페이지 이미지
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presence of Negri bodies. We therefore report the case as positive for


Very truly,

A. ARKIN, Ph. D., M. D.

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show the presence of Negri bodies. The report on this specimen is therefore negative for rabies.

Very truly,

A. ARKIN, Ph. D., M. D., Chief Bacteriologist.

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Of the eight brains submitted for the diagnosis of rabies all were negative. 'bulletin of information emphasizes the importance of keeping the animal under observation rather than killing it before symptoms have developed.


We have examined 256 samples of water for the year ending November 30, 1914. The bacteriological examination of each sample as carried out at the laboratory is as follows:

1. Plating of samples on Standard agar, for determining bacterial count.

2. Plating of samples on Standard agar containing 1 per cent lactose and 1 per cent litmus, for determination of acid-forming bacteria.

3. Inoculation of lactose bile fermentation tubes, for determination of the presence of bacillus coli.

The samples are shipped in containers furnished by the laboratory. These containers keep the water samples at a low temperature, about 10° C., during transportation.

The bacteriological examination requires four to five days, at the end of which time report is sent.

Of the 256 samples of water collected during the year we found 98 to be unsafe for drinking purposes, or 38 per cent. The complete report of this work will soon be published. The results indicate the great need of a careful bacteriological survey of the water supplies of the state. This the laboratory is prepared to do. Such a survey

Sample will not be analyzed until this blank is returned.

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Formation of soil pierced by well; San, gravel, clay, limestone, sandstone

(Indicate kind of soil by underscoring or crossing out words not needed) 8. How is well protected against surface washings?... Distance from well of sources of pollution...


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chicken yard.



Number of persons using well for drinking purposes,.

Number of such persons now or recently ill..

12. Character of illness

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In the space below furnish a sketch showing the relative distances of the well from the house, the barn, privy, sink drain, manure, pile and any other sources of pollution. Indicate also the general slope of the land and cleavage of the rocks.

This blank must be properly filled out and returned to the Bacteriological Laboratory of the West Virginia State Board of Health with the sample to be examined.

Address to Chief Bacteriologist, State Hygienic Laboratory, Morgan



West Virginia State Board of Health.
Hygienic Laboratory.


Regulations Governing the Examination of Water-Private Wells.

(a) The examination of private wells will be undertaken when the attending physician has good reason for suspecting the wells to be the cause of some water-borne disease and the physician's statement is made a part of the request.

(b) The request for the examination must come from, and the sample of water must be furnished by the board of health or a health officer.

(c) The sample must be collected in accordance with directions given, and sent in bottles furnished by the Laboratory of the State Board of Health. Other containers will not be accepted.

(d) The sample must be accompanied by such information concerning the well and the cases of sickness as the State Board of Health may demand.

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(e) The local Board of Health must permanently close the well, or enforce such other measures as may be given by the State Board of Health, if the examination shows it to be polluted and the probable cause of disease.

(f) When samples of water from private wells are examined, the local board of health will be expected to pay all transportation charges on the containers from Morgantown to point of destination, and to prepay the charges in returning the containers to Morgantown, W. Va.

(g) No samples will be received on Saturday, Sunday or holidays.

Public Water Supplies.

(a) Examination of a public water supply will be undertaken upon the request of the Board of Health, whenever satisfactory information is furnished to show that it is the probable cause of disease, or to determine the safety of a new source of supply. We expect to make routine examinations of public supplies as often as will be possible.

(b) Other conditions to be complied with in making examinations of this character, will be determined by the State Board of Health in each case.


(d) Samples of water for chemical analysis should be sent to the CHEMIST, STATE HYGIENIC LABORATORY, MORGANTOWN, W. VA.

Direction for Collecting Samples of Water for Bacteriological


All samples of water for bacteriological examination should be collected in clean, sterile bottles with wide mouths and glass stoppers, having a capacity of at least 100 C. C.

These are furnished by the Bacteriologist, State Hygienic Laboratory, on request of a member of the local board of health, or county health officer.

No samples will be accepted unless furnished in containers sent by the laboratory.

The greatest care must be taken not to touch the inside of the neck of the bottle or the cone of the stopper, as the water would thus become contaminated and rendered unfit for examination. Bacteria are numerous on the skin, and even B. coli are present on the hands in a considerable percentage of cases.

If a sample is taken from a pump, similar precautions are necessary. The pump should be in continuous operation for five minutes at least; preferably for half an hour before the sample is taken. After a proper interval of pumping, the sample of a well-water may be collected from the pet-cock of the pump; or from a nearby tap. With a hand-pump such as is found in shallow domestic wells, the water is, of course, pumped directly into the sample bottle.

The difficulties of securing an average sample from this latter source are often great, since if the flooring about the pump is not tight, as is usually the case, continued pumping may wash in an unusual amount of surface pollution.

In sampling surface water the greatest precautions must be observed to prevent contamination from the fingers. In still water the fairest sample is one taken from several inches down, as the surface is likely to have dust particles floating upon it. The best method is to plunge the bottle mouth downward to a depth of a foot or so, then invert and allow the bottle to fill.

The sample bottles will be found in the copper chamber inside the container.

After the bottles have been filled and replaced in the copper compartment, the outer chamber of container (not the copper one), should be filled with ice. The ice should be packed around the copper chamber. This keeps the temperature of the water samples at about 10° C., and prevents multiplication of the organisms in transit.

Give all data required by data card, which will be sent by mail, and address all communications to Bacteriologist State Hygienic Laboratory Morgantown, W. Va.

No samples will be examined until data card properly filled out has reached the Bacteriologist, State Hygienic Laboratory, Morgantown, W. Va.

This will be sent on request.

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