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The official statistics relative to the fiscal revenues collected in the Republic of Cuba during the fiscal year 1905-6 have been recently published, and the following figures have been taken therefrom:

Customs duties, etc..

Consular duties..

Internal revenue

Government properties

Miscellaneous receipts.

Mail and telegraph services

Tax for the amortization of the loan


$26, 723, 219.00

385, 621.66 1,054, 807.61 206,587.27 440, 056. 08

767, 717.53 3, 728, 937. 34

33, 306, 946. 49


The official bulletin of the Chamber of Commerce, Industry, and Navigation of Cuba for the month of November, 1906, contains a statement of the fiscal revenues collected in the Republic during the third quarter of 1906, from which the following figures have been taken: Total of revenues collected during the period in reference, $6,422,558.71; collected in July, $2,356,099.62; in August, $2,392,288.36; in September, $1,674,170.73.

The special taxes for the amortization of the loan yielded, during the quarter under review, the amount of $890,740.03, distributed as follows: July, $365,427.07; August, $338,850.18; September, $186,462.78.


According to statistics recently published by the Department of Finance of the Cuban Republic the situation of the public treasury on September 28, 1906, was as follows:

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Fund for honorary consuls....

Taxes for the amortization of the loan, first 50 per cent.

Loan deposit fund, first 50 per cent....

Balance of salaries for the army, first 50 per cent
Revenue fund..

$12, 625, 539. 65 1, 000, 000. 00 101, 245. 38

13, 726, 785. 03

$60, 651.99 1, 000, 000. 00 8,768, 406. 72 198, 221.38 9, 686. 06

403. 37

817, 488.79

198. 194. 66

1,706, 091. 25

967, 640. 81

13, 726, 785. 03



"El Hacendado Mexicano" of November 1, 1906, publishes the following statistics showing the status of the Cuban sugar crop on September 30, 1906, as compared with the corresponding period of 1905.

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From the above figures an exportation of 945,063 tons is indicated for the first nine months of 1905, as compared with 1,110,685 tons in the same period of the preceding year. If, to the former amount is added 172,498 tons, the stock on hand at the end of September, 1905, and to the latter, 36,429 tons, the stock on hand on September 30, 1906, the total supply at the end of the nine months' period of the two years are shown to have been 1,117,561 and 1,147,114 tons, respectively. Adding to these totals the local consumption and the old stock, the total production for the nine months of 1906 is shown to be 1,160,230 tons, as compared with 1,149,681 tons for the corresponding period of 1905.

In the above statement, the sacks are estimated as containing 320 pounds and the tons are long tons of 2,240 pounds each.



An act of the National Congress of the Dominican Republic, dated May 15, 1906, and published in the "Gaceta Oficial" of September 8, 1906, approved the contract entered into between the Government and Messrs. BUOмPENSIERE & VALDEZ, residents of Barahona, Dominican Republic, for the construction and exploitation of a railway to be known as the "Southern Railroad" (Ferrocarril del Sur), which, starting from the port of Barahona, shall pass through Cantón Cabral, and from thence to the Bao Stream, along the Peñon road, and crossing the Mena and El Hatico fields, by way of Cabeza de Toro, through the mountain of this name, or the western margin of the River Yaque; from the Bao Stream along the western margin of the River San Juan to the town of the same name, which shall be the terminus of the line,

which, however, may be extended to the town of Banica or to the border, crossing the boundaries of the town of Las Matas. A branch line may also be constructed from Cantón Cabral to Enriquillo by way of Neiba. The construction of the railroad must be commenced, in the port of Barahona, within twelve months, and completed within five years from the date of the approval of the concession by Congress. The line shall be opened to the public traffic as soon as it shall have been connected with Cantón Cabral, and so on, whenever each of the stations mentioned shall bave been reached.

The concessionaires shall deposit with the Treasury of the Republic the amount of $5,000 American gold as guaranty. The Government constitutes in favor of the concessionaires a guaranty of 6 per cent per annum for every 20 kilometers under exploitation, the value of which is fixed at $10,000 American gold per kilometer. guaranty shall be in force for the period of twenty-five years. The term of the contract shall be for fifty years from the date of the approval thereof.




The Acting President of the Republic of Ecuador, in a decree dated September 26, 1906, has ratified the convention concluded in Rome on June 7, 1905, for the organization of an international agricultural institute at that capital. By the visions of the decree in reference Ecuador shall belong to the fifth class mentioned in article 10 of the convention.


By decree of Señor Don ELOY ALFARO, Acting President of the Republic of Ecuador, dated March 30, 1906, a complete census of the city of Quito, the capital of the Republic, was taken on May 1, 1906, under the direction of Señor Don LUCIANO TERÁN C., chief of the bureau of statistics. The report of Señor TERÁN was issued on August 1, 1906, and the following figures are taken therefrom:

Total number of inhabitants, 50,841; persons under 18 years of age, 19,101; between 18 and 45 years, 24,035; above 45 years, 7,705; males, 22,763; females, 28,078, a proportion of 123.35 females to 100 males; single, 32,039, of whom 12,651 are above 18 years of age; married, 14,751: widows and widowers, 4,051. There are 31,800 above the age of 7 who are able to read and write, and 10,373 illiterate. There are 1,791 private dwelling houses in the city, in which live 45,552 people, or an average of 25.35 persons in each house. There are 1,365 foreigners in Quito, a third of whom are in schools, convents, monasteries, and houses of charity, leaving 934 engaged in private business, of whom nearly one-half, 465, are Colombians; there are 43 Germans, 61 French, 6 English, 85 Italians, and 17 Americans.


The president of the Guayaquil and Quito Railway, Mr. ARCHER HARMAN, of London, under date of October 25, 1906, issued an official statement in regard to the progress of the construction of the railroad, from which the following paragraph has been extracted:

"Out of the entire length of the railway from Guayaquil to Quito— namely, 286 miles--190 miles, inclusive of the whole of the mountain division, which crosses the Chimborazo Mountain (11,800 feet), are to-day completed and in operation as far as Mocha, in the Ambato Valley. Of the remaining 96 miles-namely, the Plateau division-the grade and masonry are finished into Quito, and rails are being laid at the rate of 4,000 to 5,000 feet per day; rails, ties, bridges, and all of the material necessary to complete the line into Quito being on hand and paid for. The physical condition of the railway and of the equipment is good. The above facts have been checked and verified during the last three months by expert representatives of influential American, French, and Holland banking houses, who have been in Ecuador to investigate the economical, financial, and physical conditions of the State, in view of a possible unification of its debt. While their report has not as yet been communicated to the railway company, we are confident that whatever its conclusions may be, the statements as above will be corroborated in their entirety when the report is made public during November next."



Mr. HENRY W. FURNISS, United States minister to Haiti, reports, under date of October 10, that the Republic of Haiti and the French Republic have concluded an agreement to again prorogue, provisionally, the commercial convention made July 31, 1900, between Haiti and France, and that the following decree has been proclaimed:

"The commercial convention signed July 31, 1900, between the Republic of Haiti and France is maintained in force for another period of three months-from October 31, 1906, to January 31, 1907.”


Minister H. W. FURNISS forwards from Port au Prince copy of a new Haitian law making an addition to the customs laws as follows: "The differences of surplus that shall be found shall immediately form the nucleus of a supplementary account for which the State should demand the judicial condemnations foreseen by the repression of smuggling. The State shall only take provisional security by

attachment, bail, or any other means on the values, merchandises, and property of the exporter, notwithstanding opposition of appeal.

The agents of steamship lines established in Haiti shall be required, under penalty of withdrawal of their licenses, without prejudice of all other penalties, to transmit regularly, little by little, within a maximum delay of three months, the weight given on which the freight of all commodities shipped from Haiti has been collected at the port of designation."



On August 3, 1906, an arbitration treaty was concluded and signed at the city of San Sebastian, Spain, by the plenipotentiaries of the Republic of Honduras and the Kingdom of Spain.



According to figures issued by the Statistical Division of the Treasury Department of the Republic of Mexico, the foreign commerce of the Republic for August, 1906, and for the first two months of the current fiscal year, 1906-7, was represented by the following valuations, the figures for the corresponding periods of the preceding year being also given for purposes of comparison:

The total value of importations during the two months under review was $31,730,562.51 in Mexican currency, as declared in the customhouses, an increase of $6,169,737.04 as compared with the preceding


The exports for the two months were valued at $37,424,186.22, showing a decrease of $3,808,734.40 as compared with the same period of 1905-6.

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