페이지 이미지



Directions for the care of the nursing bottle and nipple.
Mycotic stomatitis, symptoms and treatment.












Give the local and general microscopic phemomena of infection.

What is the usual position of the foot in relation to the leg in Pott's fracture before reduction, and in what position should it be placed after reduction?

Describe in detail the operation for resection of a rib for empyema.

A man giving a history of having had "stomach trouble" for some time is suddenly taken with a sharp and severe pain in the upper right quandrant of the abdomen. What two conditions will you suspect and how will you differentiate between them without an exploratory operation? Tell very briefly all you know about hemorrhoids.

On the third day of an acute attack of appendicitis the patient informs you that his pain has ceased. What might be the significance of this?

Give the eary diagnosis of osteomyelitis of the tibia. Name the two most common methods of amputation of the extremities and describe one of them.

What is the proper treatment for a gunshot wound of the lung?

between surgeons and physicians, and give your reasons for your opinions.

What is your opinion in reference to the division of fees

Special Medicine.

Diagnosis and treatment of trachoma.

Treatment of gonorrheal conjunvtivitis.

Treatment of obstruction of the lachrymal duct.

Etiology and treatment of acne rosacea.







Give the diagnosis and treatment of adenoids.

Give your method of removal of foreign bodies from the nose. From ear.

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Give the exact chemical composition of what is known as tincture of iron.

What results when nitric acid is added to carbolic acid? 3. What simple element is liquid at ordinary temperature? Give chemical formula and the chemical name of calomel. Define atom, molecule, and compound.



6. Define criminal abortion.

7. Name five classes of wounds.

How can you tell whether a child has been born dead or died after birth?


State how to differentiate human from other bloods:



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Define synarthroses.

Describe the femur.

Describe the gall bladder and its relation to the ducts that terminate in the duodenum.

What forms the portal vein? Give length.

Which is the lower kidney?

Why is it so?

Give blood supply of the stomach.

What is the Cecum and where found?

What is meant by posterior and anterior cul de sac?
Name the carpal bones.

Describe the clavicle.

Physiology and Histology.

What is the physiologic function of the liver?
Give the histological structure of a tooth.

Describe the physical factors concerned in the production
of blood pressure and blood velocity.

Describe the mechanism of respiration and give the innervation of respiratory movement.

Discuss; physiologically, bacterial action in the alimentary tract.

Give the function of the fifth, tenth and twelfth cranial


Give the histology of serous and mucous membranes.
How may the amount of urine be physiologically increased
or diminished.

Food-divided into how many classes?
chemical composition of each.

Give histology of lobule of human lung.

Give example and

Materia Medica.

1 Define decoctions, elixirs, tinctures and spirits.

2 Write a prescription containing three (3) drugs, using Metric system.


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Hydrar name three (3) preparations, incompatibilities and action.

Hexamethylenamina-give properties and physiological


Antitetanic serum-give doses, action and uses.

Alcohol-give therapy.

Chloralum hydratum-give therapy.

Hydrastis-give therapy.

Protargol-give therapy.

Terebinthina-give therapy.

Bacteriology and Hygiene.

1 What is nutrient gelatin?




What are the advantages and disadvantages of nutrient
gelatin as compared with nutrient agar as a culture

Describe the process of finding the tubercle bacillus.
How would you test the value of a germicide?

4 What are the principal biologic characteristics of the bacillus of typhoid fever?

what is the uncinaria or necator americanus

are the so-called school diseases

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Give their periods of incubation.

In what trades is there danger of bacterial infection? What are the methods of purification of public water supply?

What are the various sources of contamination of milk? Name the social measures of the prophylaxis of infectious disease.

Practice of Medicine and Pediatrics.

Cerebro-spinal meningitis, etiology, clinical history, and
Scorbutus etiology, diagnosis, symptoms and treatment.
Thyroiditis-definition, pathology, etiology and treatment.
Mitral incompetency-definition, etiology, symptoms and

Outline the normal liver dullness.

Barley water, for bottle-fed babies; directions for making.
Intestine colic, child of two years, treatment.

Bed wetting, child six years, treatment.

Average pulse in healthy child during sleep

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Etiological factors, diagnosis and treatment of typhoid fever.

Obstetrics and Gynecology.

1 Give three positive signs of pregnancy.


Give symptoms and treatment of eclampsia.

3 Give indications for caesaren section.


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Give treatment for Parenchymatous Mastitis.
Differentiate pregnancy from ovarian tumors.

Give symptoms and treatment of phlegmasia alba dolens.
Give a differential diagnosis of a bartholin gland cyst
and labial hernia.

What are the varities of fibroid tumors?

Differentiate acute salpingitis from acute appendicitis.
Describe an operation for shortening round ligaments.


1 Name the varities of carcinoma and give the histology of each.




State what should be done to prevent post-operative shock. Give in detail the treatment of a depressed fracture of the skull.

Describe an amputation of the lower third of the forearm and name three nerves and at least six muscles which will be severed in this amputation.

State how you will recognize pus in the urine and give the common causes and sources of this condition.

6 Give the differential diagnosis between intestinal lumbricoids, appendicitis, ureteral calculus and salpingitis dextra.

7 Give the pathology and treatment of carbuncles.

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Give all the signs and symptoms available for an early diagnosis of intestinal perforation in typhoid fever.







Give very briefly the pahtology of the following: Wen, ganglion, strabismus, dactylitis and senile grangrene.

Special Medicine.

Nature-diagnosis and treatment of membranous croup.
Give symptoms and treatment of acute rhinitis.

Give symptoms and treatment of simple conjunctivitis.
Etiology-symptoms and treatment of herpes zoster.
Etiology-symptoms and treatment of glaucoma.
Differential diagnosis between variola and varicella.

7 Diagnosis and treatment of angina pectoris.




Diagnosis and treatment of facial neuralgia.
Etiology and treatment of purpura hemorrhagica.
Diagnosis and treatment of acute otitis media.


As a result of eighteen months experience in the public health service of the state, several important suggestions have forced themselves upon my attention.

1. The authority granted to the State Board of Health is not sufficient to enable it to do as effective work as it should for the preservation of the public health. This is especially true as regards the abatement of nuisances of various kinds, which, with the authority now possessed by the board, can be accomplished only by the very slow operation of court procedure, to determine which may require months.

2. The board should have authority to supervise all contemplated water supplies and sewerage systems, and to negative any proposition for the construction of either sewerage or water supply plants when deemed by it necessary for the protection of the public health.

3. The scope of the board's operations needs to be greatly enlarged, and several additional paid skilled employees are necessary if the board is to be expected materially to reduce disease in this state.

4. It is very important, in order that a very early diagnosis of diphtheria may be made, (and possibly some other diseases), and in order that it may be scientifically determined when a convalescent diphtheria patient may be released from quarantine with safety to the public, that there be in the state a number of places selected where a competent bacteriologist may be employed for this special work in which haste is so essential.

5. It is deemed of the greatest importance that a hospital be opened for the treatment of trachoma, which has been shown to prevail very extensively in Wyoming and other near-by counties. As already shown, this is a disease which, by impairing vision, interferes with the earning capacity of our citizens and in some cases results in blindness.

6. It is deemed essential that the sanitary survey of the mining regions of the state be continued the coming summer, with a view to a further investigation of the hookworm disease.

7. The law regulating the reporting of infectious diseases should

department have thus far failed to induce physicians to obey the law, and, unless prompt reports of these cases are sent in, no effective work in prevention can be expected.

8. The law regarding the registration of vital statistics is in its operation a farce. The majority of death reports come from undertakers and other laymen. Hence, the causes of death as given are, as a rule, extremely defective and misleading. The result is, that the vital statistics, as reported to the health department and printed at the cost of the state, are almost without value.

9. On account of the occasional hesitation of prosecuting attorneys to aid the board in the prosecution of unlicensed physicians, it is deemed necessary that the board should have the right in exceptional cases to employ a special attorney in the conduct of such prosecutions. 10. From the above suggestions it will be seen that, for the accomplishment of the purposes for which the board was created, namely: the improvement in the sanitary conditions of the state and the diminution of preventable diseases among the people, the appropriations granted to the board should be made adequate to accomplish these ends.


Secretary State Board of Health.

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