페이지 이미지

Obstetrics and Gynecology.

1-Give the dimensions of the female pelvis.

2-How would you treat a case of incomplete abortion?

3-Give the treatment of subinvolution of the uterus following labor.

4-Give the causes and treatment of puerperal septicemia. 5-Name some of the indications for version. How would you

perform it?

6-What is Crede's method of expelling the placenta? 7-Give the most common cause of phyosalpynx?

8-At what age does menstruation occur; name some of the causes of delayed menstruation.

9-Name some of the causes of incontinence of urine in women. 10-Name the causes of dysmenorrhea and give treatment.


1-Classify tumors and give theories concerning their origin. 2 Discuss the indications for drainage and describe two drains in common use.

3-Give the early symptoms of carcinoma of the stomach, and describe in detail one of the laboratory tests which is helpful in diagnosis.

4-Describe ligation of the middle meningeal artery near its point of bifurcation, including the topography on the exterior of the skull.

5-State the ways in which the fracture of the olecranon is produced and give its symptoms and treatment.

Special Medicine.

1-Discuss heart hurmurs. Differentiate organic and functional, 2-Define dyspnea. Discuss its value as a diagnostic sign.

3-Diagnose and treat frontal sinus infection.

4-Diphtheria of the nasal passages-diagnose and treat.

5-Diagnose and treat tuberculosis of the larynx.


6-Define diplopia, ptosis, and give etiology and treatment of


7-Discuss aphonia.

8-Define, diagnose and treat glaucoma.

9-Give the etiology, diagnosis and treatment of poliomyelitis. 10-Etiology, diagnosis and treatment of chorea.

Examination of July 14th-16th, 1913.

Chemistry and Medical Jurisprudence.

1. Name three inorganic acids and give their elementary composition. 2. Define atom and molecule. 3. What is the source of glycerine? What four simple elements are always found in proteids? 5. Give test for blood in urine. 6. Give test for bile in urine. 7. Give chemical formulas for nitric acid; sulphuric acid; hydrochloric acid. 8. Give the chemical name and formula for Epsom salts. 9. What is an antidote for phenol when poisonous quantity has been taken? 10. What would be the proper thing to do should you find a person apparently dead

Physiology and Histology.

1. What is the source of animal heat, and how is the temperature of the body maintained? 2. What is the composition and action of the bile? 3. Describe the course and changes nitrogenous foods undergo in the body. 4. Give the physiological action of the pneumogastric nerve. 5. Red corpuscles: Describe them, where formed and destroyed. Give function. 6. What is the effect of the use of alcohol long continued, on the human body? 7. Define secretion, excretion and assimilation. 8. What changes are produced in the air and in the blood by respiration? 9. Give histological structure of the kidneys. 10. Give histology of the skin.

Materia Medica and Therapeutics.

1. Strychnin: From what derived, dose, effect on heart and respiration? 2. Codein: From what derived, dose, what effect upon respiration. Give therapy. 3. Digitalis: Dose of tincture, effect on heart and pulse, therapeutic uses, when contraindicated. 4. Give dose of (1) atropin sulphate. (2) hyoscin. (3) cocain, (4) apomorphin, (5) hydrargyri chloridum corrosivum, (6) hydrargyri chloridum mite, (7) potassi et sodii tartras, (8) liquor potassii arsenitis, (9) oleum ricini, (10) oleum morrhuae. 5. Antidote for (1) oxalic acid, (2) opium, (3) nitric acid, (4) iodin, (5) arsenic, (6) corrosive sublimate, (7) lye, (8) phosphorus, (9) silver nitrate, (10) antimonii et potassii tartras. 6. Name three cardiac stumulants, give adult dose, and dose for child two years old. 7. Write a prescription containing not less than three drugs for an adult suffering with dysentery. 8. Adult with history of having taken some drug, rapid breathing and pulse, red efflorescence of skin, active talkative delirium, dry throat, a few convulsions, dilated pupils, diagnosis and treatment. 9. Fluid extract of ergot: Therapeutic use and contraindications. 10. Acetanilid: Therapeutic use, dose and symptoms of poisoning.


Practice and Pediatrics.

Define, diagnose and treat acute articular rheumatism. 2. Give the etiology, symtoms and treatment of pernicious anemia, 3. Give etiology, diagnose and treat typhoid fever.. 4. Give the etiology diagnosis and treatment of diabetes mellitus. 5. Define, diagnose and treat tetanus. 6. Give symptoms and treatment of erysipelas. 7. Describe the physical signs and symptoms of lobar pneumonia. Give treatment. 8. Discuss the etiology and treatment of exophthalmic goiter. 9. Define, diagnose and treat acute ponyelitis. 10. Discuss the etiology, give symptoms and treatment of thorea.


1. How would you treat acute traumatic synovitis of the kneejoint? 2. Should splints be applied in flexed or straight position in a fracture of the elecranon process? Why? 3. Describe a typical case of acute prostatitis. What treatment should be employed? 4. What is meant by McBurney's incision for appendicitis, and why made? 5. What treatment should be employed

result of such an injury? 6. Define shock and give treatment. 7. Define ulcer, abscess and fistula. Give treatment of each. 8. What is meant by Pott's fracture? Give treatment. 9. Differentiate benign and malignant tumors. Name two of each. 10. Describe briefly the preparation of patient for laparotomy.

Anatomy and Embryology.

1. Describe the clavicle. 2. Describe the lateral ventricles of the brain. 3. Describe the axilla. 4. Name the extensors of the fingers and give their nerve supply. 5. Describe the blood-vessels of the walls of the heart. 6. Describe the mesentery and name the viscera supplied with this structure. 7. Name the bones and ligaments entering into the formation of the knee-joint. 8. Name the ductless glands. 9. Define zona pellucida, centrosome, mesoderm, urachus, ductus arteriosus. 10. Describe the blood-vessels of the placenta.

Bacteriology and Hygiene.

1. What are bacteria? What general purpose do they serve in the economy of nature? 2. What is a virus? How attenuated? 3. Give two methods of producing artificial immunity against infectious diseases. 4. Of what value is bacteriology in the diagnosis of syphilis? 5. What proof is necessary to demonstrate a causal relation between a given bacterial species and a disease? 6. What are occupational diseases? Give three examples. 7. Name five diseases of which impure milk is a carrier. 8. How would you disinfect a room in which a patient suffering from a contagious disease had died? 9. What is a disinfectant? Name three effective for general purposes. 10. Discuss mode of dissemination of typhoid fever.

Obstetrics and Gynecology.

1. Describe a normal labor, its stages and its management. 2. Give the diameter and boundaries of the inlet to the true pelvis. 3. Give the symptoms and treatment of puerperal septicemia. 4. What do you regard as the best method of delivery in an occipito-posterior position when the head fails to engage? 5. What movements, when complete, constitute the mechanism of labor? 6. Give your technic in the examination of a gynecological case in your office. 7. Treatment of gonorrhea in the female; name its complications and their treatment. 8. Differentiate uterine fibroid tumor, pregnancy and tumors of ovary. 9. Diagnosis, prognosis and treatment of carcinoma of uterus. 10. Name the most common displacements of the uterus.

Special Medicine.

1. Give the principal points required in taking the history of a case. 2. Give points on the chest at which the four principal heart murmurs are heard. 3. What is meant by myopia, hypermetropia, and how is each corrected? 4. Describe a case of ophthalmia neonatorum; give cause and prevention. 5. Hay fever; give cause, symptoms and treatment. 6. Epistaxis; give cause and treatment. 7. Laryngoscope;

symptoms and treatment.

toms and treatment.

nose and treat.

9. hardened ear wax; give symp10. Abscess of middle ear; how diag

Examination of November 15th.-17th., 1913.

Chemistry and Medical Jurisprudence.

1. Define atomic weight.

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Give the chemical names and formulas for each of the following:

(a) Common Salt; (b) Red Iron Rust; (c) Calomel; (d) Water; (e) Baking Soda; (f) Quick Lime.

4. Give the important physical and chemical properties of oxygen.

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Give the chemical definition of a salt.

Give one test for sugar in the urine.

If called as a witness in court, what evidence could you give to prove the fact that a man found dead had been drowned?

How prove that a recently born child found dead was alive at birth?

What steps would you take to have a person committed for insanity?

What evidence can you produce in court to show that an abortion has been performed?

Describe and give articulation of the astragalus.
Describe the elbow joint and knee joint.

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Locate the principal groups of lymphatic glands.

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Mention the muscles attached to the great trochanter of femur.

What arteries, muscles and nerves will be severed in a
cross-section at the middle of the humerus?

Give location and describe structure of the kidneys.
Describe the course of the female uretus.

Describe the internal abdominal ring.

Give a general description of the peritoneum-what are the important organs to which it is attached?

Materia Medica and Therapeutics.

Aspirin-give origin, dose and action.

Chloroform-give preparation, doses and action.

Camphor--give preparations, doses and action.

Caffein-give source, dose and action.

Cascara sagrada-give source, preparation, doses and action.

Name three heart tonics, describe action.

Phenol-Give therapy.

Opium-Give therapy.

Vaccine and serums- Give therapy, (name three)
Bismuth, subnit, and subgallate-give therapy.

Physiology and Histology.

1. Large intestine: describe it and give function.


































Animal heat: how produced and how regulated.
Seventh or facial nerve: give origin, distribution and

Discuss the composition, formation and circulation of

Classify and give function of white blood corpuscles.
"Pupils react to light and accommodation." Give the

Name three ductless glands and describe their function.
Describe the structure of the lobule of the liver.
Describe histology of kidney.

Bacteriology and Hygiene.

What are the essential conditions of bacterial growth?
Name the parts of a compound microscope.

Describe each step in the diagnosis of diphtheria by
means of the microscope.

How would you differentiate the bacilius typhosus from the bacillus coli communis?

Of what use is bacteriology in the early diagnosis of tuberculosis? Illustrate.

What hygienic measures would you prescribe for the guidance of the nurse in a case of cholera infantum? What is meant by "crowd poisoning?" What are its effects?

Name three efficient chemical disinfectants. Give comparative merits of each.

What are the essential measures necessary for the prevention of the ill effects of the industries upon health? What are the physical characteristics of good drinking water? Of a dangerous drinking water?

Obstetrics and Gynecology.

Give the etiology of metrorrhagia.

Give the effects of oophorectomy.

Name the conditions that cause sterility in the female.
Classify tumors of the uterus.

Give the contra indications for currettage.

Discuss in general the principal drugs used to hasten labor.

What are the indications for and contra indications against the use of forceps?

Give etiology, prevention and treatment of subinvolution of the uterus.

How would you diagnose the death of the fetus in utero? What shall be done in the management of face presentation?

Practice of Medicine and Pediatrics.

Variola, symptoms, differential diagnosis and treatment.
The plague, prophylaxis and treatment.

Dysentery, symptoms, hygiene and treatment.
Ankylostomiasis, prophylaxis and treatment.
Tapeworm, prophylaxis and treatment.

6. Acute nephritis in child 4 years old, hygiene and treatment.


Chorea in child 6 years old, hygiene and treatment.

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