
Luc. Set him breast-deep in earth, and famish


There let him stand, and rave, and cry for food: 180

If any one relieves or pities him,

For the offence he dies. This is our doom:

Some stay to see him fasten'd in the earth.

Aar. O, why should wrath be mute, and fury dumb?

I am no baby, I, that with base prayers

I should repent the evils I have done:
Ten thousand worse than ever yet I did
Would I perform, if I might have my will:
If one good deed in all my life I did,

I do repent it from my very soul.

Luc. Some loving friends convey the emperor hence,

And give him burial in his father's grave:
My father and Lavinia shall forthwith

Be closed in our household's monument.

As for that heinous tiger, Tamora,

No funeral rite, nor man in mourning weeds,
No mournful bell shall ring her burial;

But throw her forth to beasts and birds of prey:
Her life was beast-like, and devoid of pity;
And, being so, shall have like want of pity.
See justice done on Aaron, that damn'd Moor,
By whom our heavy haps had their beginning:
Then, afterwards, to order well the state,
That like events may ne'er it ruinate.






2 C





ESCALUS, prince of Verona.

PARIS, a young nobleman, kinsman to the prince.

MONTAGUE, heads of two houses at variance with each CAPULET,

An old man, cousin to Capulet.

ROMEO, Son to Montague.

MERCUTIO, kinsman to the prince, and friend to Romeo.

BENVOLIO, nephew to Montague, and friend to Romeo.

TYBALT, nephew to Lady Capulet.



BALTHASAR, servant to Romeo.

[blocks in formation]

servants to Capulet.

PETER, servant to Juliet's nurse.

ABRAHAM, servant to Montague.

An Apothecary.

Three Musicians.

Page to Paris; another Page; an Officer.

LADY MONTAGUE, wife to Montague.
LADY CAPULET, wife to Capulet.

JULIET, daughter to Capulet.

Nurse to Juliet.

Citizens of Verona; several Men and Women, relations to both houses; Maskers, Guards, Watchmen, and Attendants.

SCENE: Verona; Mantua.


(Daniel, Time Analysis, p. 191 f.)

Six consecutive days, beginning on the morning of the first and ending early on the morning of the sixth.

Day 1. (Sunday) I., II. 1., 2.

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2. (Monday) II. 3.-6., JII. 1.-4.

3. (Tuesday) III. 5.,

4. (Wednesday) IV. 4., 5.

5. (Thursday) V. 1.-3.

6. (Friday) ending of V. 3.

Dramatis Persona. These were first given by Rowe.


THE first edition of Romeo and Juliet was a Quarto published in 1597, with the title :

AN EXCELLENT | conceited Tragedie | or | Romeo and Juliet, | As it hath been often (with great applause) plaid publiquely, by the right Honourable the L. of Hunsdon | his Seruants. | LONDON, | Printed by John Danter. | 1597. |

Two years later a second Quarto appeared, with the title :


THE MOST EX-| cellent and lamentable | Tragedie, of Romeo and Juliet. Newly corrected, augmented, and amended: | As it hath been sundry times publiquely acted, by the right Honourable the Lord Chamberlaine | his Seruants. | LONDON | Printed by Thomas Creede, for Cuthbert Burby, and are to be sold at his shop neare the Exchange. 1599.

A third Quarto was published in 1609, 'as it hath been sundry times publiquely acted by the Kings' Maiesties Seruants at the Globe'; a fourth, undated (but probably later than 1623), with the name 'W. Shakespeare' for the first time mentioned on the titlepage, in some copies. A fifth appeared in 1637.

The First Folio was printed from the Third Quarto, with a number of minute changes 'some accidental, some deliberate, but all generally for the worse, excepting the changes in punctuation and in the

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