tabular statement of the balances of funds in the hands of
agents for paying naval pensions in the different States and
Territories, June 30, 1855...


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Vol. No. Page.

Reports from the First Comptroller of the Treasury, viz:

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On the claims of William R. Glover and Thomas W. Mather and associates. 14 93
On the operations of his office during the year 1855.....

Report from the Second Comptroller of the Treasury, viz:

On the operations of his office during the

year 1855.

Report from the Commissioner of Customs, viz:

On the operations of his office during the year 1855....

Report from the First Auditor of the Treasury, viz:

On the operations of his office during the year 1855......

Reports from the Second Auditor of the Treasury, viz:

On the operations of his office during the year 1855....
In relation to persons charged with disbursements of moneys, goods, &c.,
with lists of names of persons to whom goods, money, &c, have
been delivered during the year ending June 30, 1855...

Report from the Third Auditor of the Treasury, viz:


On the operations of his office during the year 1855..
Report from the Fourth Auditor of the Treasury, viz:

On the operations of his office during the year 1855......

Report from the Fifth Auditor of the Treasury, viz:

On the operations of his office during the year 1855......
Report from the Auditor of the Post Office Department, viz:
On the operations of his office during the year 1855.............

Report from the Solicitor of the Treasury, viz:


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On the operations of his office during the year 1855..

Reports from the Treasurer of the United States, viz:

On the operations of his office during the year 1855....
Communicating statements for the second, third, and fourth quarters of the
year 1854, and the first and second quarters of the year 1855..............

Reports from the Register of the Treasury, viz:

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On the operations of his office during the year 1855.....

5 2


Statement of the number, class, and grade of all the employés in the sev-
eral collection districts....

12 59


Reports from the Commissioner of Public Buildings, viz:

Accompanying the annual message of the President and showing the opera-
tions of his office during the year 1855.....
Communicating a statement of the price and value of certain lots in the
neighborhood of the Capitol, belonging to private individuals.....

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Report of the Warden of the Penitentiary, viz:

On the condition, superintendence, &c., of the penitentiary during the
year 1855...


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Report of the Superintendent of the government Hospital for the Insane, viz:
On the condition, superintendence, &c., of the hospital for the insane
during the year 1855.....

Report from the Commissioners of the Military Asylum, accompanying the
annual message of the President, and showing the proceedings of
the Board during the year 1855...
Report from the commission for the adjustment of claims under the con-
vention with Great Britain of February 8, 1853......

Report from the Bureau of Yards and Docks, viz:

Furnishing information under the head of each navy yard as to the works
which have been completed during the past year, those now in pro-
gress, such others as are contemplated for the next fiscal year, and
as regards the estimates, also submitted in detail for the year ending
June 30, 1857......

Papers accompanying the above.

A.-General estimate from yards and docks...
No. 1. Estimate for the support of the bureau...

No. 2. Estimate for recruiting stations

No. 3. Estimate for officers and others at yards and stations

No. 4. Statement showing the sums which make up the first and
second items.....

No. 5. Estimate for improvements and repairs at yards and stations.
No. 6. Estimate for improvements and repairs at hospitals and asylum.
No. 7. Estimate for improvements and repairs of magazines

Report of the Bureau of Ordnance and Hydrography, viz :

Of the operations of the Ordnance department, including the National Ob-
servatory and Hydrographical Office, during the year 1855, with esti-
mates, &c.

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F.-Purchase of articles, and incidental expenses connected with the
Naval Observatory and Hydrographical Office

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G.-Pay of superintendent and officers on duty at the Naval Obser-
vatory and Hydrographical Office....

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H.-Erection, repair, &c., of buildings, and for contingent expenses

at the Naval Academy....

I.-Pay of officers, &c., at the Naval Academy..

D.-Statement of value of stores on hand, and value received and
expended from July 1, 1854, to June 30, 1855....
E.-Statement of amount and cost of labor from July 1, 1854, to
June 30, 1855.....

J.-Statement of contracts for year ending June 30, 1855

Report from the Bureau of Construction, Equipment, and Repair, viz:

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Of the operations of the bureau in relation to the construction, equipment,
and repair of vessels of the navy, &c., during the year 1855, with

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Papers accompanying the above.

A.-Estimate of the amount required for the expenditures of the
Bureau of Construction, Equipment, and Repair for the fiscal
year ending June 30, 1857......


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Report from Bureau of Construction, &c.-papers accompanying-Cont'd.
B.-Estimate for pay of commission, warrant, and petty officers and

seamen, including the engineer corps of the navy, required
for vessels proposed to be kept in commission, including re-
ceiving vessels, for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1857....
C.-Estimate of the amount required for objects under the direction

of this bureau payable from the appropriation for increase, re.
pairs, &c., exclusive of armament, for wear and tear of ves-
sels in commission, including fuel for steamers and the pur-
chase of hemp for the navy for the year ending June 30, 1857.
D.-Estimate of the amount required for the expenditures under the

head of "enumerated contingent" for the fiscal year ending
June 30, 1857.......

E-Vessels in commission belonging to the navy on the 1st October,

F.-Vessels in ordinary, repairing and equipping, &c..
G.-Vessels on the stocks and in progress of construction October 1,

H.-Abstract statement showing receipts and expenditures during



the fiscal year ending June 30, 1855, and value of all the
stores on hand at the various navy yards on the 1st July, 1855. 3
I.—Statement of the number of days' labor and its cost from July

1, 1854, to June 30, 1855, for the respective navy yards for
building, repairing, and equipping vessels of the navy, or in
receiving or securing stores and materials for those purposes.. 3
1.-Scale of offers to furnish naval supplies at the navy yard,
Kittery, Maine......

2.-Scale of offers to furnish naval supplies at the

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navy yard at

Charlestown, Massachusetts......
3.-Scale of offers to furnish naval supplies at the
Brooklyn, New York.....


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4.-Scale of offers to furnish naval supplies at the

navy yard at

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.....

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5.-Scale of offers to furnish naval supplies at the navy yard at
Washington, District of Columbia....

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6. Scale of offers to furnish naval supplies at the navy yard at Nor-
folk, Virginia.....

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7.-Scale of offers to furnish naval supplies at the navy yard at Pen-
sacola, Florida......

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List of the contracts made and received by the Bureau of Construc-
tion, Equipment, and Repair from October 1, 1854, to Octo-
ber 16, 1855

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Report from the Bureau of Medicine and Surgery, viz:

Of the operations of the bureau during the year 1855, with abstract, esti-
mates, &c......

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A.-Estimate of the amount required for the support of the Bureau
of Medicine and Surgery for the year ending June 30, 1857.. 3
B.-Estimate of the amount required for the support of the medical
department of vessels in commission, navy yards, naval sta-
tions, marine corps, and coast survey, for the year ending
June 30, 1857......

Report from the Bureau of Provisions and Clothing, viz:

Of the operations of the bureau during the year 1855, with abstract, esti-
mates, &c.......

Papers accompanying the above.

A.-Estimate of the expenses of the bureau for the fiscal year....
B.-Estimate for provisions for the navy for the fiscal year..

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