Enter PISTOL. Gow. Why, here he comes, swelling like a turkey-cock. Flu. 'Tis no matter for his swellings nor his turkey-cocks. God pless you, Aunchient Pistol! you scurvy, lousy knave, God pless you! Pist. Ha! art thou bedlam? dost thou thirst, To have me fold up Parca's fatal web? Flu I peseech you heartily, scurvy, lousy knave, at my desires, and my requests, and my petitions, to eat, look you, this leek: because, look you, you do not love it, nor your affections and your appetites and your disgestions doo's not agree with it, I would desire you to eat it. Pist. Not for Cadwallader and all his goats. 20 [Strikes him.] 30 Will you be so good, scauld knave, as eat it? Pist. Base Trojan, thou shalt die. Flu. You say very true, scauld knave, when God's will is I will desire you to live in the mean time, and eat your victuals: come, there is sauce for it. [Strikes him.] You called me yesterday mountain-squire; but I will make you to day a squire of low degree. I pray you, fall to: if you can mock a leek, you can eat a leek. Gow. Enough, captain: you have astonished 40 him. Flu. I say, I will make him eat some part of my leek, or I will peat his pate four days. Bite, I pray you; it is good for your green wound and your ploody coxcomb. 29. Cadwallader, a legendary Welsh king. 32. Trojan, knave. 38. a squire of low degree; alluding to the burlesque romance so entitled. Pist. Must I bite? ACT V Flu. Yes, certainly, and out of doubt and out of question too, and ambiguities. Pist. By this leek, I will most horribly revenge: I eat and eat, I swear Flu. Eat, I pray you: will you have some more sauce to your leek? there is not enough leek to swear by. Pist. Quiet thy cudgel; thou dost see I eat. Flu. Much good do you, scauld knave, heartily. Nay, pray you, throw none away; the skin is good for your broken coxcomb. occasions to see leeks hereafter, I pray you, mock When you take at 'em; that is all. Pist. Good. Flu. Ay, leeks is good: hold you, there is a groat to heal your pate. Pist. Me a groat! Flu. Yes, verily and in truth, you shall take it; or I have another leek in my pocket, which you shall eat. Pist. I take thy groat in earnest of Flu. If I owe you any thing, I will pay you in cudgels: you shall be a woodmonger, and buy nothing of me but cudgels. God b' wi' you, and keep you, and heal your pate. 50 60 Pist. All hell shall stir for this. Gow. Go, go; you are a counterfeit cowardly knave. Will you mock at an ancient tradition, begun upon an honourable respect, and worn as a memorable trophy of predeceased valour and dare not avouch in your deeds any of your words? I have seen you gleeking and galling at this gentleman twice or thrice. You thought, because he could not speak English in the native garb, he so 78. gleeking, scoffing. could not therefore handle an English cudgel: Pist. Doth Fortune play the huswife with me News have I, that my Nell is dead i' the spital And there my rendezvous is quite cut off. SCENE II. France. A royal palace. Enter, at one door, KING HENRY, EXETER, BED- K. Hen. Peace to this meeting, wherefore we 90 Clarence's name has not hitherto been included in the stage direction or among the dramatis personæ, since he does not speak; but v. 84 implies that he is present. Huntingdon, who is addressed in the next line, is included among the other Lords.' 1. wherefore, for which (viz. peace). Unto our brother France, and to our sister, And, princes French, and peers, health to you all! Fr. King. Right joyous are we to behold your face, Most worthy brother England; fairly met: So are you, princes English, every one. Q. Isa. So happy be the issue, brother England, The venom of such looks, we fairly hope, you. Bur. My duty to you both, on equal love, Great Kings of France and England! That I have labour'd, With all my wits, my pains and strong endeavours, Unto this bar and royal interview, Your mightiness on both parts best can witness. II. So are you, princes English; Ff1-3 'so are you princess (English).' 16. bent, the direction (or aim) of an eye-glance (or a cannon-shot). 17. basilisks; used with a ΤΟ 20 Since then my office hath so far prevail'd Her vine, the merry cheerer of the heart, And as our vineyards, fallows, meads and hedges, 30 40 50 found occasionally elsewhere in F1. 42. even-pleach'd, trimmed to form an even surface. 49. burnet, a herb used in stanching wounds. 52. kecksies, dry hemlockstalks. K |