... valuation of the property carried, with the rate of freight based on the condition that the carrier assumes liability only to the extent of the agreed valuation, even in case of loss or damage by the negligence of the carrier, the contract will be... The Northwestern Reporter - 389 ÆäÀÌÁö1912Àüüº¸±â - µµ¼ Á¤º¸
 | Alabama. Supreme Court - 1888 - 714 ÆäÀÌÁö
...agreed valuation, even in case of loss or damage by the negligence of the carrier, the contract will be upheld as a proper and lawful mode of securing...protecting himself against extravagant and fanciful valuations. — Graves v. Luke Shore, & Mich. So. RR Co., 137 Mass. 33; Hart v. P<mn. RR Co., 112 US... | |
 | Connecticut. Supreme Court of Errors - 1892 - 664 ÆäÀÌÁö
...agreed valuation even in case of loss or damage by the negligence of the carrier, the contract will be upheld as a proper and lawful mode of securing...receives, and of protecting himself against extravagant valuations of the property after a loss has occurred. 16. 10. The bill of lading gave one hundred dollars... | |
 | 1885 - 544 ÆäÀÌÁö
...case of loss or damage by the negligence of the carrier, the contract will be upheld as a proper aud lawful mode of securing a due proportion between the amount for which the carrier may be responsible aud the freight he receives, aud of protecting himself against extravagant and fanciful valuations.... | |
 | 1892 - 554 ÆäÀÌÁö
...of the box or goods shipped, the receipt or contract, if fairly and voluntarily entered into, will be upheld as a proper and lawful mode of securing a due proportion belween the amount for which the carrier may be responsible and the freight he receives, when the loss... | |
 | Ohio. Supreme Court - 1905 - 830 ÆäÀÌÁö
...being approximately the average values of ordinary domestic animals), this was a just and reasonable mode of securing a due proportion between the amount for which the carrier becomes responsible and the freight which he receives, and of protecting Opinion of the Court. himself... | |
 | 1906 - 2090 ÆäÀÌÁö
...agreed valuation, even in case of loss or damage by the negligence of the carrier, the contract will be upheld as a proper and lawful mode of securing...may be responsible and the freight he receives, and for protecting himself against extravagant and fanciful valuations. Squire v. New York Central RR Co.,... | |
 | 1898 - 2046 ÆäÀÌÁö
...agreed valuation, even in case of loss or damage by the negligence of the carrier, the contract will be upheld as a proper and lawful mode of securing a due proiwtion between the amount for which the carrier may be responsible and the freight he receives,... | |
 | United States. Supreme Court - 1904 - 906 ÆäÀÌÁö
...to the extent of such x agreed.valuation in case of loss by the negli- ? gence of the carrier, will be upheld as a proper and lawful mode of securing...proportion between the amount for which the carrier is responsible and the freight received, and of protecting the carrier against extravagant valuations.... | |
 | 1899 - 988 ÆäÀÌÁö
...goods, even In case of loss or damage by Its «negligence, was upheld ¬ñ¬ñ a just and reason• able mode of securing a due 'proportion between the amount for which the company might be responsible and the compensation which It received, and of protecting Itself against... | |
 | 1910 - 1150 ÆäÀÌÁö
...fairly entered into by the shipper, the same will be upheld by the court as a proper and lawful manner of securing a due proportion between the amount for...carrier may be responsible and the freight he receives. [Ed. Note.— For other cases, see Carriers, Cent. Dig. ¡×¡× 930, 937 ; Dec. Dig. ¡× 218.*] 4. CARRIERS... | |
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